How To Use bloviate In A Sentence
- Since every blog in the country has bloviated on this topic, I probably can't add much. All Obama, all the time
- Once again, an army of talk radio hosts have descended on a political convention there to inform, entertain, hopefully not bloviate.
- These talk-radio hosts lie, distort, and bloviate, and nobody calls them on it.
- We do not trouble ourselves to conduct our affairs in a diplomatic, reasoned fashion, we bloviate, fustigate, and bomb whoever makes us feel more “American” at the moment. Firedoglake » And In This Corner…Juan Cole
- Recently it’s far less so, but it’s kind of bloviated – kind of lofty, I guess. Pure Imagination
- Ignoring the underlying problems in the vaccine market and the fact that his proposed policies would export similar problems to other sectors of the pharmaceutical market, the candidate bloviated on the issue at a campaign speech in Ohio.
- Not only do you get paid megabucks to bloviate nonsense daily, you have a lineup of GOP fluffers begging to kiss your flabby ass. ed Says: Matthew Yglesias » John McCain, Dittohead
- Sock-puppet in 77 bloviated: “The Democratic Party pushing through a major entitlement program with absolutely no bipartisan support” Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 30, 2010
- And you Senator Schumer, you gave the cartels a wink and a nod and bloviated in public about reform. Randy Credico: Congratulations Chuck! You've Knocked Me Off the Democratic Primary Ballot
- All radio talk show hosts blab and bloviate about national security, safe borders, and political accountability.