How To Use Blizzard In A Sentence

  • For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • British summers mean we get rain, wind, sun, snow and frost all in the same week but our winters are just so glum, no blizzards just unrelenting dankness.
  • There has also been a blizzard of complaints about poor customer service, falling earnings, rising debt, and a hostile attempt to force changes at board level.
  • We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
  • So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs? Times, Sunday Times
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  • Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted. Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
  • And while hitting the top 10 has created a blizzard of credibility-tinged hype around the group, they just can't live up to their radical image.
  • But I must confess that during this blizzardly storm the Castle hall is a little draughty. To Win or to Die A Tale of the Klondike Gold Craze
  • We were all promised blizzards and arctic blasts today, and I dare say everyone was looking forward to being snowed in and enjoying a day off work snuggled up in front of the telly.
  • Overnight the rain turns to snow, which turns into heavy blizzards. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few hours before the onset of what is supposed to be a "multi-day" and "life-threatening" blizzard, over one hundred Chicagoans gathered to sample Chicago's best seafood chowders at the Columbia Yacht Club. Caroline O'Donovan: At the Chowdah Fest
  • This continues until the owner reports the account as stolen, or worse, the account is banned by Blizzard for botting (a grievous violation of the terms of service). How the Virtual Gold Trade Works
  • The basic enginery is there already, and Blizzard's presence in the field makes me think it won't be very long until this happens. The face of information
  • The battle was fought on a freezing cold Palm Sunday, with soldiers facing blizzards and sub-zero temperatures.
  • Small trees would be cut down to mark the spot because of the severe winter with its blizzards and bad weather.
  • The book contains a blizzard of statistics that often contradict each other, leading first one way, then the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blizzard winds had come in much sooner than they normally did and he and the maids had been stuck in the compound for three weeks.
  • Melvin Blizzard[sentence dictionary], a drug squad supervisor.
  • The blizzard became severe on the afternoon of the 25th.
  • His body was found very close to it, but he had obviously been blinded by the blizzard.
  • In this dark solitary place, married to this shy, watchful man, her cheerfulness was a bubble-bath in a blizzard.
  • Regular trading hours were resumed after the worst East Coast blizzard in 48 years limited trading yesterday.
  • As usual with governments, this recognition is late and accompanied by a blizzard of bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • Founder Electronics, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Founder Group, filed the lawsuit against Blizzard asking for compensation of 100 mln yuan.
  • Airline stocks also have been weak in recent days because of investor worries the East Coast blizzard will trim earnings.
  • A rabbit has been calculated to possess one-hundred-million olfactory receptors-small wonder its little schnozz is always twitching, it is trapped in an undulating blizzard of aromatic stimuli-and Marcel "Bunny" LeFever was reputed, with some exaggeration, to be the human equivalent of Peter Cottontail. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • And then there are the weather warnings for hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, floods, winds, and tides.
  • The sun lanced through the overcast veil of blizzard-clouds and snow-squalls and gilded the twin vessels in shining gold.
  • This is generally heartening news for snow devotees; but where will the last great blizzards on Earth happen? Times, Sunday Times
  • The first couple of days brought a continuous heavy blizzard.
  • Even as a fierce blizzard looms on the horizon, she finds herself with more than just a truant husband on her hands.
  • It's been odd and funny and great; blizzards and blistering heat and all kinds of stuff.
  • The good news is that Paul's campaign has offered her and her mother a private meeting with the candidate.12.16pm: Today's poll round-up, and there have been a blizzard of the things in the last two days, all much of a muchness but showing a slight slide in Mitt Romney's sky-high ratings and an uptick for Jon Huntsman and others. New Hampshire primary - live: Mitt Romney fends off attacks
  • Thereafter, we were treated to a blizzard of corporate cameos.
  • It has been a cold, windy, blustery, blizzardy Christmas. Blizzards and peppermint candy canes....
  • Fierce blizzards could blow in suddenly, bringing heavy snow that strong winds heaped into deep drifts.
  • Readers have been wedding dresses wow power leveling wow gold captivated by "Invincible," wedding dresses the sweeping wow power leveling new musical piece released by Blizzard recalling the leitmotif of the Wrath of the Lich King trailer. MyBookFace :: Blogs
  • I swear, I could skin him, protect myself from all decoys, prevent us from meeting, even in dreams, within the same 100 yards, but no worries, I don't need protection; you follow the law and stay gone, as maybe you feared last year's blizzards and that's what kept us inside ... all that unrestraint, all that To Be Continued -- now you're just another Where Are They Now? Ben Evans: The Poetry of Michael Tyrell
  • Winds are strong and frequent, and hurricanes and blizzards are common.
  • The blizzard hit while they were unsaddling the horses.
  • You know, those things I drag myself over red hot oozing lava and pointy steel blades uphill both ways in blizzard and howling tropical storm to create. More POV - and a reflection on how to take a compliment
  • It began in a blizzard of howitzer shells, mortar rounds, high-velocity machine guns, and punishing aerial strikes.
  • The Northeast was soon hit by a blizzard. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • A blizzard of speeches and press conferences marked Day One of the General Election.
  • But that's muddled thinking: the point of those terms legally is first to put players on notice that Blizzard makes these claims, and second to estop players from trying to dispute them. One Lawsuit to Rule Them All
  • Getting suppliers to invoice you electronically will also cut down on the paper blizzard and reduce the cost of acquiring information.
  • They finally got the break they needed when they found a way over the open water lead after a 15-hour slog through the blizzard.
  • Vast tracts of America's north-eastern seaboard were closed for business as blizzards brought more than a foot of snow.
  • The commercial tells the tale of the brave Kerryman who undertook a gruelling 35-mile walk in a raging blizzard to summon help for the rest of his expedition.
  • After a short while it began to blow a blizzard.
  • Regardless of temperature, blizzards, or general apathy, the tinsel is tossed the first day of December. ‘Tis the Season @ Attack of the Redneck Mommy
  • trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly
  • Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard.
  • Walk into any ski shop these days, looking for a new pair of skis, and you'll be greeted by a blizzard of colour, shape and terminology.
  • When the novel opens, a 100-year blizzard is closing in on the farm, and Rose is the only thing standing between the cows, the sheep, the chickens and an icy death. Jon Katz's new dog-centered novel, 'Rose in a Storm'
  • In the 1980's, after more than 100 wind turbines were set up across the state, none of them survived blizzards with winds blowing at 130 kilometers an hour.
  • The only really arresting music is the orchestral interlude depicting a mountain blizzard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The upper reaches of the Thames froze and easterly winds brought blizzards and snow drifts 20ft deep. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Cut: rant about Blizzard's combat against botting) Disappointed
  • They finished their gruelling trip on Thursday after battling blizzard conditions and freezing temperatures along the way. The Sun
  • While many futurists predicted that we'd be enjoying the paperless office around this time, Americans are still at the epicenter of a paper blizzard.
  • So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stock prices finished mostly higher in a session significantly quieted by a blizzard that crippled much of the East Coast.
  • A major blizzard has been predicted all week, but 15-year old Haley is more concerned about the movie date she has planned with her crush.
  • But when the blizzards wail the Arctic fox curls its tail over its frosty nose and sleeps in the snows.
  • Overall, though, despite the blizzard of facts and figures, both candidates generally limited themselves to modest exaggerations and standard issue political puffery.
  • A blizzard forced the climbers back to the relative safety of their tents.
  • But in sub-zero temperatures and blizzard conditions they had to retreat beneath canvas for the night and abandon the rescue mission.
  • Its skies were often darkened by blizzards of snow geese and immense flocks of great blue herons, swans, diving ducks, terns, pintails, mallards, Canada geese, osprey, bald eagles and more.
  • Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts between individuals.
  • We had a blizzard, with hail, snow, rain and strong wind - we were terrified.
  • We had unseasonably cold temperatures and an enormous blizzard. Christianity Today
  • LIVE sections of last night's launch show were cancelled after the set was hit by a blizzard. The Sun
  • But players who have advertised their guilds as "GBLT-friendly" have lately been warned off by Blizzard moderators, who cite a rule against sexual discrimination in censoring the players. Boing Boing: January 22, 2006 - January 28, 2006 Archives
  • The barometer is dropping, so we may be in a blizzard by midday.
  • Airline stocks also have been weak in recent days because of investor worries the East Coast blizzard will trim earnings.
  • The law firm holiday parties have been blowing and going since mid-month in a near-blizzard of big-bucks spending and legal-eagle posturing.
  • Our weather is a factor most of the time, with very thick fogs in springtime, very heavy snow in the fall, and blizzards and white-outs in the winter.
  • The males are left behind to guard and hatch the eggs, which they cradle at all times on top of their feet, even during blinding blizzards.
  • That means they can use a snowplough to clear the roads and, unless they have a blizzard, it is passable.
  • We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
  • During this trek they trudged through blizzards in extreme conditions with only limited and poor supplies of food and running short of fuel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Memories whirled through her mind like the snowflakes in the blizzard.
  • Our options were further limited by the fact that we need four-wheel drive — the Taconic, our preferred route upstate, is double the fun in a blizzard and the driveway of our house is essentially a snowfield until someone remembers to plow us out. Life on Four Wheels
  • His first two solo shows were a blizzard of styles, combining watercolours and charcoals, landscapes and portraits, and religious paintings crafted lovingly by a committed atheist.
  • Rarely, the city of Trieste may see snow blizzards with north-eastern winds.
  • I say ‘happily’ - that was before a blizzard of information descended on us council tenants about the so-called three options.
  • So it seems only right and proper to squirm into a drysuit, don an aqualung and slip through a dark, forbidding hole in the frozen waters at Tignes-Le-Lac to avoid the blizzard conditions.
  • Many of the famous blizzards and northeasters that battered the East Coast and sank ships in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean throughout history were bomb cyclones.
  • The weather in Antarctica is famously unpredictable, changing in minutes from blue skies to raging blizzards. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many natural disasters, be it a blizzard, tornado or hurricane, the power is sometimes the first utility that fails.
  • Vast tracts of America's north-eastern seaboard were closed for business as blizzards brought more than a foot of snow.
  • Forecasters said that the blizzards would return to the South tomorrow, with sleet and snow continuing at least until the end of the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • a sudden unseasonable blizzard
  • They're the same people we bring food to on snowmobiles after blizzards.
  • The battle was fought on a freezing cold Palm Sunday, with soldiers facing blizzards and sub-zero temperatures.
  • Up in the air it was the twentieth century but in the blizzard on the ground it was the Middle Ages.
  • The blizzard that brought Washington to a standstill extended the blackout for several more days.
  • The beginning of spring is traditionally marked by a blizzard of emerging orange-tips. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up to 51,000 homes across Northern England were caught in the crisis when gales and blizzards damaged overhead power cables.
  • Much of the year I worry about my northern friends, with their blizzards, tornadoes, heat waves, droughts.
  • A blizzard of writs, in fact, and all from the same person.
  • They think I'm just some stooge here to make sure the roads and runways are clear of ice when the blizzards come.
  • Any shipping making the transition past the Blizzard Falls had to be routed through the port facilities there, making it the gateway from the upper to lower lakes.
  • Blizzard Entertainment & reg ; is a premier developer and publisher of entertainment software.
  • Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts between individuals.
  • Yesterday as planned we hired a van, drove to Perth through the blizzards and found our way to McCash's Country Store.
  • Twenty unclimbed mountains, gaping crevasses, blizzards and temperatures plunging to 25 degrees below zero were just some of the challenges overcome by a Navy expedition to Greenland.
  • It meant that Australians could find and play with other Australians without being subject to the lag and other unpleasantries that went hand-in-hand with Blizzard's official server.
  • Here the cars and trucks are barrelling into the blizzard regardless happily insulated against what's outside.
  • Then a blizzard settles in just before lunch, where live reindeer are tethered outside a yurt and cooked reindeer stew is simmering inside on the fire.
  • But the region's weathermen say predictions of impending blizzard conditions are wide of the mark.
  • In the days immediately following his £2.3m signing a week past on Wednesday, a blizzard of newsprint was devoted to the 23-year-old.
  • You get that for three hours and that's what we call a blizzard, my friend. CNN Transcript Feb 17, 2008
  • The blizzard forced them to delay their summit bid.
  • Netease a regular corporation violate impossibly compasses, blizzard also won't the law.
  • Because of the snowy icy blizzardy conditions, instead of getting to visit my daddy he is snowed in! Archive 2008-12-01
  • He is in great form, charming and engaging, with a blizzard of brilliant memories at his disposal. The Sun
  • In addition, high winds accompanying blizzards have pushed snow through grills and into buildings' ductwork.
  • YUMMY, YUCKY (too dry), YUCKY (too greasy), and YUMMY, but overall exactly what you want on a cold, blizzardy night in Chicago. Archive 2008-03-01
  • As usual in February the weather was desperate with a blizzard and white out conditions as we arrived at car park.
  • after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk
  • Last weekend as blizzards swept across the moors, the windmill didn't turn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airline stocks also have been weak in recent days because of investor worries the East Coast blizzard will trim earnings.
  • A spring blizzard is covering northcentral Montana, schools are closed which never happens – we pride ourselves on our ‘toughness’ – and I have a perfect day to stay home and daydream for a few extra minutes. La frangine - French Word-A-Day
  • He saw the shafts sleet down across the fort, and his heart rejoiced, for surely nothing could live under the merciless beating of that steel-pointed blizzard!
  • The prediction for the rest of the day, and into the night, was worsening by the hour: a blizzard was on its way. GALILEE
  • Last weekend as blizzards swept across the moors, the windmill didn't turn. Times, Sunday Times
  • A particular blizzard roared on for days at a time, and she was getting stir-crazy being stuck in the house while the storm blew over.
  • Anyway, upon arriving at Leuchars station in the middle of the evening, all us disembarking passengers found ourselves unable to leave, because of a blizzard and eight foot snowdrifts.
  • Gone are the times when tensions would erupt in a blizzard of savage brutality.
  • Using a silent electromagnetic pump, liquid gallium flows through the tubes of their Blizzard line of graphics cards.
  • While crossing the 1200m Pelion Gap, below Mt Ossa, Tassie's highest mountain, Shaggy's hiking group got hit by a blizzard, hurling down the full box and dice of sleet, hail, snow and rain.
  • After a short while it began to blow a blizzard.
  • Since that first winter, I've been through two ice storms and blizzards, as well as ‘normal’ winters, and frankly, I hate them.
  • Around the golf course, a rounded number eight is referred to as a snowman, and in blizzard-like conditions better suited for the Iditarod sled-dog race, the Browns (9-5) didn't mind shooting that score.
  • The process is like examining a single snowflake in a blizzard.
  • This is generally heartening news for snow devotees; but where will the last great blizzards on Earth happen? Times, Sunday Times
  • Here the cars and trucks are barrelling into the blizzard regardless happily insulated against what's outside.
  • The flagship scheme then became lost in a blizzard of red tape.
  • I'd rather let the food -- slurpy noodles tossed with a dazzle of diced tomato and mozzerella and a blizzard of chopped basil, creamy, dreamy hummus with pert, fresh, locally-grown produce, preferably organic -- do the convincing and seducing. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Is Going Meatless Better Than Sex?
  • For their parents, Vietnam veteran Ray and his wife Renee, life on their failing farm is becoming a battle against mounting debts and bank foreclosure but they have ridden the storms seemingly well until the stonker of a real blizzard that's heading their way on Christmas Eve provides the setting for everything else to unravel. 44 entries from December 2007
  • THREE British climbers were found dead on a Spanish mountain yesterday after being trapped in a blizzard. The Sun
  • Each month, I faced a blizzard of bills, which came to dominate my life.
  • Due to the blizzard, we had to sit tight at the airport for a day.
  • The code breaks into numbers, which decay further into a blizzard of zeros and ones.
  • When the rest of the country is struggling through blinding blizzards and arctic temperatures, its proximity to the Pacific keeps Vancouver relatively mild.
  • The blizzards had ceased three days ago and the remaining snow was swiftly melting away in the face of the late January sun.
  • The heavy blizzards can be so severe and the snowdrifts have been known to reach the roof.
  • So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs? Times, Sunday Times
  • We have experienced all weathers - from snow and blizzardly winds, to fog, cloud and, for the most part, sunny skies. - Stuff
  • More than 3,000 Mongolian gazelles have died of hunger and cold weather since blizzards hit the region this winter.
  • Retailers, home sellers and transportation companies from airlines to freight haulers saw activity brought to a standstill in the blizzard.
  • The blizzard forced them to delay their summit bid.
  • We had been indeed fortunate that the weather had been so clement, for the third month was generally blustery, often blizzardy, and freezing cold. Artichoke
  • My shirt was a kind of enveloping sky wetly wrapping my goosy skin, and across which, at intervals, hot winds from Africa and Arctic blizzards blew. Cider With Rosie
  • First off, let me say that I made the discovery that now one or two cups of caffeine are considered okay, so I am just limiting myself to one caffeinated beverage a day, and then I figure that leaves me room for little incidentals like the traces of caffeine found in decaf, in chocolate, and in the espresso powder that I've been sprinkling on my ice cream along with chocolate syrup (which, btw, makes for a passable imitation of the base of a cappucino skor blizzard, in case you are in need of one, just so you know). Substitute My Coke For Gin
  • Through the blizzard she could see the constant effort of the family to keep their crude tent intact.
  • It sees an exciting year for on the back of its "high quality pipeline games, which consist of proven 'Blizzard' games and in-house developed games including 'Cataclysm' and 'StarCraft II,' as well as a robust advertising landscape. NetEase Profit Climbs 25%
  • Hackers tried to trick users into visiting a maliciously-constructed website using a blizzard of spam emails last week.
  • … And warps him back two minutes ago through an internal blizzard of gunmetal sparkles, the time-storm scrambling his brain before the world reboots. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The illustrated book covers 70 years of Yorkshire's gales, blizzards, tornados and droughts.
  • So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs? Times, Sunday Times
  • But by the time she emerged from the blizzard of documents, the trustbuster had turned into a truster. Antitrust And Common Sense
  • Over two fatal days, eight climbers died after a fierce blizzard hit the peak. The Sun
  • Nevertheless, perfect go up finally in the price with the negotiation of blizzard at a stand.
  • As it is, the wind is certainly howling and the snow is certainly blizzarding and the roads are unplowed, but if we had to get out to get somewhere, we could.
  • Hackers tried to trick users into visiting a maliciously-constructed website using a blizzard of spam emails last week.
  • Companies should prepare for a pandemic flu the way they would for a blizzard.
  • Employees devote off-hours, lunch breaks, and even vacation time to endlessly playing and re-playing Blizzard games.
  • Mikkelborg releases sudden blizzards of sound over hymnal backdrops early on.
  • Don't know about bovines in blizzard games, but gender neutral characters tend to be male-centric, and even though I myself use video games as a medium for escapism sometimes, I certainly do not want to be alienated from the experience ALL of the time, and not for reasons that are sexist. Heroine
  • It was a keen, cold and blizzardly Sunday morning when the bells of the different churches rang out upon the air. Tess of the Storm Country
  • Under water:Flash floods and blizzards bring winter chaos.
  • A man who went missing yesterday during a blizzard has been found alive and well.
  • Rain, and quite a lot of it, drew a bull's-eye on the Washington region with the same ferocity as last winter's relentless blizzards. D.C. region braces for deluge
  • Soon January rolled around, bringing in a heavy blizzard, which meant there would be no school.
  • Makes me want to move from sunny Oklahoma to blizzardy Illinois so I'll have a governor looking out for my best interests. Election Central Saturday Roundup
  • Readers have been captivated by "Invincible," the sweeping wow power leveling new musical piece released by Blizzard wow gold recalling the leitmotif of the wow power leveling Wrath of the Lich King trailer. MyBookFace :: Blogs
  • Then a blizzard closed in forcing the men to make a 15-mile detour around the water in a complete white-out.
  • Forecasters said that the blizzards would return to the South tomorrow, with sleet and snow continuing at least until the end of the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Notably, he also uses the authenticator software for the iphone, which should make his account pretty much "unhackable" according to Blizzard. Blizzard Won't Let My Friend Get His Warcraft Hammer Back - The Consumerist
  • If you lose electric power during a blizzard or ice storm, you probably will lose your heat.
  • There was the usual blizzard blowing, driving snow deep into the fabric of one's clothing, making it impossible to see the linkmen bearing lanterns who lit the way for the driver, if they got more than a few paces ahead of the carriage. Storm Breaking
  • Defeat came as a red blast of heat and a blizzard of ash and cinders.
  • Of course, if that kind of erratic weather pattern appeared during winter, then I guessed that a blizzard would appear.
  • A blizzard of verses and choruses came wedged together in bundles so slick and fast that it was like watching a non-stop cabaret medley. Times, Sunday Times
  • So has this blizzard of data cleared the fog that clouds the path of borrowing costs? Times, Sunday Times
  • I endured winter blizzards, biting gale force winds, pouring rain, fog, hailstones, and the energy-sapping humidity of midsummer.
  • A giant blizzard had paralyzed Chicago, and was heading our way. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • In the winter, blizzards and ice storms strike all the way down into Texas.
  • The mizen wireless mast came down in a raging blizzard to – day. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • In very heavy seas, gales, blizzards and sub-zero temperatures and darkness six people including a girl aged 12 were rescued.
  • Another member of the team once wrote that although Mr Green prepared meals in a blizzard with only a piece of canvas to protect him, his cheerful grin never deserted his sooty face.
  • Hackers tried to trick users into visiting a maliciously-constructed website using a blizzard of spam emails last week.
  • All available knowledge showed that crevasses, sastrugi and blizzards were normal in Antarctica, yet throughout his diaries Scott complained about the conditions.
  • Trousers added for good measure, in case it gets really blizzardy and tights just aren't enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is in great form, charming and engaging, with a blizzard of brilliant memories at his disposal. The Sun
  • Blizzard is a gamer's game company which has created three of the most successful PC gaming franchises in existence.
  • The U.S. federal government offered 160 acres of land for homesteaders on the harsh fringe of the American breadbasket, where blizzards rule the winter and drought haunts the summer.

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