How To Use Blindfolded In A Sentence

  • Some paragliding pilots liken their sport to paddling a Class V river while blindfolded.
  • On one of the horses was a slight figure, bound and blindfolded.
  • The girls were blindfolded and turned around three times; then they had to hit the shoe until it broke and the goodies spilled out.
  • Blindfolded, I don't believe I could have told, but from inspection I think it contained apple, gooseberry and blackcurrant.
  • In everyday life, the greater the distance between points A and B, and the more rugged the intervening landscape, the bleaker are the odds for success of a blindfolded walk, even—or perhaps especially—when following a simple-minded rule like “always climb higher; never back down.” The Edge of Evolution
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  • Briars thrown in his Way, and with Intrepidity if need requires, even imbrue his Hands in his opposers Blood, and make a Dagger with Blindfolded Eyes, force John Adams diary 13, 1 March - 31 December 1766, March 1767
  • Then some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, "Prophesy! " And the guards took him and beat him.
  • Like Asa Schaeffer in our animation, he blindfolded his subjects if you can call what he did to them "blindfolding"; it's more like head wrapping and told them to try to walk straight for up to an hour. NPR Topics: News
  • At the same time, he broke the world motorcycle record for a blind or blindfolded person.
  • Patients were blindfolded and asked to close their mouths and one nostril. Times, Sunday Times
  • He told how he was blindfolded, taken to an interrogation centre and tortured for seven weeks.
  • Andrew MuellerOnce upon a time, there was an amazing Channel 4 show called Lost no, not that one, in which teams were dumped, blindfolded, in exotic places and obliged to make their way back to London by hook, crook or improvised coracle. TV highlights 21/07/2011: Torchwood: Miracle Day | The Killing | John Oliver's New York | BBC Proms 2011: Mark Elder Conducts The Hallé | Art Of Survival | Shameless US
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • A lone cadaverous figure standing near a nervous blindfolded donkey was seen centered in the destroyed fields.
  • The former were blindfolded, and turned around on the spot to scramble their sense of direction.
  • I was handcuffed, shackled and blindfolded and held in solitary confinement for three months.
  • The invite came with a dart, which each blindfolded guest was required to throw at a giant map of the world.
  • When they tried to walk toward the targets after being blindfolded or threw beanbags at them, they nearly always missed.
  • I was blindfolded, but I could hear what they were saying, and I could actually hear the guns as they would cock them and uncock them to try to threaten me. CNN Transcript Jan 29, 2007
  • You can always count on this one for some comedy capers as blindfolded people crash into things.
  • It gives them an excuse to treat the hostages badly, and God knows it's bad enough just to be taken hostage and to be confined in some filthy room and maybe blindfolded.
  • Subalterns encrypt, blindfolded subjects call Zener-deck guesses to hidden microphones: "Waves ... Gravity's Rainbow
  • He then blindfolded her and led her to her chair at the table.
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman 's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • After being blindfolded, she waited only a few seconds before a French swordsman severed her head from her delicate neck.
  • My favourite sex writing is the writing that like Lisa Moore’s Open or Degrees of Nakedness is real sex in seductive portions (the sensuous particulars Richard and Russell describe); Moore offers details and they read like morsels of a slow, blindfolded meal. Discussion: On Sex in Fiction
  • A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
  • Patients were blindfolded and asked to close their mouths and one nostril. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though he was blindfolded all the time, they kept him alright and they did not mistreat or beat him in any way.
  • I watched, gobsmacked, as he was blindfolded and went on to identify random objects from the crowd by passing his hands over them but not touching them.
  • All were blindfolded with the exception of one, who was the jingler, and who carried a bell in each hand, which he was obliged to keep ringing. Old English Sports
  • I imagine, though I didn't see it because I was blindfolded, that they were doing it with a razor blade or a scalpel.
  • He appeared in court yesterday blindfolded and handcuffed and was remanded on bail for a fortnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the benefit of those listening to a simulcast of this on the radio, Rosie's blindfolded and that's Alec Baldwin talking after breathing in a balloon.
  • He was blindfolded and taken to Secret Police headquarters.
  • Not content with this bit of high-altitude aptitude, the equilibrist re-crosses the falls, first blindfolded, then on a bicycle, then on stilts, then pushing a wheelbarrow while carrying a man on his back.
  • A second post on Twitter carried a picture of three blindfolded prisoners. Times, Sunday Times
  • After producing the knife he subjected them to a terrifying experience during which he made them hand over their valuables, blindfolded them, tied them up and raped them.
  • Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.
  • The host's pretentious huffiness assures you that the blindfolded lady holding the scales is not only implacable and inescapable but - by gad, sir!
  • He appeared in court yesterday blindfolded and handcuffed and was remanded on bail for a fortnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
  • If she falls over when blindfolded (because she relies on her eyes for balance), she probably has cerebellar hypoplasia, which is more common in kittens. Top News Headlines
  • The novitiate, blindfolded and noosed, was brought before them and a gun fired into the air.
  • Soon there were seven slips of paper in a hat - only one permitted the holder to remain unblindfolded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside a guardhouse in the compound, soldiers found more prisoners bound and blindfolded and showing evidence of abuse.
  • In the meantime, he tries quintain, a kind of jousting on foot, stoolball, dating from the 15th century and still played today, and jingling, where a man wearing bells is chased by a group of blindfolded women. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The cops were blindfolded and driven off in armoured personnel carriers. The Sun
  • Society was looking at itself too much already, was caught in recursive loops, and could more or less do this blindfolded.
  • Alexander's photomontages also feature masked or blindfolded youths.
  • They blindfolded and gagged her and tied her arms and legs.
  • In the synoptics, he is spat upon, blindfolded, struck on the face, and slapped (Matt. 26: 67-68, Mark 14: 65; Luke 22: 63-65).
  • You dare not open your eyes but must grope your way about as if blindfolded. Times, Sunday Times
  • RAFOLS: Police say this is where a 38-year-old woman was kidnapped, beaten, and branded with a hot iron, the word snitch scorched into her cheek, then blindfolded, driven, and dropped in this nearby neighborhood. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2007
  • A blindfolded person throwing darts at a chart would have done better than this. Times, Sunday Times
  • the hostage was blindfolded and driven away
  • A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
  • While a small band is playing and singing the traditional song of San Juan, blindfolded dancers from the audience try to hit the calabash with a stick.
  • When his special forces training had concluded, he and his comrades were blindfolded and driven to a secret location to pledge their allegiance. Times, Sunday Times
  • His abductors blindfolded him and drove him to a flat in southern Beirut.
  • He could be blindfolded and still know how to play tennis,' he laughs. The Sun
  • A convoy of armoured vehicles passed through holding a blindfolded captive. The Sun
  • But if she's blindfolded, how does she know which pan of the scale is heavier than the other?
  • He was kneeling on the floor, blindfolded and gagged and wearing handcuffs.
  • Last month, a video surfaced on YouTube showing soldiers in Pakistani army uniforms firing at a half-dozen blindfolded prisoners. Expanded U.S. military aid sought for Pakistan
  • Berndt, 61, allegedly spoon-fed his semen to children as part of what he called a "tasting game" in which children were blindfolded and, in some cases, gagged with tape. News -
  • You dare not open your eyes but must grope your way about as if blindfolded. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said the two men broke into the house, blindfolded and gagged her before tying up her arms and legs.
  • Then they blindfolded 32 undergraduate students and had them don earmuffs, thick gloves and kneepads to prevent them from using sensory cues other than smell.
  • I had a female hapkido teacher years ago who could fight several men at the same time while blindfolded. Choosing Martial Art: A Celebration
  • He was manacled, blindfolded, held on his knees for hours, beaten, and taken to the infamous Salem prison where he stayed for eleven days without charge or defence.
  • All three were roughly hauled out, tied hand and foot and blindfolded.
  • He appeared in court yesterday blindfolded and handcuffed and was remanded on bail for a fortnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Considering the twins were already doing handstands and backflips while blindfolded on the top of a revolving 16-metre high wheel of death, it's difficult to imagine how the Russians might have gone one better.
  • His abductors blindfolded him and drove him to a flat in southern Beirut.
  • In Jeff's defense, he can do backside bigspins every time, even while blindfolded.
  • He claimed she was blindfolded and sent into the ocean at Dockweiler Beach dressed in a heavy sweatsuit, socks and tennis shoes.
  • The kind of sysadmin that plays the network blindfolded and upside down like Stevie Ray Vaughn, makes ch, ch, changes faster than David Bowie, smashes hackers like Pete Townsend does with guitars, keeps the show going like Bill Graham, and does it all with Ringo's good humor. Boing Boing
  • In the recent past, there have been protests wherein agitators had either blindfolded themselves or gagged their mouths to express their ire.
  • The three meter board, being blindfolded kind of disorients the body like a night time environment. The Parthenon
  • You dare not open your eyes but must grope your way about as if blindfolded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police allege the woman, now aged 30, was drugged before being blindfolded, sexually assaulted and defrauded during what they described as a bizarre and callous series of fake prayer sessions in Sydney's west between 2001 and 2005. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • After 15 days several of the prisoners were blindfolded, manacled, and asked to walk holding the person in front.
  • The association asked local dignitaries to discover what life was like for a blind person by spending some time blindfolded.
  • The victim was blindfolded.
  • Mozart might not have been the spendthrift hellion portrayed in the 1984 film Amadeus, but he could play the piano blindfolded, loved wooing women and wrote bawdy letters.
  • The normal child may be blindfolded in the games where, for example, he is to recognise various weights, for this does help him to intensify and concentrate his attention upon the baric stimuli which he is to test. The Montessori Method
  • On a regular basis, peace activists are humiliated, blindfolded and shot in the kneecaps, sprayed with sewage and chemicals, deafened and "microwaved" by newer and ever more sadistic methods of crowd control, imprisoned and tortured. The Nation: Top Stories
  • A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
  • He subdued the man and gagged and blindfolded the young woman.
  • One day they woke him up early at prison, beat him severely, blindfolded him and took him away in a car.
  • We were blindfolded before we travelled some distance to reach his hideout.
  • She was blindfolded and taken somewhere in the back of a van.
  • A convoy of armoured vehicles passed through holding a blindfolded captive. The Sun
  • The documents are just part of a huge cache of terror tools shown to blindfolded Western reporters.
  • A sad chuckle escaped him and in my blindfolded state it was like I could hear every rattled nuance of it, from the way it guttered in his mouth to the low vibrato in his chest. Brush of Darkness
  • I remember thinking that if I were blindfolded and forced to taste and identify this carbonated atrocity, I would have guessed it was antifreeze, aftershave or pond water.
  • Festivals almost always feature waterborne activities, ranging from athletic events like blindfolded canoe races to rituals that include offerings to water spirits.
  • It took a few seconds after he regained consciousness to realize that he was blindfolded.
  • Justice is often personified as a blindfolded woman holding a pair of scales.
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman 's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • They all pay their money and are immediately blindfolded, whereupon they are asked to make polite conversation with the person next to them.
  • After giving him full instructions on how to lace me into it, I was blindfolded and I heard him unlock the door to one of our unused rooms into which he led me.
  • The tall man in the front blindfolded me.
  • A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.
  • It was Maria and she was bound, gagged and blindfolded!
  • He appeared in court yesterday blindfolded and handcuffed and was remanded on bail for a fortnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new member was blindfolded, tied to a tree and shot with paint pellets.
  • Prosecutors allege that Berndt spoon-fed his semen to blindfolded children as part of what he called a "tasting game. News -

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