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How To Use Blunt In A Sentence

  • He asked me bluntly, ‘Why would you want to leave private life and take on such a difficult, dangerous and probably thankless job?’
  • `Your own position, if you'll forgive my bluntness, could be a great deal unhappier than mine if he isn't stopped quickly. PROSECUTOR
  • When your mama a biach, you gonna be a bicah - when you grow up hearing men tell your mama "Bring me my blunts, BIACH!" you won't have a very high opinion of women, ergo, yourself. Undefined
  • Of course, the trouble with fiscal stimulus is that it is a blunt instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
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  • This may have been a simple inconsistency in their responses or an indication that some youthful blunt smokers either do not know or do not define blunts as containing marijuana.
  • After a while, the prickly feeling of anxiousness dulls and turns blunt.
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • He yelled before he was coshed on the head, by a blunt object.
  • The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.
  • Nicotine replacement blunts but does not eliminate these symptoms.
  • Ski ‘N’ Roll, as this new sport is called, needs quite cheap equipment - roller skates and poles without blunt tips, that is.
  • Then she flinched, thinking herself completely stupid, blunt and tactless.
  • Most people felt Mr Major fought a pretty mealy-mouthed campaign in which radical ideas were either dropped or blunted.
  • The power to apportion responsibility under the Law Reform Act 1945 afforded a far more appropriate tool for doing justice than the blunt instrument of turpitude.
  • Cadfael found something so significant in that arrow-straight progress towards the church that he followed, candidly curious and officiously helpful, and finding Rafe of Coventry standing hesitant by the parish altar, looking round him at the multiplicity of chapels contained in transepts and chevet, directed him with blunt simplicity to the one he was looking for. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • She had been struck over the head with a blunt object. The Sun
  • Further multilateral agreements to control nuclear weapons were both welcome to CND and blunted its cutting edge.
  • At the gathering, Secretary General Kofi Annan listened quietly to three and a half hours of bluntly worded counsel from a group united in its personal regard for him and support for the United Nations.
  • They often use primitive weapons rocks, blunt objects and machetes to conserve their limited munitions and inflect maximum brutality. Jedidiah Jenkins: Obama Made the Right Decision in Africa, Here's Why...
  • However, bow shocks become wrapped around blunt obstacles and become much weaker the further away they are from the obstacle head.
  • Web: udo. jp/artist/JamesBlunt Seoul: Olympic Park, 88-2 Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu; April 26, 7 p.m. Time Off
  • Typically they take care of car accidents and what we call blunt trauma. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2007
  • Here is the verbatim definition of schizophrenia from the Random House online dictionary - the medical definition: "a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. Conservative: Dems looking 'schizophrenic' on reform
  • He didn't know how to start - should he be blunt and just come straight out and tell her or start from the beginning, back when he was 12 years old.
  • Men on the other hand are blunt instruments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Major brands recognize that such transparency is important in "blunting" growing competition from niche brands benefiting from natural, sustainable, artisan origins as these attributes gain increasing resonance with consumers, adds Kime. Undefined
  • Bluntly, what the founding fathers described as a militiaman was a warrior citizen. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • ETFs are, to a certain extent, blunt instruments. Times, Sunday Times
  • There followed a blunt assessment at half-time. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was bluntly perforated in front of the mamillary bodies with the aid of a catheter.
  • Conceptual abstractionists like ADS Donaldson may have all the theory in the world to underwrite their practice but, to be blunt, so what?
  • A day after unveiling his campaign on a new website, Emanuel hit the streets vowing to "hear from Chicagoans – in blunt and honest terms" about what they want from their next mayor. Rahm Emanuel Snubs Pilsen Sit-In Protesters During 'Listening Tour'
  • While I am a very blunt and untactful sometimes sarcastic person, one post he deleted from a gauyu named “Fred” simply said something to the effect of: The Volokh Conspiracy » Responses to Comments
  • To recognize this political fact and state it bluntly in no way minimizes the criminal repression carried out by the ruling elite in Russia against the Chechen people.
  • Several others, including two drivers, sustained lacerations after being beaten with blunt instruments, but were not admitted to hospital.
  • The two slaves were ready at repartee, but the utter simplicity of the sultan displayed a blockishness which blunted all edge. Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
  • As to when that might be, he is blunt: ‘When I'm dragged out kicking and screaming, or my body packs in.’
  • The men carry short swords in blunt-tipped scabbards slung around their necks, wear their hair in topknots and sport complicated, swirling facial tattoos.
  • She is very blunt, very straightforward and very honest.
  • The supposed stegosaurian track Deltapodus Whyte & Romano, 1994 (Middle Jurassic of England) is sauropod-like, elongate and plantigrade, but many blunt-toed, digitigrade, large ornithopod-like footprints (including pedal print cast associated with the manus of Stegopodus Lockley & Hunt, 1998) from the Upper Jurassic of Utah, better fit the stegosaurian foot pattern. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • We don't often shill for things on these pages, but when we do we're blunt about it and go all out.
  • Jamie's blunt forefinger flipped one off its stem, and traced the spokes of the basidium as he marshaled his next words. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • But behind the pearls and pillbox hats was a different Jackie - cattier, cruder, no less admiring of her husband but much more realistic and blunt about the political world they inhabited. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • If I may be blunt, here is what we call the nut graph of this post: William K. Wolfrum Chronicles
  • As ever, the finely nuanced statement did not put matters quite so bluntly.
  • Trying to reduce 66,000 words of dense legalese on Europe's future to a simple yes or no is not easy, and the Dutch government regards the referendum as a blunt instrument for such an epic decision.
  • It increases the number of calories the body burns each day, including calories from bodyfat, and it blunts hunger, thereby decreasing the amount of calories taken in.
  • He sawed at the loaf with a blunt knife.
  • To be even more blunt: If the entire haruspical tradition is from the Near East and related closely with Babylonian or Hittite religion which share the same practices, then why aren't Etruscologists doing the sensible thing and putting away their childish toys namely Capella's fictitious poetry and picking up a book on Babylonian or Hittite divination practices in order to understand Etruscan religion more competently? Finding structure in the Piacenza Liver despite academic claptrap - Part 4
  • I then decided that, while the designated keyboard-defluffing penknife should best stay blunt, my other penknives could do with sharpening. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was likely that the initial injury was the blunt trauma to the side of the neck after the rugby tackle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pardon my bluntness but neither of you is a spring lamb anymore.
  • Page 252 upwards and forwards; lay bare the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles at the bottom of the wound, by means of the point of the director or the forceps and draw them forward with a blunt hook: hold the sites of the incision wide apart, carry the nerve and vein backward with the end of the finger, and cautiously open the sheath of the vessel; and then, with the artery isolated apply the ligature by means of an aneurismal needle. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • The latest bombing has blunted residents' hopes for peace.
  • Some may be brazen enough to ask bluntly if they could borrow it for a family holiday when you're not using it. Times, Sunday Times
  • She became more aggressive, her temper became shorter, but she was still blunt with a few smart-alec remarks here and there.
  • Swords of the bronze age were characteristically short in blade length, heavy for their size, and with a relatively blunt cutting edge.
  • Most bladder ruptures are extraperitoneal with intraperitoneal ruptures resulting from blunt trauma to a distended bladder or iatrogenic causes.
  • The blunt warning came as business leaders blasted the Coalition for failing to boost growth. The Sun
  • A piece of wood showed among the rubble on the desk, the blunt end of a marlinespike. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • I'll just be blunt: i find it more than a little ironic that he seems to be defending some of the most privileged people I've ever encountered from the "elitism" of the orcing hordes. Poetry month: nikki giovanni
  • Northern-dominated government may have blunted the appeal of the development discourse among the majority of south-eastern voters.
  • Blunt, but at the same time it's impossible to take his new album seriously because it is so completely lacking in depth and bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • A black poster at Kingston's airport is blunt: ‘Drug mules beware: It's a plane ticket to hell.’
  • A shy and somewhat immature man, when he wrote to her his rather blunt letters are nonetheless charged with real feeling. COURTESANS
  • Then it struck me with the force of a blunt instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was probably part of the motivation for Secretary of Defense Gates' unusually blunt criticism of Chinese security policy at the annual Shangri-La defense forum in Singapore on June 7.
  • Dodd proposes a consumer protection agency -- but wants it to be a part of the Federal Reserve, where it would be likely to have its sword blunted by the conventional wisdoms of central bankers and economists no doubt with Wall Street whispering in their ears. Matthew Bishop: 'The Road From Ruin': Would Dodd's Solutions Create More Useless Bureaucracy (Think Homeland Security)?
  • Men on the other hand are blunt instruments. Times, Sunday Times
  • A vote for Prop. 23 is a vote to turn the lungs of poor children into a snack for dinosaurs, to put it in bluntly Hollywood-ish terms. Rebecca Solnit: Jurassic Ballot: When Corporations Ruled the Earthrop 23
  • Some of her ideas are archaic and she is blunt to the point of rudeness, certainly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The breeding tube of the female, between the anus and anal fin, is broader and rounder than the male, and will have a blunt tip.
  • A blunted erythropoietic response to physiologic stimuli has been noted in critically ill patients.
  • blunt talking and straight shooting
  • She seems most happy when talking in business jargon, making her conversation blunt and unnuanced, and is strangely unemotional. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is thickset, with a large mouth, thick white lips and a large blunt head, hence the nickname Loggerhead.
  • The Blunt family home was a large, ramshackle house with an untended and brambly garden.
  • The National Transportation Safety Board on Friday released a metallurgical analysis of approximately 55 feet of pipe that appeared to rule out several possible causes of the pipeline failure, including corrosion or external blunt force, such as from a backhoe, and to suggest the blame could involve substandard welds. Pipeline-Blast Probe Finds Welding Flaws
  • Modern hair colour is not just safe, it's also much less of a blunt instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the scene is meant to scare us, it also contains a built-in warning device that blunts the shock.
  • A male school governor was more blunt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Showing our backbone and speaking bluntly has to be contrary to our nature. Christianity Today
  • But he and his advisers rightly think his best sales point is his image as an antipolitical politician, a country doctor turned governor who boasts of "my directness and my unwillingness to bend" as he bluntly diagnoses all the ills of American life. There's A Chill In The Air
  • = -- Buds 1/8-1/4 inch long, bluntish to pointed, conspicuously clustered at ends of branches. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • Or will they say here's a plain spoken, direct, blunt guy who may make his way in politics.
  • ETFs are, to a certain extent, blunt instruments. Times, Sunday Times
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • A Canadian diplomat is blunt: "Things are going worse for us than they have during the past four or five years - the Taliban controls more of our territory than before, and we have made no progress at all on corruption. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The NTSB determined the accident was not survivable because of high impact forces, and autopsies confirmed all deaths were the result of blunt-force trauma.
  • The blunt truth is that there is no way to "win a war against terrorism" in the cyberworld any more than there is in the dirtside world. America Under Attack-- Today
  • It was the reason Conrad still -cherished the caul that had masked his blunt, newborn face. AMAGANSETT
  • Nicotine promotes insulin resistance, also called prediabetes, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, according to the new study, which was presented at The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Additionally, the study authors were able to partially reverse this harmful effect of nicotine in mice by treating them with the nicotine antagonist mecamylamine, a drug that blunts the action of nicotine. Diabetes News from
  • It occurs as the result of a blunt blow to the chest — such as being hit by a baseball or hockey puck — at just the right time.
  • Geithner said the U.S. wouldn't engage in devaluing the dollar and made more blunt comments on China's currency policy. What's News: Business
  • Judicial response to human rights cannot be blunted by legal jugglery. Outlook India
  • A self-taught artist, Ferdinand achieves an appealing bluntness, with the detail and graphic quality of reportage, using watercolor, colored pencil and ballpoint pen.
  • Let me be blunt: the idea that ‘Invasion’ is a Cold War allegory is bunkum.
  • Unfortunately, her cutting edge has become blunt.
  • Lack of sleep blunted her thinking.
  • The blunt instrument obstinately refused to reveal itself and he doubted if there were any more revelations to be got out of anybody.
  • ‘It was still awfully rude of you,’ Elizabeth replied bluntly.
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • Gnat has a bag with medical tools, and like millions of children, she enjoys jabbing blunt plastic hypos into the dog's butt.
  • Bluntly stated, the historical record of tolerably accurate strategic futurology is anything but impressive.
  • Let them vanish like water away ; when they draw the bow, let their arrows be blunted.
  • But a straight spending freeze is a blunt instrument that has no place in responsible budgeting. Think Progress » Bayh Claims ‘There’s A Fighting Chance’ Obama Will Call For A Spending Freeze
  • Cutting concrete would blunt a metal-cutting tool.
  • Putting it bluntly, we don't want heroes we can admire; we want mediocrities with whom we can identify.
  • Yes | No | Report from stephensfamily@ ... wrote 1 day 13 hours ago matt is right, judo or blunt. this would be a great way to keep in bow hunting shape and practice your form. good luck Is it easy to kill a rabbit with your bow?theres tons of rabbits here until tommorrow im gnna try one with my bow
  • Miner, "who advises me to" do the right thing by M'liss, "or intimates somewhat obscurely that he will" bust my crust for me, "which, though complimentary in its abstract expression of interest, and implying a taste for euphonism, evinces an innate coarseness which I fear may blunt his perceptions of delicate shades and Greek outlines. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • ‘Anger and sadness are not uncommon today to those who still care for the history of this marvellous city’, writes Llewellyn-Jones bluntly in the preface to this omnibus edition.
  • In the U.S., companies often blunt the effect of dilution by buying back shares.
  • Reserves or not, they must ensure the lazy legacy of this ambled afternoon does not blunt their sharpness in the next phase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of Smith's untitled, long vertical paintings, one from 1956 in which suggestions of Jackson Pollock shine forth from a ladderlike assemblage of forms, and another from 1958 in which blunt, Guston-like dark lines give form to a spray enamel surface, are some of the most exuberant objects in either show. Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
  • He's tanned, there's a puckish glint in his eye and his Coventry accent is proudly unblunted by his years in academia.
  • The rostrum is relatively short and blunt, with rounded lateral edges.
  • The series adopted the clever ploy of presenting Philby, Burgess, McLean and Blunt not as black-hearted traitors but as men driven at least partially by ideals.
  • The seemingly forward question sounded very trite and commonplace in the blunt honest tone she used.
  • Blunt Limerick man and bluff Tipperary man did not enjoy the most harmonious of relationships.
  • The blunt warning came as business leaders blasted the Coalition for failing to boost growth. The Sun
  • Working under those financial strictures does not seem to have blunted his ambition, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the rigged tournament, Claudius and Laertes give Hamlet a blunted sword while Laertes' weapon is sharpened and poisoned.
  • Then it struck me with the force of a blunt instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although both deficits often co-occur in the same patients, particularly in schizophrenics, these behavioral divisions of emotional blunting may derive from independent brain systems avolition: dominant frontal; loss of expression: nondominant frontal and can be observed separately. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.
  • To some extent, he is like a clever diplomat, who is able to blunt the sharpest question and has his own gentle way of saying no.
  • At the same time this coarseness of taste did not blunt his intellectual sagacity.
  • Bluntnose minnows serve an important role as prey for larger animals and as a predator on insect larvae.
  • It's awful to have that wrenched away in such a cruel and blunt way. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the intention is clear - to be blunt about the scale of the problem but claim the mantle of fairness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hate to be blunt, Frankie, but she just didn't strike me as being very ladylike.
  • Simple self promotion is jarring, far too revealing and far too blunt, gauche, clumsy, and vulgar.
  • You are very blunt, candid and brutally honest.
  • According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.
  • These include the bonytail chub, humpback chub, Sonora chub, Chihuahua chub, beautiful shiner, Pecos bluntnose shiner, razorback sucker, Colorado squawfish, Pyramid Lake cui-ui and Lahontan cutthroat trout. North American Deserts ecoregion (CEC)
  • This is why it is that, when others boast of national achievement, the American just points to the flag and bluntly says to all the world, 'Match this if you can, the peerless story of human freedom, of intellectual progress, of great-hearted, broad-minded development told in the mystic wedlock of the Stars and Stripes.' Little-Known Gold From the Gilded Age
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • With as many blunt objects as you like. The Sun
  • My recent bad experience has rather blunted my enthusiasm for travel.
  • Machine screws have a uniform shaft diameter and a blunt end, with smaller, less angled threads, designed for use with a matching nut or threaded hole.
  • All blunt orbital trauma should be taken seriously even when an injury is apparently trivial.
  • She used texturizing shears to avoid blunt, weighty ends, and a ceramic flat iron to straighten and separate.
  • The supposed stegosaurian track Deltapodus Whyte & Romano, 1994 (Middle Jurassic of England) is sauropod-like, elongate and plantigrade, but many blunt-toed, digitigrade, large ornithopod-like footprints (including pedal print cast associated with the manus of Stegopodus Lockley & Hunt, 1998) from the Upper Jurassic of Utah, better fit the stegosaurian foot pattern. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • Of course we all lap up the details, but the sheer volume of wandering trousers in the modern age has blunted moral outrage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had been unnecessary to tell him so bluntly that his physical presence repelled her. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He attributes the decline of literary style in great part to the poetry of World War I, which tried to describe inexpressible horrors as bluntly and simply as possible.
  • Whether the chemical is alcohol, narcotics, cocaine, or nth-generation selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, their effects tend to become blunted over time.
  • There is a man up the road who specialise in "panga" or machete killings, he says bluntly. BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • You turned the white queen between your blunt-nailed thumb and forefinger, and moved her around the board while you waited for what they would say.
  • Callines leapt, his blunt sword ramming into the man's groin, and the warrior fell to the earth with a groan. Lion Of Macedon
  • The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument.
  • Last that it will be primely to the discouragement of all learning, and the stop of Truth, not only by disexercising and blunting our abilities in what we know already, but by hindering and cropping the discovery that might be yet further made both in religious and civil wisdom. Plea for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing
  • After some rather blunt prompting by me, they start to give some responses.
  • From the first page on, there's a blunt, blatant, even brazen certainty in this work.
  • He was a likeable chap, but as blunt and direct a character as you could wish to meet. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • The trap itself consisted of little more than concentric mesh rings of graduated sizes, rather than a blunt funnel. A WOMAN WITHOUT LIES
  • But there is, in many of its aspects, a confrontational bluntness that ensures relegation to the peripheries.
  • On this basis, they have said, Anthony Blunt was considered to have committed treason by spying for the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  • One bull after another was driven in roaring, and as here they are generally fierce and their horns not blunted as in Mexico, it is a much more dangerous affair. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself.
  • A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, but if a man is stupid there is no help for his stupidity. 
  • Some of the theology from the songs of Dylan's born-again era is a little blunt, but his words had the same transformative power on me in 1979 as they did on my parents in the early '60s.
  • The exacting standards and the blunt warnings of the challenges appear not to deter the participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shall blunt her sharp-set will, and she shall choose Prometheus Bound
  • After their death attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, to hallow their names while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it. Matthew Yglesias » King and Nonviolence
  • He's nothing if not honest, blunt, irascible, generous, laconic, witty and enigmatic.
  • Tenderness crept into her eyes, and her freckles seemed to fade out, and even the small blunt nose of her take on middle-agedness and motherliness. Miss Theodosia's Heartstrings
  • Any sallies into Ballyhaunis territory by the St. Colman's lads were usually blunted by the bulwark of the stout-hearted Ballyhaunis defence whose confidence and commitment was never once dented on this occasion.
  • The clumber spaniel — that lumbering lemon and white teddy bear, its square muzzle as blunt as an old-fashioned rolling pin — was once acclaimed ‘the most handsomest animal this kingdom ever produced’. Dog days for British breeds
  • She was attacked from behind and probably never even saw the killer who clubbed her three times over the head with a rounded blunt instrument, possibly a hammer.
  • A couple months ago, my senator, Dick Durbin bluntly stated that the banks own Congress. Think Progress » Pentagon Pushes For A Strong Consumer Agency To Protect Troops From Abusive Financial Practices
  • Experiment with both a sharp and blunt pencil to give a realistic finish. The Sun
  • Besides, he wasn't really the type of person that I liked to associate myself with, to be blunt.
  • Some of her ideas are archaic and she is blunt to the point of rudeness, certainly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exacting standards and the blunt warnings of the challenges appear not to deter the participants. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is blunt about her personal life.
  • This is why it is that, when others boast of national achievement, the American just points to the flag and bluntly says to all the world, 'Match this if you can, the peerless story of human freedom, of intellectual progress, of great-hearted, broad-minded development told in the mystic wedlock of the Stars and Stripes.' Little-Known Gold From the Gilded Age
  • What once seemed a crafty producer's gimmick now sounds more like the imaginary friend of a shy dude who needed someone to talk to in the studio while he chain-smoked blunts.
  • Or they may get some relief from the lobotomizing effect of an antipsychotic drug or the blunting impact of a mood stabilizer. Dr. Peter Breggin: Medication Madness: How Psychiatric Drugs Cause Violence, Suicide, and Crime
  • Just going through an experience is only half the story, if you like, providing us with raw materials that are blunt and often bewildering unless we can take a step back and conceptualise what went on. Learning From Stories « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Such a move would help to blunt criticism at home and calm concerns abroad.
  • The larl presented his blunt muzzle to me in what might have been meant as a friendly smile. Christmas on Ganymede and Other Stories
  • My recent bad experience has rather blunted my enthusiasm for travel.
  • Last, that it will be primely to the discouragement of all learning, and the stop of truth, not only by the disexercising and blunting our abilities in what we know already, but by hindering and cropping the discovery that might be yet further made both in religious and civil wisdom. Areopagitica: A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing: Paras 1-19
  • Ones containing liquorice or fennel can naturally blunt your appetite. The Sun
  • Rarely does this kind of blunting cause any problem, even among dogs that live many years and chew pretty regularly on tennis balls, he says. There are worse things for dogs than chewing tennis balls
  • [- 24 -] And they would have perished utterly, but for the fact that some of the pikes of the barbarians were bent and others were broken, while the bowstrings snapped under the constant shooting, the missiles were all discharged, every sword blunted, and, chief of all, that the men themselves grew weary of the slaughter. Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • The journalist claimed he was treated bluntly and said the staff attitude made no business sense and he could have been making a booking.
  • Both were admirably blunt and direct. The Sun
  • It opens bluntly with the title sentence and then goes on in a rat-a-tat style familiar to Hammett's legion of fans. The Guardian World News
  • I heard it from two women and was pointed to a couple of web sites where posters discussed the use of "gelded" as reflecting and feeding a nasty impression of Ms Clinton as a "castrating bitch" to put it bluntly. Mark Penn's Earlier Version Of 3 A.M. Ad Was Negative Direct Hit On Obama
  • Men on the other hand are blunt instruments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many in the military, more bluntly, have a stereotype of gays as mincing, epicene "others" —a cartoon image which, the Pentagon survey shows, overwhelmingly evaporates on personal acquaintance.
  • Some may be brazen enough to ask bluntly if they could borrow it for a family holiday when you're not using it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a curious East/West schism that Japanese horror somehow becomes more delicate, more epicurean, when it is most gruellingly sadistic, whereas Western horror almost always forfeits its sophistication when crossing these lines, too blunt to be effectively cruel. Archive 2006-04-23
  • blunt but well-meant criticism
  • The legs also look particularly rigid, and the clumpy feet, lacking such details as claws, contact the ground bluntly.
  • The man's injuries had obviously been caused by a blunt instrument.

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