How To Use Blooming In A Sentence
Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar
The sweet peas just now started blooming, that is so late, even though they were planted mid February.
Wordless June Blooms « Fairegarden
Their blossoms encompass nearly the entire color spectrum and blooming times range from early spring to fall, depending on the variety.
For early blooming shrubs such as forsythia and viburnum, prune them as soon as blooms have passed.
The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun.
The Redemption of David Corson

We kept driving, past cedar thickets and a pasture studded with blooming prickly pear cactus.
Our nepeta is blooming too, funny how fast the flowering catches up from north to south.
Bee Speed « Fairegarden
Horae (Hours), and Eunomia (Order), Dike (Justice), and blooming
Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
Grass grew, foliage returned to trees' canopies, and blooming flowers proliferated.
I saw it over and over again, blooming bravely in dooryard gardens despite the sizzling heat on the rough, wind-swept prairies.
This afternoon, whilst I was chatting to an elderly couple who wanted directions to somewhere, my eyes wandered to the car park verge and espied a single solitary daffodil blooming in the late winter sun.
People often wonder what to do when tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, Easter lilies, and other spring-blooming bulb flowers have faded.
Swallowtails, cabbage whites, skippers, and orange sulphurs follow scent trails to the tiny patches of flowers blooming furiously in the middle of the city.
I followed his advice - and now, ten years later that hellebore is a fine, strong plant that is blooming as I type this.
For early blooming shrubs such as forsythia and viburnum, prune them as soon as blooms have passed.
Sacramento August 6, 2010 - Due to its potential health risks, federal, state, and tribal agencies are urging swimmers, boaters and recreational users to avoid contact with blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) now blooming in Copco and Iron Gate
Annuals, such as impatiens, coleus and begonias that are still growing strong can be encouraged to continue blooming with regular watering and feeding.
Local News from Tuscaloosa News
Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar
Shadbush/Juneberry blooming, Canada mayflower leaves up but no flowers yet.
Mixed bag
This is the time when the wildflowers are all blooming.
Wedding bells toll for first daughter
Other names for some of them include sarvisberry, shadbush or shadbloom (because blooming when the shad are running in eastern rivers), juneberry, and saskatoon.
Volunteer guides roam the greenhouses ready to answer questions about rooms filled with rain forest tropical plants, blooming orchids, aroids and gesneriads.
When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
After the arduous editing process, Lloyd himself ‘wasn't really in the best physical condition to turn round and start doing a blooming topical puppet show’.
Voice, shawms, and dulcians will bring to life the rarely heard music of early Guatemalan manuscripts, found in Bloomington's own famed Lilly Library.
A short distance away from the reds, a self-sown seedling that's blooming in white instead of red also looks nice between 'Hameln' and a baby sea kale:
A Study in Contrasts
The little auriculas are blooming in their cold frame.
Don't overlook summer-blooming callas, dahlias and cannas.
Flowers are blooming weeks earlier than usual with Castle Howard boasting daffodils, snowdrops, rhododendrons, azaleas and crocuses.
Plant late-blooming asters behind shorter perennials to hide the damage until they finish blooming.
The biological oases are open waters, called polynyas, where blooming plankton support the local food chain.
However, February is quite early for bergenias to flower, their blooming period is usually between March and May, so I remain optimistic that mine will prove their worth this year.
The two young gentlemen, having seen their blooming charges safely within the door of the Alms-House, and vainly endeavored to look through the keyhole at them going up-stairs, scuffle away together with that sensation of blended imbecility and irascibility which is equally characteristic of callow youth and inexperienced Thomas Cats when retiring together from the society of female friends who seem to be still on the fence as regards their ultimate preferences.
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 14, July 2, 1870
Consider a blooming bonsai, bougainvillea, daylily, or gardenia, or a citrus tree such as ‘Clementine’ tangerine, ‘Improved Meyer’ lemon, or kumquat.
There is a lot of blooming and shimmering of the whites in the picture, and definition and grayscale are lost in the darker scenes.
Clematis viticella ‘Etoile Violette’ is still blooming, the first flowers opened in July.
This under ripe onion is harvested green, when the puffballs or blossoms are blooming.
His arrowy glance discovers the "poudre de riz" on their blooming cheeks, -- the carmine on their lips, and the "kohl" on their eyelashes.
The steel is cast in ingots, and the ingots are rolled on a slabbing mill or a blooming mill into slabs or sheet bars.
And what that blooming garth of cheek enguards of rosy blee:
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The best bargains are cut flowers or blooming bulbs.
Times, Sunday Times
In the City of Elua, the revelry would begin in earnest that day, and by evenfall, the salons of reception would be overflowing in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers, as
Kushiel's Avatar
Which is what makes the floral dress a blooming fabulous approach to dressing in winter.
Times, Sunday Times
As with much of our flora and fauna, the white blooming gypsywort is a fascinating source of social history.
Times, Sunday Times
Bloomingdale's: Wagner of Switzerland Pen with built-in flashlight, blade, letter opener, nail file, clip, scissors, and screwdriver for $8.39 + $6 s&h (it says $13.99 but it falls to $8.39 after you add it to your cart)
Morning Deals - The Consumerist
Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar
Night blooming jasmine, orchids, garenia and frangipanni.
Archive 2008-06-01
The boutonnières, corsages and bouquet were all yellow roses, just blooming, to match the bridesmaids' gowns.
Everything was blooming and many local handymen, gardeners and maids were on the road.
More rhodora blooming in the wetlands, Canada mayflower actually flowering in May, even if not in Canada, some trout lily and trilliums.
Tuesday roadkill report
He revisited again, in thought, the blooming grove of Capreæ, the pageantries of Cesarea, the green lanes of Buckingham, the luxurious
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
Maybe the snowdrops will be blooming and temperatures rising by the time he returns.
The Sun
Haworth villagers are being urged to go blooming crazy to get the village in tip-top shape before judges arrive for the Yorkshire in Bloom competition.
A steel slab comprising the above constituents is produced by preparing the steel in a converter followed by either continuous casting or ingot making/blooming.
The fall blooming crocus add delightful lavender color to the duskier colors of turning fall foliage.
October Bloom Day-New Friends And Old-Blog Action Day 2009 « Fairegarden
The bigleaf and oakleaf varieties bloom on last year's, nonblooming growth, while the pannicle and smooth varieties bloom on this year's growth, so pruning the dormant stems takes careful examination before cutting back.
It is incontrovertibly a blooming great tune and it lies buried in the bubble wrapping of a botched piano concerto.
To Jules -- our most fragrant daphne shrubs are blooming as we speak -- a winter bloomer with the most gorgeous perfume ever -- it lifts my heart in winter while waiting for the Spring lift -- and I hope it will lift your heart when u may be grieving.
Paradis - French Word-A-Day
The snowmelt left the area with healthy groundwater levels, and the warm days of last week prompted early-blooming ornamentals such as forsythia, magnolia, cherry and peach trees to blossom, producing rich vibrant color, horticulture experts said.
The Tribune Democrat, Johnstown, PA Homepage
A similar brawl is taking place in the Ninth, a sprawling pie-shaped district that radiates from Bloomington to the Ohio River.
Races Test Democrats in Midwest
Tina gained admittance to Oxford, says the book, after she attended a "crammer" school designed to help late-blooming students pass university entrance exams.
Tina 'Turner
During the day and into their growth and blooming period they like temps between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Human relations do not always rely on meeting each other in person every day. When we talk about relationships between people on either side of the border, just a few thousand miles can’t keep love from growing and blooming into a beautiful bonding. Gulzar
Mine all petered out a while ago, even the allegedly everblooming ‘King of Hearts.’
November Dreams Bloom Day « Fairegarden
It is nature which appears to speak to us when she presents time-lapse photography of emerging seedlings, shots of swaying underwater flowers blooming or pinkish shots of the earth taken from space.
BLOOMINGTON -- A 16-year-old Bloomington boy remained hospitalized in critical condition Tuesday night after being run over by a van during what police described as horseplay with friends Monday in the O†™ Neil Park parking lot.
News from
A flower that goes on blooming is stork's-bill, with its small pink blossoms and beaked seed-pods.
Times, Sunday Times
A spray of green leaves embodies and radiates light against the relatively flat and abstracted background of a blooming meadow; shadows on the brocade reverberate with preternatural energy.
Spring-blooming wildflowers are the broad-leaved spiderwort, downy yellow violet, and hairy phlox.
We hie past looney bushes, succulents and desert annuals, blooming after the rains.
Richard Bangs: Following Brad and Angelina to Namibia, Part I
It is eerie green with blooming aurora; ripples of light play like piano keys above me.
Times, Sunday Times
Certainly it is the ambition of most philosophical systems to resolve the blooming confusion of the world into consonance.
Yet the showstopper is the most eccentric look: Mona Bismarck 's aqua green Balenciaga gown with sleeves of blooming pink petals from 1968.
Le Freak, C
Callista paused, and cocked her head to look at a blooming cherry tree.
Lots of apple trees blooming, the ornamental and the functional and the feral, more rhodora, and a good scattering of wild mustard in the fields.
Swallowtails, cabbage whites, skippers, and orange sulphurs follow scent trails to the tiny patches of flowers blooming furiously in the middle of the city.
There are two different types of fall blooming bulbs, colchicums and crocus.
In a couple of years my winter blooming heaths will be big enough that I will be able to use those in the wreaths as well.
I use perennial alpine pinks, biennial sweet William and self-sowing annual candytuft to edge beds of Jupiter's-beard and June-blooming yarrows such as pale yellow ‘Taygetea’ and ‘Moonshine’.
November 2005 began so warm that spring flowers were blooming and leaves were on the trees.
Times, Sunday Times
Inland, willows are budding and azaleas are blooming.
One of the least demanding of all perennial plants, irises are undergoing a radical transformation regarding color, flower form, and reblooming abilities.
The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated.
In the woods, the starflower is blooming and the flower known colloquially as Canadian lily of the valley or wild lily of the valley.
A song and an electrifying job
How can you be sure that it is not something that merely looks like the blooming Truth, walks like the Truth but is merely masquerading as the Truth?
Spring began very early: even at the end of February the fields were green, parks hastened to bedeck themselves in their leafy wings, the blossoms hastened to bloom and fall; the opening days of May saw fruit on the apple-trees; and prematurely ripe cherries were "hawked" in the streets, beside bouquets of late blooming violets.
Debts of Honor
During the performance, like are blooming, like colorful butterflies swirling.
Spring has come to Shanghai and we can again see flowers blooming and trees budding.
The sight that had arrested their attention was hundreds of the smaller squacco herons, standing-long necks curved into an S and long beaks poised to stab at fish-on nearly every single one of the sturdy lily pads that surrounded each fragrant blooming white flower.
The Plains of Passage
My viburnum shrubs, which were historically used to counteract negative magicks, are just about ready to burst into fragrant blooms; I'll bet by next week they will be blooming.
For permanent beds, the so-called hybrid perpetual or remontant roses, blooming principally in
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
Shadbush/Juneberry blooming, Canada mayflower leaves up but no flowers yet.
Mixed bag
This autumn, make sure you look blooming brilliant in printed midi dresses and ruffled blouses.
The Sun
Arnold's set presents an arid landscape studded with scrubby vegetation (love-lies-bleeding is a desert-blooming flower).
Times, Sunday Times
Will she fade after the brief blooming of a morning glory?
It was cool and fresh in the summer, the back yard blooming with wallflowers and purple bells.
We have perennial wallflower, fuchsias, lobelia, dahlia and sedum still blooming - the sedum looking particularly good with deep reddish brown flowers and yellowing foliage.
It goes very nicely with the dropwort, blooming at the same time too.
May Bloom Day-This And That « Fairegarden
A once-blooming rose with its extended flush of blossoms may work equally as well as a remontant rose under the same conditions.
They passed fields of blooming orchids, pink and white chrysanthemums, and dark red poppies, all swaying gently in the breeze.
He stands a blooming good chance of winning races outright.
The world of Holodrum is a land filled with season sensitive elements such as spring blooming flowers, snow covered caves as well as summer sapped shallows of water and pits clogged with autumn falling leaves.
In a blooming mill, a continuous-cast bloom is rolled into billets, reheated, and thereafter rolled and formed into various products in a steel bar mill or wire rod mill.
In fact, all her books grew, like a plant, from within outwards; they were born in the nursery of the schoolroom, and nurtured by the suggestions of the children's interest, thus blooming in the gar -
The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air
Blooming out fogs the screen by producing a temporary after-image.
Everywhere in the passenger decks were small vases of plastic flowers blooming brilliant colours.
Oh these blooming bones… They hurt with arthritis, especially when you fall, she thought!
The nature was beautiful, mountains, rivers, lakes and blooming Sakura trees.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - John Stocco threw for 304 yards and three touchdowns and P.J. Hill ran for 129 yards and three scores as Wisconsin routed Indiana 52-17 on Saturday. - College Football - Wisconsin vs. Indiana
Sin City is the very depth and form of pulp, a contrasty, blooming monochrome nightmare of the very worst of human scum.
The composition starts with a very short-lived whiff of something freshly floral the "night-blooming wildflowers from the Greek isles" perhaps.
Archive 2008-08-01
Outside • Fast-growing summer - and fall-blooming perennials such as asters, sedums, goldenrod and chrysanthemums can be trimmed back to prevent the - Articles related to Wolfson Microelectronics slumps after Apple iPhone loss
And she should think herself blooming lucky at that!
Step up your drink with blooming tea, a flowerful, delicious cup that is great to enjoy with your tongue and your eyes.
Monday, April 5, 2010 | Lifehacker Australia
The volunteer gardeners at St Leonard's Hospice are calling on fellow horticulturalists to help them make their plant sale a blooming success for our Hospice 2000 Appeal.
Each of the ingots was subjected to blooming into 155 mm square steel strips, and the resultant steel strips were subjected to wire rod milling.
What blooming awful weather!
Don't liger to gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep themselves blooming all you wall.
This autumn, make sure you look blooming brilliant in printed midi dresses and ruffled blouses.
The Sun
The goldenrod is a golden yellow, and the bright yellow Jerusalem artichoke flowers are blooming in great bunches along some highways. RSS
The tree of life design on the palampore in Plate VI, with branches blooming in an impossibly diverse and bizarre collection of flowers, is typical of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
I am sure it will be a blooming wonderful day and our life will keep on blossoming.
No blooming season is more redolent than spring, so it makes perfect olfactory sense to smell the flowers now.
Hybrid teas need to be cut back severely to promote fresh blooming growth; floribundas and grandifloras should also be shortened to about 18 to 24 inches.
Two Japanese yard-boys were trimming hibiscus, a third was engaged expertly with the long hedge of night-blooming cereus that was shortly expectant of unfolding in its mysterious night-bloom.
Brian studied his nephew's face, where the awful truth was blooming like acne.
It will no longer be ‘spooky’ if it is a spacious area of grass, flat or hilly, with flowers blooming everywhere and trees regularly planted in rows to mark out the blocks of graves.
He graduated from the University of Chicago and served in the Army from 1951 to 1953 before beginning his journalism career at the Bloomington (Ill.) Pantagraph.
North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.
Although people have commented that I look "blooming" - though this could be another word for bloated!!
Bumpsadaisy Diary Entry
The mixed pocket garden she designed to liven up the front entry pictured at left - filled with cool, soft purples and lemon yellows - is nearly everblooming.
The chamisa is already blooming in Abiquiu and the monarch butterflies are already migrating through here - they usually don't hit here until mid-September and the chamisa is 3 weeks ahead of schedule at least.
Tomorrow's Swift-Boating Of Obama, Today!
Blooming plants such as orchids and kalanchoe need more light than palms.
Collect seeds from any flower that has a visible seed pod, which becomes obvious as the flowers stop blooming and go dormant in summer or fall.
Some of it will be attached to green plants - this is a good time, for instance, to trim back heaths that have been blooming through the winter.
I saw how the fine form of man was degraded and wasted; I beheld the corruption of death succeed to the blooming cheek of life; I saw how the worm inherited the wonders of the eye and brain.
Callas sighted in the bog, chokecherries or black cherries blooming, more rhodora.
Tuesday no-roadkill report
Early flowering varieties have been blooming for a few weeks and their later flowering relatives will gradually join them.
E-card sites flaunt the day tempting the browsers to send wishes across to their pals for a merry season blooming with happiness.
When pregnant she was photographed at a premiere looking undeniably huge, but also beautiful and blooming.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, some are already blooming, such as my lavender and white penstemons, the dazzling pink and scarlet dianthus, and fragrant navy blue heliotrope.
Spring has come to Shanghai and we can again see flowers blooming and trees budding.
Red yarrow is blooming underneath, with rosemary on the left and calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ on the right in the background.
Butterfly Bush Standards « Fairegarden
Our electrically driven blooming mill, recently completed and now in operation, is the last word in equipment of its kind, has a rolling capacity sufficient to process our entire ingot production, and enables us to boast of an installation second to none on this continent.
The Sun Rises in the East
VAIL, Colorado - Plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides) and musk thistle (carduus nutans) are commonly seen plants that are currently blooming around Eagle County.
Vail Daily - Top Stories
A blithe [happy] heart makes a blooming visage.
Fall is the season to plant trees, turf grasses and spring-blooming flower bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocuses.
Back in England, the February weather had been unseasonably warm and mild, with temperatures in the mid-60s F. and narcissi and daffodils blooming in the garden of Gipsy House several weeks earlier than usual.
Strong plants of the everblooming or hybrid tea roses can now be had at very reasonable rates, and rather than go to the trouble of protecting them in the fall, many persons buy such as they need for bedding purposes each spring.
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
From the bosom of the light burst a jet of white fire, climbing, blooming in the night.
The view of the chambers was a village house that stood nearby, surrounded by, in spring, trees and flowers blooming in the orchard, which must have had a calming effect on the prisoners.
Spring brings more than half a million blooming bulbs, including daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips.
The fountain buddleia (also known as the alternate leaf butterfly bush) has long, arching branches that, when blooming, resemble a lavender fountain.
It starts blooming in midsummer with huge panicles of showy, white florets surrounding smaller fertile flowers.
A couple of houses down is a smaller, though simply charming home with blooming Carolina jessamine along the porch.
April Drive By Ootsing « Fairegarden
a bit of a drop-off to the next level, but there are still some potential gems to be found, including a pair of late-blooming, '81 birthdate Europeans in Bernd - Red Line Report draft rankings goaltenders
Thanks, whiterosebuddy,,,, by the way there's a white rugosa rose bush blooming a full tilt right outside by window as I type.
Obama Unleashes Wave Of Mailers Attacking McCain's Health Plan
In the afternoons, one can visit local gardens, play croquet, sit amidst the blooming azaleas, nibble on some Devonshire tea, and adamantly wish for a quick death.
Anything still blooming in a pot, such as impatiens, will make a good indoor potted plant for the winter.
Will she fade after the brief blooming of a morning glory?
Across the lawn, at the far edge, he came upon the hedge of night-blooming cereus.
Watching the hyper-rapid progress of digital cameras over the last few years has been like seeing a series of time-lapse photographs of a flower blooming.
Eat on the splendid terrace under the branches of plane, chestnut, maple, and acacia trees; the low stone walls are dressed with impatiens and hydrangeas (and the peonies were blooming in March).
There, near the pink parrot that refused to have his pictures taken, I met my first-ever blooming frangipanni tree in Vancouver.
Frangipanni & Leather
In front of the large shrubs are winter-blooming daphne and hellebores, ferns, ‘Pia’ dwarf hydrangeas, and a red laceleaf Japanese maple.
To keep them growing and blooming well into the fall they need some basic care and maintenance.
Our deciduous evergreens tamaracks, also called larch and hackmatack are filling in with fresh bright needles, some white water-flower was blooming spikes out in the bog, and white lady-slipper orchids bloomed right at the edge of the road.
Tuesday no-roadkill report
Mike was experiencing a serious conflict between his own deeply held beliefs and a blooming awareness that the real world might not conform to those beliefs after all.
Saw - tooth fretting on the rollers of Baosteel No.2 Slabbing - blooming mill influences slab and bloom quality.
Sometimes career growth means blooming where you're planted.
In the beautiful spring with flowers blooming, we set off for Yangzhou.
Then you should think about growing tall Mexican bluebells, ever blooming dianthus, sweet alyssums, multicolored pink and purple pentas, red jatropha, and yellow cassias for decor.
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Ordinarily that is an indication the offense is in full flower, blooming all over the bloody place.
In the blink of an eye, her ring collections jetted from the showrooms into the gleaming display cases of the world class retail merchants like Bloomingdales.
The dark interior scenes are particularly maddening, with dull red light, blooming lamp flames, and extremely poor shadow detail.
Which is what makes the floral dress a blooming fabulous approach to dressing in winter.
Times, Sunday Times
I grew up with the scent of fresh melons and tomatoes warmed from the sun, a variety of roses and flowers blooming during their time in the year, and the fragrances of the various seasons as they slid one into the other.
All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Women in Business: Fabienne Christenson of Possets Perfume
No matter how much you may think the world revolves around you your deaths will not stop it spinning, will not stop flowers from blooming or the sun from rising in the morning.
Gardener's notes: feeding your rosesRoses appreciate aspring feed and mulch, but the disease resistance and recurrent blooming of the English roses is enhanced by foliar feeding in the growing season.
National treasures: our English roses
There are flowers on the logo and flowers blooming in their corporate ad.
A happy heart makes a blooming visage.
Outstanding results lead to a plant blooming.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a global epidemic of obesity," said Richard DiMarchi, chair of the chemistry department at Indiana University in Bloomington and the study's lead researcher.
I bought two of the everblooming bleeding hearts last year but only one survived.
Monday Report « Fairegarden
Bloomington is a small town, and any whiff of scandal would torpedo the project.
We just stood there in the semidarkness of the back garden, with the smells of early blooming lavender, chamomile and mint filled the unusually warm air for late January.
Flowers are blooming weeks earlier than usual with Castle Howard boasting daffodils, snowdrops, rhododendrons, azaleas and crocuses.
Alternate with September blooming colchicum corms between the lady's mantle and it makes for a productive massing at the front of a border.
Suzy Bales: A Forgotten Bulb: Fool's Onion
For blooming in winter, start young plants in February, or cut back old ones after flowering, and keep growing but pinched back and disbudded, in partial shade during the summer.
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
Important September blooming flowers are phlox, Japanese anemones; perennial asters, or Michaelmas daisy, so-called because they are supposed to be at their best on Michaelmas Day, September 29th; helleniums, helianthus, hardy chrysanthemum, pyrethrum uliginosum, boltonia.
Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
It was a good little gate of white oak slats, built to last, like the old walk of limestone stepping-stones half buried in the sod, bordered with clumps of tansy and catnip and hoarhound, brightened by a great bunch of yellow chrysanthemums, so sheltered here on the southern slope that they were blooming still, like the artichokes that grew higher than her head by a porch corner.
The Dollmaker
On the crest of the hill is the rye, cut high on its blooming stem:
Songs of Ukraina, With Ruthenian Poems
These early-blooming little flowers with fluttery petals might also be called the butterflies of the early spring garden.
Swallowtails, cabbage whites, skippers, and orange sulphurs follow scent trails to the tiny patches of flowers blooming furiously in the middle of the city.
The liquid golden light of winter floods our flowering yard, perfumed by blooming narcissus, cymbidium orchids, Andean lilies, and others.
Mary Ellen Harte and John Harte: Addressing Climate Change: Vote for Green, Not Junk Jobs, in 2012
Flowering quince is Chaenomeles, that dense, thorny, spring-blooming shrub that comes in all those incomparably rich and tarty hot colors.
He was standing in the center of a beautiful garden boasting blooming lilacs and tulips lost in a tangle of exotic plants, fruits and vegetables.
A new shrub to our garden this year is the summer flowering Spiraea japonica Anthony Waterer which is still blooming here well into October.
In a roped-off corner of a San Diego street fair, with the odor of kielbasa and fried onions blooming in the warm mid-September air, about 80 girls sprawl like an occupying army.