block letter

  1. a plain hand-drawn letter
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How To Use block letter In A Sentence

  • Harry had used something pointed, a twig or pen, and had printed very legible uppercase block letters in the earth: YOU FLINCHED! VAPOR TRAIL
  • This is what it says, high above a doorway, in big block letters, at Pasadena's Clearwater Seafood.
  • The lines, mainly in block letters, wander and slant across the page.
  • Even more apocalyptic, Jessica Diamond's world map in miniature is accompanied by all block letters discouragingly asks, IS THAT ALL THERE IS? Rebecca Taylor: Paris: A Feast of Contemporary Art?
  • The title and author's name must be given in block letters on cover of the dissertation.
  • Another indication of modernity in this catalog is shown by the use of the decoration around the kymograph and the ownership of the right to produce the apparatus is shown by the ‘E. Zimmermann’ and ‘Leipzig’ in large block letters on an older illustration.
  • The lines, mainly in block letters, wander and slant across the page.
  • Write your name in capital / block letters.
  • It's printed in a really charming block letter font, as if it were done by hand, with different little flowers amidst the lettering.
  • There was nothing to identify who might live in this place other than a large white dish that sat on the floor near the sink and bore the name Artie in red block letters. Moon Dance
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