How To Use Blue-green algae In A Sentence

  • They have discovered cellulose biosynthesis in nine species of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae.
  • The pattern of blue-green algae and the numinous wings of the Great Nebula in Orion and the runic scrawl of human chromosomes are stories. Lindsay Edmunds: Russell Hoban: A Great American Writer
  • Wading in the lake shallows, they stir up organic matter with their bills, including mollusks and crustaceans and the bird's favorite meal, spirulina, a type of nontoxic blue-green algae.
  • In fact, African flamingos get their pink color from eating a diet super-rich in the pinkish blue-green algae, spirulina.
  • One of the best is quercetin, which is found in yellow and red onions, squash, shallots, courgettes and broccoli and blue-green algae.
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  • The tiny neurotoxic molecule BMAA (β-N-methylamino-L-alanine) is produced by blue-green algae (also called cyanobacteria) found worldwide. I'm a blogging fool!
  • A type of blue-green algae that also used to be a popular health boost at juice bars, spirulina is now sold as a supplement as well.
  • Because higher levels of blue-green algae correlate with higher levels of off-flavors, Zimba and the other researchers say that older ponds may be used for holding sac fry and fingerlings.
  • Better help may be on the horizon for many catfish farmers in the form of a natural-based algicide that kills blue-green algae but is much safer for other pond life.
  • We have blue-green algae outbreaks, we have dryland salinity, we have erosion and soil acidification.
  • Microalgaes from the ocean and uncontaminated lakes, including blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella, seaweed, and kelp are easy-to-digest, high protein and high-energy supplements-and contain over a hundred trace minerals! How to keep your brain healthy by eating
  • Quercetin, a potent antioxidant, promotes the action of bone-building cells and is found in green tea, red wine and microalgae such as chlorella, blue-green algae and spirulina. Dr. Maoshing Ni: Natural Osteoporosis Help
  • Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
  • Cyanobacteria (formerly called blue-green algae), common in temperate and tropical waters, are abundant in the deep reaches of the Bering Sea [17]. General description of the Arctic biota
  • These tiny blue-green algae refashioned their world by excreting oxygen while using hydrogen from water.
  • Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
  • Chinese state media say blue-green algae has appeared in another eastern Chinese lake, one week after a similar situation in a neighboring province.
  • A phosphate sink, and the inevitable takeover of blue-green algae, might be reversed by adding, say, a lightning - generating appendage to the glass globe.
  • It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
  • The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
  • The toxin-producing "Cyanobacteria," or blue-green algae, has been identified in 23 Oregon lakes, reservoirs and rivers over the last ten years. OPB News
  • The lake northeast of Shady Cove cleared its last water-quality hurdle Friday when tests showed extremely low levels of anabaena flos-aquae, the strain of blue-green algae that health officials say can be harmful to people or pets who come into contact with it. Latest Headlines
  • To make his case, he puts on a slide show: First he shows images of a living cyanobacterium a microbe sometimes called blue-green algae and highlights some characteristics—long filaments made up of cells with small indentations where they meet. First Contact
  • The soft, milky, aquamarine colour comes from the blue-green algae that thrives in the lagoon and white Silica mud, which carpets the bottom with a light natural sediment.
  • However, in reality it's a little blue-green algae, known to the science world as trichodesmium, a natural occurrence along the Queensland coastline each year. The Sunshine Coast Daily
  • These include but are not limited to: chlorella, blue-green algae, spirulina from California or Hawaii, AFA blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae), kelp, nori, green barley, wheat grass and alfalfa.
  • Sacramento August 6, 2010 - Due to its potential health risks, federal, state, and tribal agencies are urging swimmers, boaters and recreational users to avoid contact with blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) now blooming in Copco and Iron Gate

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