How To Use Bludgeon In A Sentence
In 1974, Jimmy Connors, a strutting young braggart who used his racket like a cudgel, bludgeoned his way to the final of Wimbledon.
A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.
He was bludgeoned to death with the butt of a pistol on the Caribbean island of Margarita on Sunday, October 16.
When I open a beer, I do not want to be reminded of grey-suited, gimlet-eyed executives bludgeoning satire into an early grave.
The ruling gives authoritarian regimes around the world a new bludgeon to use against news organizations as well as their own populations trying to get access to media beyond the control of state censors.

Walking back to the Lokosphinx, we watch Army conscripts in greatcoats and fur-flapped caps breaking the ice with bludgeons and pouring hot water on the snow.
In terms of state action, he says he wants the bludgeon to be replaced by the rapier.
Dunlea came close to adding to the try count, but was held up as he bludgeoned his way over the line.
Well, it's the earliest images - of independence and freedom, particularly - that do live obstinately on, despite the blessing and the bludgeoning of life's fullness.
Seles' game is not suited to fast grass courts and she is handicapped by her awkward two-handed volleying style, where she approaches the net as though about to bludgeon someone with a frying pan.
I meant to post this yesterday, but apathy repeatedly bludgeoned me over the head with a large fluffy pillow.
That meant they couldn't be bludgeoned into staying ‘on message’ but could be encouraged to use their ingenuity and enthusiasm to devise ways of supporting the general thrust of the campaign.
Mark was a State employee with no criminal history before he was indicted for a crime that he did not commit and now his family are finacially ruined and he has been bludgeoned into signing a plea bargain by the legal vampires.
Rather than trying to bludgeon our way through it, or try and ignore it, we need to work with it a bit.
Should Mr Andrade be found guilty of murdering Angie Zapata – of bludgeoning her to death with a fire extinguisher and leaving her for dead on the floor of her own apartment – then I hope the court will reach a verdict which adequately reflects that fact.
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If you told her that her entire family had been bludgeoned to death by a psychopath, she would smile. A smile is her default facial expression.
The unit is undersized, which means the tackles must play with flawless technique or risk being bludgeoned.
No one, however, has reported on the extent to which voters were bludgeoned into voting one way or another by various local thugs.
I don’t even know where to begin, but the partisan bickering, namecalling, and verbal bludgeoning is destroying all faith I have in humanity and any hope I have for true democracy in this country.
Think Progress » “One of the Worst Abandonments of Americans on American Soil Ever”
Nonetheless, the Bush administration, in acquiescence to the Lobby, has "bludgeoned" its European partners to go along with its uncompromising support for the Jewish state despite all the obvious perils from it.
The Power of Israel in the United States
He tries to offset Boehner's criticisms by pointing out that the GOP kept the votes on the prescription drug bill for hours so that their members could be "bludgeoned" into supporting it -- I gather that contrasts favorable, in Hoyer's mind, to the process his colleagues are going through right now.
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
- A 17-year-old boy is accused of bludgeoning his parents with a hammer, then hosting dozens of friends for a party while their bodies lay in the bedroom, police said Monday.
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In any event, it passed, and though it had some negative effects, it has had more positive ones; and politically, it removed a huge bludgeon from the Republicans' hands.
The two boys had been mercilessly bludgeoned to death.
Here, as elsewhere, we can use a formal argument as a tool of inquiry even if we can't use it as a bludgeon to finish off those who disagree.
They all started making films three decades or more ago, when documentaries were considered more than rhetorical bludgeons and instructional tools for the incurious and semi-literate.
This is a ridiculous and reactionary practice that has morphed true humility into a bludgeon for the easily offended who are envious because of their own lack of skills and abilities.
Their approach simply bludgeons you into submission.
Redknapp's lineup, which rarely changes and has lost just one league game since that August bludgeoning by Manchester City, will have cost about $83 million.
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It certainly wasn't pretty as they attempted to bludgeon their way over the line time and time again only to be met by a stout Buccs defence.
And it is no secret Martha was bludgeoned to death.
_tinel_ -- huge bludgeon, beam, "caber" -- but he afterwards turns out to be Guibourc's, or rather Orable's, own brother.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
The fight sequences are visceral and realistic as opposed to the brutal bludgeoning cartoonishness of, say, the Rocky movies.
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He never bludgeons or scalps or scarifies; but serenely indicates, with the calm gesture of a superior authority, the defects and blots which mar perfection, but which the unthinking multitude ignores, or, at worst, admires.
Matthew Arnold
I, on the other hand, unable to engage them in conversation without the fear of being bludgeoned to death by a giant toupeed trouser snake, told everybody on the street.
They shot or bludgeoned to death numerous others in separate incidents.
She says the international community will not be bludgeoned into granting them refugee status.
He bludgeoned his way through arguments with arrogant bluster.
The teacher bludgeoned the students into learning the math formulas
Detectives today urged the tenant of a York bedsit where two men were found bludgeoned to death to come forward.
What is needed is a critical mass that cannot be bludgeoned into submission.
(I don't know that she has been "bludgeoned" for it. Daily Fashion Show Pictures
Tools with cutting edges, bludgeons, crowbars, hammers, saws and drills will continue to be prohibited, along with any tool that is more than seven inches long.
Suddenly, the player who represents the hard inner core with which England have bludgeoned their way into world rugby's top three, has found himself caught up in a series of less appealing matters.
He would be fired, bludgeoned into silence, or his funding would be yanked.
In 1974, Jimmy Connors, a strutting young braggart who used his racket like a cudgel, bludgeoned his way to the final of Wimbledon.
In particular, Romania's try midway through the first half was a shock as they claimed the ball on an Australian throw then were able to bludgeon their way to the line.
Since then, she has gone on to bludgeon her way to success, winning in Bratislava, Sydney and Croatia within the past six months, while reaching the semi-finals in Linz and Hanover.
He bludgeoned seven fours and a six in 40 balls of pure mayhem in which both the MCC coaching manual and the bowling were ripped apart.
As in other areas, free speech supporters will have to hope the government proceeds with a scalpel, and not a bludgeon.
No one gets hurt - apart from two unfortunate eels that were bludgeoned to death on one of the evenings this writer was watching.
When employers don't follow his recommendations, he would like to know the reason why, but he doesn't want them bludgeoned into line
They can't just bludgeon their way economically anymore.
He turned and twisted, schemed and devised, bludgeoned and bullied the weaker ones, kept the faint-hearted in the fight, and had no mercy on the deserter.
Chapter XXI
Their approach simply bludgeons you into submission.
The young woman — who was killed in Van der Sloot's Lima hotel room five years to the day after Holloway disappeared — was bludgeoned and asphyxiated, according to the coroner's report.
Lawyer: Van der Sloot to plead temporary insanity
This year, lawmakers, clergy, power brokers and diplomats will break bread under a disturbing pall cast by the Jan. 26 murder of David Kato, a well-known gay activist who was bludgeoned to death in his home in Kampala.
Analysis: Controversy looms again for Nat. Prayer Breakfast
We are not prepared to be bludgeoned into accepting its half-developed plans.
Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
Meanwhile, the cartels have a huge investment in bludgeoning governments into following industry dictates and British home secretary Jacqui Smith, “is seriously considering taking on the role of Big Sister, seemingly planning a form of online censorship,” we said in another post.
‘Email Jacqui Smith’ online protest
Once they survived Sanft's penalty, they had to dig deep to defend their own try line as Kirkcaldy tried to bludgeon their way through.
Most of these civil societies have been bludgeoned into silence by their regimes, with even the more representative systems denying their citizens true political participation.
Tuesday's march comes barely a week after a 17-year old school girl was bludgeoned to death by her teenage boyfriend
But I really did feel like this "little gem" of a film kind of bludgeoned me with the cliché stick, and so I feel obligated to speak out.
He was bludgeoned to death outside the nightclub.
A second report from April 2009 describes an Iraqi detainee as being covered in bruises and a scar from being bludgeoned with a pickax.
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Well, the police spokesman says that the boys were bludgeoned to death with what he called a blunt instrument.
He was bludgeoned to death with a hammer.
Mighty Times has its moments, but the too-clever-by-half style unsubtle style overwhelms and bludgeons its strong subject matter.
Revitalised, he too bludgeoned a brief and spectacular change in momentum in the last hour before, as sure as bend follows twist, he handed it back.
The cause of death had been the terrible bludgeoning he had received from a blunt instrument.
He and Pott were both distinguished for their "slogging" or bludgeoning articles, and both were High Tories, or "Blue," as Mr. Pott had it.
Pickwickian Studies
What you are left with are faint traces of lyricist her fragile vocals, as if she too has been bludgeoned into submission by the swirl of his sustained sonic extremism.
It may work in a rough-and-ready way, since the governments represented on the security council will be bribed, blackmailed, browbeaten and bludgeoned into submission over the next fortnight.
Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
I have 3 bludgeonings scheduled for Thursday, a routine decapitation on Friday, and I'll be "shunting" all weekend!
The aim was to bludgeon speculators and impress creditors.
Then his neighborhood turned ugly: a talk show host who lived nearby was bludgeoned to death in his sleep; residents stopped walking the streets after nightfall.
I'd bludgeoned my way into their restaurant, forcing them to exchange food for money at a rate highly favorable to them!
Of course, one should never forget the unificationist politicians and their media allies, who are doing their best to use the links issue as a key bludgeon against the government.
It's also true that bigots assume that sexual preference is strictly a conscious decision, and use that erroneous assumption as a bludgeon against gay people as "immoral by choice", and as an article of faith in their efforts (usually destructive) to "deprogram" gay kids.
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In argument he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.
In reality, it is a bludgeon used by businesses against their better-performing competitors.
A widow was bludgeoned to death as she sat down to her lunch at home in what appears to have been a motiveless attack.
Those who did speak up were "bludgeoned quite strongly" and labelled denialists.
I spoke to help people ... and I'm getting bludgeoned from one end to the other.
Analysis: Controversy looms again for Nat. Prayer Breakfast
The persuader is a short, heavy bludgeon with a nail-studded head.
A Yankee in the Trenches
If liberals play their cards right, this collapse could provide them with a powerful rhetorical bludgeon.
On searching the house at Kimberworth where he resided at that time, three officers found a number of very formidable looking sticks or bludgeons and a large quantity of netting.
A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.
Airport security was more than a little concerned by the sharp, pointy, bludgeon-ready symbol of Independent Spirit I had wrapped in a sweatshirt in my carry-in.
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And that we can target it like a surgeon - you know, we need more of a surgeon's knife than a bludgeon to go after it.
Another small sound and the guard was on its feet with a bludgeon in its hand.
And most staff have to be bludgeoned into writing this material; anyone who volunteers and shows the real desire that he apparently has to cover it is likely to find it a great way to get ahead.
He was maligned as a butcher - a heartless commander who simply bludgeoned his way to victory.
Whether the flightless birds used their beaks to impale or bludgeon their prey is unknown, Chiappe says.
The victim's identity has not been disclosed, but it is thought he was bludgeoned to death.
The owners of the store are obviously free to ask him, in his "lewdness", to leave and not come back, but to attack him with the bludgeon of government is wrong.
Libertarian Blog Place
One saw there smudgy illustrated sheets, the Police News in particular, in which vilely drawn pictures brought home to the dullest intelligence an interminable succession of squalid crimes, women murdered and put into boxes, buried under floors, old men bludgeoned at midnight by robbers, people thrust suddenly out of trains, happy lovers shot, vitrioled and so forth by rivals.
Tono Bungay
Unfortunately the combat method has been dumbed down - where once you could string together dextrous sword-fighting moves, now it's just a bludgeoning affair.
They are going to try to bludgeon their way through these poor poll numbers and convince people that he is a great president because he is so tough and strong.
The grandmother was bludgeoned to death and left in the house, where her body was discovered the next day by a visitor.
Four songs into the set and the crowd hadn't been won over so much as bludgeoned into submission, utterly blown away by the band's impressive rock & awe assault.
Yet in many ways this was the most bizarre of games; a contest between a rapier and the bluntest of bludgeons.
She was bludgeoned to death outside her home on December 30, 2001.
It acts on one like a bludgeon until one's sensibility is pummelled flat and one's heart goes dead.
Tasers are supposed to be a replacement for other and more damaging plod tactics such as bludgeoning, pepper-spraying or choking suspects into compliance, so it's important to be able to use them on meth fanciers.
The Register
From her hospital bed, for ‘three terrible days,’ Christina watched a drunken Joan bludgeon her way through live soap opera episodes.
They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest.
Cats have been bludgeoned to death in front of farmers.
The next step is to buy or bludgeon the gauger, who measures the whiskey production.
He tonked the third ball he faced in international cricket - from Sehwag - into the stands over long-on, and followed that up with a bludgeoned straight drive that gave mid-off no chance.
Roddick then mis-hits a forehand miles out to trail 5-4 but bludgeons his way level on the next point, only to give Schalken a set point when he sends a simple volley into the net.
She said: ‘Members of the group do feel as if they are being bludgeoned into it.’
At the same time, he bludgeoned prison literacy and vocational programs, and bulled ahead with his plan to build a new prison at Delano.
Leeds United bludgeoned their way back into Premiership title contention after an ugly battle against Tottenham Hotspur at Elland Road.
The fact that it's trip-hop is mainly unexpected because its memory was bludgeoned into an unholy late-90s mess of Kosheen and Morcheeba, turning the genre's innovations into "chillout" music for the sort of dinner parties where discussion centred on what to do with that Jerusalem artichoke in your weekly organic veg box.
Yasmin, Emeli Sandé and Maverick Sabre are taking a trip back into trip-hop
Bludgeoning someone in the head is more like you get kind of destabilized and erratic and you get into an argument and you hit them over the head and it ` s more primitive.
CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2008
Then a little later we find Hitler raising a brown-skirted and Storm Troop Army, under his personal control, and the brutalities practised by that army in bludgeoning Hitler into power are among the greatest blots on the history of human conduct.
Canada and the British Empire
Five of the penguins which were bludgeoned to death in a brutal attack on six penguins, two gannets and two pelicans at the East London aquarium on Sunday night.
A Fairfax County jury on Tuesday convicted a Falls Church area man of capital murder in the 2008 bludgeoning and sexual assault of Genevieve Orange.
Capital murder in woman's '08 death
Mary, charmingly, has already had some traditional sealskin clothes made - we don't know if she chose the animals to be bludgeoned to death herself, or left it up to the experts.
Between them, Henry and Wolsey bludgeoned the pope into granting Wolsey the rank of legate a latere for life, which meant that he became the superior ecclesiastical authority in England, and could convoke legatine synods.
Knives, bludgeons and handguns are the weapons of kidnappers, not rifles, which are cumbersome, restricting, and inappropriate for violent situations in close quarters.
The Argentine's waspish persistence and extraordinary retrieval made for some compelling rallies as he tried time and time again to bludgeon him into submission only to see the ball whistle back past his ears.
I lunged at him, wielding the book like a bludgeon.
He grabbed one of the gigantic bones that adorned the top of the casino and used it as a bludgeon, smashing building after building.
What came as a shock later was his murder in the late '70s. Crane was found in a sleazy motel room, bludgeoned to death by a tripod.
He tonked the third ball he faced in international cricket into the stands over long-on, and followed that up with a bludgeoned straight drive that gave mid-off no chance.
The Swede has bludgeoned his way through the draw, dropping just one set on the way to the final, but while his metronomic consistency is remarkable, it doesn't make for thrilling viewing.
It was a calculated, callous attempt to undermine Castro and the Cuban Government, essentially bludgeoning the Cubans to the point where the country would become ungovernable.
And thus he cried, until Roland and Nathan seizing him by the shoulders, dragged him by main force from the Indian, who was found, when they came to examine the body afterwards, actually pommelled to death, the skull having been beaten in as with bludgeons.
Nick of the Woods
A murder trial was told that she, wearing stockings and suspenders, bludgeoned him to death while her four-year-old daughter, Amy, played in the garden.
One theory suggested he would attempt to bludgeon his way into American hearts by adopting the thudding beats and screaming guitars of metal.
How has he not been reduced to bludgeoning stewbums at railroad yards to release the tensions?
However, in piling on Mr. Doyle, I fear that Morrissey has put aside his political and/or philosophical beliefs in favor of giving his enemy another good bludgeon.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Defending Your Enemy When They Are Right
Europe-based centre Maric bludgeoned the Tall Blacks in the paint with 27 points and eight rebounds. | Top Stories
A Fairfax County jury on Tuesday convicted a Falls Church area man of capital murder for bludgeoning and sexually assaulting Genevieve Orange in 2008.
Falls Church man Mark Lawlor convicted of capital murder of Genevieve Orange
‘Ductor’ Hitchcock hoisted his fezzy fuzz at bludgeon’s height signum to his companions of the chalice for the Loud Fellow, boys’ and silentium in curia!
Finnegans Wake
The pairing seemed to spark off each other, one a bludgeon and the other more of a rapier.
Peel and disembowel your squirrel (purist torturers may wish to do this before the bludgeoning, as it can improve the flavour).
Archive 2009-02-01
We need reminding, to be shown the proximity of the amazing digital wonder that we interface with, not bludgeoned into thinking that the screen and the chips and the coding are the flat, boxy equivalent of the newspaper.
If you wanted to insult a social inferior, you displayed your contempt by bludgeoning him with a cane.
Her want is no important than the fawns, and while she would be justified in shoo-ing it away or putting up a fence, she is by no means justified in slowly bludgeoning it to death.
Elderly Women Charged With Beating Fawn To Death
He had been bludgeoned to death.
The sexual harassment lawyer was skint manageably the bludgeoner sacramento arbitrable unfitting in jackasspolis, so at curvaceously electrostatically sousa got somehow crocodylia out it.
Rational Review
One UNH student stabbed, another bludgeoned in brawl DURHAM - Two male University of New Hampshire students were injured when what police are calling a "brawl" erupted early Saturday morning.
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I have nothing to hide, but I am still vulnerable and will be unable to speak openly until I am unable to be persecuted by departments bludgeoned into submission by our rogue government.
One of the most disappointing things was that we tried to bludgeon our way up field to make yardage instead of spreading the ball wide.
One moment demanding a sensitive physicality that eased her down the face of a wave in a sizzle of surf, and the next demanding brute strength to bludgeon her prow into a rising hillock of sloppy green water.
I mean, I just drew him being bludgeoned to death.
There are far too many rock bands that mistake an increase in volume for an increase in emotion, as though cranking up the amps and letting the distortion rip will bludgeon us into seeing just how honest they really are.