
How To Use Blossom In A Sentence

  • There are drifts of feverfew, clouds of philadelphus, grasses whispering in the breeze, and everywhere the perfume of 1,000 blossoms keeping the countryside alive in the heart of London.
  • Fragrant blossoms like plumeria and gardenia are especially nice.
  • It was purfled about the rim of the soundbox with trapezia of shimmering mother-of-pearl, and it had a black strikeplate in the shape of a clematis flower, inlaid with multicoloured blossoms that were purely the result of an exuberant craftsman's imagination. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Other new ingredients were Agretti, corky-fruited water dropwort, bilwa or Belfruit, and squash blossoms. Weekend Herb Blogging Year In Review: Weeks 21-30, and a Recipe
  • Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
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  • What began as a university course blossomed into the experience of a lifetime.
  • Hayes, now a professor of film in New England, blossomed under the master's tutelage, producing crisp, witty dialogue, and for a while the two were close.
  • We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 
  • We just planted a blossom tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their blossoms encompass nearly the entire color spectrum and blooming times range from early spring to fall, depending on the variety.
  • This is where longtime friendships are fostered, where online acquaintances gather in meatspace, where rivalries and romances blossom. 7 Reasons to Attend Worldcon
  • When I went for my walk this afternoon there was still no sign of snow, though the drifts of fallen May blossom along the hedge bottoms kept my mind on the topic.
  • The "hundred flowers " had blossomed for little more than one season. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Only then can she appreciate Leopolda's definition of love as ‘brutalizing, a raw force, frail as blossoms, tough as catgut wire’.
  • Blossom wilt is caused by the same fungus that causes brown rot on apple fruits. The Sun
  • Along with taking herbs, inhale the relaxing scents of lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, bergamot, orange blossom or rose.
  • Fiery red blossoms float amongst olive green leaves that are heavily mottled with chocolate and maroon.
  • Everything grew at a huge pace - you could practically hear the fruit and blossom trees growing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • Whilst ornamental cherries produce no edible crop, the blossom of apples, pears, plums and damsons is usually followed by fruit worth harvesting.
  • At exactly eleven, the center forwards, Blossom and Veronica, began the bully-off. A Popular Schoolgirl
  • Tuleh's ruffled wrap dress has little circle prints, and Emanuel Ungaro's cherry blossom branches print shirt is very fashionable.
  • He was struggling so badly before that now, living in a shelter, he appears to be "blossoming," she said. The grinding reality of growing up poor
  • She could smell the pungent blossoms of the town's caragana hedges, for sure. The Doctor's Daughter
  • Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower.
  • You mean to say someone scooped this from off the floor of the labs and said, yes, this blue one here, let's see what sort of monstrosity it will blossom into if brought to term?
  • Evidently neither Bull Connor, the segregationist police commissioner of Birmingham, nor the merchants expected this quiet beginning to blossom into a large-scale operation.
  • Masses of pink light up shady places where the false dragonhead grows, and the jewel weeds are thickly hung with pendant blossoms of orange and pale yellow. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • We hear the blossoming couple also saw each other away from prying eyes this week. The Sun
  • Pure white blossoms can also be found in little clusters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
  • Jim sat down under a flowering tree in a patch of tiny white blossoms and faced the shimmering waters of the river.
  • Her dimpled smile is peach blossom in spring, her blue - black hair a cluster of clouds.
  • The sun is out, and he sees a ‘dazzling spectacle’ - a stand of apple trees in blossom.
  • Cherry blossoms were in full bloom while orchards started producing the fine small red fruits.
  • These creative young people are part of the vanguard of new talent blossoming in our midst.
  • Side by side they lay among the morning-glories, with the yellow blossoms of the hau dropping upon them from overhead, watching the motes of men toil upward, till the thing happened, and three of them, slipping, rolling, sliding, dashed over a cliff-lip and fell sheer half a thousand feet. Koolau the Leper
  • Her musical talent blossomed early.
  • Amy had a bower in hers, rather small and earwiggy, but very pretty to look at, with honeysuckle and morning-glories hanging their colored horns and bells in graceful wreaths all over it, tall white lilies, delicate ferns, and as many brilliant, picturesque plants as would consent to blossom there. Little Women
  • When we moved to a bedraggled wood 10 years ago, we were greeted the following spring by the exuberant golden blossoms of kerria.
  • The sun is extremely strong here, so we are thinking that a thin veiling of net might be advisable in the midday sun, to keep the blossoms and fruit from drying up, the skins thickening, blossom-end rot, etc. Backyard gardens
  • One particular plant of the zellernut type grown in one of my city lots during the last season was very well filled with pistillate blossoms and not one catkin on it, and still it ripened a fairly good crop of perfect nuts, where the nearest plants filled with staminate blossoms was at least 30 feet from it. Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. Battle Creek, Michigan, December 9 and 10, 1919
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • A cluster of blossoms, when the wind stirs them, shake out a kind of aeolian melody, and it was that which so entranced Ala a few moments ago. A Columbus of Space
  • Cold-pressing the fruit peel yields bigarade, the essential oil of the bitter orange; distilling the twigs gives you petitgrain; and the orange blossoms provide you with neroli. Orange Blossoms
  • Covered by an eggshell wash, through which blue painted lines form blowsy chrysanthemum blossoms. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • His career has blossomed and that has given him a certain elevated status.
  • The nurtured blossoms gave way to the electrified fence of the camel-racing track in the arid wilderness and then to seemingly trackless dunes like vast featureless waves frozen in motion.
  • We just planted a blossom tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used to be painfully shy, but now he's started to blossom .
  • WV: dinge -- Some of these cakes might be okay, if the cherry blossoms weren't such dinge. The Cherry (Blossoms) On Top
  • Apparently the pilot's reflexes left something to be desired and the hovercraft crashed side-on into a large rock, blossoming into a ball of flame.
  • The Meiguan Pass, known for plum-blossoms, is an ideal niche for appreciating wintersweets.
  • The hedges bowed to the earth under their weight of hawthorn blossom. Times, Sunday Times
  • My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms In the vineyards of Engedi.
  • Consider This: Squash Blossoms Whether sautéed, stuffed, baked or fried, squash blossoms are one of summer's showiest pleasures. A Flower to Savor
  • Animals could react, choose, migrate, adapt and give room for the blossoming of pseudo - Lamarckian evolution.
  • The trees were in blossom, each had barely budded individual fruit.
  • This is blossom wilt, a fungus that also causes brown rot of fruit. The Sun
  • As for Titania, she blossomed into a more mature woman, although her zealousness never fully died down.
  • In early fall, porcini mushrooms and zucchini blossoms are just such a pair.
  • Men do not actually "die of a rose in aromatic pain," though many may become uncomfortable and fidgety by sniffing delicious wattle-blossom; and one of the crinum lilies owes its specific title, (PESTILENTIS) to the ill effects of its stainless flowers, those who camp in places where the plant is plentiful being apt to be seized with violent sickness. My Tropic Isle
  • The Egyptian priests and rulers were often buried with necklaces of waterlily blossoms, for the lilies symbolized resurrection from the dead.
  • Arthur had made a fantastic "rockery" of skulls and shanks and ribs, and filled it in with earth, enough to furnish growth for trailing nasturtiums, whose bright red and yellow blossoms were strangely at variance with their sombre setting. The Second Chance
  • The girl inhaled a lungful of the sweet scent given off by the blossoms in the cherry tree hanging above her.
  • Elsewhere, again, might be seen the first awakening of this Maytime of the leaves, and those of an ampelopsis, a smiling miracle, like a red hawthorn flowering in winter, had that very morning all ‘come out,’ so to speak, in blossom. Swann's Way
  • If red roses are arranged with yellow roses or blossoms contain both red and yellow coloration, they express gaiety, joviality and happiness.
  • For blossoming from this scoundrel's chin was a hoary beard of such robustness and grooming that it called to mind a cloud brought to the shape of a man's face by the Lord himself.
  • There are six of them in total, one hundred and fifty foot tall totemic spires of Growth Bone, Calcine, and Blossom Glass, bedecked on all sides with terraces, platforms and loggias, sun-bleached and standing to attention like nine pins spilt upon the desert or deep sea hydro-thermal vents rising from unfathomed depths. Watchman: Babel Series Part One | SciFi UK Review
  • In the Crawford Market I had watched the florists at work tearing the blossoms from a kind of frangipani known as the Temple Roving East and Roving West
  • Among the creatures expected to blossom as a result would be the tiny water vole, whose populations were decimated by the introduction of the mink from North America.
  • 'Just some anemones, and liverleaf, and bloodroot, and maple blossoms, papa; but Christopher calls them all sorts of big names.' A Red Wallflower
  • Using the tilt of the Sixaxis, you stir the petal of a flower on the breeze, and as you touch other opening blooms on your way, your single pale curl is joined by gradually more colorful petals, eventually assembling the sort of floral cloud seen in artful visions of springtime cherry blossom breezes. Flower's Lawful, Logical Wind
  • At that precise moment, the tree seemed to blossom for the very first time.
  • I love the smell of orange blossoms.
  • They were passing through a grove of low trees now, with drifts of creamy blossom and the waxy green leaves of citrus trees.
  • When the air is so sweet with blossom and the beginnings of the evening dew you could almost drink it and believe it to be the best elixir known to Man.
  • Animals could react, choose, migrate, adapt and give room for the blossoming of pseudo - Lamarckian evolution.
  • This lucrative sub-industry has further blossomed in recent years due to efforts made by the wealthy founder of the Templeton investment fund, Sir John Templeton, to find harmony and consilience between science and religion.
  • Many people have developed online friendships and romances that have blossomed into offline relationships.
  • the flat petals of a pea blossom are alae
  • I used to know a man who had mugged up all the trees and plants, so that when you said to him, "What a funny juniper that is over there, with blue peach-blossoms on it," he would reply, "You mean the _Pyrofoliata persica corylus_," and explain how it was first introduced into England by JEREMY Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, 1920-04-21
  • The apple blossom is beginning to drop.
  • Their friendship blossomed into love.
  • Of course, some flowers are used for personal adornment, both the blossoms themselves and their essences in the form of perfumes.
  • And their friendship blossomed into something more. The Sun
  • There were winter flowering shrubs such as witch hazel, and arrowwood, which blossomed in spring and produced berries in the fall. The Roots of a Gardening Obsession
  • A project like this, because of the diversity and plethora of people who came and went, people who stayed and blossomed, people who stayed briefly and moved mountains by their presence, is complex and untameable.
  • Stop harvesting when leafstalks begin to appear slender and remove any blossom stalks.
  • Evidently, then, the calyx is a protecting covering for the other parts of the flower until blossoming time. The First Book of Farming
  • I remember lying in the medical tent, the English sister bending over me, and all I could smell was dogwood blossom. FOLLY
  • These can be blended in unscented toners or, for the best results, use flower waters such as Orange Blossom or Rose Water.
  • Here we chose a cherry with pale pink spring blossom, a welcome sight early in the year.
  • My brother tells me that during the hanami season, the sakura blossoms fall down like snow along this street.
  • Despite the age gap, romance blossomed.
  • It sports bright lemon-yellow blossoms with brownish colored centers.
  • Marri trees produce large amounts of blossom and nectar, and mature trees often have the very large hollows that are nesting sites for endangered species such as black cockatoos, western ringtail possums and owls.
  • Nyingchi in spring. The land becomes a sea of blossoming rape plants.
  • A row of cherry blossom trees blossomed soft pink against dark wooden stems.
  • Choirs" is so obviously in apposition with "boughs" in the line above ( "Upon those boughs which shake against the cold") that I wonder how anyone could think to take it otherwise than "I am now an old man who not so very long ago was much like a blossoming tree in whose boughs birds warbled sweetly. Letters to the Editor
  • Blossom with fragrant smoked joss - stick air, but its end mission, dedicate the oneself to you.
  • Their affection blossoms into love which is unfortunately unattainable.
  • Eclipse is the work of an artist who has blossomed into full maturity. Times, Sunday Times
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • The fruit trees began to blossom in March, I think it was, and there were new flowers every day or every other day.
  • The danger exists that universities will be so assimilated into society that we will no longer be the kind of collectors of talent that allow creativity to blossom.
  • It can withstand weeds, insects and a harsh climate, thereby producing blossoms one after another.
  • The lunch mural, for want of a better title, strikes an altogether different chord — that of an evacuated spring-blossomy babbling-brook alpine hinterland glorious people-scape, in which the principal technical challenge for the artist was to crank up the volume of the foliage and the foreground blossoms, whilst reining in the waters, because for obvious reasons the plash and gurgle of cataracts can be counterproductive at lunchtime. The Mural II
  • Beauty is but a blossom.
  • After the tuna tartare, I was presented with aji mackerel sashimi tossed in shiso blossoms.
  • Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.
  • The wisteria that grows over the façade may not be in full blossom, but the house is proving a draw. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slice each eggplant lengthwise twice from blossom end almost to stem end, making 4 finger-like slices attached at base.
  • The Flowering Cherry tree will blossom at this time of the year, each year, as a symbol of remembrance.
  • It combines saffron, musk and vanilla with bergamot, orange blossom, nutmeg, clove and iris to create a warm, woody, yet soft scent.
  • The idea blossomed into a successful mail order business.
  • The garden is resplendent with California poppies, blossoming artichokes, and, at its center, a ramada built with kiwi vines intertwined with willow and recycled wood.
  • Pink blossoms of carnation Dianthus imereticus, white-flowered perennial navelwort Omphalodes kusnetzovii and snow-in-summer Cerastium ponticum are suitable to rock and gravel in which they often choose to grow.
  • The valley was carpeted with azalea blossoms.
  • Take flower-de-luces, stalk, blossom, root, together; then decoct them over a slack fire; and with the liquid bathe your eyes several times a day; you will most certainly be cured of that weakness; but see that you purge first, and then go forward with the lotion. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • This under ripe onion is harvested green, when the puffballs or blossoms are blooming.
  • I love the palace gardens, taking walks to the pagodas, over bridges spanning lakes full of koi carp and under cherry blossom trees.
  • It includes notes of hesperidia with undertones of jasmine and chamomile blossom over a soft musk base note.
  • We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 
  • This ravishing city, seductively perfumed with orange blossom, is every bit as alluring as Spain's most infamous femme fatale.
  • There is the weigelia that Dorothy has in front of this house; and forsythia -- we forced its yellow blossoms last week, you know; and the flowering almond -- that has whitey-pinky-buttony blossoms. Ethel Morton's Enterprise
  • Many gardeners are familiar with forcing cherry, forsythia blossoms & and spring bulbs but you can add to this by sprouting wheat kernels in containers for a beautiful centerpiece.
  • To this can be added the fact that aikido developed and spread in Japan during an era of peace that later blossomed into a time of unprecedented economic prosperity.
  • On top of the buttery caramel notes there is a hint of orange blossom to cut the sweetness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her Maria blossoms and is by turns sweetly protective and vulnerable, generally very sexy and completely convincing.
  • I steal from dreams a pilferer who clings to vines of memory climbs again where blossoms sing – they seed a scent with redolent imaginings on which I feed Stealing From Dreams
  • By the time the frost arrived, his blueberries had already blossomed and had tiny leaves. Secrets of the Soil
  • The Organ Pipe cactus opens its blossoms only during the cooler evening hours.
  • They test and cross-breed vegetables for production of a greater yield, superior taste and sometimes a higher nutrient content and flowers for earlier and bigger blossoms or a stronger fragrance.
  • The storm destroyed many of the blossoms and rain forest fruits that flying foxes eat, forcing the bats to alter their normally nocturnal habits.
  • The arabis with its snowy blossoms is beautiful beneath the early tulips. Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
  • New tendrils and blossoms burst from buds on spring flowering plants.
  • Dowdy gets a makeover, becomes unrecognisably beautiful, love blossoms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
  • Stop sparrows and finches from shredding crocus blossoms by placing foil pinwheels - the kind sold for children's Easter baskets - every few feet among the flowers.
  • By the time we're eating platefuls of asparagus, the second sign of full-on spring has arrived - elderflower blossoms bursting out all over the elder tree.
  • This tea tasted of orange blossoms.
  • “We can take your toughest criticism,” Claire assured each camper at registration, where each received her room key, information packet, and a beautiful lei made of plumeria blossoms. The Aloha Quilt
  • The series received rotten reviews, then good ones, and the viewing figures blossomed.
  • Mildew in apples and gooseberries usually affects blossom and young shoots - cut off and destroy the affected shoots and blossom.
  • A clement breeze, overloaded with the scent of the chokecherry blossoms, eddied around me as I headed to the storage shed. Mercy Kill
  • There would he lay till they would him descry, spancelled down upon a blossomy bed, at one foule stretch, amongst the daffydowndillies, the flowers of narcosis fourfettering his footlights, a halohedge of wild spuds hovering over him, epicures waltzing with gardenfillers, puritan shoots advancing to Aran chiefs. Finnegans Wake
  • As romance fiction blossomed, a number of organizations and publications developed to serve it.
  • The feet were constantly caught and entangled in the long grass, that was parched in the scorching sun; the eyes were dazzled on all sides by the glaring metallic glitter on the young reddish leaves of the trees; on all sides were the variegated blue clusters of vetch, the golden cups of bloodwort, and the half-lilac, half-yellow blossoms of the heart's-ease. A Sportsman's Sketches Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume I
  • A woman born on the borders of an uneasy alliance of ages past between Tarahumara, Yaqui, and Pima, she was tall, almost willowy in the blossom of her youth.
  • There were also two orange trees, one of which always seemed to be in blossom or fruit, and a large Rose of Sharon tree with the big white flowers resembling white roses.
  • Consumers are seeking out specific specialty honeys, from delicately perfumed sage to citrusy orange blossom.
  • The apple trees are in blossom.
  • When Sulu crossbred a Klingon fireblossom with a Benzite dream-of-darkness, he called it an “Edith Keeler”—and gave it to his captain as a gift. Star Trek
  • The shopping retreat of another sector is lined with the florescence of yellow blossoms of kassod trees, which have the rare distinction of flowering in autumn.
  • Lifted from their debut EP, this minimalistic yet charmingly whimsical slice of lo-fi alt-folk opens with nought but a lone slappy bass riff and jerky surreal prose, before blossoming out into a cacophony of wondrous twangy noises, and ends up sounding like Badly Drawn Boy, Sufjan Stevens and a parliament of owls caught up in a weird feathery, beardy group hug, happily tumbling down an upwards escalator in slow motion. This week's new singles
  • Hopefully the tree will produce some blossom next year.
  • The blossoming of mathematics and astronomy was a natural consequence of this awareness.
  • But to quote the great lady - first you'll have to find your peach blossoms. The Sun
  • white blossoms with purple-laced petals
  • Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
  • These delicate blossoms are displayed to their best advantage by silhouetting them against a brick wall or a hedge of holly or yew.
  • In 1683, aged 18, she was married to Prince George of Denmark, a distant cousin, and their relationship quickly blossomed into one of lasting devotion.
  • We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 
  • Their blossoming relationship may now be hostage to how bloodily China handles anti-Chinese protests by Tibetans.
  • If the cherries are in blossom, you won't be alone.
  • The sun shone above brightly and the birds sang pretty songs from their places in the blossoming cherry trees.
  • I have again discoursed, and mingled my soul, with friends whose nobility of spirit honored the illustrious stems from which they sprang; but, like the blossomed bough torn from its branch, they are gone, and spread fragrance in my path no more. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Some fine examples of this included her cherry blossom jersey gown with appliquéd ribbon straps and a burnt sienna crocodile top with a tulip print evening skirt.
  • I comfort myself like this: although I am in the lowest place, seeing now flowers blossoming, I can always witness the romance when the petals fall down and fly in the wind.
  • Hopefully the tree will produce some blossom next year.
  • Pink spikes and white and vivid blue spikes; masses of brown and orange cups, like low-growing tulips; ranks of beautiful vetches and purple lupines; escholtzias, like immense sweeps of golden sunlight; wild sweet peas; trumpet-shaped blossoms whose name no one knew, -- all flung broadcast over the face of the land, and in such stintless quantities that it dazzled the mind to think of as it did the eyes to behold them. Clover
  • She was plucking its leaves with a tweezer, coaxing the potency into its blossoms. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS
  • Her images of frothy, blossoming, extruding, immaculate clouds appear to be records of marvels, but are, in fact, marvels themselves.
  • The juco transfer could have really blossomed into a special contributor after averaging a double-double in Big 12 play in his only season at ISU. Big 12 Conference
  • She had been big for her age then and over the years had blossomed into this gorgeous nymph of a creature. ICED
  • orange blossoms perfumed the air in the garden
  • Their friendship blossomed into true love.
  • Kristine's love for the outdoors blossomed when she was a guide for a group that takes teens on expeditions to places such as Mount Rainier in Washington. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • When the creature I now watched hovered before the blossom of a convolvulus whose calyx it tapped with a tongue shaped like a glass probe, it was almost invisible. Commonplace
  • The snowmelt left the area with healthy groundwater levels, and the warm days of last week prompted early-blooming ornamentals such as forsythia, magnolia, cherry and peach trees to blossom, producing rich vibrant color, horticulture experts said. The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA Homepage
  • The apple trees and cherry trees that he had planted were in blossom. The Crossing-Place
  • It boasts thermal springs, uncrowded beaches and, in early summer, a riot of crimson-blossomed pohutukawa trees.
  • And if the blossom should be blue as the camas, orange and spotted as the tiger-lily, yellow as the broom or all of these, is it any less beautiful?
  • It's the strawberry and citrus season, the almond is in blossom, the island is lush and green and there are few tourists.
  • The Comptonia or sweet-fern is in flower, the brown, catkin-like blossoms are nearly as fragrant as the foliage; it is the only fern we have with woody branches. Rural Hours
  • Also, tropical hibiscus can have blossoms of salmon, orange, yellow, or peach with double flowers.
  • On the desert floor all around us blossomed yellow desert dandelions and purple phacelias.
  • Its foliage is divine - tiny spirals of pearly blossoms with a heavenly scent.
  • Still I insisted, because when you buy a plant or a little sachet of seeds, what you really buy is the dream, the possibility of it growing and blossoming and making you feel so proud.
  • She spoke of you enthusiastically on both occasions, and I realised that what had started as an accidental meeting had blossomed into a rewarding friendship.
  • A flower that goes on blooming is stork's-bill, with its small pink blossoms and beaked seed-pods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Along the shore are ceiba and banana and ficus, and bright emerald clusters of sea lettuce (Chlorophyta), water hyacinth, giant mango trees, the fruit tree called poponjoche, and the bright-blossomed national flower, the Sacuanjocheink. Richard Bangs: Nic' of Time
  • The last of the ice was falling from the eaves, buds and leaves blossoming from the deciduous trees.
  • We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 
  • The branches greened, leaves sprouted, and blossoms sprung and turned into ripe apples.
  • Rather than flowers, the vaulted rooms have been filled with blossom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would you run tests on the cherry blossom of Japan? Times, Sunday Times
  • The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year.
  • Heavily perfumed nose, almost overpowering, with a dominance of apricot and peach blossom.

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