How To Use Blowout In A Sentence

  • For the last seven years this annual blowout has attracted writers, b-boys, b-girls, MCs and turntablists from around the world, and this year is no different.
  • This is dangerous as some of the tyres don't go down but are weakened, which could cause blowouts.
  • Examination showed subconjunctival and subcutaneous emphysema, and radiography confirmed the presence of an orbital ‘blowout’ fracture.
  • Game 1 was a blowout, and the Bulls got a major psychological edge that helped them to their second straight title.
  • He hasn't tried anything like that since their blowout years ago.
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  • Jokes spring up where you would most and least expect them-in a frat house bedroom during a blowout party, or at an octogenarian's funeral.
  • Potholing, creation of a steep-sided bowlshaped cavity, may be caused by loss of surfacing, basecourse erosion, advanced cracking under traffic or severe weather, or water-induced blowouts.
  • ‘Now, I get very panicky at the sound of a loud explosion caused by a tire blowout or the sound of a car backfiring in the parking lot,’ he said jokingly.
  • According to official figures, there have been just two gas blowouts since 1992, and they killed a total of 17 people.
  • A haven of genteel entertainment might persuade local residents that there were pleasurable and respectable alternatives to a knock-down drunken blowout every weekend.
  • Check tyres for damage, looking out for any cuts, cracks or bulges, as these can lead to slow punctures and blowouts.
  • The blowout was not the product of a series of aberrational decisions made by rogue industry or government officials that could not have been anticipated or expected to occur again. Panel blames Gulf oil spill on 'systemic' failures by BP, partners
  • Ibiza is the obvious place for a big blowout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speed doesn't necessarily cause blowouts, as others who have posted opinions have said, poor maintenance of the tire can cause a blowout as can faulty valves or the tire being under pressure.
  • That game was a blowout, but it wasn't a result of dropping nine players in pass coverage.
  • She also designs personalised detox and weight-loss programmes to ensure her clients stay comfortable in their 27 in Seven jeans, even post-holiday blowout.
  • He serves as the amateur therapist of choice to his well-to-do clients, hearing all about their blowouts in the course of their blowouts, and I want to find out why.
  • By the way, both of those NBA games were blowouts.
  • While interesting and demonstrative of the instability of nitrified cements, the main message here is that bad cement does not equal blowout. Robert L. Cavnar: Memo to Spill Commission: Bad Cement Does Not Equal Blowout
  • There are lots of great scores to be had in the Outlet. Right now we're having a blowout.
  • The annual seasonal blowout is a chance to display and celebrate the accomplishments - and puppets - neighborhood groups have made over the past year.
  • Gus was tenacious defensively; even in a blowout victory he wouldn't let the other team have an inch of space.
  • This one-side riddled basin can even persist beyond the blowout bifurcation, contrary to the previously reported riddled basins which exist only below the blowout transition.
  • By providing a drier environment, silk reduces that Kafkaesque tendency a nice blowout has of morphing into a nest of frizz overnight. Better Beauty Sleep
  • We've already bailed out the financial industry with uncertain results, are bailing out insurance giant AIG (who congaed all the way to Vegas for a $350,000 celebration blowout,) will soon bailout the automakers, and rushing up next for the free money are the airlines, home builders, mortgagees, and people who ran up too much credit card debt.
  • IT is the last big blowout of 2016 and we know how to make sure you are dressed to impress. The Sun
  • I can let my long hair air-dry and it actually looks like I've had an expensive blowout.
  • Once in a while we had a major blowout.
  • They had suffered a tyre blowout on the way back from a safari park.
  • There is no explicit central government guarantee and it would be difficult to introduce one without a blowout in the government debt numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would spend up to half an hour blowing it out and then flat-ironing it, or I'd have to get a professional blowout.
  • The Patriots have won close games and blowouts.
  • Tyre blowouts are common on a lot of trips and this is an area that weight can have a huge effect on.
  • There are a number of hair-straightening salon treatments besides Brazilian Blowout on the market, some of which are called "keratin treatments" and "Brazilian treatments. Calls for FDA to Regulate Hair Straighteners
  • There are several ways to mitigate a blowout without losing control or playing soft.
  • Visitors from more restrictive states began to make it their weekend blowout destination and a huge tourism business was built around it.
  • The blowout preventer, designed to cut off leaks with a series of valves and pipe shears, is still partially open. BP pursues short-term ways to stop leak
  • I too have had blowouts and the point somebody else made about losing control for a combination of reasons was true for me too.
  • Hairstyles range from 80s-style, big-bang blowouts to cornrow braids and a more contemporary flat-ironed look. LAPD To Release Photos Of Potential Victims Found In 'Grim Sleeper's' Home
  • There is no explicit central government guarantee and it would be difficult to introduce one without a blowout in the government debt numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a big blowout with the federal government.
  • Ibiza is the obvious place for a big blowout. Times, Sunday Times
  • The President won the election, but only by a couple of percentage points; it wasn't the blowout that those election night maps would seem to indicate.
  • Want to achieve that salon style blowout at home?
  • Only the Vikings broke the barrier in a blowout victory over the Packers.
  • Aviation experts have designed durable new radial tyres that burst into lighter, more flexible fragments if a blowout occurs.
  • But for as much fun as the close ones are to watch, the blowouts might have been the most entertaining games Sunday.
  • Almost every store you pass, every corner you take, you'll find sales, discounts, blowouts, bargains, and of course shoppers cashing in on sweet holiday deals.
  • No one, apparently, could resist asking about the bad blood on the set of his latest film and the epic blowouts between the director and his star.
  • If you can't talk about this without a big blowout, write her a letter explaining how you feel.
  • The orbital blowout fracture didn't weaken the eyesight of injured eye significantly, but diplopia of the patient should be considered in the medicolegal expertise of orbital blowout fracture.
  • The blowouts are mounting, and the bickering has begun.
  • The blowout "was not the product of a series of aberrational decisions made by rogue industry or government officials that could not have been anticipated or expected to occur again," according to a chapter of the report released Wednesday. White House Probe Blames BP, Industry in Gulf Blast
  • Often in a blowout, the referees will give the disadvantaged team some breaks.
  • Even after the blowout had been brought under control, the oil continued to seep out of the ocean floor, he says.
  • But Mom's been dreaming of a big blowout all her life, and you'd be a lout not to indulge her.
  • Such disruptions are both global and local: wars and embargoes, blowouts and refinery failures.
  • If sales are strong, what will the blowout deals do to earnings?
  • After so big a fiscal blowout, regaining credibility may require more than a deficit - reduction plan.
  • We will be holding a big blowout for all our friends soon, complete with flour, pudding, and wet noodles.
  • The Obama administration's response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was marked by confusion over the spill rate and conflicts between agencies, which kept the public in the dark for weeks about the magnitude of the environmental disaster resulting from the April 20 well blowout, according to reports released Wednesday by a presidential panel investigating the spill. Gulf oil spill response ill-managed, presidential panel says
  • IT is the last big blowout of 2016 and we know how to make sure you are dressed to impress. The Sun
  • Most roads are gravel, meaning accidents and tyre blowouts are not uncommon.
  • All aboard the party plane for one last blowout in Ibiza. Times, Sunday Times
  • She seriously considered that maybe she and Sam had had a blowout argument.
  • A haven of genteel entertainment might persuade local residents that there were pleasurable and respectable alternatives to a knock-down drunken blowout every weekend.
  • In a long-term blowout, it will only be a matter of time before they are overwhelmed. Gulf disaster renews debate over Arctic oil spill
  • In between blowouts, use a reactivating spray to reshape your style.
  • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
  • As a matter of fact, three of the four first round games yesterday were grim blowouts.
  • The blowout was caused by increasing trade deficits in April, May and June and mainly due to falling exports of coal, coke, briquettes and metals.
  • Anything less than a blowout is a loss for Clinton. Schneider: How Clinton won Kentucky
  • Parabolic dunes are formed when the wind causes a blowout, that is, begins to gouge sand out from around a patch of vegetation that has weakened its grip.
  • as a result of the blowout we lost all the lights
  • Woe to the promotion manager who doesn't ace the Christmas blowout.
  • The accident occurred when the taxi suffered a left rear tyre blowout.
  • Steven Chu, America's energy secretary, was reportedly shocked to find that the only source of information from the Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer was a single gauge.
  • The gorgeous guy you've sorta been going out with is planning to go camping the weekend of your big blowout birthday bash.
  • The ride will leave from town, ride miles of urban singletrack and some pave, and culminate with a blowout BBQ and podium ceremony.
  • Down near the seabed is the blowout preventer, or BOP. Army Rumour Service
  • Slightly more mature, but enough immaturity to still bring on a good blowout fight whenever we feel like.
  • So it was only a matter of time before shoulder pads, designer jeans, leg warmers, wide belts, layered peasant skirts and big, broad, blowout hair started to look good to us again.
  • They've taken turns dominating each other, alternating sweeps and blowouts like a true slugfest in which one heavyweight's attack leaves him winded and vulnerable to the other's pulverizing blows.
  • Most accidents are caused by blowouts or other mechanical failures and stupid drivers with no common sense.
  • I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder expecting I'd had a blowout on one of my tyres but on inspection they looked fine.
  • The Centre for Developing-Area Studies, an academic research centre at McGill, is turning 40 years old next week and is planning a big blowout.
  • Successional patterns will be truncated or prevented in sites with frequent major disturbances, e.g. blowouts, water level changes, etc.
  • GAINESVILLE -- At the end of his post-blowout news conference on Saturday night in Gainesville, Florida State head coach Bobby Bowden was asked if he wanted to continue leading the program he built into a national power. Undefined
  • Regan Nelson of the Natural Resources Defense Council pointed to shallow-water blowouts off the coast of Australia in 2009 and Mexico in 1979 that spurted massive amounts of oil into the sea. New Scrutiny Slams Near-Shore Exploration
  • While the first two games were both blowouts, the first playoff game in Memphis' history was highly competitive with the Spurs never leading by more than 6 points.
  • The Prop Shop is sadly closing tomorrow so we're having a blowout sale with tees marked down to $10 and $12.
  • Physical, verbal, emotional abuse, infidelity, drunkenness, constant bickering, blowout arguments and shouting matches, financial trouble, stress so bad it put her in the hospital.
  • Tubeless radial tyres can cause blowouts because of their weak side walls
  • Had I attempted it immediately, there was grave danger of cutting the inner wall of one or both tyres and suffering a blowout.
  • To what degree would it have to be a-- to what degree does this victory have to be a blowout for her to have an impact and be, if you will, at least in the short term determinant? CNN Transcript May 20, 2008
  • The biggest party I ever had was also a Halloween blowout, several years ago back in Kansas.
  • As I walked into this blowout, I passed one species of plant life after another.
  • We'll not drink for weeks, then have a blowout after a big win. Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies large and small are introducing new devices that address some of the signature failures of the Deepwater Horizon blowout—from the equipment that failed to seal the well to the lack of technology for stanching the flow of oil into the Gulf. Gulf Disaster Fuels New Safety Gear
  • My best friend of over ten years and I had a bad blowout 2 years ago and I tell you, I miss her a lot.
  • Retailers look for any occasion to host a blowout or a promotion that will make shoppers think they are saving money.
  • Aviation experts have designed durable new radial tyres that burst into lighter, more flexible fragments if a blowout occurs.
  • Only problem I have w/MDF is that it's awfully prone to blowout - If you overtighten the screw or shoot the nail too close to the edge, you could easily end up with a loose chunk of MDF. Apartment Therapy Main
  • This is like hitting a hundred home runs in a season: it's not just a record, it's an almost inhuman blowout.
  • The team doesn't score enough runs to create blowouts.
  • Candidates crisscrossed the metro area Sunday in a last-minute push for votes as the latest poll showed that while the New York governor's race has the makings of a blowout, the contests for attorney general and comptroller are a dead heat. Campaigning Down to the Wire
  • Now, I think we can all agree that one of the closest elections in history can hardly qualify as a blowout.
  • These blowouts were not from the tyres letting them down but simply from inner tubes exploding!
  • Another option reportedly under consideration would deploy quick-setting cement to clog the blowout preventer. Gulf oil spill gushes on; Jindal wants to build up barrier islands to stop slick
  • Twice a year, the school throws a blowout sale.
  • Ouellette and his team specialize in teaching drivers advanced techniques for handling such things as skids, blowouts, unusual weather and collision avoidance.
  • The crater resulting from the blowout was measured at 34m long, 15m wide and 6m deep.
  • A prime target for innovation is called a blowout preventer, a massive stack of valves that fits around drill pipe that extends into the earth's crust. Gulf Disaster Fuels New Safety Gear
  • Anna was sixteen, the coolest age for a teen and she should have been having a blowout party with her friends, not sitting at home with her Mom and her Mom's friend.
  • You never know when you are going to suffer a tyre blowout or when another driver is just going to be plain careless.
  • It's more of a kind of brouhaha about springtime and summer's coming, so we're going to have a big blowout.
  • We'll not drink for weeks, then have a blowout after a big win. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the worst oil spills to impact the Gulf was also a well blowout, in the Bay of Campeche off Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, in June 1979.
  • According to the Corporation, the majority of accidents were due to tyre blowouts.
  • A lot of last season's Monday night games were blowouts, but fantasy owners in close battles had reasons to watch.
  • I would like to look at a different way to approach this issue that accepts that teams have blowouts and one-run wins and incorporates this into the method.
  • Their playing time figures to come in blowouts or as replacements for players in foul trouble.
  • Nick has a tendency, in blowout games, he shoots well when he doesn't seem to be pressed or when someone isn't behind who might take his minutes, he might play looser," Saunders said. Nick Young on a roll, with or without Gilbert Arenas's help
  • It's a blowout affair that includes an unlimited number of roasted ears for every participant.
  • Letting frustrations fester is a real good way to ensure blowouts and fits of anger later on, so best to get it all out in the open.
  • The 103,91 Game 4 blowout was a lagniappe for the Lakers.
  • All aboard the party plane for one last blowout in Ibiza. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who could resist an end-of-season barbecue blowout?
  • She reads about them online, adds them to the list on her iPhone and then saves up for the big blowout. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were entertaining, even if the games were blowouts.
  • She reads about them online, adds them to the list on her iPhone and then saves up for the big blowout. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can lead to a panoply of bad results, from poor mileage to on-the-road blowouts.
  • Stylist Marvin Carrington decided to revamp her shoulder-length, naturally wavy hair with a sleek blowout, defined layers and blond highlights.
  • CHEROKEE - Forrest Stamper got the Braves 'scoring started with a safety at the 3: 24 mark in the first quarter, and Cherokee went on to a blowout win over Andrews in the first game at the new $10 million Kinsland Stadium. - News
  • the right front tire had a blowout
  • Despite the minor grumbles, we had a superb meal - especially with palates so jaded after the festive blowout.
  • Today we turn our critical lens on the big blowout Washington party known as the presidential inauguration.
  • Of greater concern is that the oil can flow out into the surrounding rocks the way the mud did during the failed Top Kill procedure, forming what is called a subsurface blowout. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • ‘Even though a driver could check his tyres that morning he could later get a blowout,’ he added.
  • Arkansas, meanwhile, was overwhelmed in absorbing a second blowout in as many games to a Top 10 team.
  • I do remember quite vividly however watching a woman driving a car suffer a blowout.
  • Most accidents are caused by blowouts or other mechanical failures and stupid drivers with no common sense.
  • Dozens, maybe hundreds, of used console games are on sale in their October blowout sale.
  • Yes, he was saying the election could be a blowout, but he wasn't saying that was a good thing.
  • The other conferences seem to have a lot of blowouts most of the time.
  • But before we can weigh anchor, Flores erupts into Festa do Emigrante, a blowout party celebrating Azorean emigrants' annual return to the islands, beginning in July.
  • He was injured on two plays with marginal impact on the games in which they occurred, games destined to be blowouts regardless of his contributions.
  • By 1998, as the budget began to blowout, the figure was revised upwards to 23 percent.
  • A worried-looking Gary obviously thought Brad was going to say something else and just about exploded in relief when he heard the word "blowout. The Full Feed from
  • Mark's annual Derby Weekend blowout creates more buzz about the brand than anything else the company does, he says.
  • Come on down to our Boxing Day blowout!
  • The crystals, known as hydrates, are a combination of frozen water and hydrocarbons that blocked the path of submarine cameras and a drill designed to recover pieces of drilling pipe from the blowout preventer. Crystals Set Back Work at Gulf Well Site
  • He was still crowing over the success of his Dallas showroom expansion and the blowout coming-out party.
  • Their major buyers raid their blowout bins, put them in boxes and ship them to the States.
  • The right front tire had a blowout.
  • Leslie Pearson, who for 19 years worked at the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and who for the last six years was in charge of oil spill response says it wouldn't take very long for a long-term blowout to exceed a single company's response capabilities. Gulf disaster renews debate over Arctic oil spill
  • North of this large major blowout is another, less pronounced blowout of unstabilized sand.
  • My brother Ruben's wedding reception was a blowout party.
  • WASHINGTON — A litany of half-truths, withholding crucial video, blocking media access to the site and a failure to share timely and complete information about efforts to contain the largest oil spill in U.S. history have created the widespread impression that BP is withholding information about the April 20 oilrig blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, if not misleading the public and the government. Oil Spill Taking Toll On BP's, Government's Credibility
  • A similar blowout event also occurred in the onshore Seria Field in 1953.
  • There is no explicit central government guarantee and it would be difficult to introduce one without a blowout in the government debt numbers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once in a while we had a major blowout.
  • This trade recession will be just as insidious in its effects as any market blowout.
  • Sour gas well blowouts aren't completely uncommon.
  • And usually when one tire blows out, the tire adjacent to the flat can blowout easily from the increased pressure.
  • Once in a while we had a major blowout.
  • I thought someone made a good point in a different post - while the inauguration ceremonies are overblown and very expensive, having a big blowout is doing much more for the DC economy than canceling the celebration ever would. Balls? The Elite Were Elsewhere - The Caucus Blog -
  • SARS, fire, the country's election and the blowout of natural gas… all claimed many people's life.

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