How To Use Blithe In A Sentence

  • His first thought was that of every young man, who blithely thinks to pit the bravado he miscalls courage against every obstacle.
  • You aren't the blithering idiot the past few have been, and I have this feeling that you're not racist.
  • Such a contrast to the generation that came before, with their big ideas, their insatiable appetites and their blithe disregard for the rest of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • For two 50-minute sets the crowd shrugged and shimmied to the rhythm of a more blithe and brilliant era.
  • Not a mile off, and you'd blithen my day if you'd take shelter and dinner at my camp. Cold Mountain
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  • Generally, he remained blithely unconcerned about his screen roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still more profound a touch is that where Ottima, daring her lover to the "one thing that must be done; you know what thing: Come in and help to carry," says, with affected lightsomeness, "This dusty pane might serve for looking-glass," and simultaneously exclaims, as she throws them rejectingly from her nervous fingers, "Three, four -- four grey hairs!" then with an almost sublime coquetry of horror turns abruptly to Sebald, saying with a voice striving vainly to be blithe -- Life of Robert Browning
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?
  • At that moment, his was a saint's blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better. Cold Mountain
  • A president affronting the leadership of the church, and blithely threatening its great institutions? A Battle the President Can't Win
  • However, equally I don't think one can credibly take a blithely post-modern approach and mutter vaguely about ‘multiple truths’, if basic historical factual assertions have been misstated.
  • In Britain there seemed a blithe lack of concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet his blithe rejection of free speech is a formula for tyranny.
  • The cook is as blithely eccentric as a good neighbor.
  • There, it has come to seem ridiculously blithe, ignoring the block that the political crisis puts on all but rudimentary commercial life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair play natives of that country - sweet, carefree adolescents whose blithe athleticism and pert demeanor are just a little cloying.
  • I'm coming," she called blithely to the scarlet flowers. Mrs. Red Pepper
  • Out of towering brown churches came the blithe music of anthems from the choirs.
  • But Maud said, “Tut, tut,” in gentle reproval, and then asked why I was a blithering idiot. Chapter 29
  • “Mony a dainty ane,” said Madge; “and blithely can I sing them, for lightsome sangs make merry gate.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • There is hardly a trace of social realism in this concerto, which seems blithely unconcerned about the world around it.
  • The slightly built dancer was described as ‘a professional dare devil, machine gun chatterer and blithe defier of the laws of physics’.
  • Blithe references are made to jet setting from one US city to the next, and accessing a stash of lucre in a secret Swiss bank account.
  • Thumbing a button, she raised the disc to her head and began to speak, intoning the routine blither in a stiflingly mind-numbing voice.
  • ‘I realised immediately that this was going to be a profound anecdote, and I've been dining out on it since,’ he purrs, with typical blitheness.
  • Here is the hardest question: How could the Administration have thought that it was safe to proceed in blithe indifference to the warnings of nearly everyone with operational experience in modern military occupations? Blind Into Baghdad
  • Says Brynhild, “Let not such matters sadden thee: abide with thy friends who wish thee blithesome, all of them!” The Story of the Volsungs
  • And media, in light of a recent AARP poll saying practically everyone is 'fer it, why don't you attempt a nosecount this time before blithely passing on such a pronouncement? FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots head for the Hill
  • With what blithe unconcern, too, it has disregarded the one-pointers.
  • Moisture and temperature cannot be explicitly divided out from convolved data, therefore, You seem to suppose that because there is no evidence bearing on the question at all, one can therefore blithely go an and assume there is no conflation of responses so as to produce some proxy series. Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit
  • Recorded "at various concert halls around the globe between 2007-10" as his latest label blithely puts it, he's as inventive and unfailingly swinging here on his 62nd trio album as when he left Miami long ago. Evening Standard - Home
  • His spirits exhilarated by the unexpected good cheer, the Comedian gave way to his naturally blithe humour; and between every mouthful he rattled or rather drolled on, now infant-like, now sage-like. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 03
  • An 'rin in noisy blithesomeness to thee, my Bess, wi' them, The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course.
  • In the boat we were compelled to loll about between heaven and the cool coral groves, and compare enforced inactivity with the blithesome freedom of the weakest butterfly. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • The mighty chief, atheling excellent, unblithe sat, labored in woe for the loss of his thanes, when once had been traced the trail of the fiend, spirit accurst: too cruel that sorrow, too long, too loathsome. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • But the blitheness with which he tossed it off indicates an ignorance—perhaps willful—of a deep confusion in the American character on the subject of using drugs simply to make life easier. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • So this is what Annie Hall matured into: a blithering buttinsky. Smothers Mothers: James Wolcott
  • Plenty of modern film-makers have attempted to emulate the blithe barbarity that lent Ealing comedies their sharp aftertaste.
  • Episcopalians and Methodists, and fools and fiddlers, and Papists and pie-bakers, and doctors and drugsters; by the shop-folk, that sell trash and trumpery at three prices — and so up got the bonny new Well, and down fell the honest auld town of Saint Ronan’s, where blithe decent folk had been heartsome eneugh for mony a day before ony o’ them were born, or ony sic vapouring fancies kittled in their cracked brains.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • She bade them adieu blithely; but the thoughts engendered by the invitation stood before her as sorrowful and rayless ghosts which could not be laid. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • He fails to grasp the structural teleology of a composition, blithely ignoring any real legato.
  • At any rate René, over his busy work in the lantern, whistled and hummed snatches of song with unwonted blithesomeness, and, after lighting the steady watch-light and securing all his paraphernalia with extra care, dallied some time longer than usual on the outer platform, striving to snatch through the driven wraith a glance of the distant lights of Pulwick. The Light of Scarthey
  • There, it has come to seem ridiculously blithe, ignoring the block that the political crisis puts on all but rudimentary commercial life. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked me slowly up and down as if I was some kind of blithering idiot.
  • It seems to me we are far too blithe about young women's anxieties. Times, Sunday Times
  • His family is blithely unaware of his nature.
  • Blithe and boldfaced, Xena: Warrior Princess's quest is to entertain despite the slings and arrows of scathing, sardonic criticism.
  • Both are blithely unconcerned with ethnicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet he seemed blithely unaware of this. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • Annadoah called blithely and coquettishly after him. The Eternal Maiden
  • How does she continue to live with her father and go along with undisturbed blitheness in the face of her older sister's accusations?
  • These is feigned blitheness about crises that will predictably attract immediate attention.
  • They all regard us with blithe indifference. Times, Sunday Times
  • The family's younger son blithely tools around rural Shropshire in his natty two-seater.
  • His acrimonious split from his wife has contributed to his blithely acknowledged misogyny, hence there are no women working in his restaurant.
  • In its blithe disregard for niceties the film ends up being a rather clever satire on the whole idea of normality.
  • The clerks, as usual, were full of rude health, chatting with blithe disregard.
  • He highlights the absurdities of his new hobby without blithely mocking. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't answer your question Bill, but I can say without the slightest reservation that "steve/sue/betty" is a complete blithering idiot! Sound Politics: Follow-up on Lieberman, Lamont, & Schlesinger
  • I do, however, recognise my own utterly antidoxic nature as so unquestionably Libran that I have to be skeptical about that rationalist dogma, and try and explain this evidence rather than blithely ignore it. Critique From HereNow
  • The tea menu is a tiny piece of delight, with descriptions that blithely use words like "velutinous" and "viridescent" and "vegetal" to describe their oolongs and whites and blacks. Archive 2008-10-01
  • I bet this wazzock, who blithely writes "the more the merrier", is also a fervent devotee of AGW and sees nothing ironic in the inconsistency of his very odd and loathesome views. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • It's Mrs. McMurdle's pest of a monkey, sirs" blithered the maid. Further Adventures of Lad
  • They walk off the road in various directions and continue blithely on their way.
  • We can feel generous and virtuous while blithely ignoring 99 per cent of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was his record of blithe indifference to the magnitude of the challenge that helped lead us to vote for his opponent.
  • What better tribute to the blithering indecision that has made us the nation we are today?
  • In Britain there seemed a blithe lack of concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • She shows a blithe disregard for danger.
  • The Times columnist was blithely condescending to the songwriting team's canon.
  • Shelley called skylark a blithe spirit because of its happy song. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It wasn’t until much later that I thought to wonder which was me, the beast, who had once drank blithely from the toilet and licked crumbs from the floor, or the tin box at my neck. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • He's someone who learned the hard way about how naivety is exploited on that scene, with underage actors blithely cast in barebacking scenes by studio guys who pay little attention to age certification legislation. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Anyone familiar with the state of the American pharmaceutical markets in the late 19th and early 20th centuries prior to government regulations would laugh at the blithe and banal praise of “consumer choice” as a miracle cureall. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pitfalls of Paternalism
  • These white wines, from here and abroad, sail blithely across your taste buds, wake them up, and then gracefully depart.
  • Be blithesome in your minds, maidens!" she called gayly over her shoulder. The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
  • Many a young partridge who strutted complacently among the stubble, with all the finicking coxcombry of youth, and many an older one who watched his levity out of his little round eye, with the contemptuous air of a bird of wisdom and experience, alike unconscious of their approaching doom, basked in the fresh morning air with lively and blithesome feelings, and a few hours afterwards were laid low upon the earth. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • They all regard us with blithe indifference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the fiction of an Australia blithely indifferent to America is the single-most unrealistic aspect of the film.
  • Then what am I paying you for you blithering idiot?
  • The devil take the caliver that fired the ball, for a blither lad never filled a cup at midnight! Kenilworth
  • It seems to me we are far too blithe about young women's anxieties. Times, Sunday Times
  • A blithe [happy] heart makes a blooming visage. 
  • This blithely idiosyncratic, almost dialogue-free animated film concerns an old lady's quest to recover her grandson after he is mysteriously kidnapped during the Tour de France.
  • The blithe assumption that higher charges can be painlessly met from profit margins was always suspect but is now exposed as a serious threat to recovery prospects.
  • Oh to be so powerful that you can transform world football 's calendar so blithely. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is much to admire in Shakespeare's ability to combine plots and subplots of such diversity and create a dénouement in which any number of knots are blithely unraveled.
  • In all, that made for a fairly truncated day today, but at least I now feel very blithe, and I had two excellent ideas for the book.
  • So how come the entire nation is worrying itself sick over whether Officer Crowley should have pinched the blithering Gates, while 500 crackers are raped and killed, unreported, unlamented, unavenged? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It was his pleasure -- and seemingly the pleasure and privilege of all lineman's gangs the world over -- to whistle blithely and to call impudently to any passing petticoat that caught his fancy. Half Portions
  • So far as subjective intentions were concerned, the directors proceeded in blithe disregard of the existence of the articles.
  • ‘Good shots and loose shots,’ was his blithe description.
  • His own father, blithe gadabout Edward VII 1901-1910 was solely a horse racing buff who was oblivious to his subjects becoming, in his lifetime, suddenly and overwhelmingly enamoured with ball games. Royalty has finally become wedded to the national sporting obsession | Frank Keating
  • Cheer up, sir! or, by this good liquor, we shall banish thee from the joys of blithesome company, into the mists of melancholy and the land of little-ease. Kenilworth
  • Between the two extremes of dogmatic adherence and blithe indifference to the text of the Constitution lies a reasonable and legal resolution.
  • Generally, he remained blithely unconcerned about his screen roles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, it never occurred to this blithering idiot that I had actually given thought to how my material was presented.
  • Confidently perching or restoratively leaning on it, emphatically plunking it down or cannily relocating it, blithely ignoring it or stymiedly crumpling up over it, Stritch makes the high chair embody moods, objectify states of being.
  • What say ye to anither pot? or shall we cry in a blithe Scots pint at ance? Redgauntlet
  • BLITHE X CHEERLESS Meaning: Gay, joyous Usage: Shelley called skylark a blithe spirit because of its happy song. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The blithe spirit of the students perhaps best symbolises the fair that has evolved over the years, pitting the youngsters against their best peers.
  • If he guards his food bowl, blithely walk by his bowl and drop in some terrific treats.
  • Then, blithely ignoring Barksdale's demurral, he ordered: ‘Report on Monday.’
  • She would kill Lori for being so blithely insubordinate but she couldn't say anything in front of Nick. JUST BETWEEN US
  • It is also a powerful cautionary tale for all those who blithely repose their faith in State-led legal reform, codification, standardisation and uniformity.
  • Affected an expression of blithe dignity for the benefit of any of Williams neighbors who might be wondering at the strange woman on his doorstep who seemed content to knock all night. The Forgotten Garden
  • But anyone with a friend or relative in the US, and an inclination to do so, will blithely continue to brazen it out with the traffic law enforcers.
  • Mind you, I was required to blithely swim about in the company of sawfish, sea turtles, and a couple of seven-foot tiger sharks while disguised from the pupek down as a lovely piece of Nova lox. With Love and Laughter, John Ritter
  • Scott and Aaron, meanwhile, were padding along, toasty as English muffins, as blithely as if they were at home in their bedroom slippers.
  • A sweet sobriety shaded her young face, and a meek smile sat upon her lips, but the old blithesomeness was gone. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 29, March, 1860
  • He puts blinders on and sees nothing but the flaws, while blithely overlooking the soul of the message, and the innocence of the delivery.
  • After paying off more than $100,000 in invoices this morning with the nonchalant blithe flick of a wrist, why do I still have trouble paying my credit card bill?
  • Developers mid-way through construction who blithely ignored the warning signs about leaky homes and waterproofing have unsaleable, even uncertifiable properties.
  • Mrs. Dowling's spirits had strikingly recovered even before the pair passed from the corridor: she moved almost bouncingly beside her embittered son, and her eyes and all the convolutions of her abundant face were blithe. Alice Adams
  • Even the blithe lovebird will extirpate its rival suitor in the most gruesome manner.
  • The playing was faultless, the singing blithely exquisite, the applause ecstatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was also, I now realize, a matter of ‘training,’ of that blithe and idolatrous homage we pay to credentials, whether or not they are pertinent to the task at hand.
  • Many a young partridge who strutted complacently among the stubble, with all the finicking coxcombry of youth, and many an older one who watched his levity out of his little round eye, with the contemptuous air of a bird of wisdom and experience, alike unconscious of their approaching doom, basked in the fresh morning air with lively and blithesome feelings, and a few hours afterwards were laid low upon the earth. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • What kind of rankly amateur, blithering shallow-wit was this woman, anyway? BEHINDLINGS
  • That was right after the BCS blithely ignored two of its own unwritten rules - a team must win its conference championship; the title game shouldn't be a rematch of a regular-season game - so Alabama and LSU could meet again in Super Dome. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Surrealism of Edward James, born into a world absolutely cluttered with expensive things and yearning to be free of their magnetism (when periodically overwhelmed by stuff that he accumulated, down to old matchboxes, he would simply have it all wrapped in bushels of tissue, packed in trunks and stored in a warehouse), has a blithe humor tinged with disdain that I sensed often in Las Pozas. Las Pozas: Edward James' fantasy stands tall in a jungle in Mexico
  • Buck Mulligan at once put on a blithe broadly smiling face.
  • But it's treated rather blithely in a stenographic US media, with little attention to its substance or peril. William Bradley: Drifting to War with Iran: Beware the Hysteria
  • Anita was up and pursuing her household duties, but she was calm, now, even sadder than before, making a strange contrast to blithe, gaysome Alice, who flitted about, here and there, like some bright-winged butterfly surrounded by a halo of perpetual sunshine. Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road or, The Black Rider of the Black Hills
  • Like just about everyone else in the film, she is hedonistic and blithely self-involved.
  • She was understandably reluctant to brave German fire to recover German wounded: "I don't mind running risks for our men or the French but I'm blithered if I'm going to have holes put in me by a bally Teuton while I pick up their men. Five Best War Memoirs
  • Who was the blithering idiot that came up with that one?
  • He intermixes shots of neon-lit signs with glossy images of models blithely spraying themselves with perfume.
  • Anyone familiar with the state of the American pharamaceutical markets in the late 19th and early 20th centuries prior to government regulations would laugh at the blithe and banal praise of “consumer choice” as a miracle cureall. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pitfalls of Paternalism
  • So was the hall arrayed for the feast very fairly, and Hallblithe sat there while the sun westered and the house grew dim, and dark at last, and they lighted the candles up and down the hall. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
  • How did Americans ever allow one man so blithely and callously and "childishly" wreck this nation? Bill Katovsky: 13 Ways of Looking at the Inauguration
  • At times, Mr. Pond's music moves along with a sort of blitheness that's in conflict with his melancholy lyrics. Brooders, Crooners and Belters
  • It was blithe and heartsome to go birling to Skeighan in the train; it was grand to jouk round Barbie on the nichts at e'en! The House with the Green Shutters
  • For those, like Ryan, who atttempt to deligitimize the “pro-torture” (and to even say that is silly, no one relishes torture) in simplistic and casual ways is blithely ignorant … moral clarity aside, ones personal decisions take on much more significance when those decisions effect millions of others in, possibly, profound ways. Think Progress » Shame on Yoo
  • We'd have to be blithering morons to put ourselves so far out there without rock-solid evidence.
  • was loved for her blithe spirit
  • He blithely sailed off into a maelstrom and delivered a steady performance as France's sailing stars faltered around him.
  • Hawthorne was no transcendentalist: he went to Brook Farm, not as a Fourierite or a believer in the principles of association, but attracted by the novelty of this experiment at communal living, and by the interesting varieties of human nature there assembled: literary material which he used in "The Blithedale Romance. Four Americans Roosevelt, Hawthorne, Emerson, Whitman
  • Until then, she had been in "blithe ignorance" about her origins, despite the fact that she was the only non-white person in her family. Pauline Black: Going back to my roots
  • They leave Henry's story blithely messy, the product of a man who is only barely self-aware.
  • I was not aware of any restrictions and so unaware, had a good time unruffled and blithely went on working.
  • When snake sheds its skin, it slides out of it, leaves it behind and moves on blithely with life.
  • Could he really be that blithe about what dangers lurked inside his body? Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening's companion to Can You Hear Me and Detective Sketches, Lorenzo's basically a gay version of The Blue Angel, with David Zak as an advertising "creative" who becomes obsessed with the title tramp, a blithely opportunistic teenage hustler played by Paul Raedyn. Chicago Reader
  • With Cornelius, in fact, it was nothing less than the joy which Dante apprehended in the blessed spirits of the perfect, the outward semblance of which, like a reflex of physical light upon human faces from "the land which is very far off," we may trace from Giotto onward to its consummation in the work of Raphael -- the serenity, the [53] durable cheerfulness, of those who have been indeed delivered from death, and of which the utmost degree of that famed "blitheness" of the Greeks had been but a transitory gleam, as in careless and wholly superficial youth. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2
  • Such a contrast to the generation that came before, with their big ideas, their insatiable appetites and their blithe disregard for the rest of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Morningside, by comparison, there are a blithe number of 80-year-olds for whom the next decade promises a rich pageant of Saga tours and constant cruises.
  • 'Don't worry. I'll pay,' she said blithely.
  • We stepped blithely into the twilight, and during the long descent I discoursed with him, in fluent Byzantine Greek, of the affairs of his village. Old Calabria
  • Through some strange process of absorption, many otherwise intelligent individuals become blithering idiots under the barrage of abuse that is pledging.
  • Our boat's radar showed shoals of fish swimming blithely beneath our craft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both are blithely unconcerned with ethnicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's only that blithe and stubborn optimism that leaves each side convinced they'll beat the odds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And her eyes sparkled with a strange blitheness.
  • So far I have been assuming an understanding of ghosts and ghostliness, blithely employing these terms as if they were commonly understood, let alone accepted.
  • It's easy to blithely say "Why don't they just make the bondholders take a haircut?"
  • The air was fresh and keen, squirrels jumped about in the trees, and the storm-cock sang blithely. Fifty-Two Stories For Girls
  • People go to jail these days, and when they come out they blithely resume their place in society.
  • The sunshine, the blithesomeness of the morning was infectious. Antony Gray,—Gardener
  • So the guests were led to table, and the feast began, within the hall and without it, and wide about the plain; and the Dayling maidens went in bands trimly decked out throughout all the host and served the warriors with meat and drink, and sang the overword to their lays, and smote the harp, and drew the bow over the fiddle till it laughed and wailed and chuckled, and were blithe and merry with all, and great was the glee on the eve of battle. The House of the Wolfings
  • The blithesome Phyllis bore her twenty-five summers gayly from the train, but on the platform a ghastly sight met her eyes. This Side of Paradise
  • He was replaced by a boozy singer-guitarist who announced in heavily accented French that he was a purveyor of Irish love ballads, then blithely launched into Leonard Cohen's Sisters of Mercy.
  • So, yes, I might as well give myself the freedom to indulge in any sort of blithering about the wildlife in my backyard and what the folks in Austin TX are up to and how those nitwits in Washington won't adopt my theories of government.
  • With all her blithesomeness and high spirits she was inclined to be serious in thought. Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp or, the Old Lumberman's Secret
  • blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight
  • After having blithered on about how Bill C-16 does not contain a single instance of the word "confidence," the author hilariously continues: Archive 2008-08-01
  • Borrowers, reveling in their lower monthly payments, blithely absorb the overcharges.
  • Now our guys are dying everyday because of a blithering miscalculation on your part.
  • Many a young partridge who strutted complacently among the stubble, with all the finicking coxcombry of youth, and many an older one who watched his levity out of his little round eye, with the contemptuous air of a bird of wisdom and experience, alike unconscious of their approaching doom, basked in the fresh morning air with lively and blithesome feelings, and a few hours afterwards were laid low upon the earth. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The final piece of this puzzling jigsaw is Linda's gym assistant Chad Feldheimer, played by Pitt with a blithe goofball goodness.
  • How could you be such a blithering, unconscious cretin?
  • Adams is no different to the DUP members who blithered on for years about the pro-agreement media consensus, until the DUP joined that consensus and will now presumably shut up, while Adams continues complaining about an anti-agreement media consensus. Slugger O'Toole
  • The mighty chief, atheling excellent, unblithe sat, labored in woe for the loss of his thanes, when once had been traced the trail of the fiend, spirit accurst: too cruel that sorrow, too long, too loathsome. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • It was evident that they were happy and contented in their alpine home, in the upper story of the world, the rare, cool, exhilarating air, the majestic panoramas, and the unlimited freedom all contributing to the blithesomeness of their spirits. Our Bird Comrades
  • This is a charter for the rich who don't care, for firms blithe enough to bung it on to their fees, for unions powerful enough to make the employer stump up.
  • Critics blithely ignorant of its subject matter routinely dismiss western art as purely anecdotal.
  • Our boat's radar showed shoals of fish swimming blithely beneath our craft. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may operate with economic infantilism, borrowing blithely, ignoring pension schemes and blowing half our annual earnings on rent.
  • Sarkozy blithely ignored the limit and spoke for twenty, bringing the hall to its feet when he declared, "To be a young Gaullist is to be a revolutionary! Waiting for Sarko
  • To be blithely ignorant of the difference between a founder and framer is sad, but to try and use your ignorance as some sort of argument winner is doubly pathetic. Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Odd Aversion to Democracy
  • I was in Mexico a few weeks ago, blithely unconscious of the Zapatistas.
  • I watched him labouring with all the wisdom of an old man and the blithesomeness of a young one. Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
  • Yet this friezelike arrangement of rhyming bodies and limbs also invokes classical reliefs of ceremonial processions, endowing the painting's blithe subject with an unexpected grandeur.
  • But use, life, good works have departed with those whom it exhorted to church duty, and in sympathy with all the human endeavor it once knew, but now fordone, in these days it never rings blithely, it can only be made to toll.
  • The other day on the morning news I heard a fairly long discussion of the full monty which is not news to my mind, who got voted off American Idol, even more on Anna Nicole, also not serious news, and if one wants to hear weather and traffic and other things that might affect the workweek you have to listen through all this other blither in between. How did the invention of the printing press help change the world in the renaissance? « World Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • It does so with blithe disregard for best scientific practice.
  • The audience is young and blithe and the setting gloomily pompous: that combination works better than any comedy club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could he really be that blithe about what dangers lurked inside his body? Times, Sunday Times
  • She recalled with a smile the list of instructions they’d been given that morning by the coach messenger, blithe and alert on his semihigh seat. SEASONS OF GOLD
  • He rather blithely admits that recklessness in a source is a good thing, that nuance is the enemy of good television, that newsmen love news no matter who it hurts.
  • Wrap myself tight and the blithering thugs would mistake me for an old woman. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Whereupon Gilbert, who is intelligent in his way, but easily frightened, blithered and launched forth into stories and lies which will end in his undoing. The Crystal Stopper
  • Ojha is particularly convincing as the fast-talking Bobby, and his quick-fire exchanges with Rann are rich with theatrical sweeping statements and blithe assurance.
  • Extant anthropoids appear to be blithely insouciant to such syndromes.
  • I was sure he thought I was a blithering idiot or worse.
  • A blithe [happy] heart makes a blooming visage. 
  • She was understandably reluctant to brave German fire to recover German wounded: "I don't mind running risks for our men or the French but I'm blithered if I'm going to have holes put in me by a bally Teuton while I pick up their men. Five Best War Memoirs
  • Still, I'm not ready to move on to what's blithely called "child-free" living. My Fertility Crisis
  • We can feel generous and virtuous while blithely ignoring 99 per cent of the world. Times, Sunday Times

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