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How To Use Blotchy In A Sentence

  • blotchy," provided a link to a blog by Al Aronowitz, written for The New York Sunday News of November 11, 1973. Expecting Rain
  • But now I know that after a few days of ‘treatments’ I get itchy, blotchy, irritable and acutely unrelaxed.
  • He had a hygienic beard and a rather blotchy skin, and small unshielded eyes which seemed to be searching for spectacles. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • Her voice had risen to a shriek, and her usually beautiful face was red, blotchy, and streaked with tears.
  • One of the medics, a woman, sat with a woman whose face was reddened and blotchy from crying.
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  • “The spider?” said I. “The blotchy, sprawly, sulky fellow.” Great Expectations
  • The picture bore no relation to the blotchy, snotty, shouting face of angry childhood.
  • However, any complexion can become blotchy, leathery and wrinkled from continued sun overexposure.
  • Before she came on this trip she would have seen a stick-thin girl, with ratty blonde hair, blotchy skin and bags under her eyes.
  • And it has a so-called blotchy database, of skin conditions. Privacy Digest
  • Jody stands at the head of the small room, her eyes bloodshot, her face pale and blotchy under the makeup.
  • blotchy skin
  • His face was kind of blotchy and pink and he didn't seem like he knew what to do. Critical Conditions
  • I knew it was my mother before she stepped in, but what I didn't know was that her face was streaming with tears and her cheeks were all blotchy.
  • His face is white and blotchy; also, there are scratch marks from the thorns. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • I sat there for a few seconds, staring thunderstruck at the blotchy, indistinguishable patches on my page that had once represented words, and very important ones at that.
  • `And just how many Salvadoreans have you ever seen with pale, blotchy skin and shoulder-length blond hair? THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • His face became disfigured, all blotchy and lumpy, truly monstrous, and he began to develop ulcers all over inside.
  • But careful scrutiny often reveals a multitude of imperfections: blotchy skin, receding hairlines, crooked teeth or unusually large ears.
  • And this book is coming out in blotchy patches, which is interesting in the 'I wish it wouldn't do that' sense. January 27th, 2005
  • Brockman's face got kind of blotchy with pinks and whites. The Last Coyote
  • Danny started scratching his neck again and he knew that under his gray turtleneck, his skin was now blotchy, welted and pink.
  • Sure enough, he had the typical red blotchy patches, the fever, the harsh cough, the sore red eyes.
  • But then a year ago he could still call up the horror of the communal plunge at his earlier lodgings: the listening for other bathers, the dodging of shrouded ladies in "crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous implements of ablution. Full Circle
  • He smiled, watching Ferik's skin redden and become blotchy from the rain.
  • I have put on some weight and my skin looks less blotchy and gray. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • He is an exceptionally cute, friendly and talkative young cat, with classic blotchy tabby coat.
  • I glanced from Madeline, blotchy and bitter, to Stephanie, with her peaches-and-cream face. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • Her skin used to be clear, but now it was blotchy and there were still a few nasty bruises on her bony legs.
  • A jewfish, six feet long and easily three hundred pounds, his blotchy hide mimicking the sun-dappled rock, pouting lower lip thick as Anna's wrist, lay without moving beneath an overhang of a coral-covered rock less than half his size, his wee fish brain assuring him he was hidden. Excerpt: Flashback by Nevada Barr
  • Not cartoony ugly, like Basil Wolverton, but blotchy and smelly and decaying from the inside out. Boing Boing: January 18, 2004 - January 24, 2004 Archives
  • It is especially effective for rough, blotchy skin.
  • Signs to look out for in babies or infants include a high-pitched moaning or whimpering cry, a blank, staring expression and pale, blotchy complexion.
  • Blotchy foot skin then develops with swelling, numbness, tingling, pricking or a wooden feeling in the feet.
  • crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous Full Circle
  • Failure to do so will cause an uneven blotchy appearance on your teak furniture after you apply the sealant.
  • An ultralight skin-resurfacing laser is then passed over the skin to tone down signs of blotchy sun damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his left shin there were two bruises, one a leaden yellow graduating here and there into purple, and another, obviously of more recent date, of a blotchy red — tumid and threatening. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • Virtually unrecognisable, her porcelain skin was made blotchy, her face puffy, her teeth misshapen and her lithesome figure bulged for the role in the small film that she produced and turned into a major hit.
  • Her face loomed over his - blotchy with tears, eyes swollen, hair bedraggled.
  • I have a big night out which means I'm looking for a facial that will leave me buffed and sheeny for immediate impact today, not blotchy and deep cleansed for lasting benefits tomorrow.
  • When choosing them, look for those with a blotchy yellow or orange skin and with a slight give when pressed.
  • crimping" - pins, the cold wait on the landing, the reluctant descent into a blotchy tin bath, and the effort to identify one's soap and nail-brush among the promiscuous implements of ablution. Tales of Men and Ghosts
  • Inside you can attempt to ponder the meaning of a millennium of art, from fat cherubs to blotchy irises.
  • I also find after prolonged exposure, my fingers become swollen, tingling and 'blotchy' (uneven colour with patchy redness). Tech Beat - BusinessWeek
  • I have never been regular, so it is not disturbing to find them light, blotchy and short-lived.
  • The skin was smooth, blotchy and traversed with varicose veins.
  • The thought of measles may bring to mind the red, blotchy rash that often accompanies this disorder.
  • My face red and blotchy, I leaned back in the seat, hiccuping now from trying to slow down the tears.

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