
How To Use Bluebottle In A Sentence

  • Blowflies, such as greenbottles and bluebottles, are attracted to your rabbit and its housing by the presence of faeces, urine, rotting vegetables and open wounds.
  • Hundreds of açaí fruits dangle from branches in clusters that look like nests of bluebottles.
  • Would we do the same for baby rats, or baby cockroaches or baby bluebottles?
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • In Britain, they include the common bluebottle and greenbottle, and they are the forensic entomologist's raw material. Lords of the flies: the insect detectives
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  • She hadn't noticed the bluebottle in the corner of the window frame. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • We had to continually step over it and we had to keep our mouths shut in case we swallowed some of the hundreds of bluebottles swarming around the dirt.
  • The bluebottle, after raging against the pane a minute longer, was caught by the breeze and made its escape into the open air. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • At midday I took myself off to Coogee but the cold water and the beached bluebottles put me off the idea of swimming.
  • UGLY blue slugs called glaucus that like to eat bluebottles are turning up in their hundreds on Gold Coast beaches blown in by northeasterlies. | Top Stories
  • If you go in there, there are always dangers in the sea - bluebottles, whatever.
  • And about bluebottles, pink-tongues and all sorts of colourful things, we'll have more to report, someday, sometime, somewhen in Sandy Beach Almanac.
  • Apart from the threat of sharks, the biggest problem for competitors has been rough seas and bluebottles.
  • ‘There used to be halves of bacon hanging outside, whole half pigs, with lots of flies and bluebottles buzzing around,’ she recalls.
  • Bluebottles are twice the size of ordinary houseflies and are a distinctive metallic blue-green colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It sits, not quite dead, but buzzing like a bluebottle under a pint glass, its battery acid eating away the carpet.
  • On the shag, a halo of bluebottle flies buzzing above, lay a great steaming pile.
  • On this day only because of the high land and can not stand bluebottle suffering interference, launch lilies, nail the dozens, did not realize that gave female students saw in the window to steal.
  • And the camera pulled back to reveal the bluebottle was sitting on top of this brown mess. Comic-Con preview: 'Look Around You' creators Peter Serafinowicz and Robert Popper talk about their 'nightmarish' cult comedy show |
  • Smashing their way in, officers were met with a sickening stench and dead bluebottles covering the stairs.
  • The assize judge ate A flycatcher hung above the fireplace, a bluebottle buzzing day, which is why I took my fieldglasses. THE OPEN DOOR
  • For all that, though, there was a certain amusing surreality to the show, with jabbering rats, crazed socks and giant bluebottles all regularly putting in appearances.
  • And once Fenn had put in one song it was inevitable that he would put in another, for which the bluebottle was the "singer". Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
  • One great bluebottle circled his head, ignoring his efforts to brush it away.
  • But crucially, the case against the doctor was also much aided by a certain Dr AG Mearns, an expert on insects, who established the date on which the body parts had been deposited in the ravine from the presence of a mass of bluebottle larvae, aged 12 to 14 days, crawling all over them. Lords of the flies: the insect detectives
  • O'Day himself felt as though a squadron of bluebottle flies would follow him for the rest of his life. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • I even open windows for bluebottles and talk them out.
  • I list it along with bluebottles, broken glass, backwash and muggers - the last-mentioned not actually in the surf but lurking in the nearby sanddunes, waiting for an opportune moment to interface with you and your valuables.
  • My kitchen window is at the back of the house and if I leave it open the house is filled with brown flies - they are not the normal bluebottles but flies which feed on sewage.
  • --- What is the tane but a waefu 'bunch o' cauldrife professors and ministers, that sate bien and warm when the persecuted remnant were warstling wi 'hunger, and cauld, and fear of death, and danger of fire and sword upon wet brae-sides, peat-haggs, and flow-mosses, and that now creep out of their holes, like bluebottle flees in a blink of sunshine, to take the pu'pits and places of better folk The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • On her right wrist she wore a light bracelet of a similar design, but this had a large blue stone imbedded in it: a single bluebottle trapped in a silver filigree web.
  • In the background, cameras whirred like demented bluebottles, adding their drone to the low buzz of conversation.
  • In the background, cameras whirred like demented bluebottles, adding their drone to the low buzz of conversation.
  • Whether we're aware of it or not, our homes are veritable wildlife parks, from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle.
  • To find out how the common bluebottle manages to process visual images more than four times faster than humans, researchers have built the bug a flight simulator.
  • He said he had always thought "that the taste of mole was the most repulsive" he knew, until he ate a bluebottle fly. Welcome to the Museum Of Weird and Wonderful
  • Smashing their way in, officers were met with a sickening stench and dead bluebottles covering the stairs.
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • To the others in the car she could have been following a circling bluebottle.
  • He said the seven-day collection timetable, introduced in the 1930s, was brought in because the life cycle of the bluebottle was ten days.
  • At times Sam Brown's production makes Gill's subtext overly apparent: the cast are onstage throughout so that, when Dennis goes to kill a bluebottle, he attacks his father seen praying behind Annemarie Woods's set. Over Gardens Out - review
  • He noticed several bluebottle flies gathering in a panel at the side of the bath.
  • All day long the happy pair enjoyed each other's company aloft, leaping from corn-ear to thistle-head, from thistle-head to poppy, and back again to corn-ear, feasting, frivolling, stalking bluebottles. "Wee Tim'rous Beasties" Studies of Animal life and Character
  • Bluebottle may possibly symbolize Lord and Lady Holland; and Miss Lilac is, certainly, Miss Milbanke, the "Annabella" of Byron's courtship, not the "moral Clytemnestra" of his marriage and separation. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4
  • In the background, cameras whirred like demented bluebottles, adding their drone to the low buzz of conversation.
  • So I was strolling down the hall when I saw a bluebottle flying towards me at something approaching waist height.
  • I suddenly got a really bizarre image of the bluebottle fly version of “Two Girls, One Cup”. Syrphidae - The Panda's Thumb
  • In fact, the possibility of being savaged seemed so low on her sense of possibilities that she was almost instantly distracted by a bluebottle banging against the window.
  • Last year the residents living nearest to the field complained of bluebottles getting into their homes.

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