
How To Use Bloodletting In A Sentence

  • Change will not come from recalling the bloodletting that Americans have engaged in. Obama's Inaugural Address: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • Both societies have a mixed history that included periods of peaceful, cooperative politics and periods of violence and bloodletting.
  • As the crime wave continues with little let-up in the senseless bloodletting that has engulfed the country, many people are politicising the issue.
  • EWS carried out further bloodletting by sacking senior employees, but has acquired a new chief executive.
  • The bloodletting at the organisation, which employs 6,000 people across the country, follows a report which was highly critical of the corporation.
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  • Tragic as all this violence and bloodletting is, even I am starting to have trouble distinguishing these reports from one another, day after day.
  • Yet when the film ramps up, with the underlying percussive score beginning to race like a thumping heartbeat, it explodes in an all-out orgiastic bloodletting intercut with a joyous dance sequence.
  • Someone must stop it, someone has to, or it shall all end in a violent storm of bloodletting.
  • The poles are a hangover from the days when barbers doubled as surgeons and carried out bloodletting.
  • Then, your doctor might have recommended such treatments as bloodletting or taking dangerous doses of sulfur and mercury.
  • Sure, they showed division, open animosities and public bloodletting.
  • Catherine de Medici, the mother of the Catholic king of France, Charles IX, had arranged for her daughter Margaret of Valois to marry the Protestant Henri, King of Navarre, a union that might heal France by ending the bloodletting between Christians. Bloodlust
  • Bloodletting is not to be used, except the patient's body be very full of blood, and that it be derived from the liver and spleen to the stomach and his vessels, then [4379] to draw it back, to cut the inner vein of either arm, some say the salvatella, and if the malady be continuate, [4380] to open a vein in the forehead. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In order to curb the nationwide bloodletting, Annan convened a series of meetings between President Kibaki and Odinga which would become known as the Kenyan National Dialogue and Reconciliation. Kenya’s Coalition Struggles to Fulfill Peace Accord
  • Luckily for the authors, and now for readers, Norm Rubenstein championed the book and helped to convince Larry Roberts, the head honcho for Bloodletting Press -- winner of this year's Specialty Press Award at the Bram Stoker Awards -- to consider it for publication. Rabid Reads: "Ouroboros" by Michael Kelly and Carol Weekes
  • The legacy of the bloodletting is a deeply flawed democracy that has been unable to keep Iraqis safe. News -
  • Certainly, Labour frontbenchers say that once the scale of the budgetary bloodletting is made explicit, they will have their best chance yet to win back disgruntled supporters. George Osborne's talk of percentages and billions will wash over most of us
  • The Tea baggers can beat their chests and crow all they want about the "hugeness" of their movement's big victory, as Paul boasted last night, but all it portends for the party in November's midterm elections is Republican-on-Republican bloodletting. Andy Ostroy: To Know What Rand Paul's Victory Means, Look to Pennsylvania 12
  • But the range of surgical expertise dealt largely with the surface of the body: for example cautery, bloodletting, and draining boils and abscesses.
  • In ancient Greek history, bloodletting was practiced according to the humoral theory, which proposed that when the four humors, blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile in the human body were in balance, good health was guaranteed.
  • So, while the primary focus has shifted from mother Kate, the evening still retains an aspect of ritual bloodletting, which makes it all the more complimentary that the stripped setup never feels 'barebones'. The Music Fix
  • Zina Saunders It's hard to deny the virtues of this approach: It does not overcommit the West, either militarily or financially; it stems the bloodletting even if it doesn't halt it; and it asks the Libyans to win their own freedom. Libya Isn't 'About Regime Change'
  • The AMS blamed PM Allawi for what it characterized as the bloodletting in Fallujah: "The interim Government of Prime Minister Iyad Allawi bears full legal and historical responsibility for the war of annihilation Fallujah is exposed to today at the hands of the occupation forces and militias of some parties in the interim Government. Archive 2004-11-01
  • South America grew more dystopic, indulged in orgies of pointless bloodletting. Matthew Yglesias » Carter on Gaza
  • ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name
  • EWS carried out further bloodletting by sacking senior employees, but has acquired a new chief executive.
  • Mafia bloodletting is rare, generally confined to squabbling godfathers in the provinces.
  • The prevailing emphasis on the significance of inflammation as a sign of disease, for example, led to the widespread use of depletive or antiphlogistic i.e., antiinflammatory measures such as general bloodletting. The Mad Among Us
  • There are medieval scenes of bloodletting, and of doctors cauterising patients' piles, polyps, and even cataracts (ouch).
  • For those who can still put two and two together, the Ft. Hood killings look like the beginning of a long term bloodletting in our country, an unnecessary travail we will be forced - Articles related to Gandhi, State Dinners, and the Global Family
  • The perpetrators of genocide were no different from those who did not participate in the bloodletting.
  • Bloodletting is an effective treatment for haemochromatosis, the effects can be monitored by testing transferrin saturation and serum ferritin, and the treatment can help to prevent serious complications of the disorder if diagnosed in a timely fashion. Stuff And Nonsense
  • But industry watchers believe the bloodletting isn't over.
  • From bloody coups to tribal and religious strife, that country hardly enjoys more than a few months without bloodletting and political convulsions.
  • Today, many medical practices such as bloodletting are no longer used.
  • And so by the last reel of the film we're waiting patiently for the two main characters to meet for some major bloodletting.
  • Walter Bruel would have a practitioner begin first with a clyster of his, which he prescribes before bloodletting: the common sort, as Mercurialis, Montaltus cap. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Any number of homemade traps and snares were primed at any one time, carefully crafted in his toolshed with top-quality materials, and placed with due care by spirit level and theodolite in the garden for maximum bloodletting.
  • For example, one practice he claims increases longevity is bloodletting, which is regularly donating a significant amount of blood to get rid of excess iron in the body. News
  • And the surreal and brutal slaughter, violence and bloodletting equals the Crusades.
  • “A sharp rise in bloodletting between Shiites and minority Sunni Arabs has raised new fears of a slide to all-out civil war.” Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 10, 2006
  • It's going to be one of those elections that 10 to 15 years from now people look back and point to as a midterm bloodletting," said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the Washington-based -- Top News
  • From bloody coups to tribal and religious strife, that country hardly enjoys more than a few months without bloodletting and political convulsions.
  • There has been a health care crisis since we were bloodletting.
  • But, unplanned, they can also trigger a bout of internal party bloodletting.
  • If you're not willing to take a stand on this important theological question, then you're totally not invited to the inevitable intermural bloodletting after the post-election schism. Dem Pollster Gives Obama Double-Digit Lead In Wisconsin Primary
  • The movie contains scenes of violence and bloodletting.
  • Physicians helped the patient either by raising the body temperature with drugs to help ‘cook the ill humor’ or by assisting to expel it through bloodletting, purges or laxatives, emetics or pukes, and sudorifics or perspirants.
  • The movie contains scenes of violence and bloodletting.
  • They will be hoping to choose a candidate early in the primary season, and with limited bloodletting.
  • But the repertoire of the curandero did not belong exclusively to the realm of the supernatural; most healers combined these practices with the standard therapeutic techniques of the day, such as bloodletting, purging, bathing, and massage. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Going by the rage and anger that the assassination has sparked, the world should brace itself for more violence and bloodletting.
  • His latest thinking, indicative of much more bloodletting, is spelled out in a brief commentary he just fired off to his newsletter subscribers. Dan Dorfman: Will the Real Economy Please Stand Up?
  • Joining her was mezzo-soprano Jane Henschel, with a delightfully oleaginous rendering of Clytemnestra that brought the bloodletting adulteress to new heights of malevolence. 'Elektra' Electrifies in Madrid
  • I won't go into the commercial bloodletting that followed.

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