How To Use Blondness In A Sentence

  • Here in this broad window, foregathered in a congress of colours designed to appetise, are the ripe fruits of every clime and every season: the Southern pomegranate beside the hardy Northern apple, scarlet and yellow; the early strawberry and the late ruddy peach; figs from the Orient and pines from the Antilles; dates from Tunis and tawny persimmons from Japan; misty sea-green grapes and those from the hothouse -- tasteless, it is true, but so lordly in their girth, and royal purple; portly golden oranges and fat plums; pears of mellow blondness and pink-skinned apricots. The Spenders A Tale of the Third Generation
  • The blondness as an attraction to black-haired Asians does make sense.
  • To her, in the bright sun, Billy's blondness was startling. CHAPTER XIX
  • Tall, well over six foot, but a bendy, willowy uncertain tall, brown one-year sapling rather than slow growing sturdy branch, the tree metaphor extended by the catkins of his light brown dreadlocks, loose and shot with streaks of blondness denoting, she thought fancifully, the several summers he had lived through since he first grew them. Occasional sunshine
  • Tall, well over six foot, but a bendy, willowy uncertain tall, brown one-year sapling rather than slow growing sturdy branch, the tree metaphor extended by the catkins of his light brown dreadlocks, loose and shot with streaks of blondness denoting, she thought fancifully, the several summers he had lived through since he first grew them. Occasional sunshine
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  • And she had called the blondness of his hair lovely and had approved of the fact that he liked to wear it overlong. Beyond the Sunrise
  • She was conscious of a feeling of guilt, and the thought of it hurt her as she watched the two big men, of a size and blondness, go down the room side by side. CHAPTER XXIII
  • His boldness and his allegiance to his own mind were as irresistible as his blondness and blue-eyed sweetness.
  • Nor would you have said anything similar in this country during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, whose portraits over the years increasingly exaggerated the blondness of her hair.
  • Zack, all beaming blondness and supersocial to the core, charmed all the guests, crawling on the lawn and the deck, raising his arms to ask people to pick him up. Falling Apart in One Piece
  • Simultaneously, however, a battle over the symbolism of blondness was taking place in other parts of Europe where the Virgin Mary was being portrayed as a blonde.
  • She was not so pathetically young as she was pathetically blond, a treacherous, ready-to-fade kind of blondness that one day, now that she had found that very morning her first gray hair, would leave her ashy. Americans All Stories of American Life of To-Day
  • One could not help noticing that, in her radiant blondness, she is even more attractive than her husband.
  • His clear blue eyes under the dark brows and framed by the dark lashes, seemed a deeper blue, and accentuated the blondness of hair and skin. CHAPTER XV
  • The "caw" sounded more crowish, or perhaps raveny, obviously just a shout out to her black bird friends, as a way of compensating for her painful whiteness, blondness and blandness. Speaking of Robin...
  • He had a round, red, sun-seared face that he screwed up in a perpetual squint, as if blinded by his own blondness. Day of Honey
  • The striking blondness, the face, the eyes, the mouth were the same. CHAPTER XII
  • Her blondness came mostly from a bottle, but she had been such a sweetly pretty little girl with blonde ringlets that some of the older townspeople still called her Goldilocks.

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