How To Use Blockaded In A Sentence

  • Council, that all vessels under a neutral or friendly flag, being neutral or friendly property, shall be permitted to import into any port or place in Her Majesty's dominions all goods and merchandize whatsoever, to whomsoever the same may belong, [217] and to export from any port or place in her Majesty's dominions to any port not blockaded, any cargo or goods, not being contraband of war, or not requiring a special permission, to _whomsoever the same may belong_. The Laws Of War, Affecting Commerce And Shipping
  • A US fleet blockaded the port of Veracruz.
  • But no help came, the baronial forces blockaded the city, and the rebel front began to crumble.
  • Considering the fact that she was too decayed to put to sea, had no guns aboard, no crew, and was, in fact, laid up, the feat of the _Tenedos_ was not very wonderful; a row-boat could have "blockaded" her quite as well. The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans
  • A US fleet blockaded the port of Veracruz.
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  • For five days, London traffic ground to a standstill when police blockaded the area.
  • In 1948, the Soviets, in an attempt to abrogate agreements for Four-Power control of the city, blockaded Berlin.
  • For 900 days the city was blockaded by the Nazi's and the sight of a book about another siege brought back memories.
  • Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.
  • The West Coast ports will be blockaded on December 12th in solidarity with longshoremen and port truckers struggles against EGT and Goldman Sachs, the west coast port shutdown website says. Occupy aims to shut down west coast ports - as it happened
  • Deep-sea fishermen blockaded the majority of French southern yacht and sport ports in protest against derv (diesel oil) price increases.
  • The student-led demonstrators blockaded government offices and effectively shut down most of the capital, with no bus services operating.
  • Since Monday, local blockies have blockaded gas workers from leaving their camp, about 300 kilometres north-west of Brisbane.
  • The Nore mutineers even blockaded the mouth of the Thames.
  • Over the weekend peace activists blockaded the road and entered the plant, which is near Reading.
  • Town Hall bosses have criticised residents who blockaded a road after a three-old-boy was involved in an accident with a car.
  • There they blockaded the access road with vehicles, and when construction workers arrived, denied them access.
  • Council, that all vessels under a neutral or friendly flag, being neutral or friendly property, shall be permitted to import into any port or place in Her Majesty's dominions all goods and merchandize whatsoever, to whomsoever the same may belong, [217] and to export from any port or place in her Majesty's dominions to any port not blockaded, any cargo or goods, not being contraband of war, or not requiring a special permission, to _whomsoever the same may belong_. The Laws Of War, Affecting Commerce And Shipping
  • About 40 protesters blockaded the Burnhills landfill last Saturday and prevented delivery of six wagonloads of waste.
  • The coast of North Carolina, which has never been thoroughly blockaded, is swarming with privateers, who prey upon Northern commerce, and take their prizes into port without molestation. The Civil War in America
  • With a skeptical eye but enormous tenderness, novelist and screenwriter David Benioff dreams up his grandfather's wartime exploits in blockaded Leningrad ..... City of Thieves: Summary and book reviews of City of Thieves by David Benioff.
  • The groups have blockaded roads and, in some cases, set fire to vehicles.
  • Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.
  • The Estonian port of Tallinn was blockaded for a time by Soviet warships.
  • The ships blockaded the port.
  • He goes on to say, when asked about how Gaza blockading will continue, "Egypt has never blockaded Gaza," and that that was an "Israeli policy," and that Egypt has always operated at their border crossing within the legal confines of the agreements they've made. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Some noted that a centre - left government had similarly blockaded Albania's ports in the s.
  • In the southern state of Tabasco, farmers blockaded 60 oil wells in February to demand compensation from Pemex.
  • The next day thousands of workers defied armed police and blockaded a major toll road into the provincial capital.
  • But the Americans blockaded the road and refused to let people enter.
  • Several blocks from the building, she found the area was blockaded by police.
  • Had one-twentieth the sum frittered away in useless iron-clads, and worse than useless "gunboats," been put into saucy and swift wasps like the "Sumter," their stings must have driven northern commerce from the sea; and the United States ports would have been more effectually blockaded, from a thousand miles at sea, than were those of the southern fleet-bound coast. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.
  • In Kiev, protesters standing five deep and linking arms blockaded the cabinet building.
  • The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • The courts, however, decided that a port so little guarded as Wilmington was at that time could not be legally called blockaded, and the brig was therefore released. The Naval History of the United States Volume 2 (of 2)
  • Litigator London: are you asserting a blockading power can only stop a vessel in territorial waters; and that vessel being stopped has to be flagged by the blockaded entity? The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
  • Shipping lines have been avoiding the southern ports in fear of having their vessels blockaded.
  • Ricardo himself fled before the place was completely blockaded.
  • The French coast was now blockaded, and to compound the chaos, in August the Convention banned the export of all goods of first necessity and embargoed all neutral ships.
  • Even British jurists agreed that no place could be called blockaded unless watched by a force of warships that cut all communication between the blockaded harbor and the outer oceans. Castles of Steel
  • The harbour was blockaded, so the ships had to lay off.
  • Again, we could have blockaded and starved them out but that was not necessary.
  • The students from the youth activist group blockaded an intersection just outside the central plaza.
  • the blockaded harbor
  • James states that she was "blockaded" in port by the _Tenedos_, during part of 1814; but was too much awed by the fate of the The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans
  • Spain blockaded Gibraltar for most of the last third of the 20th century (they gave up in 1984) and when the Blair government in Britain negotiated a co-dominium with Spain in 2002, but the locals had to be consulted, and the referendum rejected the proposal by 17,900 to 187. Eric Lurio: Thoughts on a Gibraltar Street Fair
  • In the southern state of Tabasco, farmers blockaded 60 oil wells in February to demand compensation from Pemex.
  • In many cases lakes are due to more than one cause, as where preglacial valleys have both been basined by the ice and blockaded by its moraines. The Elements of Geology
  • Around the country train services were hit as workers blockaded railway lines.
  • Upon his return to Medina the Thakishites, having been blockaded in the Taif by the Mussulman tribes, sent deputies offering to embrace Islamism, upon condition of being allowed to retain a little longer an idol to which their people were bigotedly attached. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • (Gaza is blockaded which is even worse than being occupied by israel). WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • The Estonian port of Tallinn was blockaded for a time by Soviet warships.
  • A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
  • Last Tuesday they blockaded the Forth Road Bridge with tractors and horseboxes and last Friday they brought traffic to a virtual standstill on the M74, the A1 and A68 roads on the border.
  • Prime minister David Cameron was a little nearer the mark when he called the blockaded Gaza Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • In consequence French land forces were both marooned and blockaded.
  • In a document from 2008, after a Hamas-engineered breach of the blockaded Gaza-Egypt border, Palestinian negotiator Ahmed Qureia is quoted as telling his Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, that if Israel can reoccupy the West Bank it can reoccupy a border, an apparent reference to the Gaza-Egypt frontier. Thousands Protest In Gaza Over Leaked Papers
  • But they do let them dock after a search ahem. have you seen the list of blockaded items? the blockade is about collective punishment and to reduce the civilian population of gaza to a state of breaking point. The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza
  • Overseas colonies were ruthlessly picked off, and the Republic's ports were blockaded.
  • Economically speaking, Armenia is choking, illegally blockaded by both Turkey and Azerbaijan for many years now. Demographics of the Oligarchs, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The drivers blockaded roads and disrupted traffic in the centre of the city.

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