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The grounds were dappled with crepe myrtles, palmettos, azaleas, here and there a tall loblolly pine.
A single seed was used for species with larger seeds (western white pine, ponderosa pine, loblolly pine, and Pacific silver fir).
Dry woodland has a diversity of species but is dominated by loblolly pine, rock chestnut oak, and a shrubby layer of azaleas and New Jersey tea.
Finally, the book concludes by looking at the last several decades of the farm's history, when the federal government purchased the land and began reforesting it with loblolly pines.
Accompanying the astronauts on the flight are a dozen rats, 36 fish embryos and 20 loblolly pine seedlings.

I know, wii go down teh street to teh tye plase not bootique, iz resty-rant, and have sume a bubblolly drinky wiff dose tappy-okey bawls in it! yoo pree-furr mango or Lychee?
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Since officials began aggressively suppressing wildfire, many of Florida's forests have been taken over by slash and loblolly pine.
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This project combines fire rehabilitation with watershed and ecosystem restoration on sites where loblolly pine has been ravaged by bugs and blight.
There are several species available -- loblolly pine, arborvitae, lacebark elm, bald cypress, several kinds of oak, redbud and more.
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The forests are mostly mixes of loblolly pine and sweet gum, with a holly and huckleberry understory.
In loblolly pine, the leading timber species of North America, the physical and chemical properties of wood have been studied extensively in a single population of modest size.
The maritime forests include live oak, laurel oak, loblolly pine, red cedar, yaupon holly, wax myrtle, dwarf palmetto, with cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto) in the south.
Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina (EPA)
Both experienced considerable damage from an ice-storm in 1994, which appeared to have had the greatest negative impact on loblolly pine.
Jonathan Evans, who teaches biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, says the industry needs to quit pushing the fantasy that replacing all these trees with loblolly is ‘reforestation.’
On the wooded uplands, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) and upland oaks are dominant whilst on bottomlands, water tupelo, swamp blackgum, sweetgum, and oaks are common.
Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
On steep slopes, along streams and other areas where fire was less frequent, forests contained loblolly pine, sweetgum, white oak, southern red oak, willow oak, blackgum, and hollies.
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
Swamp bay, loblolly bay, and swamp dogwood are plentiful; the Virginia chain fern and the swamp fern are almost always present.
Accompanying the astronauts on the flight are a dozen rats, 36 fish embryos and 20 loblolly pine seedlings.
This root is much used among the Dutch people in a kind of loblolly or hotchpot, which they do eat, calling it _warmus_.
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This project combines fire rehabilitation with watershed and ecosystem restoration on sites where loblolly pine has been ravaged by bugs and blight.
Since officials began aggressively suppressing wildfire, many of Florida's forests have been taken over by slash and loblolly pine.
The concentrical circles of the long-leaf pine (p. australis) are twelve times as numerous in the same space" [as of the loblolly pine].
Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
It is true that sandy uplands have forests of loblolly and slash pine, and that baldcypress is a dominant tree in swamps; but such vegetation represents either xerophytic and hydrophytic forms in excessively dry or wet habitats, or second-growth forest following fire and deforestation.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
Mycorrhizal and rhizomorph dynamics in a loblolly pine forest during 5 years of free-air-CO
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thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly
From Thursday on, the television cameras will beam sumptuous shots of loblolly pines and blushing azaleas around the world.