How To Use Blood glucose In A Sentence

  • To date, diabetics rely largely on insulin medication, discovered in 1921, to regulate their blood glucose levels.
  • Maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis is of paramount importance to the survival of the human organism.
  • It is found to be as effective as insulin in the restoration of blood glucose and body weight to normal levels.
  • When the presence of a hormone is only suspected by the effects it brings about, it is named after those effects in many cases; this new hormone was therefore named hyperglycemic-glycogenolytic factor (hy'per-gly-see'mik gly'koh-jen'oh-lih'tik; "high-glucose, glycogen-dissolving" G) in order to mark the manner in which it raised the blood glucose level and lowered the quantity of glycogen in the liver. The Human Brain
  • The patient did not have stigmata of other autoimmune diseases, and her blood glucose level was within normal limits.
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  • Insulin-dependent diabetics, for example, quickly learn how to manage their blood glucose levels at home by matching their insulin dosage to changes in their diet and physical activity. Power to the Patients
  • Both hormones are antagonistic to insulin and hence increase blood glucose.
  • This insulinase sees to it that no insulin remains to push the blood glucose level too low. The Human Brain
  • Why should I work so hard to improve my blood glucose level?
  • I had to find out how to measure my blood glucose and dose myself with insulin.
  • Megias, who has type 1 diabetes, has to monitor his blood glucose level constantly with a radio-frequency implant on his tricep and an electronic device he keeps in a jersey pocket. Mondory wins at Bessèges; third for Team Type 1
  • In an accompanying editorial, Katie Weinger of Harvard Medical School's department of psychiatry says one danger of insulin omission is that doctors who treat patients with low adherence may mistake poor blood glucose readings for the need for more insulin. 57% of diabetics occasionally skip insulin shots on purpose
  • Irrespective of temperature, though more challenged by cold than heat, blood glucose must be maintained.
  • This study lays the foundation for further studies based on insulin infusion and the normalization of blood glucose concentrations in patients with endotoxemia and septicemia," says Dandona. Infection Control Today News Only Feed
  • The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.
  • Insulin is co-secreted with a peptide called amylin, which delays the surge in blood glucose by slowing gastric emptying and reducing glucose production by the liver. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Insulin therapy is started if blood glucose levels remain elevated despite following these measures.
  • Good Gut health is associated with better blood glucose control as well as beneficial for weight loss. http Gut dysbiosis and Pathogenic Gut bacteria lead to Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Heart Disease www. Optimizing Gut Flora Can reduce insulin resistance and non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFD), obesity and related health problems ... hopkins-gi. So is the fructose in water kefir really bad? - Articles related to Researchers: Eating more sugar leads to hypertension
  • After meals, when postprandial blood glucose levels are high, liver glucokinase is significantly active, which causes the liver preferentially to trap and to store circulating glucose.
  • Fiber: Parts of plant foods that are indigestible or very slowly digested, with little effect on blood glucose and insulin levels; sometimes called roughage. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • In the Cardiff trial 14% of community care patients received regular general practitioner review and only 5% received yearly blood glucose estimations.
  • Therefore, we must seriously ask whether treatment to lower raised blood glucose should be started much earlier.
  • These hormones accelerate catabolism, hepatic glucose gluconeogenesis, and lipolysis, further elevating the blood glucose level.
  • So the first step in treating peripheral neuropathy is maintenance of tight control of blood glucose levels.
  • Concurrent use of drugs and herbal treatment may have synergistic effects on lowering the blood glucose levels.
  • But excess blood glucose negates and destroys this autoregulation system, thus taxing your arteries more heavily. You Staying Young
  • Good Gut health is associated with better blood glucose control as well as beneficial for weight loss. http Gut dysbiosis and Pathogenic Gut bacteria lead to - Articles related to Researchers: Eating more sugar leads to hypertension
  • This is generally indicated if the patient is clearly unwell, if she has ketonuria, or if her blood glucose concentration is > 20 mmol/l.
  • Only five reviewers pointed out that diabetic patients with hypertension benefit more from blood pressure control than blood glucose control.
  • Slide 25: DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 28, NUMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 2005 2305 In diabetics -- Hypoglycemia Glucagon secretion failure in response to hypoglycemia Defective epinephrine secretion type 1 diabetes due to autonomic neuropathy leading to Hypoglysemia Hyperglycemia Severe insulin deficiency, can lead to excessive glycogenolysis & increased gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis, leading to hyperglycemia and Trends in blood glucose ketoacidosis during fasting Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Methods 24 hour urinary ablumin ( Alb ), transferrin ( TRF ), IgG, retinal - bingding protein ( RBP ), N - acetyl - glucosaminidase ( NAG ) , fasting blood glucose,
  • When you do not consume sufficient carbohydrates, a process called gluconeogenesis breaks protein down to maintain blood glucose levels. EHow - Health How To's
  • They drew blood samples in the morning after an overnight fast and analysed blood glucose and serum insulin.
  • The surgeon ordered preoperative blood laboratory work to include a blood glucose level.
  • He ate mainly carbohydrates in the evening to help the body to maintain the blood glucose levels required for the night-time activities of detoxification and repair.
  • A review of the best studies done to date found that the intake of cinnamon by type 2 diabetics or prediabetics does lower their blood glucose significantly.
  • Alcohol use markedly elevates the blood glucose level and hastens the development of diabetic neuropathy.
  • A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
  • Most studies have found no increase in fetal mortality when blood glucose levels are controlled in this way.
  • Drugs like glyburide, glimperide, etc. work by making your body release more insulin and can drop a diabetic's blood glucose fast. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • And to investigate the action and mechanism of Antang Pill on how to influence diabetic rats blood glucose regulating hormones and improve its supersession disorder state.
  • New devices are being developed to make blood glucose testing less painful than the usual monitoring systems, which involve drawing blood by pricking the skin with a lancet.
  • Yanhusuo has no obvious impact with blood glucose of type 2 diabetes experimental rats.
  • Diabetics also must be carefully monitored as ephedra can elevate blood glucose levels.
  • ObjectiveTo explore the effect of the extract of Sargassum fusiforme ( ESF ) on blood glucose in diabetes mice.
  • Faulty carbohydrate metabolism by the liver will cause blood glucose to radically rise or fall causing either hypo or hyperglycemia.
  • Yanhusuo has no obvious impact with blood glucose of type 2 diabetes experimental rats.
  • Blood glucose is tightly regulated in the body by two hormones called insulin and glucagon.
  • Several patients were referred to perinatology for prescription of insulin to achieve ‘tight control’ of blood glucose levels.
  • If you give it to people with low blood sugar, both insulin and blood glucose levels improve.
  • The levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat.
  • Indications for home monitoring of blood glucose in these patients are a raised glycosylated haemoglobin or a low renal threshold.
  • And surgery that removed part of the omental fat in a surgical experiment did greatly improve blood glucose control in a patient. TNR Article: Being Sedintary Is Bad For You, Not Being Fat
  • Diabetics do not produce enough insulin when blood glucose levels rise rapidly.
  • Beta cells may secrete high levels of insulin to normalize blood glucose levels and successfully maintain normoglycemia for many years.
  • Since then, my average blood glucose levels have come.
  • A: No. Blood glucose is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood. Your Health mailbag: Blood glucose, red-yeast rice, allergy shots
  • Impaired glucose tolerance is a condition that means your blood glucose falls between normal and diabetic.
  • Beta cells may secrete high levels of insulin to normalize blood glucose levels and successfully maintain normoglycemia for many years.
  • The government estimates that more than 21 million Americans over age 20 have above normal blood glucose, but that at least a third don't know they have it ... 'www. / node / 24477 ie Apparently some 7 million Americans are adaptatively protected from numerous diseases The Diabetes Blog
  • The glycemic index of a carbohydrate is a measure of its postprandial effect on blood glucose.
  • This is the basis of a highly specific method for the measurement of blood glucose.
  • A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
  • While 0.2 milliwatts is not much power it is enough to operate, say, a blood glucose sensor or other very small implanted sensor.
  • The government estimates that more than 21 million Americans over age 20 have above normal blood glucose, but that at least a third don't know they have it ... 'www. ie Apparently some 7 million Americans are adaptatively protected from numerous diseases The Diabetes Blog
  • While patients with insulin-requiring diabetes are in active labor, capillary blood glucose levels should be monitored hourly.
  • The rate of dextrose infusion needed to maintain stable blood glucose levels was monitored.
  • I have a bad case of Dawn Phenomenon and *have* to eat breakfast or my blood glucose keeps rising. Intermittent fasting guest blog | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Overview Gluconeogenesis synthesizes glucose from non carbohydrate precursors and is important for the maintenance of blood glucose levels during starvation or during vigorous exercise.
  • Lens density was measured with EAS - 1000 , blood glucose and lens glutathione concentration was examined.
  • The most common pitfall in managing insulin-requiring diabetes is to respond to elevated blood glucose levels by increasing the dose of insulin.
  • Ideally, the diagnosis should be confirmed before treatment, and this can be done with capillary blood glucose test sticks.
  • To date, diabetics rely largely on insulin medication, discovered in 1921, to regulate their blood glucose levels.
  • Patients use the kit's finger lancet to collect blood while routinely checking their blood glucose levels.
  • This study lays the foundation for further studies based on insulin infusion and the normalization of blood glucose concentrations in patients with endotoxemia and septicemia," said Paresh Dandona. News Feed
  • Why were the results from these studies presented with such a positive spin on tight blood glucose control when the results seem to show a benefit of metformin over sulphonylureas and insulin?

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