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How To Use Bloodlust In A Sentence

  • Or was it just a matter of the soldiers running out of control, fired by bloodlust and not behaving like human beings any more?
  • As you'll soon learn, an exponential increase in strength and effectiveness is best met with restraint and caution, not bloodlust.
  • A stiff ride on the flats along a creek-bed exhilarated him and sharpened his bloodlust.
  • For his part, Satou-sensei, progeny of the powerful Nosferatu Red Angel, has never "partaken" of the student body, in fact, he has defended them from the zombies and bloodlusts of other vampires. Mania News Feed
  • The driver let out a terrifying cry of bloodlust.
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  • She completely fails to query whether or not this competitive bloodlust is something we as a society want to encourage.
  • Maybe it's meant to raise your bloodlust, but Daniel didn't get swept away.
  • Nothing will sate their bloodlust and hatred other than to kill everyone of us or at least die trying.
  • He had witnessed firsthand Anakin's descent from a level-headed commander to a warrior drunk with bloodlust for some time now.
  • We know what kind of music he listens to, how he uses jokes to lighten tough situations, that he's a movie nerd, that he eats ALOT, that he's dependent on his family, that he's loyal and and only becomes a leader when there is no one else that can take over (Whenever there's another hunter besides Sam around, Dean let's them take over, like John and Bobby and GORDON (in bloodlust) ... etc). Interviews Eric Kripke | the TV addict
  • She saw the expressions on their faces, hungry and full of bloodlust.
  • We instead reared up on our hind legs like a wounded animal and began thrashing about, enraged and unhinged, stoking bloodlust and fear.
  • But, the pro forma nature of Brooks’s bloodlust is a good thing. Huckabee (!) Carries Iowa Immigration Patriots; Ron Paul Asleep
  • My fear turned to malice, and my breathing became quicker as my bloodlust deepened.
  • After his memory is erased, the song is gone as well, but the bloodlust is a deeper part of him as he immediately takes the life of another victim in Montauk. Top 10 Movies Ruined by a Female Presence » Scene-Stealers
  • I would have broken eye-sockets, rib cages, kneecaps and then some, such was my rabid bloodlust.
  • Federico Luppi, Cronos (1993) Debunking that most enduring vampire cliche, Guillermo del Toro's chilling masterpiece manages utterly to desexualise its antihero's bloodlust with extraordinary results. The 10 best screen vampires
  • However, and this is where war and crime seem to be one and the same thing, there will always be moments in the heat of battle when rules are forgotten and bloodlust takes over.
  • That, perhaps, was the most insidious element of Cheneyism, with its push to vocalise bloodlust and irrational vengefulness and make it part of everyday political discourse. wiley Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Real Torture Debate
  • Despite himself, he looked back and saw the form of a large dog crossing the river, eager to reach him, bloodlust shining in its canine eyes.
  • She completely fails to query whether or not this competitive bloodlust is something we as a society want to encourage.
  • If hunters are going to use beastliness to justify their bloodlust, they should also support going back to the good old days when we put pigs on trial for stepping on mice.
  • Their free-time hobby and part-time moneymaker was a company called Bloodlust. BREACH OF DUTY
  • There is a certain grim logic in going from one kind of bloodlust in war to another in addiction.
  • Despite careful breeding, not all hounds will chase a fox or show bloodlust - the penalty for this is to be shot by the hunt.
  • If some of this makes "Eclipse" sound talkier than it is (i.e. quite talky and sometimes pleasantly so), the production, under David Slade's workmanlike direction, takes several time-outs or time-ins, depending on your bloodlust level for bluntly efficient if familiar battles. 'Eclipse' Makes 'Twilight' a Bit Brighter
  • You look like a cat sighting a bird, all aquiver with bloodlust. Cool your temper.
  • He might be an evil, undead fiend whose rapacious bloodlust terrorised Europe for centuries.
  • But at the end of the day you have to justify your bloodlust.
  • The hero is the agent of horror and bloodlust and revenge.
  • We find ourselves in the midst of a civil war ruthlessly prosecuted by protagonists whose bloodlust knows no bounds.
  • Play through 10 thrilling stages as both Lawrence Talbot and The Wolfman and experience the brute strength and insatiable bloodlust that launched a legacy of horror!
  • Tomes have been written on how, in late 18 th-century France, an effete and ineffectual monarchy was replaced by the tyranny of the sans-culottes and the bloodlust of the Committee for Public Safety.
  • He rejects empiricism, reason and logic for a primitive bloodlust that can only be described as barbaric.
  • In what can only be described as a pasty smorgasbord of angst, bloodlust, and infinite consumer tie-ins, the Torontoist
  • It's seems that only in their flaccid middle age that they got inspired to bloodlust and glory.
  • Sectarian bloodlust is difficult to stop, and only the Iraqis can stop it. Leaving Iraq
  • They are dim with bloodlust, blind with hate and mired in contrariety. How Do Y0u Solve A Problem Like Sharia
  • Venom began to glow an unnatural green color as the room seemed to darken and time slowed as Bloodlust joined her sister with her own inhuman red illumination.
  • Whilst the narrator poses questions to himself and the viewer, the nature of death, bloodlust and voyeurism is brought home.
  • Tomes have been written on how, in late 18 th-century France, an effete and ineffectual monarchy was replaced by the tyranny of the sans-culottes and the bloodlust of the Committee for Public Safety.
  • It chittered contentedly, its hunger and bloodlust sated. Who's There?
  • Thrall: I don't know what's come over you and your men, but this bloodlust is a liability that I can't afford.
  • Inventively enough, smaller bits of story pop in like a comic book panel, giving another perspective on how hard the enemy is scrambling to end Shank's bloodlust, which is something I couldn't get enough of. Gaming Age Online | Videogame News and Reviews
  • Ursus nodded cheerfully, his expression miraculously purged of any bloodlust. Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
  • Any intellectual who didn't manage to flee into exile was killed during his bloodlust.
  • My tail lashed from side to side as I began to feel the hunger and bloodlust of the panther rise to meet my own senses.
  • This new wave of bloodlust, it occurred to me, is more a result of feeling helpless, than of anything rational or reasonable.
  • So speaking in cinematic-comic terms, are you the Mel Gibson of the foursome -- and to what do we attribute this funny bloodlust? The 'Riffs Interview: 'CYANIDE & HAPPINESS's' Dave McElfatrick tackles visas, viscera & American humor
  • Sweat and spittle flew as the Serpent-Men cried out in bloodlust, every individual more than ready to do battle.
  • Mail umn edu sneak is talkily new, but tenderizer to nymphalid furring to your drawl and crenelle mexico is forte on the bloodlust. Rational Review
  • This season doesn't do much to satisfy the audience's bloodlust.
  • The only difference is now another family (the executed offender's family) has to grieve for the death of their family member too. what you refer to as bloodlust and hatred, others call justice. mike h from Edmonton, Canada writes: No matter how many more millions are thrown at trying to The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She had grown up hating her husband's bloodlust, and no one doubted murder when he shot her during one of his hunting trips.
  • John Doe from Canada writes: james c from Canada writes: what you refer to as bloodlust and hatred, others call justice. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed

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