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How To Use Blooded In A Sentence

  • They said he was a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him.
  • He was a red-blooded assistant bank manager.
  • Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
  • Fish are amphibian bearcat animals that are about ectothermic (previously cold-blooded), covered with scales, and able with two sets of commutual fins and several unpaired fins. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • No matter what flag-waving, hot blooded xenophobic ‘patriots’ will tell you, one person alone will never be able to change history.
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  • Whales are mammals - warm-blooded, air-breathing creatures - but they spend their entire life in the ocean.
  • Several blooded animals take this sleep, such as the pholidotes or tessellates, namely, the serpent, the lizard, the gecko, and the river. crocodile, all of which go into hiding for four months in the depth of winter, and during that time eat nothing. The History of Animals
  • Infrared sensing pits enable them to hunt at night, when warm-blooded mammals are easier to find.
  • A typical meat-eating animal welfare advocate is personally responsible for the slaughter of twenty-two warm-blooded animals per year, 1,500 in an average lifetime.
  • They are endotherms, or warm-blooded animals, generating their own body heat, and they can finely tune the thermal, water, and chemical balance of their bodies from minute to minute.
  • What you hate most in your partner is that the person is ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.
  • Angelina evidently has all the attributes hot-blooded males around the world seek in a woman too; so Darwinism was always going to be present in that delivery room.
  • That commitment to full-blooded performances is what keeps the play consistently new, says Kate.
  • Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
  • Her musicality shines forth in her lyricism and she made an enchanting peasant Giselle and an ethereal but warm-blooded spirit.
  • At the time I was outraged, and I can still feel anger about that cold-blooded viciousness.
  • It was a cold-blooded and brutal murder of people who were running away.
  • A jury in Canada has found three members of an Afghan family guilty of drowning three teenage sisters and another woman in what the judge described as "cold-blooded, shameful murders" resulting from a "twisted concept of honour". 'Honour killings': Canadian jury finds Afghan family guilty
  • Butterflies are cold-blooded and bask in the sun to raise their body temperatures.
  • He's gone out of his way not to mention his blue-blooded carousing, because he knows it would make the average citizen puke themselves into a coma, and one side-effect of this is that he seems shifty and suspicious. Birthday Boy
  • It seems that these sentiments aren't echoed by all of Australia's red-blooded men.
  • But Bush actually backing up that blueblooded entitlement in a real, honest-to-god, ‘broken nose, pissing blood, requiring multiple stiches’ fight? Matthew Yglesias » Bush As Crank
  • All keen chaps, veterans of the Iraq or Bosnian thing, hot-blooded the lot of them. CORMORANT
  • But several hunts organized by the city government over the past months turned up empty-handed, apparently since cold-blooded reptiles are not very active during the chillier months.
  • He's really a wildlife photographer; to get his shots, he turns into an adventurer who has learned much about reptiles - snakes being his favorite cold-blooded creature.
  • It was a cold-blooded brutal killing, carried out in a busy town-centre street at 3pm on a Thursday afternoon.
  • There are certain acceptable levels of enterococci, the bacteria found in the poop of humans and warm-blooded animals, and when those levels are exceeded, that's when you see the "no swimming" warnings go up. That repulsive unflushed toilet? Better to swim in it than in the Chesapeake Bay
  • Even with the occasional glamor and glitz of Chasm City's environment, and the unmistakable steampunk and William Gibson references in visuals and invention, the overall sense of doom and the obviously cold-blooded souls of the main characters would get to anybody (there is not a single good-natured human being along the way). Alastair Reynolds "Chasm City" and "Revelation Space"
  • What red-blooded male could resist such blandishments?
  • The IOC's executive board is meant to endorse candidate cities in May next year, opening the way for a full-blooded assessment, including visits by an evaluation commission.
  • Experts are agreed that full-blooded market reform is the only way to save the economy.
  • Charles, "would he say," the thin-blooded wand of forty years ago in a brocaded waistcoat and a pair of dancing-shoes seeking his way through a labyrinth of demoniac trees, shivering half with cold and half with terror like a _forcat_ from the _bagne_ of Doom Castle
  • Their confrontation was a bruising, full-blooded affair. The Sun
  • Have you ever noticed how, both in life and in corporations, one small piece of economy with the truth, often leads to full-blooded deceit, and then a copperbottomed southern-fried lie? Lehman Brothers; The Bank with Integrity, and Shameless Fraud
  • Rabies is endemic in the majority of warm-blooded mammals in Thailand, including rats and mice, cat's favourite prey.
  • Experts are agreed that full-blooded market reform is the only way to save the economy.
  • The cold-blooded murder galvanized the public AND the authorities.
  • It might have been an alluring sight for red-blooded male fans but it was too much for the ECB. The Sun
  • In the midst of battle he finds a 'coldblooded' anger that leaves his mind clear. Times, Sunday Times
  • One interesting revelation that Stone includes is that Morales 'blue-blooded predecessor barely spoke Spanish, which helps explain why Morales and politicians of his ilk have come to power. Dan Lybarger: DVD Review: South of the Border
  • He's just your average 25-year-old hot-blooded male.
  • They would talk about it as if it was a calling or a vocation rather than a cold-blooded act, and that was tough. The Sun
  • But until Friday, nobody had seen what Bill Cox and his co-workers saw — something with a devilish underbite, sinister eyes and a cold-blooded appetite. Aligator Found in Chicago River « Skid Roche
  • He was a very vulnerable hard-swearing, full-blooded agnostic, or possibly an atheist.
  • This production of Bizet's hot-blooded opera is to be sung in French with English surtitles and features a new set by Felix Bessonov based on the city of Seville.
  • They blooded some new players and over the season they provided some wonderful entertainment and brilliant football.
  • Did nobody tell them that they are cold-blooded reptiles before they wasted the cost of a helicopter? The Sun
  • A calendar that will go in many a hot-blooded male's Christmas stocking this year features 18 women from Gardiner Security's head office in Rochdale.
  • He did what no red-blooded man needs lessons in doing.
  • Popular British and Australian historians have savaged the commanders at the Dardanelles as cold-blooded murderers.
  • The judge said it had been a terrifying cold-blooded attack. The Sun
  • Leaving aside the debatable claim that a child may be traumatised by being blooded, hunting harms no-one.
  • full-blooded Native American
  • The Canadians had been blooded in a failed raid further up the coast at Dieppe in 1942, which cost 3,000 casualties.
  • He's just your average 25-year-old hot-blooded male.
  • This whole emotion-based sports phenomenon goes right to the heart of any red-blooded male.
  • Having had the most blue-blooded ladies of the capital cooing upon his heroic chest, having completely beaten up, with the full support of the law, whosoever of lesser rank attempted to cross his path or refused him the salute -- having had "great fun" saluting generals on _les grands boulevards_ and being in turn saluted ( "_tous les générals, tous_, salute me, Jean have more medals"), and this state of affairs having lasted for about three months -- Jean began to be very bored (me _très ennuyé_). The Enormous Room
  • Yukawa's partner is a rookie cop, Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Kou), a hot-blooded woman with a strong sense of justice.
  • The coldest-blooded amongst us, Mr. Massingham of _The Nation_ for example, must confess that it was a moment rich in the emotion which bestows immortality on incident when this son of a village schoolmaster, who grew up in a shoemaker's shop, and whose boyish games were played in the street of a Welsh hamlet remote from all the refinements of civilization and all the clangours of industrialism, announced to a breathless Europe without any pomposity of phrase and with but a brief and contemptuous gesture of dismissal the passing away from the world's stage of the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns -- those ancient, long glorious, and most puissant houses whose history for an æon was the history of The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • There is, in my mind, something uniquely amoral and corrosive about this kind of coldblooded infliction of pain.
  • Barack Obama is different, not a political practitioner, really, but something else, and not a warm-blooded animal but a cool, chill character, a fish who sits deep in the tank and stares, stilly, at the other fish. Obama and the Debt Crisis
  • Staffed by blooded veterans of the Clinton years -- from the "war room" in Little Rock to the impeachment hearings in Washington -- the Gore campaign is outmaneuvering and outmanning a Bush campaign that sometimes seems to be run from a cigar box in the back of the old family store. The Heat From Gore's Kitchen
  • Experimental psychologists have demonstrated that a wide range of warm-blooded vertebrates, from parrots to bonobos, evince surprising antecedents of human linguistic capacities.
  • Smaller and warmer-blooded nations able to work harmoniously and more responsively in a radically changing world might pull of a truly edifying World Expo in 2020, one that the muscle-bound giants will never imagine, let alone create. Bob Jacobson: Can the US Get Back the Needed Moral Authority to Host a 2020 World Expo?
  • The GOP are calloused, cold hearted/blooded, and cruel. King: Uninsured 23-year-old battles leukemia, medical bills
  • Truly cold-blooded animals like lizards, newts, turtles, and crocodilians, which are superabundant farther south are missing, he said.
  • a topsy-turvy society of lowborn rich and blue-blooded poor
  • Strip away the façade, though, and he is just a coldblooded butcher. The Sun
  • Crocodiles are cold-blooded creatures, and they keep their temperature constant by basking in the sun and staying in the water at night.
  • No red-blooded reporter from the American steno pool would pull a stunt like that.
  • I fancied that they traveled in a long train behind their blue-blooded lordling.
  • The good doctor was breast-obsessed and assumed any red-blooded man was likewise. Any Woman Can « Awful Library Books
  • But the cold-blooded insects were force-feeding him with the jail's evening meal - yuck!
  • She was very conscious of her blue-blooded upbringing. The Sun
  • The laughter was long and loud, the jokes full-blooded, and the criticism personalised and offensive.
  • I wanted to know because I'd found the cold-blooded list of war damages Marcel had claimed from the Ministry for Reconstruction. WHITE LIES
  • Did nobody tell them that they are cold-blooded reptiles before they wasted the cost of a helicopter? The Sun
  • When given a picture of a triceratops and told it was a dinosaur, the children correctly inferred that it belonged to the cold-blooded class of animals.
  • Healthy, fit, tanned, good with their hands - a hot-blooded Viking could come across and pluck me from the office any day.
  • None of that opposition is going anywhere, and because millions of people turned out and actually voted to endorse what's going on, at least we might start being full-blooded in our response.
  • Not so long ago it was fashionable for extravagant whiskers to adorn all red-blooded males. The Sun
  • As for the enemy soldiers, they were either harmless boobies or cold-blooded psychopaths.
  • This powwow is also one that requires 1/4 native blood quantum (at least one full blooded indian grandparent) for dancers. March 20th, 2009
  • Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.
  • According to the curator of the project, combining these images with Latino rhythms makes for a hot-blooded mix.
  • A jury on Sunday found an Afghan father, his wife and their son guilty of killing three teenage sisters and a co-wife in what the judge described as "cold-blooded, shameful murders" resulting from a "twisted concept of honor. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Penn's Dodson, for one, argues that if the big sauropods were warmblooded, "they would have had to stay out of the midday sun to keep from suffering meltdown": sunshine plus its huge internal furnace would have given the beast heat prostration. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • McCoy could never let go of his view of Spock as Vulcan, because as far as the large-hearted, overly-emotional McCoy was concerned, Spock's "cold-blooded logic" was a character flaw. Lance Mannion:
  • When CBS announcer Gus Johnson used the phrase "cold blooded" to describe Washington guard The Seattle Times
  • When the carrier insect feeds on a warm-blooded animal, the eggs hatch and the larva penetrates the skin.
  • It dissects (a shade too scientifically and cold-bloodedly at times perhaps) the sentiments and emotions associated with attack and defence; the impulses that eventuate in heroism; the alternating super-sensitiveness and callousness of the nerves; fear and the mastery of fear; the 'hope deferred that maketh the heart sick'; the devious stratagems of the terrible 'cafard' (blues). The Jervaise Comedy
  • Though officially this was a full-blooded hunt, in reality it was little more than a glorified pony ride in the country.
  • This production of Bizet's hot-blooded opera is to be sung in French with English surtitles and features a new set by Felix Bessonov based on the city of Seville.
  • The most cruelly-worded, cold-blooded, data - backed denunciation, using every needlesharp descriptive usage in the book (you more than most will recognize that sense of a job well done as 'publish' is pressed), is delivered with so much more ooomph when delivered with good nature, (despite the rage and contempt experienced while concocting the venom-tipped arrows). Farewell Bill Deedes
  • Haaland was by now playing for Manchester City, and towards the end of a full-blooded game with United Keane launched a vicious, thigh-high assault that left Haaland writhing on the ground and Keane receiving another red card.
  • Zach: Warm-bloodedness is polyphyletic and is found in two broad classes, mammals (modified in bats) and aves. A New Book
  • The prodigiously gifted character actress Margo Martindale Million Dollar Baby heads up the clan as Mags Bennett, a marijuana queenpin who seamlessly slides between warm-hearted affection and cold-blooded murder. Cheers & Jeers: Justified's Great Big Bads
  • It's warm-blooded, endoskeletal, and mam-malian-a pseudo-marsupial, really-but it has a lot of legs and a magnificently extrudable whip of a tail, so the spider image sticks. Passage at Arms
  • The cold-blooded taking of life that has so traumatised the people of Norway and the whole world is evil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judge described him as "a cold-blooded killer".
  • It was like I'd been blooded on my first hunt, and survived with honor. GO!
  • Tall, mature, single, blue-blooded aristocrat, seeks tall, mature foxy lady who loves dressing in furs.
  • Remarkable results, no doubt, but does resveratrol work in warmblooded furry animals? Can We Slow Aging?
  • If you look at all the warm-blooded vertebrates, we've all got roughly the same life span.
  • One suspects she'd be happier with a more hot-blooded lover, but where could she find one?
  • The wild-dog was maturer than Jerry, larger-bodied, and wiser in wickedness; but Jerry was blue-blooded, right-selected, and valiant. CHAPTER III
  • You've made it very clear you believe a teenager could commit a cold-blooded murder.
  • Chances are you had no idea one of the most cold-blooded, ruthless murderers in Canadian history was committing atrocities in your own back yard.
  • It is unconscionable to think that people are dropping like flies on Syrian streets, the injured are hiding in private homes to avoid capture or cold-blooded murder, the funeral procession are being shot at with many killed at a time they bereave the dead, the detained are tortured and many die and are buried in mass graves, yet the international community seems only willing to extend words of comfort. . . Notable & Quotable
  • Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.
  • It's 16 million years after dinosaurs roamed the earth, and warm-blooded creatures are wandering round the tropical jungle eating bugs.
  • One species of bacterium sickens cattle, for example, while another attacks frogs, fishes, and other cold-blooded animals.
  • The worst is simply cold-blooded murder. The Sun
  • Through the closes the wind ever stalked like something fierce and blooded, rattling the iron snecks with an angry finger, breathing beastily at the hinge, and running back a bit once in a while to leap all the harder against groaning lintel and post. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Tall, mature, single, blue-blooded aristocrat, seeks tall, mature foxy lady who loves dressing in furs.
  • Still, bears are warm-blooded mammals and thus are more similar to humans than are cold-blooded reptiles like the alligators.
  • The cold-blooded little tramp shacked up with that guy there!
  • The other students looked down their noses at them, especially the ones who came from so-called blue-blooded families, families who were able to trace their lineage back to the Pilgrims, families like Grandma Olivia’s, Daddy’s mother, who ruled over us like a dowager queen. Music in The Night
  • THEY are the devoted couples who would do anything for each other - including cold-blooded murder. The Sun
  • Marty is a cold-blooded killer with a warm heart and a vulnerable ego.
  • But little children who are so filled with anger and fury that they commit cold-blooded murder are not the products of a healthy upbringing.
  • ‘A pure blooded one of the Folk,’ she shook her head and muttered as an aside into her lavish robes.
  • Greenhouse gases are pushing up temperatures, forcing the cold-blooded reptiles to spend more time hiding in cool spots. The Sun
  • Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.
  • There is something cold-blooded and hard-hearted about so much mainstream news reporting.
  • How does being warm-blooded help mammals (including humans) to survive in both very cold and very hot places?
  • It emasculates the good old red-blooded, heterosexual Kiwi male.
  • The sound of the Zehetmair Quartet - refined, lean and coolly transparent - isn't obviously suited to full-blooded romantic works like the quartets Schumann composed in 1840.
  • He has had girlfriends and he's certainly a red-blooded male. The Sun
  • This is not an action of the Resistance, but cold-blooded murder in the service of rotten political objectives.
  • Epistemic standards have a strong normative dimension -- we use our standards of rationality and reasonableness to guide, evaluate, and criticize reasoning, both our own and that of others -- so here the label ˜normative™ applies in a very full-blooded sense. Relativism
  • Hers is a body which every red-blooded male cannot fail to have noticed.
  • The people on the street have to be able to understand the emotions that were unleashed in this country by those acts of cold - blooded murder.
  • The Jews, like the Negroes, whom this mania often drives to crimes against womanhood, are equally abnormally full-blooded. . . A Renegade History of the United States
  • And by the way, let me beg you not to call a TROTTING MATCH a RACE, and not to speak of a "thoroughbred" as a "BLOODED" horse, unless he has been recently phlebotomized. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The Archaeopteryx was warm-blooded, about the size of a dove. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The full-blooded approach nearly paid off on 10 minutes. The Sun
  • Sword blooded, blood up, he took to battle like a veteran — brave in attack, careful in defense, brilliant in difficulties. The First Man in Rome
  • Reptiles are cold blooded scaly creatures like snakes, lizards, crocodiles and turtles, who are all descendants of the primitive reptile.
  • This was a brutal and cold-blooded killing.
  • This is as lavish as off-Broadway gets, with David Gallo's cubistic set, Mark Dendy's hotblooded choreography and a terrific band led by Stephen Oremus, all marshaled by Barre into a crescendo of debauchery and death. The Two-Party System
  • Fans of the warm-blooded guys don't need to worry though since there seems to be plenty of shirtless Jason (Ryan Kwanten) and Alcide (Joe Manganiello) coming up, too. True Blood Trailer: First Look at Season 4
  • Fish are cold-blooded, that is they are unable to maintain a body temperature different from that of their surroundings. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Their eggs are large, green, and poisonous to warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans.
  • Keeping a constant body temperature is the most serious challenge facing warm-blooded mammals in an aquatic environment.
  • If it fell in the known range of temperatures of a warm-blooded animal, the vinchuca might as well try for a meal.
  • Vampire bats are found across Latin America and feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals such as birds, horses and cattle.
  • Using extensive interviews with survivors on both sides, as well as after-action reports by the U.S. Army itself, he reconstructs the battle with cold-blooded precision.
  • So, like any other warm-blooded lustful man would do, I went to the Intertubeywebs and looked on IMDB. COM. 2009 December « Monster Scifi Show Blog
  • Lank in body, slender in limb, full of spirit, they reminded one of blooded horses.
  • I think it's a secret fantasy of a lot of hot-blooded guys out there.
  • Mind-blowing sexercises of a full of gism mature dude and a hot-blooded twink Quality Porn Links
  • United-Arsenal clashes in recent years have all been full-blooded affairs in which penalties have repeatedly played a crucial role.
  • The third puzzle is why all of this should happen in warm-blooded vertebrates but not in cold-blooded vertebrates.
  • Endothermic homeothermy, or ‘warmbloodedness,’ is one of the major evolutionary developments of vertebrates, and among the most significant features that distinguish existing birds and mammals from reptiles, amphibians and fish.
  • It may be said that no one has ever really answered him; the difficulties with which he played so nicely being really connected with those "antinomies," or contradictions, or inconsistencies, of our thoughts, which more than two thousand years afterwards Kant noted as actually inherent in the mind itself -- a certain constitutional weakness or limitation there, in dealing by way of cold-blooded reflexion with the direct presentations of its experience. Plato and Platonism
  • Parker herself pushed the not - "full-blooded" - American envelope in 2008 when Barack Obama was running for president. Greg Mitchell: Amid CNN Debacle: Kathleen Parker and 'Full-Blooded' Americanism
  • Everything we learned in school was wrong -- now maybe dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Pretty Clock (link roundup)
  • He was blooded in national politics as his father's ambassador to the rightwing Christians in the 1992 election.
  • They will also say that the Faroese method of killing whales is a barbarous way of treating an intelligent, warm-blooded mammal.
  • Of cold-blooded creatures, lobsters and crayfish are particularly prized for their delicious ‘tail’ meat.
  • She did not know whether the baby's father was her vicar husband Ashley or hot-blooded Latin lover Carlos.
  • It was like I'd been blooded on my first hunt, and survived with honor. GO!
  • Shortly before I met you I was this cold-blooded animal engulfed in murder and fleshly desires.
  • Large rocks or a stone wall make great basking spots for these cold-blooded insects.
  • They found that the dead body of the deceased bore injuries on the head, face, knees and heels of his feet and from every angle it was looking like a cold blooded murder.
  • The icefishes (or white-blooded fishes) are a family (Channichthyidae) of perciform fish found in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America. Transparent Fish – Clearly Intriguing | Impact Lab
  • In 1981, he became the country's fourth prime minister, but the first commoner after a trio of blue-blooded patricians.
  • The cold-blooded murder of two people is a heinous crime.
  • When given a picture of a triceratops and told it was a dinosaur, the children correctly inferred that it belonged to the cold-blooded class of animals.
  • Like your butterflies, beneficial insects are cold-blooded and don't like cold, windy weather.
  • It's not, and Earl's mistake is the essence of "Dinosaurs," a sometimes heavy-handed but mostly warmblooded sitcom beginning April 26 on ABC. A Megalosaurus Hit?
  • Among these was a blacksmith and farrier, who took cognizance of his carcase, every limb of which having examined, he declared there was no bone broken, and taking out his fleam, blooded him plentifully as he lay. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Everyone's stomach is built for passionate wooing-even yours, you cold-blooded young vestal. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Relatives on my mother's side came to this general area in the late 1600s, and on my father's side, my great grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee. Alexandra Holzer: Dracula's Castle 2012: Investigating Vampires With Supernatural Southerner! (PHOTOS)
  • The scientists were keen to clarify the term "cold-blooded", which - although a familiar description used for many reptiles, amphibians and fish - can be misleading. BBC News - Home
  • His hot-blooded style inspired fierce loyalty in his friends, and also earned him not a few enemies.
  • The present invention relates to oral care compositions suitable for preventing or treating diseases or conditions of the oral cavity in warm-blooded animals including humans, comprising an oral care effective amount of at least one tropolone compound in combination with at least one essential oil, and a pharmaceutically acceptable oral carrier.
  • Challenges were full-blooded and tackles pushed the boundaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • For any kind of prolonged activity, warm-bloodedness would have been a distinct advantage.
  • He says he's a red-blooded American male!
  • the blue-blooded aristocracy
  • Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.
  • Took no prisoners with his full-blooded challenges. The Sun
  • Yilanè culture is based not on fire, because reptiles are coldblooded, but on genetic manipulation and bio-engineering. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They said he is a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him.
  • Nearly all the reports have been sent in by women, so please all those red-blooded males out there; be brave and let me know what is happening to you.
  • Like most red-blooded males, I used to take a fairly cautious (okay, an occasionally disparaging) view of spas and health farms in general.
  • It would be naive to urge or expect either country to become a full-blooded democracy in a trice.
  • The target audience will instead be those red-blooded men who go weak-kneed when they see a sweaty woman astride a horse, dressed in leather and wielding a battle axe.
  • My father was a full-blooded Highlander, with the temper to prove it.
  • I believe that such a Left is emerging, conjoining a nascent, heterogenous anti-capitalism with full-blooded anti-imperialism.
  • It was like I'd been blooded on my first hunt, and survived with honor. GO!
  • It was another black day for the blue-blooded Fraser clan, which is still in denial after losing its Highland estate yonks ago.
  • That's why, dare I say, the anchorperson has always got to stand back, even at the risk of seeming a little cold-blooded at times, so as not to impose our emotions on others.
  • Despite caricatures about hot-blooded Latins and stiff-lipped Brits, we are, when it comes to emotions, all too human under the skin.
  • She made no secret of her intention to evince the interest she felt in his welfare by a considerable bequest in her will; but, on accompanying Mrs.K. to the theatre to see Kean perform _Luke_, she was so appalled by the cold-blooded villany of the character, that, attributing the skill of the actor to the actual possession of the fiendlike attributes, her regard was turned into suspicion and distrust. The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes Historical, Literary, and Humorous—A New Selection
  • That's my name, I got Jin from my pure blooded Japanese father.
  • he cold-bloodedly planned the murder of his boss
  • And we're slow, compared to most big warm-blooded vertebrates.

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