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blood meal

  1. the dried and powdered blood of animals

How To Use blood meal In A Sentence

  • Now is the time to add any of the soil amendments, such as bone meal, blood meal, or superphosphate, that provide a slow, continuous supply of phosphorus.
  • Where mosquito species prevail with a preference to take blood meals from cattle (zoophilic species), the presence of cattle and its strategic location between breeding sites and human settlements will significantly reduce disease transmission risks. Chapter 12
  • An. stephensi blood meal, (H) an infected gut 8 days post-feed, (I) 10 day oocyst, (J) infected salivary gland dissected 18 days post-feed, (K) salivary gland sporozoite. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The eggs then mature into a threadlike state called microfilariae, before developing into larvae, which can then be picked up and handed on to other people when a black fly takes a blood meal. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A competent arthropod vector is one in which the ingested virus is able to infect the mesenteronal epithelial cells, disseminate from the mesenteron and replicate in the salivary glands, and be ejected with the salivary secretion during a blood meal.
  • This 2006 photograph depicted a female Aedes aegypti mosquito as she was in the process of beginning the process of acquiring a blood meal from its human host, after having penetrated the skin surface with the sharply-pointed "fascicle". - Articles related to In Brief: Dengue cases spike in Thailand
  • You can also add activators such as garden soil, finished compost, bone meal and blood meal to stimulate the action.
  • The last semester, there have been surging blood meal to initiate a strike movement.
  • What they have a taste for is a blood meal and harborage in dark cracks and crevices close to where humans rest and sleep.
  • Infected lice pass rickettsiae in their faeces within two to six days after the blood meal; it is infective earlier if crushed. Chapter 2
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