How To Use Bloodthirsty In A Sentence
As the student's uniforms are traded for spears and war paint, the innocent boys devolve into uncontrolled, bloodthirsty hunters and ultimately, savages intent on killing the "beast".
Not that he was really concerned with the horrified reaction of the less bloodthirsty.
He's quite bloodthirsty, killing anyone who disobeys him and gets in his way.
Bram Stoker's original story focuses on the undead Count and his mortal rival, Dr.Van Helsing, who vie for the very souls of Lucy and Mina, the two young Victorian ladies the vampire would add to his harem of bloodthirsty brides.
Perhaps the goal was to show that a cultured and civilized man could be reduced to a bloodthirsty assassin in extraordinary scenarios.

Won't we make a bloodthirsty gang of roble ned men -- er, noble red men!
Frank Merriwell at Yale
They aren't bloodthirsty barbarians, they are people who believe that if a crime is bad enough then one can justify taking the life of the person.
The enemy would probably be bloodthirsty bandits just waiting to kill him.
She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
They hacked and sliced at one another till there was no meaning left, only a confusion of bloodthirsty syllables spelling out absurdity.
Of course, there will be those who say that the men involved were only doing their duty, that they were fighting an equally bloodthirsty enemy who neither gave quarter nor expected it to be given to them.
Most people would allow, though, that bloodthirsty material could be a catalyst in rare cases where very damaged children are exposed to an overload of vicious fantasy.
So why does he keep making movies about bloodthirsty loners out for revenge?
Mr Johnnie Walker, on the other hand, is a villainous incorporation of bloodthirsty evil as he murders cats, devours their hearts live and deep freezes their heads.
Another name glided into her petition --- it was that of the wounded Christian, whom fate had placed in the hands of bloodthirsty men, his avowed enemies.
There he was, one man, threatening to kill almost thirty hard, bloodthirsty outlaws?
You also wrote: "Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding.
The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
We are not the bloodthirsty killers the detectives would lead you to believe.
His career reflects the bipolar nature of the narrative arcs of the wrestling world where he made his bones with its heroic "face" and caddish "heel" characters, with their appeal to the kids who are the real fanbase, and to the more bloodthirsty adult fans who want to see a few faces get filled in.
The Rock is back with Faster and once again is underused
Fans of gloomy, bloodthirsty action movies will probably be entertained.
He was even more cruel and bloodthirsty than his father.
Not that people had much choice in the matter - bandits were ruthless and bloodthirsty.
Not that people had much choice in the matter - bandits were ruthless and bloodthirsty.
Behind both these minatory visions stands a bloodthirsty Father, damning and punishing.
= blónde female person blòodstained one word blòodthirsty one word blürred cf. cûred bŏard wooden, directors
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
This MMA is too much like a street brawl in front of bloodthirsty spectators to my liking.
Would You Buy a Bullet From This Man?
The text in firebrands is by SF author Pamela Sargent, who says of Angelina: “Even her husband, the amoral supercriminal called ‘The Stainless Steel Rat,’ is hard-put to restrain his bloodthirsty wife.”
2009 August « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
Every workplace or institution is full of politics and petty jealousies, that is human nature, but the sheer viciousness and bloodthirstyness of academia is astounding.
The Dangers (?) Of Academic Blogs
The music stopped for the Primary School who told the audience the real story behind Cinderella and the bloodthirsty Prince Charming.
What terrible tragedies have been enacted over the centuries in this battle between the weak and timid Fly and the cruel and bloodthirsty Spider!
There are lashings of bloodthirsty violence in the film, but plenty of pitch-black humour too.
A cafe owner vouches for them and they are freed, but it isn't long before they come face to face with the bloodthirsty robber and his hatchet man!
After all, the Bible contains both rather bloodthirsty works like the Book of Joshua as well as more irenic passages.
Please don't think me some bloodthirsty capital punishment cheerleader lusting for more female casualties.
In "Avatar, " the Na'vi are basically alien hippies; in "Aliens, " the titular creatures are remorseless, bloodthirsty xenomorphs.
The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature was an equally ardent opposer of the 1991 Gulf War, the 2001 U.S. war in Afghanistan, who predicted the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 who called the American president a "bloodthirsty wild animal" condemning both Bush and Tony Blair as "war criminals.
Jayne Lyn Stahl: Pinter
Kilmarnock fared little better as the match descended into a scrappy affair of bad passing, close marking and bloodthirsty challenges.
Even the oft-bloodthirsty critics, ever keen to bury a fledgling musical, are unanimous.
But if half of the electorate wanted this bloodthirsty jihadi annihilationist, then what led to all the unrest?
Post-American Presidency
Picasso collected African masks, Eisenstein filmed the bloodthirsty gods sculpted by the Aztecs.
Thanks, however, to DeCandido's ability to brew up credible and intriguing politics on both the large and small scale, and his proven talent for fast-paced narrative and incisive characterization, Enemy Territory manages to aquaplane over the absurdities of its premise and deliver a package of absorbing, high-octane, bloodthirsty fun.
May 31st, 2005
The film is a little bloodthirsty sometimes during the battle scenes.
When you're not underwater, coat yourself in deet or be eaten alive by bloodthirsty blackflies.
I made a flip suggestion to some of my bloodthirsty friends yesterday.
The regime was mercilessly brutal and bloodthirsty.
Snow wolves were vicious, bloodthirsty wolves that roamed the forest.
You are being so bloodthirsty, so ruthless, and you are much too strong for your age and training.
But she may very well have had an arrangement with the renegades to lure a victim into the Basin; and then, untrustful of their bloodthirsty instincts, had fled with her prize to the Hole, so that he might be put to ransom.
Bloom of Cactus
The Conquistadors abolished cannibalism and human sacrifice, wars to obtain sacrificial victims, and the panoply of bloodthirsty gods.
Stromata Blog:
Showing that some of those killed were even more bloodthirsty than their killers is no extenuation.
Contrariwise, people who defended the British treatment of the Boers justified it on the grounds that the Boers were a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians who would quickly re-enslave the Africans if they got the chance (which, in fact, happened).
Matthew Yglesias » Israel Deserves Better Defenders Than Andrew Roberts
Rarely has the true face of our bloodthirsty, dishonest and hypocritical rulers been revealed so clearly.
That, or the sheeple are actually just bloodthirsty kleptofascists, in the same mold as those who rule over them. Enemy of the State « Blog
Nay, surely even Professor Virchow's "dearest foes," the "plastidule soul" and "Carbon & Co.," have more to say for themselves, than the linguistic accomplishments of Balaam's ass and the obedience of the sun and moon to the commander of a horde of bloodthirsty Hebrews!
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Often regarded as a bloodthirsty dictator, he was later valued for his social ideals of reducing inequality and ensuring work for all.
Prager's courage also reflects another value we should applaud, which is compassion. bloodthirsty calls for Bernie Madoff's head, the utter lack of compassion, the refusal to reflect on whether our wealth-obsessed culture has any responsibility to bear in this affair,
InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
“natural selection” obscure the fact that the idea of the web of life (expressed in less pugnacious and bloodthirsty language) replaced old notions of interre - lationships by design, and provided a basis in evolu - tionary theory for modern ideas of ecology, the biotic community, the biocenose, and its fashionable and contemporary theoretical expression, the ecosystem.
It's actually less offensive for Williams to imply that our Founding Fathers were terrorists than it is for him to put them on a par with the bloodthirsty, unevolved barbarians who took over Iran in 1979.
Reluctantly instead he turned south down the Indus and, in some of the most bloodthirsty campaigning of a gory career, overwhelmed various tribes.
Driving his bloodthirsty hordes ever forward, the Dark Lord began scouring every single dimension, leaving no stone unturned.
She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
The country's military dictatorship is a repressive, democracy-crushing, bloodthirsty, murderous bunch of thugs.
It is an unspeakable act of violence carried out by unspeakably nasty vicious bloodthirsty thugs.
They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.
Our view of the Vikings is bloodthirsty men who raped, pillaged and plundered.
You are being so bloodthirsty, so ruthless, and you are much too strong for your age and training.
Such cannibalistic behavior has fueled the squid's reputation as a bloodthirsty sea creature.
The ermine, or stoat, is a bloodthirsty little villain.
Janey Canuck in the West
They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.
Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.
The film's basically a non-stop bloodthirsty assault on humanity, and as such it's consistently unsettling.
It is an unspeakable act of violence carried out by unspeakably nasty vicious bloodthirsty thugs.
The battle scenes are suitably bloodthirsty and chaotic, but they are balanced by scenes of self-justification and soul-searching.
The soldiers surrounding him had seemed to know little more than he, but gradually the word trickled back that a small but fanatical band of xenophobes had infiltrated the colony and were killing every thranx in sight as well as any visiting humans who tried to interfere with their bloodthirsty spree.
The violent, bloodthirsty gang who are holding him are notorious throughout the criminal underworld.
For instance, the pirates are not the bloodthirsty savages characterized by most films in this genre.
With a silver breastplate stuck full of arrows and the roars of the bloodthirsty pagans turned to weeping and conversion.
Another name glided into her petition — it was that of the wounded Christian, whom fate had placed in the hands of bloodthirsty men, his avowed enemies.
Thus, Anselm's God is not an arbitrary monarch or a tyrant with no accountability and with a bloodthirsty desire for punishment or payment.
Heavily fortified, the impregnable harbor is guarded by the bloodthirsty Cazalla, a favorite commander of the Spanish king himself.
Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton: Book summary
In the Egyptian tale, he greets the ogress and, because of the way he does this, she hides him to protect him from her bloodthirsty son.
I am not a bloodthirsty killer, but neither do I deny that the ultimate goal of a hunter is the death of an animal.
Why do you hunt?
NORTH DAKOTA NOT TECHNICALLY A STATE - North Dakota, that sparsely-populated bastion of meth and roadside Native American tchotchke emporiums that mostly serves as a land buffer between us and the bloodthirsty, war-crazy aggressors in Manitoba, is still technically a territory ... or something.
HUFFPOST HILL - Debt Ceiling Transforms Everyone Into 3rd Graders
Via a bloodthirsty class warrior Democratic flack: "A real estate lawyer, Cantor earned the nickname 'champion of the overdog' in the General Assembly for legislation such as a bill to give fuel tax refunds for pleasure boats.
HUFFPOST HILL - CBO Shocker: American Jobs Act *Won't* Ruthlessly Exterminate Small Woodland Creatures
bloodthirsty yells
Even allowing for these excesses, the most serious problem with the novella lies in its bloodthirsty ending.
It takes on corrupt media moguls, bloodthirsty generals and self-serving politicians, as well as an uncaring public.
The bloodthirsty Beck clan wants him dead, even if they have to extract their revenge right there in the courtroom.
Able, ruthless and bloodthirsty, Ahuitzotl doubled the size of the Aztec empire and is once said to have ritually slaughtered twenty thousand prisoners at a reconstructed teocalli, or sacrificial "god house.
Aztec Hamlet: the tragedy of Moctezuma 2
The Vikings had a reputation for being bloodthirsty and cruel in an age that was itself hard and accustomed to cruelty.
In addition to these social and economic difficulties, El Salvador alsofaces the problem of being "mexicanized," that is, a prolong assaultbya bloodthirsty alliance of the dope-dealing and human smuggling lumpen class with theelements of the localbourgeoisie and withUS imperialists to wreak havoc and carnage on society with the ultimate end of the seizure of state power for a death squadregime similar to theonethat rules Colombia.
El Salvador's new FMLN government will face tough problems exacerbated by the world capitalist collapse
Via a bloodthirsty class warrior Democratic flack: "A real estate lawyer, Cantor earned the nickname 'champion of the overdog' in the General Assembly for legislation such as a bill to give fuel tax refunds for pleasure boats.
HUFFPOST HILL - CBO Shocker: American Jobs Act *Won't* Ruthlessly Exterminate Small Woodland Creatures
The violent, bloodthirsty gang who are holding him are notorious throughout the criminal underworld.
The tolas converted Lord Rama into a psychopathic, bloodthirsty god.
He acquired a reputation for being bloodthirsty and ruthless, to go with his reputation for cunning.
They are part of a village that is being plagued by wild and bloodthirsty wolves.
Until Victoria's reign, Vikings were portrayed as bloodthirsty and violent.
He exhibits a reserve, diffidence, and even bashfulness, which is in some degree attractive, and leads the observer to thinly that the ferocious and bloodthirsty character imputed to the race must be grossly exaggerated.
The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
I've seen complaints about the level of violence and it is indeed staggeringly bloodthirsty.
As Von Trier was crapping his pants, he continued to look over at Kirsten Dunst, who squirmed uncomfortably while Herr Director stumbled on about his respect for the fuhrer, the demon that most people consider the most abhorrent, bloodthirsty fiend of the 20th century.
Michael Seitzman: Lars Von Trier's Real Dogma
Bloodthirsty, conscienceless killers leaving a trail of bodies behind them as they worked their dark magics?
Earl of Durkness
They jibber-jabber about democracy, human rights, the rule of law, accountability, transparency and the rest of it, but will gladly hold hands with bloodthirsty African dictators and walk down the primrose path to maintain their oil, mineral and military strategic interests.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Why Do Things Always Fall Apart in Africa?