How To Use Bleak In A Sentence

  • When Modin scored from the right circle to make it 3-0, it looked bleak for the Devils, who rallied from one-goal deficits twice before winning Game 2 in overtime. - Tampa Bay creeps closer to New Jersey with 4-3 win
  • Clearly the megalosaurus in the opening passage of Bleak House is a flight of hyperbolic fancy (inspired, I would guess, by the papier-mâché dinosaurs constructed for the Crystal Palace Exhibition, a couple of years earlier).
  • These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices: Narrative Strategies
  • Without the greenhouse gases, the world would be a bleak, inhospitable place. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • And then a kind of bleakness about the present and then just a blank space about the future. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • She seduces the despondent radical with whispers about the bleakness of mankind.
  • For bond investors it's a bleak picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Millions of young, often well educated people are unemployed and face a bleak future.
  • The company still hopes to find a buyer, but the future looks bleak .
  • But it would be both inaccurate and unfair to paint too bleak a picture of education in England.
  • The generosity of friends and supporters kept them going during the bleakest periods.
  • Two firemen in new white asbestos suits had spent thirty minutes wearing looks of bleak disappointment. Bomber
  • I look around, and the bleak landscape leads me to wonder what use a place like this would have for China, a country already vast in size, population and economy.
  • The psychologist's room was bare and bleak with no windows.
  • To discipline your character is to ensure a bright destiny. To pamper your character is to invite a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Given this bleak fiscal climate, these unfunded and underfunded mandates are irresponsible.
  • Even the change in location from a gritty industrial city (Manchester, England) to a glossy, sunlit place like L.A. was a misstep that undermined the necessarily bleak tone.
  • So if you intend to paint a cold, bleak, winter scene, the grey would be an ideal choice.
  • I was greeted by grey bleakness and a scratchy woolen blanket and a hard wooden floor.
  • The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.
  • You can tell this isn't going to be a winter of picturesque snowscapes and mitten-clad children scampering around with their hoods up - it's one of the bleak, sub-zero temperatures variety.
  • And then a kind of bleakness about the present and then just a blank space about the future. Times, Sunday Times
  • We talk a little bit about the ways in which her rather bleak view of the world has been coloured by her first-hand experiences of mortality.
  • Negative emotions, such as the feelings of hatred, meanness, low self-esteem and confidence, and pessimism, create an unpleasant person and a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • She is not alone in her bleak assessment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why will they be the only ones facing a bleak future? The Sun
  • By contrast, the modern day village is bleak, cold and almost barren of young people who have moved to the cities in search of work and a better life.
  • Despite bleak weather, there was plenty of sparkle at Grasmere's first Festival of the Stars at the weekend, ensuring the event was a big success.
  • Things were beginning to look a little bleak for West Ham but almost at once they surged upfield to equalise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the future appears bleak, the opportunity is there to make a fresh start.
  • This ending is as bleak as any in the history of tragic drama - death, rape, slavery, fire destroying the towers, the city's very name effaced from the record of history by the acts of rapacious and murderous Greeks.
  • Recognising this, he chose to arrive in midwinter when Venice is cold, wet and magnificently, beautifully bleak.
  • What they do capture is the bleakness of the streets.
  • It is a good time to stay home, locked away from raging tides and bleak midwinter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In everyday life, the greater the distance between points A and B, and the more rugged the intervening landscape, the bleaker are the odds for success of a blindfolded walk, even—or perhaps especially—when following a simple-minded rule like “always climb higher; never back down.” The Edge of Evolution
  • Hobbes is just one of many famous philosophers Berlin castigated in his lecture, but it is Hobbes's bleak and elemental philosophy that most conveniently sums up what Berlin and other moralists so revile. Was Democracy Just a Moment?
  • That means thousands of boaters who rely on these multiple-use ports face the bleak prospect of shoaling channels and dangerous bars at river mouths.
  • His eyes were hooded matching the bleak, dark expression on his face.
  • There must have followed a pretty bleak winter for many poor people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a brave new world recovering from the atrocities and bleakness of war.
  • A conscientious attempt has been made to trace the life and career of Yvette Guilbert from her childhood in the Parisian gutter (or not far removed from it), through her glittering supremacy as a fin de siècle diseuse, on into the years of waning prestige and cultural pretension, and so to her last days, harassed and impecunious, in the bleak Provence of 1944. This Was Not Yvette
  • It's got one of the most dauntingly bleak and unhappy endings imaginable.
  • He considers that "at an uncertain period during the occupancy of the Lacies, the first principle of population" (in these forests) commenced; it was found that these wilds, bleak and barren as they were, might be occupied to some advantage in breeding young and depasturing lean Discovery of Witches The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
  • There is no escape from violence in either sphere, no pastoral alternative to the bleakness of the run-down city.
  • Support will be essential because the prospect of finding a cure soon looks bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, Hem's songs - no matter how bleak - project a hope and buoyancy that would grate were it not for their deftness and skill.
  • prospects were bleak
  • We talk a little bit about the ways in which her rather bleak view of the world has been coloured by her first-hand experiences of mortality.
  • The outlook is quite bleak for the next six to 12 months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bleak outlook in Europe contrasts starkly with a far more positive outlook in other regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In most of his works, he expressed his feelings and unyieldingness through description of things, showing a stirring, majestic character in a sad, bleak tone.
  • In this photograph, which appears in many anthologies, the chair looks bleak in its complete aloneness.
  • Below us the patchwork of fields stretched to the bleaker Pennines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alex Robson's bleak view of the sugar industry is challenged by the Queensland Canegrowers Organisation.
  • On the pitch, things had begun to look bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Park had that peculiar bleakness that foreruns the first promise of spring. Turn About Eleanor
  • Is there any cause for optimism in this bleak landscape? Times, Sunday Times
  • Org, the state of the news business in the United States is the "bleakest" in the six years it has been tracked by the Project for Excellence in Journalism at the Pew Research Center. Reflections of a Newsosaur
  • We paired it up with a floral top because in the bleak mid-winter there is nothing quite so depressing as the flowerless landscape.
  • Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • His motives are impure but his impact is the equivalent of warming sunshine after a bleak winter of bitter darkness.
  • It is a bleak suite of secure rooms, with bullet-proof doors and walls up to six feet thick.
  • Jandek, an ultra-reclusive singer-songwriter specializing in unnervingly bleak psychodramas accompanied by an out-of-tune guitar, has been read as both incompetent and musically avant-garde.
  • My one fault is the overindulgence of a bleak perspective.
  • In some ways, they said, the midterms were not as bleak a harbinger as some Democrats fear. 'Soul-searching' inside the White House
  • A visit and a cheery chat with someone will bring in life and sunshine and make a bleak day pass quickly.
  • Part of what's called the dystopian genre, "Hunger Games" is set in a bleak futuristic world where the government forces teens to fight one another to the death as their parents look on, airs the battle on television and calls it a national holiday. Dr. Harold Koplewicz: Understanding Why Teens Love Disaster, Distress And Dystopian Lit
  • She was certain that he was angry - a single glance at his bleak expression could have informed an idiot thus.
  • Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact. Chapter 35
  • It takes a while to adjust, but a bleak and funny picture of a failed relationship emerges. Times, Sunday Times
  • This bleak worldview was reflected in art, such as the Vienna Secessionists, divorced from tradition, and in the Bauhaus architecture ‘starting from zero’ which begot brutalism.
  • The prediction comes as campaigners paint a bleak future for native species such as dormice and bluebells. Home | Mail Online
  • State of the News Media Report call it their "bleakest" yet.
  • There is a picture, in my mind, of an impossibly long, steep path up a bleak peak rising Golgotha-like above a fold of green hills.
  • Indeed, when looking at the catalogue of Baby Cow's bleakly funny programmes – Marion and Geoff, Human Remains, Nighty Night, Sensitive Skin, Sarah and Lizzie – one could scarcely find a better description of them than Chekhov's own words for his subject matter: "the sad comicality of everyday life". Chekhov Shorts: 'I'm Ivan Nyukhin, aha!'
  • Breaking Bad has a way of investing everyday objects — a teakettle, a box cutter, a local car wash — with ominous significance, reminders in a bleak sun-blasted Albuquerque landscape that the wages of sin are messy and a corrupted soul can't be easily cleansed. Roush Review: Breaking Bad and Other Weekend Picks
  • Against this bleak background, the good news is that there is a clear distinction between anti-Americanism and criticism of US policies.
  • His countenance was as bleak as the frozen northern wastelands, and he huddled within himself, a wizened husk hoarding unspoken power.
  • AOF had a lusher production than previous studio outings; the bleakness was gone, but other strengths came to the for, a wider pallet of musical meaning and allusion became available. The Blue Oyster Cult – A Lifelong Fascination With High Weirdness « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Alberg gave him a bleak stare.
  • The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.
  • In an editorial, the paper considers the fallout for India from what it calls the nightmare on Wall Street, and says things aren't too bleak, with an industrial growth rate of 7.1 per cent in July and the global price of oil falling below $95. -
  • His very titles reflect bleakness, guilt, incertitude.
  • On the other hand, the market always looks much further in advance, and often when things look at their bleakest is the time to actually buy equities, so I'm not really negative on equities. Satellite Operator Demonstrates The Volume/Earnings Effect: Low Risk And High Return Via The Liquidity Premium Explained In An Exclusive Interview With Roger Ibbotson Chief Investment Officer Of Zebra Capital Management - Yahoo! Finance
  • To discipline your character is to ensure a bright destiny. To pamper your character is to invite a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Mr. Ruskin bade men "go to Nature in all singleness of heart, and walk with her laboriously and trustingly, having no other thought but how best to penetrate her meaning, _rejecting nothing, selecting nothing and scorning nothing_;" and Mr. Hamerton was literally obeying him when he exiled himself for five years in a hut on an island in a bleak Scotch lake to learn faithfully to portray the shores of that single lake. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • This bleakness is Simon’s stamp on the show, and it suggests that his political passions ultimately trump his commitment to accuracy or evenhandedness. The Angriest Man In Television
  • I hope they show how weight loss need not entail a bleak, miserable existence? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Winter Aconite is the very 'firstling' of the year, for it blooms in advance of the Snowdrop, covering the ground with gilt spangles in the bleakest days of February. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Perhaps you're the dictator of somewhere bleakish and distant, full of dust and oil and golden statues of you. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a bleak, haunting charm which, while not fully compensating for some gauche and cheesy passages, is oddly appealing.
  • Instead of heading back to Yenan to regroup, conservatives will have to spend some years or even decades wandering across a bleak political landscape of losing campaigns and rebranding efforts and earnest policy retreats, much as liberals did after 1968, before they can hope to re-establish dominance. The Fall Of Conservatism? - Real Clear Politics –
  • A bleak account of a nuclear attack on Kent and its aftermath, mixing drama with documentary styles.
  • Visually sumptuous, the film overwhelms with sweeping shots of the now bleak, desolate, "Potter"-dom. ABC News: Top Stories
  • As to American susceptibility to Rovian razzle-dazzle, that is a matter of bleak historical record and I shouldn't have to strain myself to prove anything. McCain: Bailout Deal Won't Pass
  • The interior proves to be equally unattractive: a mix of dull carpets, decaying furniture, and bleak beige walls.
  • It will take a masterly spin doctor to conjure upbeat images from a bleak Kansas youth.
  • The report paints an unnecessarily bleak picture of the town.
  • It is a terribly bleak chronicle with things will only get better sentiments bolted on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brendel, on the other hand, presented the piano parts in his customary bleak way, clothing the songs in an expressive straitjacket completely at odds with Goerne's fluid vocalism.
  • This exhibition tracks his journey across the bleak but beautiful landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider: the raid began with Israeli jets taking off after dark and proceeding north toward the northeast corner of Syria, toward a bleak barely habited stretch of land near the Euphrates. How the End Begins
  • The weather was cool, grey and moist, and the scenery pretty bleak, but spectacular nonetheless.
  • Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not a particularly attractive town, it's the kind of town whose motto might as well be "Get me outta Dodge," not unlike those desperate and bleakly futureless burgs of the Midwest whose economies are fueled by methamphetamine factories in rusted trailers and the promise of a new prison. Crossing Over: A Mexican Family On The Migrant Trail
  • The near-term outlook is bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bleak assessment of the economy was released the day before the fifth anniversary of the credit crunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides providing a depository for the neighbouring heavy metals refinery, Bleak Pond forms a natural sump for the surrounding agricultural land, so harbours little aquatic life.
  • Life is bleak without love: perhaps that means life is bleak without grief. Times, Sunday Times
  • Captain Val was the first to greet her, his expression bleak.
  • Certainly less rain towards the east, but bleaker in the winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nestled within these bleak volcanic highlands are fertile valleys filled with game plentiful enough to satisfy even the appetites of dragons.
  • He thinks about this a moment and then issues a bleak verdict on the drug-policing system in which he's toiled for the past 25 years.
  • She gasped in excitement as she saw bolts of lightning flitter across the sky, leaping from one bleak rain cloud to another.
  • Conservation - minded neighbours have objected to his plans to attach an orangery to his house to make him feel more at home in this bleak heath.
  • Their warnings came amid bleak forecasts that sterling will plunge to a new low during this week's Tory conference at Brighton.
  • The mill, with its well-cultivated catacomb charm, factory building bleakness and fancy lofts, could be described as the home of the New Leipzig School if you want to think of it in home terms.
  • Two firemen in new white asbestos suits had spent thirty minutes wearing looks of bleak disappointment. Bomber
  • This bleak, violent, but moving film, based on a true-life case of homophobic murder in America's mid-west, carried a strongly feminist message and made no concessions to the multiplex audience.
  • Finding little to eat in the bleak, snow-drifted woods, it soon began to depredate on the moose, and killed two or three, generally by lying in wait and dashing out on them as they passed near its lurking-place. Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
  • Levy expects Canal Side to be open to the public by May 2011. earlier comments on WBEN Tuesday morning, Paterson said that a change in the way the state looks at development projects could certainly make the prospects of a Bass Pro store "bleaker Undefined
  • Does all of this sound pretty bleak? Christianity Today
  • To discipline and improve your character is to ensure a a better future, and to pamper your character is to invite a bleak future. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Strangely, too, he had the sense that the patient, Herod—and from where did such a name originate, or was it chosen as some bleak joke? The Whisperers
  • ALGIERS - Christians in Algeria, where foreigners have become targets of Moslem fundamentalist attack, had a bleak Christmas this year with armed police guarding the cathedral in Algiers and traditional midnight mass cancelled. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The outlook for the economy is bleak.
  • The trees are bare, the land is bleak, closed, unproductive and numb, its furrows seemingly incapable of the new life we hope for in the spring.
  • As a world view it is quite as bleak as one based on inheritance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The landscape was bleak and bare.
  • Sadly his fortunes sank with the Great Depression but his prospects were not bleaker than those of so many of his brave but uncelebrated contemporaries whose luck often revived.
  • Go where he might, he had his message to every one; to a servant lass, to a poor wanderer on the bleak streets, to gentle and simple — he flowed forever _pleno rivo_. Spare Hours
  • With nothing but miles of open, bleak desert ahead of her, she battled mind over matter to reach the end of a gruelling 160 km trip.
  • The myth of our intense 'urbanisation' is dispelled by the reality of the bleak homogeneity of the 'slurb'.
  • bleak winds of the North Atlantic
  • This is bleak and beautiful frontier country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Negative emotions, such as the feelings of hatred, meanness, low self-esteem and confidence, and pessimism, create an unpleasant person and a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The bleakness of the camp is well captured by both the cinematographer and the soundtrack composer.
  • For a glimpse of the not-so-distant past, you have only to cross one of the huge, bleak avenues that circles the Old Town.
  • Together, the bleak industrial landscapes and forest fires denote an unsettling world not only on the brink, but burning all around us. Smithsonian Mag
  • He even had the hypocrisy, at times, to felicitate himself upon his escape, and to draw bleak fireside pictures of the dismal future which would have been had he and Frona incompatibly mated. CHAPTER 15
  • This is a bleak valley.
  • During this bleak phase of its history the cat became firmly linked in the popular mind with witches and black magic.
  • So what does 2000 offer the mid-market fashion retail sector after another bleak Christmas marked by early sales notices?
  • Rhea looked up miserably at the bleak mountains surrounding them.
  • In 1986, when the Commonwealth Games were last hosted in Britain, Edinburgh endured a fortnight of stormy skies and an even bleaker financial legacy.
  • The silkscreen prints command a beefy price, but the book's meat is the bleak, brilliant comic at its centre.
  • It is a bleak, imposing and foreboding building, made of huge blocks of black stone.
  • The landscape was bleak and bare.
  • Friedkin's unflinching nihilism, including one of the bleakest, most effed-up endings I've ever seen in an action movie, really kind of undid much of the movie's entertainment value, even if it strengthened its portraiture of this dangerous lifestyle. Cinematical
  • The bleak outlook in Europe contrasts starkly with a far more positive outlook in other regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the very least it's something to dream about in the bleak midwinter! The Sun
  • Put like that, it sounds bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Withdrawing from the banquet and watching others move chess pieces was more compatible with his bleak mood.
  • Beginning in February 2009, the index of economic sentiment which reflects the expectations of all the players in the business environment, had hit historical lows recalling the bleakest times in 1997. Slovak Spectator
  • The publication last weekend of a bleak report on American unemployment proved merely the prelude to a dire week of political setbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And life was almost as bleak for white tenant farmers and sharecroppers as it was for slaves, who often worked alongside them in the fields.
  • And it isn't just that so many of its key scenes are set in dark, dreary places: a hellish prison, a bleak factory, the sewers of Paris.
  • In addition to plenty of perch, Roger Baker reported that skimmers, roach, tommy ruffe, chub and bleak were all in abundance, once again illustrating the Ouse is alive and well.
  • He had been entrapped in this dark and bleak prison for years, and it was only recently that he had been able to escape its bars.
  • I spoke with mothers fretful and tearful about their bleak prospects but struggling to maintain a facade of optimism and cheerfulness in the presence of their children.
  • Does all of this sound pretty bleak? Christianity Today
  • The film's grainy, bleak look is joined to suffocating dramatic situations in which the actors emote without restraint.
  • What follows in this affecting if pretty bleak drama is one man's struggle with his conscience about how best to take care of his ailing mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's on a bleak January day, the first football Sunday of the year that you appreciate a welcome cuppa of hot tea and the sandwiches and brack prepared for the match officials on match day in Tuam Stadium.
  • Bleak façades, I thought, understated as only the very wealthy can understate them. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • The first movement suffers particularly, deprived of its bleak but wonderfully expressive scoring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Older people across the country are facing a bleak winter with little or no contact with their neighbours, according to new research. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Kabul, while initial food distributions have been conducted among its 1.1 million inhabitants, the long-term situation is bleak.
  • With a decent sleeping bag, a night under canvas in even the bleakest of winters is cosy and restful.
  • Indeed, the band's famously-honed instincts and dayglo pop-smarts provide the contradictory musical notions that never allow the album to sway too far in one bleak direction or another: it's that friction extant between Chesnutt's shadowy worldview and the inventive bounce and bray of Elf Power's euphonous intraband chemistry that buoys Dark Developments, provides its freshness, and makes for rewarding repeated listening. My Old Kentucky Blog
  • The bleak outlook in Europe contrasts starkly with a far more positive outlook in other regions. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was so bleak a spot that monks in trouble for naughty behaviour at the mother house of St Albans used to be packed off to Tynemouth to mend their ways.
  • Is there any cause for optimism in this bleak landscape? Times, Sunday Times
  • She is not alone in her bleak assessment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a bleak and brooding song yet the uplifting outro give a sense of hope for the flawed central character.
  • Buenos Aires with bleak squares, its hovels, its painted trees -- _timbo_ and _tipa_ and _palo barracho_ .... The Wind Bloweth
  • And yet, amid this bleak landscape, there is talk of a new St. Bernard, rising from the mud.
  • The medical prognosis was bleak.
  • On the pitch, things had begun to look bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film, set in the bleak and grim coal mines of northern China, tells about two robbers' schemes to extort compensation money by murdering innocent miners.
  • Their windswept sounds recall the bleakness of the tundra, the vast frozen lakes.
  • And George W. Bush's blatant diffidence is annoying, too -- not that he has even the tiniest shred of credibility left, but it would be nice if he sort of tried to say or do something comforting in these bleak days. For Whom The Bell Dingells - Swampland -
  • If the seasonal pattern is fulfilled then we can look forward to the following lowlights of a very bleak winter season.
  • On the 40-minute journey across the bleak landscape of the Fens the coach was preceded by a vanguard of police motorcycles with blue lights flashing.
  • I told them I wanted to write something bleak and earthy. Times, Sunday Times
  • January was dimming into the equally cold, bleak abyss of New England weather that was February.
  • The prospects for peace do indeed look bleak. Times, Sunday Times
  • But after three years of drought and little prospect that this year's rains will arrive in mid-April, the scene in Gode and other zones is bleak.
  • If there is any kind of swing against the Tories, the prospects for Mr Devlin look bleak.
  • Seeing other people flourish brings genuine delight; a comforting spectator sport in an otherwise bleak landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, the picture was bleak, with visitors bypassing the town and its ‘architectural gem’ Selby Abbey.
  • The countryside was bleak in the winter and glorious in the summer - the gardens were beautiful with the rose bushes in bloom and mowed lawns.
  • The host country were convincing winners with 42.5 points on a canal which provided roach, small skimmers, perch, ruffe and bleak and the occasional sizeable bream.
  • She's very sweet, with conventional dreams for her future, and pretty oblivious to how much bleakness there is around her. Thieves unlike them
  • The shore was even more remarkable seen close-to, a wide shining platform of boulder-strewn clay, fractured and crevassed as if by an earthquake, a bleak uncompromising shore. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Without her, the stage is too bleak and bare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the increasingly rare eremite, the desert dweller, regularly leaves his bleak and rugged cave, trekking to the monastic enclave or his neighbor's chapel for the purpose of liturgical worship and communion. Scott Cairns: The Christian and the Community: A Relationship in God's Image
  • In the olden days on St Kilda and at several bleak rocky points east, tenacious hunters would dangle off perilous cliffs to catch their harvest.
  • While the first half is largely a shallow, knockabout comedy, the latter part is far bleaker. Times, Sunday Times

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