[ UK /blˈʌb/ ]
  1. cry or whine with snuffling
    Stop snivelling--you got yourself into this mess!
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How To Use blub In A Sentence

  • They are very much secluded from the rest of Chiloe, and have scarcely any sort of commerce, except sometimes in a little oil, which they get from seal-blubber. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Oh stop blubbing! Your knee can't hurt that much.
  • Trey listened with a patient ear, only making distance with the receiver when she whined or couldn't make out her blubbering.
  • Chatting in their usual rapid-fire mix of Czech and Slovak -- a sound that assistant coach Tim Hunter once described as "three guys trying to drown: blub-blub-blub" -- the trio suddenly broke into hysterical laughter. From the archives: Skating through life
  • They are knee-deep in gelid gray water, with food and clothing, skinned seagulls and whale blubber, sheepskins and oilskins - the ancient flotsam of death at sea - sloshing about them.
  • Oh, and an ending that will have you blubbing into your Cinzano Rosso. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.
  • Maybe then I'll lose some of my blubber, 'cause really you didn't have much to lose, sweet cheeks.
  • No, not fat as in gross blubber bouncing around my waist and stuff; it's just that I think I'm about a few pounds heavier than I was when I was really fit in first year.
  • The UK has become a vast blubber mountain. The Sun
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