How To Use Blether In A Sentence

  • Sleek and smart, those wee black eyes dart from side to side and while others blether and blunder he just keeps to his game and he's always witty. Alex Salmond: Scotland's new superhero | Observer profile
  • ` ` I watna, 'replied Mr. Jarvie; --- ` ` it was a bletherin phrasin' chield they ca 'Fairservice, that cam at e'en to get an order to send the crier through the toun for ye at skreigh o' day the morn. Rob Roy
  • She blethered on while Bill sipped his fortified tea and Joanne warmed herself by the fire. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Thursday, October 30/4. 30pm to 5.30 pm: me, on my own, blethering to a room of people or chairs or any combination thereof. Archive 2008-10-01
  • I can't promise that I'm particularly intelligent in it, or even particularly intelligible, but if ye want to hear me blethering on about stuff and nonsense, well ... enjoy. posted by Hal Duncan | 2: 53 PM Starship Sofa Interview
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  • I really enjoy having a good old blether with my pals and socialise with them when I get the chance.
  • Bletherley had called the monopolist institution of marriage. Love and Mr. Lewisham
  • WHAT was John Denham blethering on about last night? Got Carried Away
  • Gie the wean a sweetie an' a glass o ' ginger, fur Goad's sake an' gie over wi ' the sufferin ' saviour blether! THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • The Blethering Classes pretended their daily help or the woman in the corner shop was worried.
  • He listened to Bletherley with a marked disapproval, and opened a vigorous defence of that ancient tradition of loyalty that Bletherley had called the monopolist institution of marriage. Love and Mr Lewisham
  • But before that the Paiutes, mesne lords of the soil, made a campoodie by the rill of Pine Creek; and after, contesting the soil with them, cattle-men, who found its foodful pastures greatly to their advantage; and bands of blethering flocks shepherded by wild, hairy men of little speech, who attested their rights to the feeding ground with their long staves upon each other's skulls. The Land of Little Rain
  • Gie the wean a sweetie an' a glass o ' ginger, fur Goad's sake an' gie over wi ' the sufferin ' saviour blether ! THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • There was beer and blether and more blether and more beer. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The Spring context in the Blether WAR looks up the EntityManagerFactory that it uses from the Web module's local JNDI, where it is mapped by a persistence-unit-ref in the module's web.xml file.
  • Gie the wean a sweetie an' a glass o ' ginger, fur Goad's sake an' gie over wi ' the sufferin ' saviour blether! THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Thanks, asianHusseingrrl "that one" MN, I know that & saw it - I just want a HUGE pic of it at the actual event … - otherwise I'll get a bunch of 'blether' from the pwwnbn … … …. News
  • The flock blethered at the home corral, and old Pedro Ruiz, hobbling out to let them in, stood Spring o' the Year
  • Pitmatic anna new - ah've blethered on aboot it in Wordorigins like. DEVON DIALECT.
  • He is a bit of a blether, but there was similar information from the others. A DEATH IN TIME
  • They blethered endlessly, the way they used to, making each other laugh, exchanging thoughts and ideas. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • Well, we'd just had a wee blether on the universal nature of brotherly love, when a clishmaclaver broke out, over by your kiln. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • He babbled, carrying on like some serving wench with good gossip, unable to stop his own blether, until she ducked her shoulder away from his touch. Healing the Highlander
  • A blethering, [160] blustering, drunken blellum; [161] From Chaucer to Tennyson
  • She blethered for ages and ages and ages on the second question. Question Time: Mackenzie and Spelman, Yeuch
  • “And what are you two auld boys blethering about now?” A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • He blethered on about Mike and the party and what he did and who he knew. GO!
  • I canna but believe Richard was of a mind to frighten you and nothing more with all his blether about marriage. Healing the Highlander
  • Gibingly circumstantial was an insurance web site not to tichodroma the bibliothecarial vice, or triumvir, of the cytoarchitecture neuropteron stupaed to sunday the blether of that zooplankton. Rational Review
  • How did we ever survive all those evenings of ‘plastic pottery’ and the unending blether from the representative, clad of course in the obligatory twin set and pearls?
  • Anyways, we made our way back to the festival by way of a bar, for a wee beer and a blether, and then a supermarket, so's I could pick up some beer for the room party I was reckoning as a necessity that night, given that the hotel bar in Novotel closed at half twelve the previous night. Famous in Finland, Fixture in France
  • The flock blethered at the home corral, and old Pedro Ruiz, hobbling out to let them in, stood a long time at the bars wondering what had become of Felicita. Spring o' the Year
  • OK, I exaggerate, but my mate down there was under the weather, so it didn't seem terribly good form to inflict my jetlagged, mindfucked blethering on him. Archive 2010-06-01
  • All day Saturday they had been alternately playing and fighting with Heather and Stephanie, Moray's wee sisters, in the house and round the garden while their mums drank coffee and blethered in the kitchen and their dads hit into a force eight on the links. Quite Ugly One Morning
  • I made for the door, blethering nonsense, and had to stop myself running down the drive, straight home. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • He kept talking about "tough choices" and "difficult decisions" but as far as I could tell he didn't answer a single one of John Humphries questions, he just blethered on about Tory cuts whilst failing to acknowledge that Labour will on their own figures have to cut too. Archive 2009-06-01
  • But though they blethered and and grumbled and girned at him, they forgot it all soon enough and laughed about his nonsense.
  • The banging on the door brought the cheerful blethering to a halt. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • As Jack afterward said, "They blethered like a lot o 'wild geese. Stories by English Authors: the Sea
  • I hated Mark and Sally---the way Mark blethered on inanely and the way Sally kept directing little smirks and comments at Art. READY?
  • The four of you lads can stay and blether on for as long as you like. Healing the Highlander
  • Ye old bletherin 'doited witch!" he said, "ye old –" His eloquence had not failed him, and Marg'ret, though a brave woman, who had taken these objurgations composedly enough on previous occasions, was altogether overwhelmed by the torrent of fiery words, and the red ferocious light in the eyes of the skeleton form in the bed. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • In the case of the Blether persistence JAR, the conversion is straightforward and so it is not necessary to use the tool.
  • I'd tweeted of my trip and, knowing them from WFCs in the past, ended up arranging for beer and a blether on Friday, and to see the show together on Thursday. Archive 2010-06-01
  • I'll lay my lugs that's the true reason, and brawly does he ken his corn's a 'caff, or he wadna keep the sack mouth tied, and try to put us aff wi' bletheration. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • He is a bit of a blether, but there was similar information from the others. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Gie the wean a sweetie an' a glass o ' ginger, fur Goad's sake an' gie over wi ' the sufferin ' saviour blether ! THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES

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