
How To Use Blazon In A Sentence

  • I spotted a cleaner sporting a plastic bib with the words Tourist Attractions emblazoned across it.
  • Their makers hope the phones will become popular promotional giveaways, like phone cards emblazoned with corporate logos.
  • There seemed to my perverted sense a certain poetic justice about the fact that money, gained honestly but prosaically, in groceries or gas, should go to regild an ancient blazon or prop up the crumbling walls of some stately palace abroad. Worldly Ways and Byways
  • After all I had the Times logo blazoned all over the sides of my vehicle and it was an Astra.
  • But the success of the past two seasons mean that the standard emblazoned with four bezants or gold coins, to symbolise both wealth and wheels of a car is apt.
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  • Both bearings are founded on what is called canting heraldry, a species of art disowned by the writers on the science, yet universally made use of by those who practise the art of blazonry. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • The yoga pants with "omigod" emblazoned across the butt. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The title from the original play, though, won out, and The Children's Hour, with Lillian Hellman's name blazoned across the ‘based on’ screen credit, was released in 1961.
  • Though the face may be hidden by visor or veil, yet those with skill to read will know how to interpret the blazon or the chasuble. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The manufacturer's name is blazoned across an event of worthwhile significance.
  • Friday's demonstration had a joyful and entrepreneurial air, with face-painters emblazoning the Egyptian flag on takers young and old, carts with fresh popcorn, and women offering hard-boiled eggs and koshary, the national dish of lentils, rice and pasta topped with a spicy tomato sauce. A month after revolt, Egyptians march to protect their victory as neighbors demand freedom, too
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Howard Dean, Wesley Clark and now Kerry, with his long string of victories, have seen their faces blazoned across news-magazine covers.
  • Like most Soviet Fraternal Force vehicles, it carried the blazon of the Afghan Army. KARA KUSH
  • To be sure the back-seats were free for the poor; but the emblazoned crimson of the windows, the carving of the arches, the very purity of the preacher's style, said plainly that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a man in a red wamus to enter the kingdom of heaven through that gate. Margret Howth, a Story of To-day
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of Burlesques
  • Will Marshal is buried in Kirkcudbright church, where his monument is still shown, decorated with a scutcheon suitably blazoned with two tups’ horns and two cutty spoons. Additional Note
  • Beyond the shore floated the long canoe, with its curving ends and its emblazonment of the five-pointed stars. Conjuror's House A Romance of the Free Forest
  • On the walls of his bed-room and over the mantlepiece was a text emblazoned, on which at evening and morning he could look, which read: The Grand Old Man
  • When we first see him, his spindly frame is swathed in a purple and red silk dressing gown emblazoned with his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both were emblazoned with an intricate design.
  • There are rules governing the way a blazon is written, which make it possible for anyone who understands them to draw an accurate rendition of the arms from the blazon.
  • In contrast to Keiley, whose directorial stamp is blazoned on her productions as plainly as a Nike logo, Irvine's effect is more elusive.
  • “Look at the banner,” said the Abbot; “tell me, what are the blazonries?” The Monastery
  • They give a nod to the nautical in their Marine collection, smartly emblazoned with stripes and anchors, like this $38 butter dish.
  • We are sailing due westward and the sun, yet two hours high, is blazoning a fiery glory on the sea that spreads and gleams like some broad, jeweled trail, to where the blue and distant shadow-land lifts its carven front aloft, leaving, as it gropes, shades of shadows beyond. DARKWATER
  • Indeed, I reserve the rest of the piece until I can obtain admission to the Bannatine Club, 13 when I propose to throw off an edition, limited according to the rules of that erudite Society, with a facsimile of the manuscript, emblazonry of the family arms surrounded by their quartering, and a handsome disclamation of family pride, with HAEC NOS NOVIMUS ESSE Chronicles of the Canongate
  • When we first see him, his spindly frame is swathed in a purple and red silk dressing gown emblazoned with his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • The story was blazoned over front pages, complete with photos of Michelle, just as the government was about to launch its campaign to reassure young women of confidentiality over contraception or abortion help.
  • The Seattle Seahawks recently became the first NFL team to emblazon a company logo -- other than one from ... Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • Hector was resting under the shade of a tree while the two old men sat across from him playing dominoes in matching guayaberas emblazoned with Mickey Mouse.
  • The eco friendly bag is emblazoned with the Westport Tourism logo and is designed to help promote the town.
  • Interwoven through the armature was a continuous white canvas ribbon emblazoned with the Blogs Stories
  • And the design wouldn't be emblazoned with that common look.
  • The younger generation look plain kooky in their big black overcoats emblazoned with East German military memorabilia.
  • The blazon is followed by a first-person report of a fantasy Commentary on "The Country Girl" by William Wordsworth
  • In blazon a Label is supposed to have three points; but, if more, the number is to be specified; thus, No. 271 is simply “_a Label_,” but No. 272 is “_a Label of five points_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • A Lion walking and looking about him, the early Heralds held to be acting the part of a leopard: consequently, when he was in any such attitude, they blazoned him as “_a leopard_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Even with ‘traditional’ flag design there are places where heraldic blazonry is unable to describe a flag precisely, and we have to fall back on other methods.
  • Those who had before frequented them did not discontinue their visits, and those who were ignorant of such places and seeking them, on seeing the emblazonment by the doors, cried out -- that is just what we wanted, and turned in. A Sketch of the Life of the late Henry Cooper Barrister-at-Law, of the Norfolk Circuit; as also, of his Father
  • She ends it in hiking boots and a pair of bell-bottomed slacks emblazoned with the American flag. Something Happening Here
  • The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • (There are only so many functions where the burlap totes emblazoned with the word "FEED" seemed appropriate, even if Ms. Bush herself wore them to the dressiest galas and balls.) “All the patterns that you see are hand-dyed fabrics that have been dyed in Africa by women in the [Democratic Republic of the Congo],” said Ms. Bush, pointing to the rack of colorful, nipped-waist dresses dyed in a more sophisticated version of tie dye. Meet Lauren Pierce: 'Incognito' Bush Niece Debuts New Clothing Line
  • This design is blazoned as ‘Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale Or,’ and it is still the coat of arms of England today.
  • Easy to spot, the new buses sport distinctive purple livery and are emblazoned with The Deep logo, setting them apart from other city bus services.
  • The man himself was obviously a Knight as could be deduced from the white surcoat emblazoned with the golden crest of a hawk covering the suit of chainmail he wore.
  • Devices were emblazoned on coaches, and also in the home.
  • The highly organised fraternities — student social clubs — even bring their own marquees emblazoned with the starspangled banner. The Sun
  • Surely that will one day be emblazoned across the book, at least in Bulgaria. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of the horrendous front pages of last week, full of trauma, assault, and invasion of privacy, today's paper was blazoned with four articles I was interested in.
  • He touched the entwined dragons that were blazoned onto his skin.
  • This private altarpiece says little for the modesty of the canon, whose coat-of-arms with a hare is blazoned at the hem of the Virgin's robe in the corner of the picture.
  • The nebuly partition line of the chief is intended to represent clouds, whence come the drops of rain blazoned ‘goutty’.
  • His mount was caparisoned in flowing crimson silks emblazoned with the golden lion of House Lannister, and the white cloak of a Kingsguard knight flowed from his shoulders. Trial of Seven
  • The official Institute of Heraldry blazon is ‘An elk's head caboshed proper.’
  • A tattoo artist at Tattoomania for two years now, she emblazons said objects with imagery heavily inspired by her trade and by old pin-ups.
  • While in Spain he met King Ferdinand in Valladolid, and his letters show his great concern about suitable gifts for his Medici patrons, among which was a fine musical instrument emblazoned with Medici devices.
  • And Keighley Town Council last week agreed to spend £750 to help buy two new kits, which will be emblazoned with its logo.
  • With his quiet colours he moderates the dazzle and grandeur found in the still-life pictures of his contemporary, which are as bright as heraldic blazonings.
  • Highway, with its "T.R." blazonings along the route, one's liver was bent and broken. Roving East and Roving West
  • It needed only that the seal of martyrdom upon such a life should cause his virtues to be transfigured before us in imperishable grandeur, and his name to be emblazoned with heaven's own light upon that topmost arch of fame, which shall stand when governments and nations fall. Abraham Lincoln; His Life and Its Lessons
  • Ha! Master Alwyn, I owe thee many thanks for making me know first the rare arts of this fair emblazoner. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • An oversized text with a puce cover, Blast's title was emblazoned diagonally across the cover in three-inch tall, bold, black type.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • We expected to see great convoys of lorries and trucks emblazoned with UN initials juddering down the coastal road bearing relief and building materials.
  • It was the shirt his marina crew had presented him with on the day the chandlery had opened, printed with a large ace of hearts playing card, across which was emblazoned, ‘Ace of Parts'.
  • When we first see him, his spindly frame is swathed in a purple and red silk dressing gown emblazoned with his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • The heraldic embellishments of this family tree offer a particular interest in that the armorial blazonings are in accord with a decree of the French Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.
  • Its large oaken slab was of sufficient dimensions to admit of the royal gift being spread in graceful folds over the dark surface of the wood, which the better displayed the tissue's interchanging tints, and also gave room for the disposal of the cap and gloves which were placed in a kind of armorial crest between its gauntlets, at the head of the scarf, and at its foot was added a beautifully written inscription in old emblazoned characters, historic of the interesting relics above. The Scottish Chiefs
  • It offers not only hoodies and jackets emblazoned with the Superdry logo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having read the blazon carefully, we know which ordinaries, subordinaries or charges we have to put in our shield.
  • Like most Soviet Fraternal Force vehicles, it carried the blazon of the Afghan Army. KARA KUSH
  • She came out of the wood of glistening birch, and with the first fires of the sun blazoning her unbound hair raced lightly across the dew-dripping meadow. CHAPTER 2
  • An immense bedstead squatted next to a series of fragrant cedar chests emblazoned with someone's owl sigil. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • With the exception of the arms of the two queens, Eleanor of Provence and Eleanor of Castile, which appear impaled with the English royal arms on the Heralds' Roll, the early rolls never blazon the arms of women.
  • We are sailing due westward and the sun, yet two hours high, is blazoning a fiery glory on the sea that spreads and gleams like some broad, jeweled trail, to where the blue and distant shadow-land lifts its carven front aloft, leaving, as it gropes, shades of shadows beyond. DARKWATER
  • This time it can be seen on the double-decker buses emblazoned with the slogan 'This is gonna be our season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bachmann has been riding around Iowa in her bus, with Elvis music and her name emblazoned 25 times on the outside, mocking Obama for going to Camp David last weekend and burrowing in, while the country was roiling. NYT > Home Page
  • You see its blue elliptical logo emblazoned on Olympic scoreboards.
  • The main blazonry rule is that a color cannot be placed on a color and a metal cannot be placed on a metal.
  • A field or, semee with garbs of the same:" it may be false Heraldry -- Nature's generally is -- but it correctly blazons the display that Edward and I considered from the rickyard gate, Harold was not on in this scene, being stretched upon the couch of pain; the special disorder stomachic, as usual. The Golden Age
  • They wear tan pants and white shirts emblazoned with the same logo as the car's side; a yellow tower inside a green wreath.
  • Not every firm will want its name emblazoned on the back of a binman. Times, Sunday Times
  • A futuristic yellow ‘He’ is blazoned distractingly across her chest.
  • The only other plane on the tarmac was a big DC-9 passenger jet emblazoned with the Gore-Lieberman campaign logo. COURAGE AND CONSEQUENCE
  • They were all dressed in the trademark tracksuit and baseball cap, emblazoned with sportswear logos etc. - the sort you can see here any day of the week.
  • The resident space of the townhouse is a space for middle-classes to blazon forth their self-personalities.
  • The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps.
  • Newspapers still blazoned headlines on the catastrophe, and articles described the bombing as the work of one man.
  • I see them sculptured and painted with shapes of Gods and Kings, with blazonings of royal names, with sacrificial altars, and forms of sacred beasts, and emblems of wisdom and truth. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Light armor and weaponry, surcoats and banners with the Boarsden blazon for disguise, everyone looking spruce and stalwart. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Look for a simple text on heraldry by someone like A C Fox-Davies or J P Brooke-Little if you want to go into blazonry further.
  • He was the first to broker major sponsorship deals with the beer brands and mobile phone networks that emblazon festivals today, making Hop Farm, which makes a virtue of its "no sponsorship, no branding" stance a surprise. Vince Power and the glory of music festivals
  • Through the north window the heavens were emblazoned with an auroral display, which flamed and flared and died down into blackness. THE STORY OF JEES UCK
  • I should have brought a shield with the royal blazon or something. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • It flies from every third building, it is emblazoned on shop displays, plastered on the bumpers of cars, and scrawled on anti-war banners.
  • Anti-drug activists say the candy, packaged in a bag emblazoned with the word "legalize," sends kids the message that illegal drugs are okay. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • There, high upon her golden throne, draped in her blazoned 'kaf' or robe of state, sat the fair Nyleptha, and when Sir Henry came in a little late, dressed in the full uniform of an officer of her guard and humbly bent himself before her, she merely acknowledged his salute with a careless nod and turned her head coldly aside. Allan Quatermain
  • Well before the renaissance, the new men were buying up land, seizing cities, glorifying themselves (the Visconti are a fine example of the breed) with new titles and heraldic blazons.
  • The No. 1 driver for team Cagliari -- he had the word Cagliari emblazoned across the chest of his overalls -- his consistent brilliance on the Grand Prix tracks had made him the acknowledged crown prince of racing and Harlow's eventual and inevitable successor. The Way to Dusty Death
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • This art will be usefull in blazoning arms on monuments for inscriptions tables of the decalogue over the altars &c as by this method they will be preserved ages from the injuries of the weather. tho at the same time the stone itself will be somewhat hurt or corroded by the Air. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • And I certainly don't recall feeling like I succeeded particularly in stroking my own ego by emblazoning every found object in my room (and the laundry) with my scarlet letter Gs. To this day I am still attracted to things with the letter G on them. Something new every day.
  • Yonder she marches, heaven bless her! through the old oak hall (how long the shadows of the antlers are on the wainscot, and the armor of Rollo Fitz-Boodle looks in the sunset as if it were emblazoned with rubies) -- yonder she marches, stately and tall, in her invariable pearl-colored tabbinet, followed by Lady Dawdley, blazing like a flamingo; next comes Lady Emily Tufthunt (she was Lady The Fitz-Boodle Papers
  • The website is emblazoned with the slogan: 'We all have the right to feel good. Times, Sunday Times
  • He read the glorious blazoning of the firmament! — ay, when sordid moles shall become lynxes. Quentin Durward
  • They left the club wearing dodgy trucker caps emblazoned with Tigers. The Sun
  • Though the clothes aren't billed as unisex, Wentz, a guy known for his penchant for dark eyeliner and matching nail polish, is partial to one of his word-search-emblazoned hoodies. Fall Out Boy Wentz springs up in Nordstrom
  • And at first I thought that it would be good to get some T-shirts emblazoned with the Underground logo.
  • This aspect of the work of the herald is armory and it is necessary to learn the language of blazonry.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • At the time of ‘the greatest manhunt in history’ Galt saw his name blazoned in banner headlines.
  • Hamja had painted his boat with an image of a crouching Spider-Man and christened it the Kingfisher, emblazoning the name on the side in the sweeping script of graffiti artists everywhere. Jihadists in Paradise
  • Sometimes it is emblazoned naiant embowed where the fish forms an ‘arch’.
  • The Reiksguard Knights ride mighty Warhorses and wear full armour emblazoned with the device of the Reiksguard.
  • A tomato from Argentina, for example, might have a label emblazoned with the name of the country, information about the 6000+ miles it took to deliver the produce, and the total carbon emissions of the tomato's journey. Fast Company
  • The cryptic little icons surrounding the figure include clusters of rather phallic winged hearts, a hand that reaches into the picture from beyond the frame and an amorphous red shape emblazoned with a white cross.
  • Saturday late afternoon rolled round and the Army men appeared in the hotel's lobby spiffed up in their navy blue dress uniforms, neat rows of military stripes emblazoning their broad chests. Cynthia Wachtell: US Army Recruiters' Banquet at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio, Texas: Military Excess in the Shadow of the Alamo
  • She wore a blue pinafore with the crest of her preschool emblazoned on the left breast and a plain white T-shirt underneath it.
  • Light armor and weaponry, surcoats and banners with the Boarsden blazon for disguise, everyone looking spruce and stalwart. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • The primary was blazoned as a ‘dragon affronty, wings displayed, lacking forelegs’.
  • This design is blazoned as ‘Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale Or,’ and it is still the coat of arms of England today.
  • A new royal barge, emblazoned in silver and gold and with elaborate wainscoting, was commissioned, and trimmed with the king and queen's regalia.
  • This sporty red knit hat comes emblazoned with the Life Aquatic insignia, while the tight, skimpy blue bathing suit leaves little to the imagination.
  • ‘As soon as they leave, I'm taking off my hat,’ he said, tipping his red baseball cap emblazoned with the corps' emblem, ‘and putting on a yashmak,’ the head scarf sometimes worn by resistance fighters.
  • When we first see him, his spindly frame is swathed in a purple and red silk dressing gown emblazoned with his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • The French blazon for the per fess dancetty coat follows a different principle from the English, which partitions the shield into separate pieces.
  • Our new building will be emblazoned with our logo, so they'll know now.
  • This time it can be seen on the double-decker buses emblazoned with the slogan 'This is gonna be our season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below many of the shields, another later scribe has penned a blazon a formal description of the coat of arms. Carolyn Vega: An Elizabethan Armorial
  • An immense bedstead squatted next to a series of fragrant cedar chests emblazoned with someone's owl sigil. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • A bodysuit emblazoned with stars, appears alongside 70s style pinstripe suits and spaghetti strap dresses which are either opaque and bold, or plain black and transparent.
  • I wonder whether some standardised form of description, akin to heraldic blazon, will gradually emerge.
  • She was, as usual, dressed in her royal 'kaf', emblazoned with the emblem of the Allan Quatermain
  • This time it can be seen on the double-decker buses emblazoned with the slogan 'This is gonna be our season. Times, Sunday Times
  • On it was blazoned the news that the Krankies were coming to Scarborough for the summer.
  • The fresh colors of the young Republic, the bright blazonry of the newest State, the coat-of-arms of the infant County of Tasajara -- (a vignette of sunset-tules cloven by the steam of an advancing train) -- hanging from the walls, were all a part of this invincible juvenescence. A First Family of Tasajara
  • The word emblazoned on the drummer's T-shirts said it big and proud: "FLAWLESS. rss feed
  • While Falsehood, shrined above th 'emblazon'd palls, Poems (1828)
  • The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.
  • The language emblazoned across these advertising playbills bandies about offensive terms which today would be unacceptable.
  • Commenters also indicate that the way they are drawn the gyrons cannot be blazoned as piles, as they are too short.
  • You might have already seen it, a gleaming new car emblazoned with Knights logos driving around the district.
  • Akeelah" is touted on the sleeves slipped onto the Starbucks cups (it sells 4 million beverages daily), emblazoned with obscure words like "shalloon," a lightweight wool fabric used for coat linings. A Starbucks Jolt to the Big Screen
  • Fine cotton T-shirts and plush cashmere jumpers are emblazoned with motifs of music icons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The handcraft site also is selling a T-shirt emblazoned with Pike's image but showing flowers coming out of his spray can. UC Davis chancellor: 'I did not want use of force'
  • Look at the banner," said the Abbot; "tell me, what are the blazonries? The Monastery
  • It sports a permanent, easy-to-see bullseye emblazoned on its durable nylon casing, and has a handy loop for hanging in front of a safe backstop.
  • This is shown by its serving the hierarchies of many disparate cultures in their heraldry, emblazonments, and their signals of rank and allegiance.
  • Police raiding a favela, or shantytown, in Rio on Jan. 11 confiscated crack rocks in packaging emblazoned with the face of Ronaldinho, one of Brazil's most prominent stars. Brazil's Emerging Market: Crack
  • One vendor was even selling a baby's pink onesie emblazoned with the New York Police Department logo.
  • Though he was not strong enough in French blazon to know the house that bore that device, Antonin felt sure that the Cinq-Cygnes would not send their chariot, nor the Princess de Cadignan a missive by her maid, except to a person of the highest nobility. The Deputy of Arcis
  • Translucent vase resting in a corner; soft, blazoning rose floating inside — thin blue light wavered everything in the living room — a grainy leaf turned in the murk, the rose rolled in its oval abyss. Carolina Grüber: I
  • One of the most ubiquitous examples of kawaii is Hello Kitty, a mouthless, expressionless, large-headed kitten that emblazons lunch boxes, T-shirts, wallpaper and coffee mugs.
  • Johnny's heart ached when he saw Tom with the three golden boars' heads that marked the blazon of the House of Swynford.
  • Fine cotton T-shirts and plush cashmere jumpers are emblazoned with motifs of music icons. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name was blazoned on the stone.
  • After paying an average of $35 every time I hopped into an L.A. cab during the recent fashion week, I lucked upon a shiny, blue minivan with ‘Shopper Shuttle’ emblazoned on it.
  • The story and my picture were emblazoned on the front page of a tabloid.
  • The words of the heraldic blazon contained in the Order of the King in Council of Nov. 5, 1800, and announced to the nation by the Proclamation of Jan. 1, 1801, prescribes the form in which the national flag is to be constructed.
  • In his 66 displays with the three lions proudly emblazoned on his chest he rarely put a foot wrong.
  • He is proudly clasping his gold medal, draped in the Scottish flag and wearing an enormous blue floppy top hat emblazoned with a brilliant white saltire.
  • This design is blazoned as ‘Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale Or,’ and it is still the coat of arms of England today.
  • The world will not have seen the like of Cunard's QM2, which will carry the name of Southampton, her city of registry, emblazoned on her hull, to all corners of the globe, after she enters service in January of next year.
  • Other dog-worthy features include a stowable, folding aluminum loading ramp, dog pattern seat covers, and floor mats emblazoned with dog bones. 2009 New York Auto Show: Dogs need show cars, too
  • If these symbols were written by hand, and not stamped out by computer and blazoned into the controls as they were on the Ascalon, then the newly found markings could conceivably have been done by a hand less steady or confident than normal.
  • One way to accomplish that would be by encouraging the world’s most famous daredevil to fly his own biplane with his name emblazoned on it. The Secret Life of Houdini
  • I wonder whether some standardised form of description, akin to heraldic blazon, will gradually emerge.
  • Under that jacket is a full-body wetsuit emblazoned with the SeaWorld logo.
  • These days enterprising souls stuff their leaves into pumpkin orange plastic bags emblazoned with Jack O'Lantern faces and make them part of front-yard vignettes and porch decorations.
  • But the youth was not disposed unnecessarily to blazon his princeliness.
  • The smiling father sports a rifle nestled at his hip and wears a hat emblazoned with a coat of arms.
  • The original blazon is: ‘Or, on a chev. betw. three leopards' heads gu, a crescent of the field.’
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • Another enthusiast is lurking on one of the platforms, wearing a quilted jacked emblazoned with an Express logo.
  • The silver comet of his calling blazoned his left breast. Explorations
  • So if you fancy black silk sheets hallmarked with the name of your house, or silk organza drapes emblazoned with unicorns - all you have to do is ask.
  • They were 16 and 14 respectively, so they have a lifelong love affair with emblazonment. Tattoos: Eyecatching – but are they art?
  • The correct blazon, I believe, would be: Or, an eagle double-headed, displayed sable, dimidiated, and impaling gu. a key in pale argent, the wards in chief, and turned to the sinister; the shield surmounted with a marquis 'coronet. Notes and Queries A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc
  • One was an exultant's with blazonings painted on the doors and palfreniers in fanciful liveries, but the other two were fiacres, small and plain. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • Twin towers bore the arms of the railway companies emblazoned upon them.
  • Somehow you get the feeling that if this had been run by men, the names of the founders and subsequent dignitaries would have been blazoned all over its history.
  • The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of Burlesques
  • On one corner of the square, you step into the Maille boutique, where the black and gold emblazoned company sells its world-famous mustards and vinegars.
  • Iris extended her arm and pointed at the insignia blazoned onto his jacket.
  • The Valkyrie Unit emblem was emblazoned on his right shoulder and little else for visual insignias were shown.
  • You can insulate yourself mid-sea by singing a familiar tune; you can emblazon "tomorrow" on your forearm to steel yourself for the struggle; but you must obey just one instruction: follow the boat. In praise of ... swimming the Channel | Editorial
  • Posters were emblazoned on the walls of the department store.
  • At Fonthill the crest and the thirty-six quarterings of Beckford's full coat-of-arms were blazoned on the carpets and painted glass windows.
  • Not a single piece is emblazoned with a company logo.
  • Light armor and weaponry, surcoats and banners with the Boarsden blazon for disguise, everyone looking spruce and stalwart. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Ironically, the small packets, often emblazoned with a skull-and-crossbones, are harmless.
  • We expected to see great convoys of lorries and trucks emblazoned with UN initials juddering down the coastal road bearing relief and building materials.
  • The paired subjects were given various flashcards, blazoned with a star, a crescent, a box, a circle; then separated and asked to concentrate on the identity of the card their opposite number held.
  • He deserves to have his name blazoned here as a warning, but I shall not mention it, merely contenting myself by saying that he was formerly a United States senator, was at that time The Idler Magazine, Volume III., July 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • Avaaz Action Factory activists showed up at Tuesday’s Environment and Public Works hearing in strongmen costumes and t-shirts emblazoned with the “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” message, encouraging senators to “flex their own legislative muscles.” Wonk Room » ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’: Climate Activism, Daft Punk Style
  • The most majestic works here are his paintings of mountains with words blazoned across them, like the hillside behind the Hollywood sign (which he could see from his studio).

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