How To Use Bleachers In A Sentence
Can't Post | Private Reply looks like the back side of some bleachers, is the circus in town?
What is this? Part 1
It was usual practice for the finishing trades of the bleachers and dyers to develop alongside hosiery.
It was usual practice for the finishing trades of the bleachers and dyers to develop alongside hosiery.
I take sole custody of my actions of my choices even the one to be choiceless but I cannot help wonder if we might have survived if you had stepped off the bleachers strode onto the field gotten into the game with me instead of intermittently clapping from the sidelines.
The crowd seated in the bleachers - it was a full house - was incessantly loud and obstreperous.

•View 360-degree panorama from the right-field bleachers
A tribute to the 'House that Ruth Built'
Returning to the main point, I fully agree that for those in the humanities to remain woefully ignorant of the sciences is to remain in the bleachers of an intellectual life.
The word bleachers has come to mean similar seating in other arenas, such as a gymnasium.
The Vail Trail - All Sections
The three each buried one of their name-engraved bats in the concrete being poured in the right-field bleachers.
This area is an alcove, created by a gap in the center field bleachers, and in the alcove are the stairs that lead to the two clubhouses.
I spent the basketball practice seated in my usual spot in the bleachers.
Sam slouched back into the bleachers and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.
Receiving a quick pat on the back by Chris, David continued to walk toward the metal bleachers.
We added a consumer protection unit to the office, and then, after investigating price-fixing by a company that sold gymnasium bleachers to school districts, we created an antitrust unit.
The Good Fight
My seats were in the right field bleachers, notoriously the most profane, obnoxious and uproarious section in Yankee Stadium, if not in all of baseball.
Behind the bleachers would be the druggies and elementary kids who were too busy chasing girls to focus on the game.
The crowd around him was 15 deep, and the little bleachers in front of him were stacked with minicams, reporters and even three of Lewis' teammates.
The arrival of French bleachers who developed the town's textile industry in the late 1760s added to it.
She then followed his gaze to the bleachers, where a minute figure was attempting to shinny down the vertical railing on one side.
Frank Laporte was robbed of a home run by a bleacherite, who knocked the ball down as it was soaring into the left-field bleachers.
Sal, me, Joey and Sal's sister smoked under the bleachers, shared the beer while the game went on and the crowd made crowd noises, idiots swung toys that made loud clacker sounds, and some guy with one of those new aerosol boat horns blew everyone away.
1963, What I wanted
Gary: your note about how hard the stone gradins are reminds me that I forgot an important point: we were seated on bleachers that were placed *over* the ancient stone slabs or over a section of the arene..
Gradins - French Word-A-Day
I cringed as the crowd of Clemington students next to me began screaming names across the gym bleachers.
The Amador bleachers erupted into boos and hisses while Foothills started cheering Quarter on.
I guessed Matthew had not seen me sitting in the bleachers, and then his back turned to face the bleachers opposite me, as he began to talk with the two coaches standing with him.
I have seen what Michael is referring to, plus the abuse which is hurled at apprentice referees from the bleachers is driving a number of them from the scene also.
According to the CPSC numbers, watching “murderball” as detractors deem it could be more dangerous than playing it, since bleachers cause eight times as many injuries as the game itself.
‘Take a seat in the bleachers,’ the teacher, a young man who looked barely out of college, said.
Becoming an official offered the chance to keep from sitting on hard bleachers or having to work in areas that prevented them from watching their children swim.
It could obtain the most popular seats, in the boxes and bleachers, and it did.
In small communities like the one in which I was raised generations of former gridiron warriors fill the bleachers to watch their sons and grandsons battle the descendants of their own regional foes.
When he half turned and crutched back toward the bleachers, I saw how carrying the clipboard in his pants this way made sense.
Forget You
At each performance, several audience members are invited to join the spelling contest, sitting in the bleachers with the cast until they misspell a word.
My mother glanced at student cheering side of the bleachers and frowned.
The name bleachers comes from bleaching boards, a reference to fans who sat in the hot sun, bleaching themselves on the board seats.
When the track reopened, there were no bleachers, concessions were sold from a small trailer, and power came from generators.
Kevin shuffled to the bleachers and poured water all over his head.
It's only in the bleachers where you have to sit in the sun.
He looked around momentarily, saw us in the bleachers, and trotted in our direction.
I love the excited roar of the teeming crowd, the taste of the braunschweiger sandwiches, and the scent of the wooden bleachers.
She wasn't a cheerleader and this was one of the first times a non-cheerleader had sat on the bleachers after their practices in a long time.
From our seats in the bleachers, we stared west, hoping that another kaleidoscopic Florida sunset would add symbolic luster to this most American rite of passage.
Maier was an 12-year-old New York Yankees fan in 1996 when he infamously reached out from the bleachers and "snared" what looked to be a certain double off the wall.
The Seattle Times
It was usual practice for the finishing trades of the bleachers and dyers to develop alongside hosiery.
He gets a whiff of weed farted from the bowels of the bleachers.
HOMECOMING 2007 • by Rebecca Nazar
Two weeks ago we were sitting in some makeshift bleachers at the local cancha de fútbol when a horse entered the field from an adjacent dirt road, crossed the field at full gallop we clearly heard the pounding of its hooves from 100 meters away, jumped a ditch, and continued down a road on the other side of the field, still at full gallop.
Cheerful in our tropical depression
Oct. 25, 5:45 P. M. Today after classes Thorne and Posie and I sat in the bleachers in the natatorium and watched swim practice.
The bleachers echoed in the distance from our rough steps.
He was playing a game of dominoes on the second level in the second level bleachers in the stadium inside the dome when he calmly got up.
The lights shone down upon us as our cleats clanked against the metal bleachers.
It was on the day before the game when she was sitting in the bleachers, just waiting for the practice to end, that she saw a blonde cheerleader prance over to River and kiss him.
Glittery, white snowflakes hung from the ceiling, while along the edges of the bleachers was white gossamer that was also draped over the bleachers.
On the Swarthmore side of the field, there were more kids suited up than there were fans in the bleachers.
In front of the bleachers was a podium; off to the side, a short row of folding chairs.
Bleachers surround the court, and the park is packed for every game.
Tell your little friend she has to wait in the bleachers until practice is over!
Her father, yelling from the bleachers, only deepened her uncertainty.
As they cut across the softball field he saw the maintenance crew setting up the bleachers along what would be the sidelines for the football field used by the semi-pro team that played there each fall.
They're plastic bleachers, the kind where the whole row shakes if the guy nine chairs down from you crosses his legs.
Behind the bleachers would be the druggies and elementary kids who were too busy chasing girls to focus on the game.
I ran pell-mell down the bleachers, forgetting about my supposedly sprained ankle, and grabbed the nearest fan.
The Dark Side of Innocence
I'm seated in the third row, just forward of the semicircular bleachers that surround the stage and the rear band area.
The band sounded great and played what we needed to hear from the Blue album, but what kept everyone in the stadium excited was the "where is Rivers" game as he danced and ran through the crowd, climbing on top of portable buildings andup and down the stadium bleachers, with security and a bright spotlight trying to keep with him.
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The one unbending rule that bleacherites are required to follow is this: should an opposing player hit a home run into the bleachers, the ball must be thrown back onto the field.
There were Scots standing in the bleachers and hanging from windowsills, screaming wildly for me.
The group meets at a church-school campus, making use of fields, blacktop and bleachers (for running drills, of course).
Even a dunderhead knows that fans swelter in summer's bleachers and bundle in December's cold out of a love for the contests, not for sociological or business deconstructions.
Phil felt all of sixteen again and remembered as if it were yesterday the repercussions of her aftergame tryst with Kyle Thompson under the bleachers.
Good Girl Gone Bad
If you were one of the 16,300 fans who drove through the late autumn mist to sit on those unforgiving wood bleachers on Saturday afternoon, you probably didn't know that the Jayhawks were under the weather, and you probably would have watched the first half and assumed "the crud" was the name of KU's new offense. Front Page
It's cheaper and most of the real baseball fans sit in the bleachers.
(Speaking of "blush," a day in the bleachers is much more likely to turn me red than bleach me, but what the hey.)
Gradins - French Word-A-Day
The outfield had no bleachers; instead a more or less solid green wall pocked with ad banners extended up from the outfield fence to the mezzanine level, with the bullpens flush from the gaps to either foul line.
Batting left-handed against Ray Herbert of the White Sox, he crushed a 502-foot moonshot into the center field bleachers.
We were sitting on the bleachers after practice and we were getting ready for a game against a neighboring town's school, the Mallory High Eagles.
One spring, Hornsby called all of the minor leaguers together and sat them down on a row of bleachers.
I know a guy who made his studio out of pallets and the old bleachers from a high school.
Six Creative Upcycling Projects
The buzzer went off and the performance sheet feel to the bleachers from nerveless hands
When I entered the stadium, it was evident that those scattered throughout the bleachers were attending the game for various reasons.
The Latin Americans sambaed through the bleachers to a song of their own singing, as the Dutch oompah-ed and the Americans bellowed from the side.
PokerStars Poker Blog
Gary: your note about how hard the stone gradins are reminds me that I forgot an important point: we were seated on bleachers that were placed * over* the ancient stone slabs (or over a section of the arene ..).
Gradins - French Word-A-Day
After practice I watch him walk painfully over to the bleachers, wrap up his knee and hobble out.
Bleachers surround the court, and the park is packed for every game.
Babe's pointing to the bleachers replaced by the charm of a backpedaling shoulder shrug.
We had our own designated section of the bleachers, and were supposed to spend at least half of each game there.
Ballplayers were accessible in the 1950s and if you called out to George from the bleachers, there was a good chance that he would call back.
And I find it rather hard to identify with linen bleachers and farm workers.
The word bleachers is an Americanism that first appeared in 1889 in the Chicago Tribune.
The Vail Trail - All Sections
The back of Wrigley Field's bleachers from the street, left; Tim Dettmar stands on Waveland Avenue hoping he'll snare a home run. - 'Friendly Confines' take center stage
They sit on the bleachers inside Matthews Arena and clap and stomp and cheer their lungs out when the Huskies score.
On their way to practice they noticed Kendra sitting on the bleachers on the old court, with a photo album.
But I could still see the raised seats in the gallery high above me, and the bleachers at the same level.
Gerald stepped up into the bleachers and said, "Hi, blondie."