How To Use Blockading In A Sentence

  • A fleet blockading Brest could run to Tor Bay in a westerly tempest — the strategy of the past fifty years had been based on that geographical fact. Hornblower And The Crisis
  • Banning parties and blockading raves will not stop a movement, nor will it stop the use of ecstasy, cocaine, speed, heroin and pot for that matter.
  • Piraeus by blockading them by land and sea, and so cutting them off from all supplies, supported the application, and negotiated the loan of one hundred talents (13) to his clients, backed by the appointment of himself as harmost on land, and of his brother, Libys, as admiral of the fleet. Hellenica
  • Protesters responded by blockading the streets, piling rocks and logs onto roads.
  • The Rainbow Warrior had been blockading the military port until police boarded the ship on Saturday night and cut her anchor chain forcing the ship into dock.
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  • A demand was then made by the so-called blockading powers that the sums ascertained to be due to their citizens by such mixed commissions should be accorded payment in full before anything was paid upon the claims of any of the so-called peace powers. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • There is no way that such a blockade, even with Congressional blessing would ever be allowed, considering that in blockading Iran is basically a strategic take over of the main waterway of the majority of the World’s oil supply. Stung By FISA, Group to Drop Money Bomb - The Caucus Blog -
  • Banning parties and blockading raves will not stop a movement, nor will it stop the use of ecstasy, cocaine, speed, heroin and pot for that matter.
  • The necessity and the difficulty of thus watching the squadrons of an enemy within his ports -- of "blockading" them, to use a common expression, of "containing" them, to conform to a strictly accurate military terminology -- are more familiar to the British naval mind than to ours; for, both by long historical experience and by present-day needs, the vital importance of so narrowly observing the enemy's movements has been forced upon its consciousness. Lessons of the war with Spain and other articles
  • The RNC 8 deny having any operational involvement in the sandbag incident, but admit that some members may have planned acts of "civil disobedience," such as blockading the Xcel Center. Site Feed
  • The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.
  • The commanders of the blockading squadrons now had at their disposal a thorough, ready-made, and timesaving analysis of their areas of operations along with all applicable charts.
  • In that case, it becomes clear that while it is not criminal, it is a hostile act that entitles the blockading nation to respond inkind. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pro-Palestinian “Peace Activists”
  • Till the reduction of the revenue tax, a few years ago, rendered "blockading" no longer profitable, the whole settlement was engaged, in connection with several white men, nearly as poor as themselves, in a petty traffic in illicit tobacco. "The Free Negroes of North Carolina"
  • He goes on to say, when asked about how Gaza blockading will continue, "Egypt has never blockaded Gaza," and that that was an "Israeli policy," and that Egypt has always operated at their border crossing within the legal confines of the agreements they've made. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • One voice in the assembling crowd called out, ‘The government's been blockading this town for too long!’
  • Sparta, Lysander, taking into account the possibility of speedily reducing the party in Piraeus by blockading them by land and sea, and so cutting them off from all supplies, supported the application, and negotiated the loan of one hundred talents115 to his clients, backed by the appointment of himself as harmost on land, and of his brother, Hellenica
  • The frigates easily outgunned the pirates but had trouble blockading their swift, shore-hugging xebecs.
  • U. S.A - Last year, ex-Vice President Al Gore called the blockading of construction sites of new power plants as an appropriate response to the environmental crisis facing the planet. Undefined
  • Thirty people were arrested for blockading the street outside the convention by locking themselves together around organic plants and symbols of an environmentally sustainable future.
  • Gangs of youths marauded through the streets, the Kyrgyz agency AKIpress reported, blockading the centre of town with barricades. Kyrgyzstan erupts into ethnic war
  • The Federal ships blockading the port closed as near as they dared and managed to shoot a cannon ball through the Denbigh's wheelhouse.
  • Sommer added: We don't help ourselves using 'cyberwar' to describe espionage or hacktivist blockading or defacing of websites, as recently seen in reaction to WikiLeaks. Hackers will not be deterred by UK cyber defences, report warns
  • The Rainbow Warrior had been blockading the military port until police boarded the ship on Saturday night and cut her anchor chain forcing the ship into dock.
  • The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.
  • Rumors were circulating that a small galliot had arrived from down-gulf, bringing news of the blockading fleets. The Shadow Of The Lion
  • Police arrested eight protesters blockading the road outside the consulate.
  • Litigator London: are you asserting a blockading power can only stop a vessel in territorial waters; and that vessel being stopped has to be flagged by the blockaded entity? The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
  • A fleet blockading Brest could run to Tor Bay in a westerly tempest — the strategy of the past fifty years had been based on that geographical fact. Hornblower And The Crisis
  • Beyond the river was a solid wall of soldiery, completely blockading the ford.
  • The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.
  • Those charged are accused of blockading the lone road into the reserve and intimidating the community to the point where 400 members felt the need to flee.
  • the blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions
  • Ironically, it was the indigenous people who first recognised the impending catastrophe and took action by blockading logging roads - only to be jailed in large numbers by the authorities.
  • The commanders of the blockading squadrons now had at their disposal a thorough, ready-made, and timesaving analysis of their areas of operations along with all applicable charts.

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