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  1. a slang term for Great Britain used by British troops serving abroad

How To Use Blighty In A Sentence

  • Blighty -- Britain; "'Bean' is one of the biggest hits to come out of Blighty." blurb -- TV commercial; "Ridley Scott started his career directing blurbs." boff (also boffo, boffola) -- outstanding (usually refers to box office performance); "'My Best Friend's Wedding' has been boffo at the B.O.
  • In March 1917 he received one of those wounds named affectionately by Tommies as a ‘Blighty’ wound - bad enough for you to be sent back home but not bad enough to keep you incapacitated for ever.
  • PW - I don't know about any more Eiffels in Blighty but there used to be a baby Statue of Liberty on a hosiery factory roof in Leicester. Destination Moon
  • But will it catch on in sceptical, empirical old Blighty? Times, Sunday Times
  • Lucky you if you managed to escape Blighty and the weekend's torrential downpours. Times, Sunday Times
  • I. AM is having trouble understanding the lingo here in Blighty. The Sun
  • Firstly, how can the Scots hope to compete with England's hardened professionals nine months hence if they can't even beat a bunch of amateurs from Blighty and Clogland?
  • I mean, for hecks sake, I hear things here in Blighty about how UK unemployment data -- something as important as the livelihood of 60 million people -- is unreliable and skewed to heck by issues regarding what qualifies. Bestseller befuddlement: ‘The Times list is what it is’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Over here in Blighty the media in general don't do science and even their rocket science correspondents lack that essential degree in rocket science. Mars Ain't The Kind of Place To Raise Your Kids. In Fact Its Cold As ... - NASA Watch
  • As a result Blighty is starting a new series following the party leaders as they frantically smother the country in baby kisses.
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