- fungus causing white pine blister rust and having a complex life cycle requiring a plant of genus Ribes as alternate host
- any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally
How To Use blister rust In A Sentence
- Some currants are host to the White pine blister rust, and should not be planted near white pines.
- Also an introduced European fungus, white pine blister rust, appears after a century of decimating other North American pines to be gradually ascending the western mountains nearing the Great Basin bristlecone pines. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
- Important pests of eastern white pine include white pine weevil, various sawflies, bark and needle aphids, pine tube moth, white pine blister rust and white pine root decline, particularly on wet sites.
- Using above control indexes to manage Korean pine blister rust, significant control effects and economic profits could be got.
- Enemies: Sucking insects forming white downy patches on the bark and twigs, the _white pine weevil_, a boring insect, and the _white pine blister rust_, a fungus, are among its principal enemies. Studies of Trees