
  1. stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate
    unions...have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the shipbuilders
  2. marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed
    bloody-minded tyrants
    bloodthirsty yells
    went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood
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How To Use bloody-minded In A Sentence

  • And all of them could be bloody-minded and contrary, helping you one minute but ignoring you the next.
  • I can't say what effects it had, because I didn't end up taking the stuff - in the end I'm too independent and bloody-minded to to want to have my thoughts and moods governed or ameliorated by a drug.
  • Every commercial breakthrough or rich, melodic offering has given way to a more bloody-minded - or just bloody - follow-up.
  • Discipline a key factor in this, and all the more important because other teams were clearly going to struggle for tries against such a bloody-minded defence.
  • People of this sign have real difficulty fitting into the established order and have a bloody-minded will of their own.
  • Everybody else accepts the decision. Why must you be so bloody-minded?
  • With a smouldering disdain which could quickly turn to bloody-mindedness, the rams kept their composure, even though the odd knobbly bits on their foreheads were all that remained of horns and pride. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • It's so relaxing to be in a world where things go as you want them to - real life today is so very bloody-minded.
  • bloody-minded tyrants
  • Meanwhile, he wages a low-level campaign of civil disobedience in the tax office where he works, destroying evidence of fraud - more, it seems, out of bloody-minded laziness than idealism.
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