How To Use Blow up In A Sentence
Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News
The security goal is to stop them before they penetrate the security zone with the intent to blow up the city's waterfront.
One year later, some dirtbags tried to blow up L.A. with a nuclear bomb, so Bauer had to punch in again.
At the more extreme end, some individuals and groups crash aeroplanes or blow up buildings.
The starchy food created gas, and the bowels, not having their natural tone, gave way to the gas until there was _ "Meteorism," _ not tympanites but meteorism which means to blow up or distend all that is possible.

And there's this new idea that we've heard about that you're going to kind of bulldoze and blow up everything around the government center and kind of make a park or a green zone.
CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2006
Be sure to blow up the tyres before you drive off.
All the visitors born in the war admitted their perceptions had been largely shaped by comics such as Victor and Tiger, where lone Tommies ventured behind enemy lines to blow up an ammunition dump and return with a captured SS general.
He fully thinks hackers are going to save the day and people are going to blow up dams in the name of salmon.
So Much Pretty
Tell the students to blow up the balloon and then tape the straw to the balloon.
The army used precision - guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.
They discussed their plan to blow up Parliament House, and shortly afterwards leased a small house in the heart of Westminster, installing Fawkes as caretaker, under the alias of John Johnson.
There is a killing power thresh hold beyond which is simply more unnecessry bang,. and under no circumstances I am aware of dose that required power level (IE: bang/killing power) reach that required to blow up guns and people.
An Expert Gunsmith on Over-Pressure Rounds and Exploding Handguns
When this motion is completely arrested, I suggest that we blow up the Aleutian Isles and enlarge Bering Strait, so as to allow what corresponds to the Atlantic Gulf Stream in the Pacific to enter the Arctic Archipelago, which I have calculated will raise the average temperature of that entire region about thirty degrees, thereby still further increasing the amount of available land.
A Journey in Other Worlds
Since this apparent blow up, things have been smoothed over with the two groups, but there were a few things that left a bad taste in my mouth about the whole ordeal.
It could easily blow up in his face amid a barrage of birdies from the European duo.
The Sun
When hot conjee once has burned them, children blow upon the cold. '
Hindu literature : Comprising The Book of good counsels, Nala and Damayanti, The Ramayana, and Sakoontala
After a period of voluntary unemployment he finds work at Aldermaston, hobnobbing with geniuses who could blow up the world if they felt so inclined.
` ` I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion; '' and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane.
For example, my recent browse of the description of the Werckmesiter Harmonies, an austerely beautiful black and white film by the Hungarian director, Bela Tarr led me via Netflix's Cinematch recommendation system to the Devil's Backbone by the Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro; a look at the terrifically exciting 60s thriller Blow Up led me to Nicholas Roeg's 70s thriller Don't Look Now.
Tom Silva: Netflix Opens a Pandora's Box
So global warming is just a natural occurrence when you believe all the hogwash in the Christian Bible or hell, in the Book of the Moron Mormons, or hell, in the name one of those holy books, they all say the same thing: the world will end one day because it will burn up, as George Gamov explained in his book The Death of the Sun, because right before the Sun goes dark, it expands to a tremendous heat, so hot it finallys blows to all Hell and the heat emitted by the blow up will certainly "scorch" the earth, as predicted by the Christian bible--you even heard of "the scorched earth" policy?
This World Is NOW HELL
Apropos of that ” we have a 'diphthong' also in this part of the world ” not a Greek, but a Spanish one ” do you understand me? ” which is about to blow up the whole alphabet.
Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
If you cannot say objectively that threatening to blow up the world's economy was an extreme position, then the word "objectivity" is meaningless.
The Full Feed from
Her body twisted, bringing about one with strength her opponent would not expect, and retracted quickly to deliver another blow upon the same place.
The wall being old, the bricks I held by gave way, just as I was taking a spring to get up; and down came I, and received such a blow upon my head, with one of the bricks, that it quite stunned me; and I broke my shins and my ancle besides, and beat off the heel of one of my shoes.
A blow upon the eye will cause you to "see stars"; a similar _blow_ upon the ear will cause you to _hear_ an explosive sound.
Applied Psychology: Making Your Own World Being the Second of a Series of Twelve Volumes on the Applications of Psychology to the Problems of Personal and Business Efficiency
Those wrestlers were either too fat or so pumped up on the juice they would blow up after 2 minutes.
Want to go in with hardened armour and blow up anything in your way?
The Sun
Or, contrariwise, if you want to blow up a building with nanothermite, then concoct a story about terrorists with nanothermite instead of hijackers.
1000 Architects and Engineers
Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we've all been in, more or less -- of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried, earwigged by the parson and brought to it on bread and water, -- but of his own fancy; to please his own taste; stealing out at nights to find those most interested against us, and peaching to them.
Oliver Twist
They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
They plan to blow up a hydroelectric dam that has caused untold environmental damage.
Times, Sunday Times
Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge.
Then I kneeled back down, took out a claymore, set it underneath my pack, and tied the string directly to my pack, and a low branch, so that if someone tries and picks it up, it'll blow up.
They threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.
These saboteurs threatened to blow up the factory if their demands were not met.
You need to blow up the tyres on your bike.
Tell the students to blow up the balloon and then tape the straw to the balloon.
To "demolish" Behe's review of the malaria evidence, one would need to show evolution's ability to do much more with malaria than blow up bridges to foil adversarial attacks.
Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
LONDON — The bomb that terrorist suspect Richard Reid hid in his shoe, in what the FBI calls a foiled attempt to blow up a U. S.-bound American Airlines flight last month, suggests a knowledge of explosives that probably goes far beyond his abilities, European experts say.
Trees rejoice « BuzzMachine
They had plotted to blow up the White House.
They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
Tony Blair is on his way to speak at the Scottish Labour Conference in Aviemore, but on his way he's going to stop off to blow up part of the country, but all in a good cause - to enable work to start on building a hydro-electric power facility.
Blair to Nuke Scotland
Fineman, putting this topic in the context of Gingrich's political style, explained, Newt Gingrich is by nature a bomb-thrower, he knows how to put the plastique in just the right place to blow up the bridge.
HuffPost TV: HuffPost's Howard Fineman Discusses Newt Gingrich On 'Hardball With Chris Matthews' (VIDEO)
Hailstones are formed by winds known as updrafts that blow upward in thunderstorms.
Can you blow up this balloon ?
Colombian special forces blow up an airstrip used by a cocaine cartel to fly drugs out of the country.
Times, Sunday Times
His own activities in that regard had been limited to trying to blow up a few electricity pylons.
Times, Sunday Times
Be sure to blow up the tyres before you drive off.
WHAT?????????? “Rebuilding a nation devastated by a dictator is a large undertaking, †the president said. “It†™ s even harder when terrorists are trying to blow up that which the Iraqis are trying to build. â€
Think Progress » “The Bush administration
Second, while I expected to see lots of bondage, spanking, cross-dressing, and infantilist sites, until the requests began pouring in I had had no idea, for example, that there are enough people sexually aroused by toy balloons yes, the kind you blow up at kiddy parties to support the hundred or so sites which now cater exclusively to that fetish.
Come Hither
Well, to be honest, it didn't so much blow up as trip the main fuse when 2 large cups of hot chocolate, which I'd put in to heat, tipped over and trickled into the gubbins in the bottom of it.
Since it couldn't be cast, that meant, at least so far, that the Blacks hadn't been able to make more than a handful of black iron guns - just those on the Mighty Ten - and since the Whites could touch off cammabark or powder held in regular iron, albeit with difficulty, anyone who wasn't a White or on a Black ship risked having cannon blow up on them.
The Order War
We said, "Suppose France and Russia should decide to blow up a few of these ships and not deliver them in Kiel Harbour?
Germany and Austria at the Outbreak of War
It could easily blow up in his face amid a barrage of birdies from the European duo.
The Sun
And he fears updating the Copyright Act will blow up because of the Tory's short-term penchant for slogans and electioneering.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
It's called the command destruct antennae, and it gives him the ability to blow up the rocket if it becomes a danger to the public.
A small-time crook threatens to blow up a New York landmark unless his demands for money are met.
The term blockbuster was first coined during World War II to describe bombs that would blow up buildings.
CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2003
Having opted for a formation that he thought would beat Leicester, David O Leary saw it blow up in his face.
Someone comes up with this cockamamie theory that an e-mail could melt down all the computers and maybe even blow up all the buildings.
Blow up the inner tube again to check there are no more holes, then let the air out.
Times, Sunday Times
It is why they blow up big bombs in civilian crowds.
I wonder which undeserving news story will blow up to be huge next?
Suppose he was to do all this, and besides to blow upon a plant we’ve all been in, more or less — of his own fancy; not grabbed, trapped, tried, earwigged by the parson and brought to it on bread and water, — but of his own fancy; to please his own taste; stealing out at nights to find those most interested against us, and peaching to them.
Oliver Twist
They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.
Guy Fawkes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building.
Dog!" said the Templar, grinding his teeth, "I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion;" and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane.
Ivanhoe. A Romance
Tell the students to blow up the balloon and then tape the straw to the balloon.
Puffins, notable for their high wing-loading, may have also had more difficulty maneuvering during foul weather when the wind tended to blow upslope.
They plan to blow up a hydroelectric dam that has caused untold environmental damage.
Times, Sunday Times
When hot conjee once has burned them, children blow upon the cold.
Indian Poetry Containing "The Indian Song of Songs," from the Sanskrit of the Gîta Govinda of Jayadeva, Two books from "The Iliad Of India" (Mahábhárata), "Proverbial Wisdom" from the Shlokas of the Hitopadesa, and other Orie
On returning, he found each of his wheels had been sabotaged and the following apercu stuck to his windscreen: "Can yir dug blow up tyres, mister?
I've a bone to pick with David Attenborough | Kevin McKenna
Great winds blow upon high hills.
Blow up the inner tube again to check there are no more holes, then let the air out.
Times, Sunday Times
Great winds blow upon high hills.
The training included learning how to blow up 27 wooden crates - a test he passed.
Maxrosen it's not as simple as that now is it. what if the muslim brotherhood started sending suicide bombers to blow up BA jets? what if democracy is what the people of egypt wants but needs a bit of help getting out from under Mubarak's jackboot? what then? what what what?
Cairo protests:The west has a duty to nurture democracy | Observer editorial
Pryce took his opponent's blow upon his shield, easily deflecting the downward stroke.
CHRISTOPHER BELKASRI, CONVERT TO ISLAM (through translator): What they're saying, that he wanted to blow up the airports, I don't believe that because in Islam, that's forbidden, to kill innocent people.
CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2007
Blow up the inner tube again to check there are no more holes, then let the air out.
Times, Sunday Times
Guy Fawkes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building.
Vancouver Mounties Blow Up Fishing Rod Ahead Of Olympics do you think the ragg wool half finger gloves would be a good ice fishing glove
Favorite mepps lure
Guttenberg's pronouncement was both a backtrack on his own remarks a month ago, when he called the airstrike "militarily appropriate," and a rebuke to the colonel who summoned US fighter-bombers to blow up two fuel tanker trucks stolen by the Taliban.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
When you make the meringue, ensure you pour the syrup on to the egg whites while still hot, then it will ‘cook’ the whites and blow up into a dense, airy foam.
It's a break from what he describes as the shocking news that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian and Muslim, stands accused of plotting to blow up an airliner.
CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2010
Obama had to more than match it, and the righty salvoes began; then he went for health care and the noise doubled, a guy tried to blow up himself and an airplane and failed, but righties waiting to pounce on softness, went nuts again.
Ron Radosh » How the Left Opinion-makers Spin the Brown Victory: Bad Advice for Obama
His own activities in that regard had been limited to trying to blow up a few electricity pylons.
Times, Sunday Times
My life, drat the luck, is nothing but incremental improvements - and all these little modifications are so twitchy and unstable I have to buy service contracts for the day when they blow up.
They roll grenades down floors of cinemas and blow up women and kids: does your heart bleed about that, Trevor?
You mean some kind of superbomb orbiting the earth and timed to blow up soon?
The Quest
blow up an image
Blow up the inner tube again to check there are no more holes, then let the air out.
Times, Sunday Times
And he, who had been hurled uninjured through the air by a miracle of fortune, had divined that white men in themselves were truly dynamite, compounded of the same mystery as the substance with which they shot the swift-darting schools of mullet, or blow up, in extremity, themselves and the ships on which they voyaged the sea from far places.
We want to see Richard Seaton blow up the Fenacrhone space-battlewagon with his third-order zone of force, assuming he can escape from the fourth-dimensional evil of the hyperplane.
Rothfuss on Genre Fiction
They used plastic explosive to blow up the bridge.
Muslim tries a butt bomb to blow up a jetliner, all Americans are subject to disrobing and having a full body cavity search?
White House tracking terror attack news
Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tires?
But within a few weeks, Gray's political carelessness threatens to blow up his bridge-building efforts, Alec Guinness-style.
'One City' under siege
Yea yea… now hush up, I get to blow up a few things and we're still alive, this must be my day.
Because at that point it looked to me like it was fixing to blow up.
Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge.
Dog!" said the Templar, grinding his teeth, "I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy order of the Temple of Zion;" and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette toward the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
When we "blow up," our intense outburst is due to the fact that the higher functions of our brain are "off line.
Lisa Firestone: How to stop yourself from "losing it" with your child
Colours (ochre, sand and white) are taken from pre-Columbian and colonial houses, and are intended to respond to the endless layers of dry dun dust that blow up and down the coast.
But fortunately, our intelligence were able to intercept his plans to blow up these planes about 8 or 9 years ago, but he has been on the run since then.
We tried later to reproduce this noise, which he described as resembling a loud blow upon a washhand basin.
The Alleged Haunting of B—— House
Three men were charged in connection with the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic airliners.
Times, Sunday Times
Great winds blow upon high hills.
They were cautiously feeling things out, but when the conversation didn't blow up in their faces, their voices grew more confident.
Since it couldn't be cast, that meant, at least so far, that the Blacks hadn't been able to make more than a handful of black iron guns " just those on the Mighty Ten " and since the Whites could touch off cammabark or powder held in regular iron, albeit with difficulty, anyone who wasn't a White or on a Black ship risked having cannon blow up on them.
The Order War
Hailstones are formed by winds known as updrafts that blow upward in thunderstorms.
And y'all knew that these easy, securitized, no-doc loans based on b.s. assessments would blow up, so you carefully tended to your credit scores and bided your time, and waited to "pounce" after the bubble burst.
Archive 2008-05-01
He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane.
Wooden ships were often hit by lightning and their masts could blow up, the sails and rigging catch fire and the crew be killed or inJured.
Times, Sunday Times
The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us.
The terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.
They refuse to say if he planned to blow up the jet or hijack it and crash it.
The Sun
This week Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. charged Mr. Pimentel with building pipe bombs to blow up police cars, post offices, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, and other targets.
New York Police and the FBI Feud Over a Terrorist Case
We'd want all terrorists to carry a card that says "evildoer" and everyone else to carry a card that said "honest person who won't try to hijack or blow up anything.
Boing Boing: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives
ABC News has published an "exclusive" series of photographs identified as the customized undergarments of a fellow who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane over the holidays with the explosive PETN.
Boing Boing
When I landed I was carrying a 25-pound explosive which I was given to blow up a pillbox on the beach.
Not for a moment could it be fancied the oread step which belonged to that daughter of the hills -- my wife, my Agnes; no, it was the dull massy tread of a man: and immediately there came a loud blow upon the door, and in the next moment, the bell having been found, a furious peal of ringing.
The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders yesterday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the court on Friday charged 11 more ranking officers, saying they plotted several years ago to topple the Islamic-rooted government, increasing the number of Spain. - Articles related to No credible govt action on massacre Asia HR group
It was kind of funny watching the presentation blow up in Harry's face.
Fearing that the man could blow up the bus in the crowded city centre, police persuaded him to transfer with the hostages to a smaller vehicle.
Times, Sunday Times
You need to blow up the tyres on your bike.
They used plastic explosive to blow up the bridge.
So that since the excellencies of it may be so easily and so justly confirmed, and the low-creeping objections so soon trodden down: it not being an art of lies, but of true doctrine; not of effeminateness, but of notable stirring of courage; not of abusing mans wit, but of strengthening mans wit; not banished, but honored by Plato; let us rather plant more laurels for to engarland our poets headswhich honor of being laureate, as besides them only triumphant captains were, is a sufficient authority to show the price they ought to be held inthan suffer the ill-savored breath of such wrong speakers once to blow upon the clear springs of poesy.
The Defense of Poesy
They wander off on their own, they blow up a poacher's shack for no apparent reason, and they attempt to confront their wily antagonists head on.
There's still prejudice, to be sure, among the media and beard-stroking media critics most of all--what is "gravitas," after all, but Latin for "If we blow up Iran, I don't want to hear about it from a chick"?
Meredith Vieira Gets a New View - Tuned In -
Yet never did it ring more loudly than that night, as I watched her draw back the blanket of moss from the coals, blow up the fire, and cook the evening meal.
Chapter 30
Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tires?
Furthermore, the prelaunch and boost phases offer the perfect times to hit enemy missiles, so they can blow up on or over enemy territory - not over the heads of friendly troops or allies.
Wooden ships were often hit by lightning and their masts could blow up, the sails and rigging catch fire and the crew be killed or inJured.
Times, Sunday Times
Stars on the grand scale of V391 Velorum do not burn bright for long, and after a relatively short lifetime of about ten million years these titans blow up as supernovae.
As far as the Liberty City group was concerned this was nonsense; the group of men, who were arrested for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, smoked a great deal of marijuana and subscribed to the obscure beliefs of an outfit called the Moorish Science Temple; so nascent were their terrorist plans that they never even bothered to travel to Chicago.
The Longest War
IN THE film " Mars Attacks ", bug-eyed aliens blow up the Landmark, a casino - hotel in Las Vegas.
General Mohammed Said wanted to blow up the arsenal and most of the town and its defenders with it, but his officers preferred to take their chances in a jibba.
Three Empires on the Nile
We'll soon blow up his plan.
President Bush is calling the foiled plot to blow up airplanes a stark reminder of the terrorist threat to the United States.
CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2006
It's important to keep balance, if wizards can blow up a small building while a warrior walks around with his +1 sticker next thing you know no one wants to be a warrior, and blooey, the balance is gone.
One false move and the bomb might blow up.
Wooden ships were often hit by lightning and their masts could blow up, the sails and rigging catch fire and the crew be killed or inJured.
Times, Sunday Times
Can you help me blow up these balloons?
Most of us are laboring under the misguided notion that focusing on all the possible things that could go wrong or might blow up in our faces is the most effective hyper-vigilant strategy to ensure that all the things we do want (which, by the way, are getting precious little of our attention) will infallibly come to us.
Vaishali: Self-Awareness: The Key to Owning and Operating the Human Experience
“Dog!” said the Templar, grinding his teeth, “I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion;” and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane.
They plan to blow up a hydroelectric dam that has caused untold environmental damage.
Times, Sunday Times
Inevitably, you lose focus on your diet and blow up even fatter than when you began dieting.
(NSCIA) and Assembly of Moslems in Nigeria (AMIN), yesterday condemned the botched attempt by a Nigerian lad, Mallam Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, to blow up a Delta Airlines aircraft in Detroit, United States on Christmas day, blaming acts of terrorism and all forms of extreme behavioural tendencies on what it described as the prevalence of injustice in various spheres of life.
Thisday Online
Richard Reid, the “shoe bomber” who tried to blow up a passenger flight last December, studied in Finsbury Park and frequented al Muhajiroun meetings.
Radical Islam finds unlikely haven in liberal Britain
After various musical interludes, Chase roars into action to blow up the giant radioactive beast.
Great winds blow upon high hills.
How many times have you seen a horse blow up in the show ring, or jig down the trail, lose his concentration, or refuse to go in the trailer?
I'll be sleeping on a blow up lilo for the last week or so but who cares.
They plan to blow up a hydroelectric dam that has caused untold environmental damage.
Times, Sunday Times
Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tires?
Their mission is to blow up bridges, block roads and generally harry and destroy any enemy forces with which they come into contact.
The finalecomes with Little Zhanghelping blow up a trainload of Japanesesoldiersand receiving a cherished reward:a pistol with which to kill more Japanese.
I am sitting on enough toluol to blow up this countryside.
Again righties, how will this not blow up in your face in a few years?
Think Progress » Democrats Need To Pass A Comprehensive Health Care Bill
It didn't blow up, but it stopped almost instantly, and two other vehicles crashed into the back of it.
He was jailed for 45 years for trying to blow up a plane.
Actually, when we eat at Olive Garden (which is quite frequently, especially when there is a long wait at our beloved Applebees, if such things inoculate you) the otherwise unfortunate drippage that Elizabeth (his name for this blow up doll, of whom I must confess some jealousy) mentions in her comments above actually improves the taste of some (but not all) of the never-ending pasta bowl sauces.
Beacon’s Burger Bar Attempts to Gain Coveted Midtown Lunch Status | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn.
A petard was a small medieval bomb used to blow up gates and walls when breaching fortifications.
Pundits And Writers Start Hitting McCain For Non-Stop P.O.W. References
They refuse to say if he planned to blow up the jet or hijack it and crash it.
The Sun
Guy Fawkes was executed for treason after he took part in a plot to blow up the British Parliament building.
The idea that you go to heaven if you blow up innocent people is nauseating.
The film Margin Call takes us inside a fictional investment bank called HMS to show what it must've been like within the halls of Lehman Brothers during that fateful 24-hour period before its collapse, as executives slowly acknowledge that not only had they built a bomb that will blow up the economy, but that they could save some money if they lit the fuse themselves and were the first out the door.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Margin Call -- 'Twas the Night Before the Meltdown...
The three virtues sought in a whistle are chiff, or resonance, stability – when you blow up an octave, the note stays true – and durability.
BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » Whistle While You Geek
Blow up the inner tube again to check there are no more holes, then let the air out.
Times, Sunday Times
If you want to fire a torpedo, drop a depth charge, blow up a mine or do some elementary electrics, I'm your man.
The involvement of a paid government informant is the only reason four Newburgh, N.Y., men are facing charges they engaged in a plot to blow up a Bronx synagogue and to shoot down military planes last year, defense lawyers said Tuesday.
Informant Draws Fire
They used five tons of dynamite to blow up the rock.
This material was used to blow up the Pan Am airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1987, and can also be used as the explosive charge in the detonation of a nuclear device.