How To Use Blockish In A Sentence

  • 141 Bicipitous Serpents with the head at each extreme, jobbernowl is 'A blockish or stupid head; a ludicrous term for the head, usually connoting stupidity' 1599 MARSTON Sco. SHEIDLOWER ON JOHNSON.
  • The restaurant is housed in a nondescript small blockish building, which has in the past served as an internet cafe and a shop for plumbing supplies.
  • It may be comprehensive and easy to navigate, but - unusually - the design is a little blockish and dour.
  • The double doors were closed, but they were also, he realized as he neared them, bolted shut with a heavy chain wound through each handle and held fast with a blockish padlock. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters
  • The Su Tongpo poetry of the Kusoshi is printed in clear, blockish characters, while the waka verses appear in a mixture of cursive characters and kana syllables.
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  • We strolled outside, squinted our eyes at the brilliant sun burning behind blockish brick apartment buildings. Molecules
  • The first hardcover edition came out, what, six, seven years ago, the jacket featuring the title (The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov) in blockish paper-cut-out letters, lepidoptery-pinned to a pale blue background. Gods | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Pickaxe, grosse feeding and labour, do quench al sensual and fleshly concupiscence, yea, in such as till and husband the ground, by making them dull, blockish, and (almost) meere senslesse of understanding. The Decameron
  • Those who can not understand this look blockish.
  • This was done at his return from the little paltry town, even then when Master Antitus of Cressplots was licentiated, and had passed his degrees in all dullery and blockishness, according to this sentence of the canonists, Beati Dunces, quoniam ipsi stumblaverunt. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 2
  • I didn't particularly like his psychotherapist, who seemed to me rather brusque and blockish, yet he seemed to establish a trusting relationship very quickly.
  • I always felt square and sort of lumpy and blockish next to her, and, since we were so close in age and grew up together, that was my main point of comparison. Tales from the Back
  • A black or malign disposition, an effeminate disposition; an hard inexorable disposition, a wild inhuman disposition, a sheepish disposition, a childish disposition; a blockish, a false, a scurril, a fraudulent, a tyrannical: what then? Meditations
  • The Su Tongpo poetry of the Kusoshi is printed in clear, blockish characters, while the waka verses appear in a mixture of cursive characters and kana syllables.
  • The deer - a thick, blockish buck with bold antlers - was visible instantly.
  • At the Queensland Theatre Company, a blockish gray building at the foot of one of the bridges across the swollen Brisbane River, staff said they had cleared equipment from the stage and were preparing to evacuate over the course of the afternoon. Australian Flood Threatens Brisbane
  • Now it fortuned, that Calandrino (who had but a grosse and blockish memory) had quite forgot the name of the stone, and therefore said. The Decameron
  • Master Antitus of Cressplots was licentiated, and had passed his degrees in all dullery and blockishness, according to this sentence of the canonists, Beati Dunces, quoniam ipsi stumblaverunt. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • I took out my notebook and observed the opposite coffeeshop, in a blockish script.
  • Then the more 'tis to be feared, said Pantagruel; for subtlety suspected, subtlety foreseen, subtlety found out, loses the essence and very name of subtlety, and only gains that of blockishness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • Weel, happy be, ye peacefu 'pack ye r Happy as blockishness can mak' ye, Poetical attempts
  • Then the more ’tis to be feared, said Pantagruel; for subtlety suspected, subtlety foreseen, subtlety found out, loses the essence and very name of subtlety, and only gains that of blockishness. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Thales, seeing us admiring the insolence of the man, declared he was a fellow naturally of a blockish, stupid disposition; for when he was Essays and Miscellanies
  • The Su Tongpo poetry of the Kusoshi is printed in clear, blockish characters, while the waka verses appear in a mixture of cursive characters and kana syllables.
  • Promiscuously and indefatigable to pursue all sorts of pleasures I own to be brutish, and to avoid all with a suitable aversion equally blockish, let the mind then freely enjoy such pleasures as are agreeable to its nature and temper. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The two slaves were ready at repartee, but the utter simplicity of the sultan displayed a blockishness which blunted all edge. Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions

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