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blue-winged teal

  1. American teal

How To Use blue-winged teal In A Sentence

  • The plumages of hand-reared mallards, baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.
  • In a familiar oxbow lake, there were gallinules and egrets, even a couple of brightly colored wood ducks and five blue-winged teal.
  • The farm is also home to blue-winged teals, coots, grebes, and an occasional osprey or peregrine falcon.
  • The farm is also home to blue-winged teals, coots, grebes, and an occasional osprey or peregrine falcon.
  • Winter visitors are comprised of the sandpipers (Calidris mauri and Micropalama himantopus), the blue-winged teal (Anas discors) and several Nearctic limicolaes. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • The ponds also attract black ducks, canvasbacks, American wigeons, lesser and greater scaups, green- and blue-winged teal, cinnamon teal, and herons.
  • The farm is also home to blue-winged teals, coots, grebes, and an occasional osprey or peregrine falcon.
  • Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, baldpates and gadwalls.
  • A swarm of small ducks - blue-winged teal - bores low over the cordgrass before tumbling into a shallow marsh pond where they float at rest after enjoying a pre-dawn meal of rice from a nearby field.
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