How To Use Blot In A Sentence
And if you ever attempt to go forth again to find out new wonders in the world, I shall clasp you round with my arms, as I do now, and keep you prisoner against your will; and if you say 'Farewell' a hundred times to me, I shall blot out that sad word every time with my lips, and put a better one in its place, until my word conquers yours.
A Crystal Age
Walls were blotted with absorbent paper before being lowered into the oil.
Die blote feit dat ek in besit is en aangehaal het uit Rubin se publikasie sou onder Apartheid beteken het dat ek self in die tronk sou beland het.
Perhaps you can recommend something for getting a blot off an escutcheon.
The solid marker was impregnated on blotting paper and then coated with cellulose.

I paid compensation and it was a blot on my character, but it was a one-off.
The whole page was blotted with fresh tears, and, upon the opposite interleaf, were the following English lines, written in a hand so very different from the peculiar characters of my acquaintance, that I had some difficulty in recognizing it as his own.
The Assignation
Thick cloud blotted out the view.
Only thing was, we were completely blotto by that point.
Also, don't get me started on the stupid jokey sublot about getting Kirk onto the Enterpires or the idiotic way he takes command of the ship.
How Now Brownpau
The mist hung in a sort of cocoon about them, blotting out the rest of the forest.
Barbara has memories of mischievous boys flicking bits of ink-soaked blotting paper at each other and shoving books down their trousers when they were to be caned.
One remembers the fellow visitor off to the right but cannot see them, as they are blotted out by the strobe's afterimage.
First of all, there is that ninth amendment "inkblot".
I think I've found the ultimate in anti-Palin gas-baggery.
However, after one or two days of use, especially with the screen on, will complete the evaporation process and the yellow "blotches" will disappear.
MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
observer" was quoted as saying John Terry was completely blottered and dancing like an "old dad" to Britney Spears at the Whisky Mint club.
Kickette Blog
Blots were dried and then autoradiographed for 5-15 days at - 80°.
By reason of which infirmity he was not able so distinctly and clearly to discern the points and blots of the dice as formerly he had been accustomed to do; whence it might very well have happened, said he, as old dim-sighted Isaac took Jacob for
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
It’s certainly more compelling than the romantic sublot between Claire and The Flying Puberty Case.
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Prof. SUTHERLAND: Well, they look very different, obviously, in that they are filled with blots, crossings out into linear insertions.
Manuscripts Suggest Jane Austen Had A Great Editor
Review of selected protocols from the Molecular Genetics Lab Manual (i.e., sample handling, a typical Southern blot protocol, a typical PCR protocol)
Laboratory Rotation
A little time to carry on this intrigue with the Frank, when possibly, by the assistance of this gallant, Alexius shall exchange the crown for a cloister, or a still narrower abode; and then, Agelastes, thou deservest to be blotted from the roll of philosophers, if thou canst not push out of the throne the conceited and luxurious Caesar, and reign in his stead, a second Marcus
Count Robert of Paris
His face was covered in ugly red blotch es.
My thanks are particularly due to my friend Miss Robbins, who has very kindly redrawn the occasionally rather blottesque figures of the first edition.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
four-o'clock tea" rather blotted out one of the prettiest features of the English tea, that of the graceful garment the _tea gown_.
Manners and Social Usages
Not only did you rob her of her bag but you injured her and the offence has left an appalling blot upon her memory.
My head reeled; white blotches burnt at the corners of my vision, threatening to occlude the sight before me.
To prevent water spots, blot dry with a chamois or a damp cellulose sponge.
Finally, you have assemblages of lines that do not draw anything, even cubes or triangles; and we are assured that there is now a newest school of all, called Orphism, which, finding still some vestiges of intelligibility in any assemblage of lines, reduces everything to shapeless blotches.
Artist and Public And Other Essays On Art Subjects
Neely's cartooning is light and breezy one panel (deftly evoking a cartoon-strip nostalgic past) and utterly terrifying the next, as the Blot and the unnamed character come to terms with one another.
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This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.
There are minimal white blotches and a smidge of grain in the transfer, but the colors are not as vibrant as expected.
Nor is there any effort from the so-called distinguished agricultural scientists, economists, and social scientists to come out with proposals to put an end to this shameful blot on the country's image.
Victorian outcry against what was termed 'a blot 'on the already rather shady' escutcheon 'of Australia, the immigration was stopped in 1868.
Town Life in Australia
The patient had purple blotches under his eyes.
You're on a quest to find something to blot out that pain.
The Sun
It can be recognized as oval to irregular spots or blotches with ash gray centers and the presence of black fungal bodies speckled over the lesion surface.
Crude synaptosomes (P2 fraction) from mouse hippocampus or cortex were solubilized and subjected to immunoblottings with the indicated antibodies.
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He turned over a matt black and white that had been lying on the blotter in front of him, and pushed it towards her so that she got the full impact of the divided face, the kecked nose and slewed eye, the mouth askew showing long, sharp teeth protruding over his lip on the right side, in a kind of snarl.
Bottled Spider
Its white breast was bordered by broad dark swaths and had a dark blot right in the center.
A tad more pressure, the paper blots, and the picture goes awry.
They also come with connection poles and cables as a further blot on the landscape.
Times, Sunday Times
The protein blot results for these high-expressing lines are shown in Figure 5B.
I wondered what had caused him to become so blotto and so enraged.
The absolutely lowest moment of the series was in, I think, an episode for which the title has been blotted out of my memory.
His nib catches the paper's grain and a small blot spreads.
But that takes sometimes a more sophisticated and -- pulling those stories together sometimes takes a bigger reporting effort than the blotter, which is an accurate way, but sometimes it's as it happens, we're putting it out and watching it develop.
CNN Transcript May 21, 2006
On his left shin there were two bruises, one a leaden yellow graduating here and there into purple, and another, obviously of more recent date, of a blotchy red — tumid and threatening.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
He wanted to blot out the memory.
The current one has been a blot on one of our most important monuments.
Times, Sunday Times
Images on the screens were often blotted out when people near the projector stood up.
Several have resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew, leaf rust, net blotch, Septoria, scald, spot blotch, loose smut, barley yellow dwarf virus, and barley stripe mosaic virus.
13. Other Cultivated Grains
He is an exceptionally cute, friendly and talkative young cat, with classic blotchy tabby coat.
It overspilled them and spread across the sky in flaggy streams which came together and formed a growing blotch of darkness.
The Waste Lands
Two pleaded guilty, and the third was convicted after trial, in a case that The Republican newspaper of Springfield described as a "blot on the whole city.
NYT > Home Page
I studied the few stars visible between the black blotches of cloud and smoke.
Fire The Sky
On the right, Inkblot, the master of sleep himself, is conked out on his favorite afghan, his preferred sleeping spot of the moment.
blots," on points are vulnerable to being hit and sent out of the game until a lucky throw of the dice brings them back in.
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The sky was a dome of darkness over their heads, the stars blotted out by a mass of thick, dark clouds.
The project revivified an unloved plot of sprawl, the kind of car-centered, nowhere space that blots the landscape all across North America.
Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
The samples were processed by immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting.
The Rorschach inkblot conceit used for the catalogue was, like the ‘Lost Formats’ issue of Emigre, so overstated and dominant that it crushed the content.
This simple papier-mache technique works on both colored and uncolored eggs - though we found that some blotching occurs on dyed eggs.
Schools of snappers and pompano blotted out the sparkling sun, while trevally and fusiliers whipped about in a frenzy.
I glanced from Madeline, blotchy and bitter, to Stephanie, with her peaches-and-cream face.
That she was not howled down is almost as disgraceful and yet another blot on the collective reputation of our MPs.
Times, Sunday Times
But I think that this is what keeps some people from going totally blotto, becoming real sickos.
The moist blots were wrapped in clear plastic film and scanned on a conventional flat bed scanner.
I even attempted panhandling once, quickly learning that when you are blotto it's difficult to shame ‘bus fare’ from uptight businessmen.
His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation.
At first it helped blot out the pain of losing my ex.
The Sun
Jackie Ashley points out that the coalition agreement states women's pension age will not begin to rise to 66 until 2020, ie after men's and women's pension ages were due to equalise at 65 This new pension benefits women, but has one big blot, 4 April.
Letters: Women who lost out in pension reform
ambiguous inkblots
Her skin used to be clear, but now it was blotchy and there were still a few nasty bruises on her bony legs.
Skin damage appears as dark blotches or shaded areas.
In fact, even using a handkerchief or a tissue at the table to blow, rather than to blot discreetly, would be offensive.
Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character.
And it has done it without being a blot on the landscape as it crosses a river and three peat bogs and cuts through a landfill site before squeezing its way past the town centre alongside a road, railway and canal.
I am so afraid that the fabric will streak or blotch!
The return to the ship involves a _bloto_ across the bay, with many misgivings as to the seaworthy capacities of the clumsy craft, but four bamboo safety-poles, fastened by forked sticks to the sides of the hollowed log, suffice to steady it enough to avoid capsizal.
Through the Malay Archipelago
Ryan puts the paperweight down on his desk blotter, moving his chair closer to put less distance between them.
The victory was to be further blotted when it later transpired that he had used a banned substance before the fight resulting to him being slapped with a six-month suspension.
Instead they would prefer to end up blotto at the end of the night.
unstructured inkblots
If you can blot out the racket, it is an unforgettable experience.
Looking up into the mid water region presented a warm green glow which modulated in brightness as the sun was blotted out by frequent clouds.
I first noticed the purple blotches on my neck on Thursday.
A little girl who was sitting in the row in front of me had lent me her copy of the play a moment before, and now, absorbed in Dr. Furness's argument, I forgot the book wasn't mine and began scrawling controversial notes in it with my very thick and blotty fountain pen.
The Story of My Life
Package holidays and ugly resorts have blotted the landscape and have put off richer buyers.
Times, Sunday Times
If there are none of the white blotches that mean hemorrhage, he begins an examination to diagnose stroke.
Their regulated breaths became shallow and rapid and wet patches of perspiration started to blotch their chests and their backs.
Other infantry commanders say their men have turned to drugs to blot out their traumatic experiences.
The Sun
Threatening them to be dumped from their trip if they get blotto presupposes their hearts can't be touched.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Rebirthing Birthright
The hill was blotted out by mist.
She sits down and blots her sweaty face with a clean towel.
Norman scoots behind the desk and glances down at the blotter, shuffling a few papers in his fingers.
The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape.
Oh! may we soon blot out the reproach which that neglect has justly rendered us liable to, since we abolished the novercal government of Britain!
Observations on the slaves and the indented servants, inlisted in the army, and in the navy of the United States.
Althouse: "Maybe yellow blotches, wrinkles, and phantom fetuses really get a pubescent neotenic mole salamander in the mood for love.
"Maybe yellow blotches, wrinkles, and phantom fetuses really get a pubescent neotenic mole salamander in the mood for love."
He put chips under it, blocks of various sorts, bits of pasteboard, and at last went so far as to attempt an exquisite adjustment by final pieces of folded blotting-paper.
It has been a rough offseason for the NFL, with many players showing up on the police blotters around the country.
Sculptured finishes may require use of a soft nylon - bristled brush in a rotating motion to get the detergent solution into all the crevices; blot up with absorbent cloth or paper towel, and rinse.
Dry your skin by blotting or patting, but don't rub - rubbing may cause damage.
Guston consistently seeks out the least degree of form that distinguishes a meaningless blotch of paint from something that reads as a definable object.
Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
Keep clean cloths nearby and blot away pools of stain that might be near the painters' tape.
Methods:Using digoxigenin-labeled probe, 75 sera of known or unknown etiology, and 17 blood donors were detected by dot blot hybridization.
He was hard at work on his magnum opus: a painting, six feet tall, of the Savior's slaughter on the cross, a feral Pollockian image simultaneously repelling and exhilarating; the colors clamored in crimsons and yellows, blacks and speckled, blue blots.
The tissue samples were rinsed in ice-cold normal saline and were blotted.
But three large spots "blotches" she had called them, disposed thus
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The only blot on his copybook was he did not score himself when his control failed him in a great position.
The Sun
All transformed cell lines were examined by Southern blot hybridisation.
I signed my name and blotted the paper.
The first thing that an American does on his arrival in St. Petersburg is to scan the foreign newspapers in the hotels eagerly for traces of the censor's blot, -- _le masque noir_, "caviare," -- his idea being that at least one half of the page will be thus veiled from sight.
Russian Rambles
Apply one layer straight from the barrel, blot with a tissue, then apply another.
Times, Sunday Times
Were I not persona non grata I would like to witness the classroom performances of these young professors -- chosen with owlish gravity by men who cannot write deer sur without the expenditure of enough nervo-muscular energy to raise a cotton crop, chewing off the tips of their tongues and blotting the paper with their proboscides.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 10
HPLC, stereology, confocal imaging, immunohistochemistry/immunocytochemistry, and other standard molecular biology methods such as Western blotting and RT -
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A normal ball python today typically sells for under $100; a "piebald" python — white with rare blotches of brown and green — can fetch $3,000.
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The more slowly I write,the more this pen blots.
Un Mauvais Quart d'Heure After Another I delicately removed a strand of still-damp waterweed from my sleeve and placed it squarely in the center of the blotter.
Sick Cycle Carousel
I was trying to blot out the pain and it worked for a while.
The Sun
A jewfish, six feet long and easily three hundred pounds, his blotchy hide mimicking the sun-dappled rock, pouting lower lip thick as Anna's wrist, lay without moving beneath an overhang of a coral-covered rock less than half his size, his wee fish brain assuring him he was hidden.
Excerpt: Flashback by Nevada Barr
Not cartoony ugly, like Basil Wolverton, but blotchy and smelly and decaying from the inside out.
Boing Boing: January 18, 2004 - January 24, 2004 Archives
He makes no blot who has no ink, Nor gathers honey who keeps no bees.
Others consider it a blot on the landscape that needs to be demolished.
Times, Sunday Times
In the Edinburgh University Library copy, it appears that a phallic symbol drawn on the king has been blotted over and has been transferred to the title page.
Thick white smoke blotted out the sun.
Using real-time RT-PCR, immunoblotting, immunostaining, and siRNA-transfection, the research team analyzed the association of GPC3 expression with Wnt and other growth signaling molecules in - latest science and technology news stories
‘It is a breach of faith with the world's poor, and a blot of dishonour on our international reputation,’ she said.
He rubbed a mixture of charcoal, calamint, water mint, and other dried herbs into his pelt to try to blot out the stench of the village, then toppled onto a pallet in one of the guest rooms to fall asleep within seconds.
No matter how painful it can be, it would be impossible to blot out my last memory of Sophie, standing on the far side of the room dressed in her school uniform.
It is especially effective for rough, blotchy skin.
Lysates from RGC5 cells were treated with peptide N-glycosidase F (PNGase F, for N-deglycosylation) or O-glycosidase (for O-deglycosylaton) without or with α-2 (3,6,8,9) - neuraminidase (sialidase), and Western blotted for optineurin.
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Then, dip the sponge into the glaze and then blot off all extra paint with newspaper or paper towels.
Signs to look out for in babies or infants include a high-pitched moaning or whimpering cry, a blank, staring expression and pale, blotchy complexion.
Two years after the peel, her skin looked like an elderly woman's, mottled with brown and red blotches.
I could actually feel my body prickle, my stomach grow knuckles and my skin start to blotch and swell.
By the time I reached the small town of Pinedale the blue sky had been blotted out by ugly, sulphurous yellow.
Reflecting on his now infamous appearance before the UN Security Council in 2003, former Secretary of State Colin Powell has referred to his act of WMD drumbeating at the time as a "blot" on his long record of government service.
Kevin Sullivan: Iran and the Imminent Threat Fallacy
The captain stared at the blotting-pad before him in a giant effort of concentration.
In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
At the period of the presumed date of this document blotting paper was unknown, writings being dried by means of a specially prepared fine powder called pounce, sand, or a powder containing fine crystals of metal intended to give an ornamental gloss to the ink.
The Detection of Forgery A Practical Handbook for the Use of Bankers, Solicitors, Magistrates' Clerks, and All Handling Suspected Documents
Immunoprecipitated pull down was verified by immunoblotting with anti-optineurin
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
But slavery was challenged from the very beginning of this country's origins as a blot upon the nation's moral character.
That's practically big enough to blot out the sun.
The Sun
To do this take a piece of jaconet and pin it out flat on the board, then evenly paste the back of the map with thin paste in which there are no lumps, and lay it on the linen, rub down through blotting-paper, and leave to dry.
Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
Blot the stain with a clean, white towel or terry cloth towel.
Reflecting on his now infamous appearance before the UN Security Council in 2003, former Secretary of State Colin Powell has referred to his act of WMD drumbeating at the time as a "blot" on his long ...
Kevin Sullivan: Iran and the Imminent Threat Fallacy
The air officer absently made a note upon his blotting-pad.
In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
A little colour also washes out of heavily toned prints, which should be blotted or squeegeed after washing, so the colour does not continue to bleed.
She is naked and drenched in sweat and saliva and mucus, her mouth is open, her face is blotched with purple.
An ingenious murderess decides to soak the blotter on her husband’s desk in hemlock, so he will be gradually poisoned as the hemlock leaches out and into his hands whenever he works late into the night. hemlock/Shakespeare
What’s My Name Again?
I was trying to blot out the pain and it worked for a while.
The Sun
The now derelict site, next to one of England's most treasured heritage sites, has been a blot on the landscape since the Jolly Boatman pub was demolished.
Rolling clouds of black smoke blotted out the sky while brilliant sheaths of flame slithered out of every window.
One eye, magnified, glared at her balefully over a rounded blotch of white where a cheek was leeched to the pane.
Then, too, every time we make a landing on an island, part of our strength, like water, soaking into a blotter, is absorbed in the men and materials that must be left there.
The Unfinished Task
We have discussed the inherent difficulty of Southern blotting above.
As an experience to blot out the horror of her discovery on Brynteg it had been blissfully successful.
There's not a lot of countryside where people can walk around here and these turbines would be a blot on the landscape.
Surface water will be absorbed into these ungrazed strips as into a blotter.
Times, Sunday Times
Kendall and his shadow blotted the tunnel ahead.
A few blots of cloud were on the blue morning sky, with light haze beneath.
She would show the glittering arch of her upper third, occasionally, and scrape it along behind the comblike row; sometimes a pinnacle stood straight up, like a statuette of ebony, against that glittering white shield, then seemed to glide out of it by its own volition and power, and become a dim specter, while the next pinnacle glided into its place and blotted the spotless disk with the black exclamation-point of its presence.
A Tramp Abroad
This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.
I want to do some Southern Blot, some PCR, run homology tests.
I agree the sublot about the racing between the old friends is fun, the way they get bounced around, with dust in their faces.
Friendly Persuasion - 1956
Is there no effacement for the stigma of slavery -- no erasement for this blot of shame?
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Thou wottest well that I am a man now shotten in years, who hath never been blessed with a son, a sight to cool his eyes; so I know that my kingdom shall pass away to the stranger in blood and my name and memory will be blotted out amongst men.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Once or twice she put her gloved hand up to her cheek and blotted a tear with her fingertip.
In place of the scaly discs there remained clear blotches of an achromic appearance.
The most complex of the large pieces incorporates frottage, seen as areas of a tiny dot-grid blotching the surface.
As the first African American person to attain the highest office in the United States, President Obama cannot afford to have ANYBODY with a smudge on their record (never mind a "blot").
Clinton again rips into vetting process
Her designer should have known that it was a bad choice for a dress to be seen on television and from a distance, though, because from a distance you can't see the subtle gradient that the red -- black creates ... it just looks like a big red blotch, which is why I thought it was ugly.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
It is broad daylight, and the Professor is peering through rain-soaked windows at towering black canyons so tall they blot out the sky.
Its back is dark with small, irregular, light blotches.
Radioactivity in blots was detected upon exposure to autoradiograph film.
Mrs. Siddons was a first state with the coveted blotted edge.
Avoid blots and erasures; they indicate carelessness or unbecoming haste.
And he blots his face now, to prove to us he is not oily!
The hill was blotted out by mist.
The period for which the flies were kept at 29° and the temperature at which the embryos were laid and incubated are indicated above the dot blots.
Overnight he had come out in dark red blotches.
He never bludgeons or scalps or scarifies; but serenely indicates, with the calm gesture of a superior authority, the defects and blots which mar perfection, but which the unthinking multitude ignores, or, at worst, admires.
Matthew Arnold
Pouring from the top of the candle flame, billows of black smoke blotted out many stars.
Then they both laughed before the senator signed the police blotter.
By the time I was done, I had ink blotches on my skin, and my hands and wrists were cramped.
All 10 samples that were non-reactive on repeat testing gave negative results on immunoblotting.
The presence of a dicentric chromosome was confirmed by Southern blot analysis of orthogonal field alternating gel electrophoresis gels.
Blotchy foot skin then develops with swelling, numbness, tingling, pricking or a wooden feeling in the feet.
Bork described the Ninth as an "inkblot" with an indiscernible meaning.
Where is the Ninth Amendment hiding?
Not one drop of saliva had found its way on to his green blotter.
This almost monochrome work ranges from black to gray-blue to white, with a few blots of red.
Eighteen candidate clones from the genomic library were digested with a series of restriction enzymes, Southern blotted, and hybridized with the same probe.
Take a look at the police blotters and crime reports in the papers.
A recent study which used the western blotting technique also showed an antibody against granulocytes in similar patients.
No one truly believes that ignorance of a word blots out knowledge of what that word represents, and in fact it usually works the other way - we know a concept even if we don't know the word for it. Top Stories
Some people can blush and pull it off, but I blotch.
Rather than employing digital trickery or using the old-fashioned method of re-editing, he elected to blot out the offending material by a huge red block.
In DNA blot analysis, no somatic or germinal transposition events could be detected from lines that carried Ac3.
Some episodes show hardly a scratch or blotch on the print, but some (especially ‘Heart of Steel’) have quite a bit of grain and fuzz on the picture.