How To Use Blear In A Sentence
Instead of the grim faces of commuters on their way into work, people were bleary-eyed but smiling for no particular reason.
In the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins' evocative phrasing, ‘All is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil; and wears man's smudge and shares man's smell.’
Everyone I've seen in London today has got bleary eyes, and is yawning.
But my poor blear eyes like a bat's, startled me at my shadow on the flagstones.
Chapter 22
He pulled a grimy handkerchief from his pocket and let fly with a wet honk into the rag, then he looked at them with bleary eyes.

And, he's come to more than one Christmas program all in brown, covered in diesel dust, and bleary eyed from the craziness that is holiday delivery season.
Why Does It Feel So Different? - SpouseBUZZ
Just then, her bleary eyed, pajamaed husband Wilford Brimley walks in with a plate of pie.
Y’all need backup? | clusterflock
Last month the judges -- bleary-eyed from reading 130 nominated books each -- attacked publishers for submitting works they called "portentous," "pretentious" and "pompous.
Eyes On The Prize
Surely most of us who have children can recall the bleary days of early parenthood when that baby woke us throughout the night.
Kids sleep with their cell phones: Are they suffering from connection addiction?
Practically everyone I meet these days seems to have bleary eyes, scarlet noses and a croaking voice.
When I say get by, I'm still bleary-eyed and coffee-dependent in the morning.
Her vision bleared and she couldn't hear anything.
He knew that his hand shook, and his brain reeled, and his eyes were bleared; but he never blamed the whiskey.
Sowing Seeds in Danny
The bleary eyes, he says, are down to a lack of sleep because of a faulty alarm on his motorbike.
He remembered the days when some of the old men, still alive, had been born; and, unlike him, they were now decrepit, shaken with palsy, blear-eyed, toothless of mouth, deaf of ear, or paralysed.
Blearily I pulled on my dressing gown and groped my way to the front door, making ready to have a go at somebody for having the audacity to come a-calling so early on a Sunday morning, but there was nobody there.
My first instinct, because I was bleary-eyed after a very late night, was that it must be the first of April.
Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
I honestly just couldn't read it, my eyes were blearing.
Eyes bleary with salt water, like wearing dirty contacts; he shook his head, seawater slopping over his face.
Outside her room, her sister, Sabrina, scuffled into the bathroom bleary eyed.
A lot fo this ended up in bleary morning train rides home the next day.
Archive 2010-02-01
The next morning brings heavy heads and bleary eyes, and a need for some fresh air.
A bleary-eyed Dan stood looking uncertainly at Cary.
I frowned as they departed, and turned to my mother and father, sadness blearing up my eyes.
He supported Hazel Blears for the position of deputy leader of the Labour party but his main loyalty is to himself and his career, albeit that career stalled when he resigned his position as PPS to the afore mentioned Hazel Blears over the decision to replace Trident; maybe he is trying to resurrect it and the BBC are trying to help him do that, but why?
Archive 2008-01-01
Just after sunrise twice a week, in a fluorescently lit room on Ohio State's sprawling campus, he lectures 49 bleary-eyed students on the art of coaching.
This Professor Looks Familiar
His eyes were hollow, bleared, and gummy; his face was shrivelled into a thousand wrinkles, his gums were destitute of teeth, his nose sharp and drooping, his chin peaked and prominent, so that, when he mumped or spoke, they approached one another like a pair of nutcrackers: he supported himself on an ivory-headed cane and his whole figure was
The Adventures of Roderick Random
Bleary-eyed soldiers stumbled from their tents.
I watched as his eyes fell shut of their own accord, watched as his breathing slowed, and watched as his eyes snapped open again, blinking away their bleariness in confusion.
To a bleary-eyed child after a night at sea with the Burns Laird line, the noise of the Belfast men at work seemed deafening.
The rest were made up of unfortunate women of the vilest and most ragged description, aged itinerants, with features seared with famine, bleared eyes, dropping jaws, shivering limbs, and all the mortal signs of hopeless and aidless, and, worst of all, breadless infirmity.
Pelham — Complete
Sometimes they come to school bleary-eyed after sitting up half the night on chat lines.
They stagger in, are punched upright, and indoors now in harsh electric light blear eyes inspect them.
She read until the light began to fail and then read some more, until her sight grew bleary and her head sank on to the desk.
The bleared eye rolled with a sort of self-congratulation, and the coins jingled more loudly.
The Unclassed
Along she came to see what was up, plodded over to the kitchen door all bleary eyed, and yowled to be let out.
If you go back to 1982 we saw some incredible feats of 'getting things done' for example airborne early warning Sea King, containerised sea wolf, the overall logistic effort in assembling the task force, turning container ships into half carriers and a myriad of other feats of the unbelievableAre we actually capable of doing anything quickly these days given over regulation and all round 'leanness'
Army Rumour Service
He had not been sobbing but her cheeks were moist and his eyes were bleary.
I'm also still bleary from the weekend: worked all day yesterday, stayed up too late on Saturday helping my UConn-fan wife obliterate the immediate past with mojitos and Classical Barbra, and was out too late on Friday witnessing The Bad Plus in the flesh and then finally meeting Ethan Iverson.
I care not for Caruso
Her limbs dragged and shuffled, her eyes dimmed and bleared, and only the little children found joy against the withered cheek of the old squaw by the fire.
In this heat i cant help but cast my mind to thoughts of sticky chewing gum on a pavement, in the blearing sun, having found its way to the bottom a boots sole, nice! on July 1, 2009 at 3: 52 pm | Reply sheriff roscoe. p.coltrane
Police Body Armour Heatwave Shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
A BusyBodyBook is a dayplanner for parents, which, although I have no direct experience of it, has got to be a good thing because hello? keeping track of all baby-related activities and appointments and whatever ain’t easy when you’re all bleary from the parenting business that you can’t keep track of in the first place.
Oooh, prizes…! | Her Bad Mother
I was bleary-eyed from the transatlantic leg of my itinerary, and became aware of a guy with a very loud voice who was vigorously fanboying one of the other passengers as we disembarked and had a long wait for the terminal bus.
Linkspam for 29-8-2009
The first text of this work I wrote in wax and put together as I was growing old, with my own hands and blearing eyes, fearful indeed and blushing a great deal that my lack of skill must ever reach your ears.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light.
Bleary-eyed and hair astray, Alice answered the door.
My eyes snapped open and I sat up, trying vainly to fight off the bleariness of sleep.
But worst of all, a blear-eyed old hag, girded round with a filthy apron, and wearing wooden clogs which were not mates, dragged in an immense dog on a chain, and "sicked" him upon Eumolpus, but he beat off all attacks with his candlestick.
The Satyricon — Complete
The sharp ears were not pricked so sharply as he had seen them on other wolves; the eyes were bleared and bloodshot, the head seemed to droop limply and forlornly.
I was still bleary-eyed but very slowly all the faces came into focus.
The Sun
Slowly, I opened my eyes, rubbing the bleariness out of them as I sat up.
I blinked my eyes blearily and opened my mouth to yawn; I felt thick and slow.
Despite the hopes earlier held out to him by the Wife, the Husband can now envisage no alternative to ruin and to the ultimate terror of beggary which, he later says, was the ‘thing I feared. / O, 'twas the enemy my eyes so bleared!’
Next, my father raised his hand, blearing through his migraine, and asked, “Tell me, what is the square root of pi?”
The Beautiful Miscellaneous
Daughtry have sworn that he had seen a flash of anxiety break through the dream-films that bleared the Ancient Mariner's eyes.
She read until the light began to fail and then read some more, until her sight grew bleary and her head sank on to the desk.
Even to his bleary eyes it must have been perfectly apparent that it was no natural wind that was pushing to come in.
My eyes were bleary, and I just wanted to close them and go back to sleep.
I stumbled into work, bleary-eyed and dopey and at the first opportunity purchased a fruit juice smoothie from one of the hundreds of juice bars springing up all over the city.
When we first see the rooster, he's gargling some water, and he's bleary-eyed; obviously, he just got up after a long boozy night.
To convey his good tidings he lapses into party-animal mode, bellowing and boogalooing in the bleary, mega-groovy manner of his on-screen character.
It was too early to kill him, so I blinked rather blearily instead, groping around blindly for my glasses, and noticed two pairs of feet standing nearby.
He was concerned about the recent blear in his vision.
I was still bleary-eyed, getting on the boat.
Times, Sunday Times
I blinked my eyes blearily and opened my mouth to yawn, I felt thick and slow.
It is a coolish early-summer evening, and a bleary grey dusk is gradually darkening into night.
Kind of a 'walkabout' or as the locals say ... irme a pueblear.
Traveling next month... any advice on room & board?
Eyes bleary with salt water, like wearing dirty contacts; he shook his head, seawater slopping over his face.
At one point late in the movie, when the hot tears blearing my vision nearly overflowed, Jim is talking to his wife Mae about why he wants and needs to fight.
Fighting Back
The Emperor grew more weak-legged and blear-eyed what of the ingenious deviltries devised for him by
Chapter 15
When I opened my bleary eyes once again, I found myself lying on the soft, overstuffed sofa in the centre of the small living room in which I was currently residing.
I reached up to rub away some of the bleariness out of my eyes.
Everything got real fuzzy for her when something sharp was stabbed into her leg, and suddenly, everything became a good sensation to her bleary and dull senses.
Even to his bleary eyes it must have been perfectly apparent that it was no natural wind that was pushing to come in.
Glasses damp with moisture created a bleariness she liked.
Possum Woman
His breath was yeasty with alcoholic vapours, his eyes bleary and red as if he'd been drinking all night.
A cloud forms above the cab but in the bleared sunshine it's more like a mist than smoke.
The Last of Boland
Through bleary eyes, they watched in horror as a blaze devoured the house of one of their best-loved families.
Looking blearily round the room for my alarm clock, I finally focus on the glowing green numbers on the nightstand.
Riding a bike bleary-eyed is not a recipe for safe vehicular operation.
Small Victories?
Two groups in a row, she’s been rumpled and bleary, which is out of character for her.
There she beheld another countenance, of a man well stricken in years, a pale, thin, scholar-like visage, with eyes dim and bleared by the lamplight that had served them to pore over many ponderous books.
The space connotes romance even during the bleariest of brunches.
Bangers and Mash-Ups
Cordially, beerily, blearily, convivially yours," is the how she'd close emails if feeling foodie. - Home Page
The rocking of the rickety, old train and the whoosh and whir of the wheels teased our weary bodies and bleary eyes.
Once she had inhaled enough oxygen, Jynx peered up with bleary eyes only to find a pair of red eyes and a smirk staring down at her.
A blear-eyed ancient stood before him, balancing on a single crutch.
By the end of the set, the formerly bleary-eyed audience was readily engaged.
The older man, dressed in an old polo shirt over an undershirt, glanced blearily at his son.
You really captured that bleariness of the newborn stage really well in this post.
Endymion’s Sleep | Her Bad Mother
Alexander wakes with a start, gives a visitor a perplexed, somewhat bleary stare, then melts blissfully back into slumber.
Tom King's bleared eyes saw the gloved fist driving at his jaw, and he willed to guard it by interposing his arm.
The chart-topping star spoke to the rather bleary-eyed Barbara for a couple of minutes before he passed the phone back to Jason and was ushered away by his minders.
Somewhere in the bleary early hours of last Friday morning, a bunch of jubilant strangers gatecrashed the victory party of Labour's newest MP.
It was as if they had come stumbling on to the pitch, bleary-eyed and out of sorts.
Times, Sunday Times
It's highly likely that Blears would spend considerable energy on finding out who 'grassed' - rather than establishing the ethical credentials of those that she placed her business with.
Hazel Goes Nuts After Online Shop is Pulled
Scotland on Sunday understands that Hazel Blears, who resigned from the Cabinet on Wednesday, attempted to "cajole" several other ministers to quit on Thursday in a bid to force Brown out.
Trimalchio himself then favored us with an impersonation of a man blowing a trumpet, and when he had finished, he looked around for his minion, whom he called Croesus, a blear-eyed slave whose teeth were very disagreeably discolored.
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
God’s Grandeur « Unknowing
They are always lounging against the store windows or posts for support, bleary-eyed, dissipated, swaggery, staggery.
Prudence Says So
But perk up, my bleary-eyed friends: there are still a few well-after-sundown TV distractions worth seeking out.
The Emperor grew more weak-legged and blear-eyed what of the ingenious deviltries devised for him by
Chapter 15
Three in the morning would be the time for the fullest, bleariest appreciation of its Jacobean qualities.
Film |
I promise I'm not gonna get all weepy and bleary-eyed here.
A messenger from the mill woke the bleary-eyed Thompson at 3:00 a.m.
The Small Tortoiseshell is feeding in Farrell's "Bramblearium", a riot of wild flowers and nectar-rich brambles sitting in a small corner of the grounds around Farrell's house, a former mushroom farm.
I found several glass teapots with glass infusers, but that seemed like asking for trouble on a bleary-eyed morning.
Although bleary-eyed, I manage to triumphantly wave a giant packet of wet wipes at them, explaining that I think they will find these very useful.
Mornings The shades are drawn, and the computer screen bathes Chas's bleary eyes and papery skin in its pallid light.
But the eyes were bleared and weak-lidded, the lips twitching and trembling from the various excesses in which he indulged, which excesses, as I was to learn, were largely devised and pandered by Yunsan, the Buddhist priest, of whom more anon.
Chapter 15
A few days later, a bleary-eyed Dan crawled shame-facedly into his truck.
Nothing spoils the savour of a good wine or takes the zing out of a gin and tonic like having it served in a smeary, bleary glass.
The creamy concealers and highlighters in Pixi's Eye Bright Kit are the ultimate cover-up for bleary eyes the morning after the night before.
The strike threat could further fray the shattered nerves of dozens of bleary-eyed wives, mothers and sisters who remained camped outside Carandiru.
I found him first, a little withered, dried-up old fellow, wrinkled-faced and bleary-eyed and tottery.
The chart-topping star spoke to the rather bleary-eyed Barbara for a couple of minutes before he passed the phone back to Jason and was ushered away by his minders.
The argument of records being broken because of steroid is ludicrous and an example of blear-witted, hebetudinous, thinking, and superstition, fed by bigotry to overcome education and science.
Is It Bush's Fault That Racists In Baseball Are Flooding Politics In America, Or Is It Visa Versa?
Nearly a solid week of fogginess, bleariness, incoherency, and bone-cracking yawns.
2/26/07: I'm back. Sort of.
And as any bleary-eyed parent may attest, getting your baby on a normal sleep schedule can be the key to survival.
I had announced on entering old Ebbits's cabin; and he had looked at me blear-eyed and vacuous, while Zilla had favored me with a sour face and a contemptuous grunt.
I suspect that Gordon will have someone else up his all is not lost for Blears!
Harriet Harman: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Through Mrs. Trapolli’s kitchen window, Maia can see daylight draining into the sky, bleaching it in bleary transparent streaks.
Maia in Yonkers
Andrew rolled over and looked at her though still bleary eyes.
(London received $530 for this story on August 14, 1905.) "TO cook by your fire and to sleep under your roof for the night," I had announced on entering old Ebbits's cabin; and he had looked at me blear-eyed and vacuous, while Zilla had favored me with a sour face and a contemptuous grunt.
The White Man's Way
His hangdog face looks like pummelled dough and unspoken anxieties lurk in his bleary eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Thereat was a stir amongst the Men of the Fleece of the Shepherds, and their ranks opened, and there came forth an ill-favoured lean old man, long-nebbed, blear-eyed, and bent, girt with a rusty old sword, but not otherwise armed.
The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
We dashed to the hospital, and a bleary-eyed consultant cardiologist came to examine her.
Times, Sunday Times
And when the Yankees stepped off, they were still bleary-eyed from the night before.
There's No Joy as Yanks Settle for Wild Card
The chief was alone with his blear-eyed wife, but a glance sufficed to tell Mackenzie that the news was already told.
The Sun of the Wolf
However he has at least promised the bleary-eyed hacks that they can attend an informal chat over breakfast.
At the meeting, Ms Blears had refused to write off the debt the PCT owes to the Government.
Whatever it is, they like it that way, and bleary-eyed and torpid they fin, in just enough slow motion to keep themselves in accurate alignment.
Mind you, for the first part of the last century Wales's away match against Scotland was traditionally the fabled weekend for the working classes down there – with no end of night-special excursion trains steaming up north through the witching hours to deposit all down Princes Street at dawn, a bleary throng seething contentedly with high expectations as well as, it must be said, boozy, beery odours.
Dragon dreams of Barry John, Gareth Edwards and springtime in Paris | Frank Keating
The biting wind bleared the vision.
He immediately retires to bed for an hour's rest, then reappears, bleary eyed, for a 45-minute massage.
Tears bleared my vision as I took every agonizing step, one at a time, through first the winding maze of the gardens, and then the dark corridors, lit only by the faint glow of a torch.
You'd think even the bleariest 2am buyer would realise that is a bit steep.
Times, Sunday Times
Danny Boy sat up, his thick hair like a helmet on his head, the bleariness in his eyes unrelieved.
Rain Gods
He struggled to sit up as he peered at Ymiru's work through his bleary eyes.
They sat down together on the floor, and she patted Frona's hand lovingly, peering, meanwhile, blear-eyed and misty, into her face.
Staring blearily in the mirror on Sunday morning, I caught an incredulous glimpse of them.
Every night, dinner would be ate in the living room with some show blearing and the kids -- all three of us -- trying not to choke while we either laughed or gasped at what was playing.
Gary Roszko: Gather Around the Television Children, It's Time for Dinner
He appeared at breakfast bleary-eyed and with a hangover.
Almost from the moment the caffeine-heavy energy drink Red Bull was introduced in the late 1980s, it was mixed with alcohol by revelers intent on bleariness without weariness.
Frank Bruni Ingests Four Loko So You Don't Have To
Mulder was on the sink, watching intently as John Brown batted around what my bleary eyes assumed was a bottlecap or tuft of hair.
I received a plain white envelope in today's post, which I idly opened while still bleary-eyed and caffeine-free.
The three bleary-eyed women did not see the beauty in the brightening when they looked up at the sky and only felt ill at ease when they did.
The bar is open, and the smell of cheap beer perfumes the air like the sweet, dangerous promise of bleary nights and blearier mornings. -
Her eyes were still bleary from tears when he approached her, but they weren't tears of sadness or even regret.
We pull on our coats with bleary yanks as the alcohol works its universal spell, and bump out the door.
The party's finale after dawn sees bleary-eyed guests comforting Joe for the loss of his sister.
You turn over in your half-sleep and try to read the numbers, but they blur before your bleary eyes.
We pull on our coats with bleary yanks as the alcohol works its universal spell, and bump out the door.
When it was over, usually the next morning, he would appear in the kitchen, blearing as if through a hangover.
The Beautiful Miscellaneous
After a while, even the bleariest, most stupefied viewer will get it.
Supersized Talk
'I was asleep,' she explained blearily.
The screen would move in waves in front of my bleary eyes so I'd give up trying to make sense of the dancing letters after a few minutes.
As it happens, the lads are a little bleary-eyed today, having partied till late the previous night.
She would arrive late looking crumpled and haggard after a late night, with straggly hair and bleary eyes.
Woken as I was this morning at some unearthly hour by the sound of rain falling against the window I scrambled bleary eyed out of bed to this sight.
There a lot of bleary-eyed people outside the coffee shop where we've been standing for a couple of hours now.
Now they are in the studio, still bleary-eyed but fired up for a playoff with their new friends.
Times, Sunday Times
MPs 'EXPENSES: Brown warned: Beware of sacking' sleaziest 'MP Hazel Blears - Articles related to Croatia closer to first woman PM
Bleary opener ‘Analogue Skillet’ starts things on a queasy, seasick note.
I blinked to muzzy awareness, licked dry lips and tried to rub bleary eyes, only to be brought up short by the restraints and a lance of pain through my wounds.
The next morning brings heavy heads and bleary eyes, and a need for some fresh air.
He struggled to sit up as he peered at Ymiru's work through his bleary eyes.
For the twelve hours that the power lasted in him, the bleariness of his life was erased.
To hear it aright you must stand in the darkness of such a by-street as this, and for the moment be at one with those who dwell around, in the blear-eyed houses, in the dim burrows of poverty, in the unmapped haunts of the semi-human.
Look out for bleary-eyed cast members.
The Sun
Just then, her bleary eyed, pajamaed husband [Wilford Brimley] walks in with a plate of pie.
Y’all need backup? | clusterflock
There was a rustle of straw in the corner of the chamber, illumined by a shaft of diffident sunlight that looked as though it had got up far too early, and a tousled head poked out, squinting bleary eyes into the dusty gloom.
Like Lads - the real inheritors of the hippie legacy - Emin's bleary, blurry, beery, leery, lairy anti-sensualist sensibility is an advert for the vacuity of her own preferences.
Ryan roused as the sun beamed blearily through the gathered clouds over him, light in the early hours of dawn.
Eyes bleary with salt water, like wearing dirty contacts; he shook his head, seawater slopping over his face.
She saw the door slam, the ghost evaporate, and the girl running until everything around her bleared into nothingness.
She pursed her mouth, lipstick blearing like a squashed berry.
A drunken, bleary Jerry Lee Lewis, still clad in gold lamé, clutches a bottle as he staggers down a Memphis street.
Mrs Bargarz has opened a bleary eye and spotted my midnight endeavours.
His vision bleared for the last second that he remembered before he fell and everything went black.
Bert was stunned as the surreal scene continued to unfold in front of his bleary, disbelieving eyes.
Nothing spoils the savour of a good wine or takes the zing out of a gin and tonic like having it served in a smeary, bleary glass.
A llama's whining bleat sounded through the veils of sleep, jolting me to bleary awareness.
In a bleary voice he seems to be maundering about Christ, Armageddon, calendars, and China.
I crawled into the day with bleary eyes and a slothful demeanour.
Ronald's bleary eyes widened in surprise when he saw his 15 year old son standing in front of him.
She is a bleary-eyed woman with long, uncombed brown hair, still dressed in her pajamas.
Such were the stories of that abandoned dog's blunderheaded ferocity to which I was forced to listen, while all the time the brute sat opposite me on the hearth-rug, blinking at me from under his shaggy mane with his evil, bleared eyes, and deliberating where he would have me when I rose to go.
Stories by English Authors: London (Selected by Scribners)
Via this intensive but bleary-eyed study, I've noticed with alarm that the warbling and chirruping of some birds increasingly resembles the ring tones of some mobile phones.
I eased a bleary eye through a crack in the curtains to get a foretaste of the weather.
Then How-ha's eyes went blear as she traversed the simple windings of her own brain, inspecting the bare shelves taciturnly stored with the impressions of a meagre life.
Her guest was slightly bleary-eyed this morning, his thick hair tousled over his brow.
It was after midnight, my eyes were bleary and my head was cloudy from drink.
She lifted one corner of the heavy gold curtains and peered out the window at the lights of cars blearing by, the bright signs of bars and restaurants shimmying up and down the street.
My Dreams Out in the Street
It was as if they had come stumbling on to the pitch, bleary-eyed and out of sorts.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing spoils the savour of a good wine or takes the zing out of a gin and tonic like having it served in a smeary, bleary glass.
They stagger in, are punched upright, and indoors now in harsh electric light blear eyes inspect them.
At dawn you'll find him bumping around the Coomera Valley with a van full of bleary-eyed passengers in tow and a basket creaking on the trailer behind.
I don't really miss it that much - I never liked making a bleary-eyed idiot of myself or the subsequent hangovers.