
How To Use Blazing In A Sentence

  • There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes. The Other Side of Me
  • The boatmen were sitting under a tree, out of the blazing heat.
  • Firemen came in looking for images of their mates who had gone into the blazing buildings.
  • And they were blazing with anger. The Sun
  • This girl was blazing like a pyre of psymantic energy, with waves of blue and white constantly washing over her.
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  • The three are thought to have had a blazing row over a long-standing feud. The Sun
  • And credit for his undogmatic approach is due in part, he thinks, to his former boss, the trail-blazing Dutch architect and urban planner Rem Koolhaas. Building a Better Future
  • A trail-blazing super care centre that would move three doctors' practices and a clinic to one site is a backwards step, health bosses were told.
  • On the plus side, the fact that I'm here means I didn't expire in a blazing fireball.
  • Stuffed into the neck of the bottle was a flame engulfed rag, blazing brightly.
  • And here the conquered men of Ind, swarthy horsemen and sword wielders, fiercely barbaric, blazing in crimson and scarlet, Sikhs, Rajputs, Burmese, province by province, and caste by caste. CORONATION DAY
  • By the time we leave, the sun is a furnace blazing magnified through the windscreen, crisping my skin.
  • A colporteur, known to me, when engaged selling Bibles in a Brazilian town, reports that the fanatical populace got his books and carried them, fastened and burning, at the end of blazing torches, while they tramped the streets, yelling: "Away with all false books! Through Five Republics on Horseback, Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America
  • Company after company dashed into the blazing "fireproof" building, urged by the hoarse profanity of the chief. The Poisoned Pen
  • I turned up a slightly cynical, badly-dressed student and left three days later, after a short spell in Southampton nick, as the blazing-eyed, still badly-dressed eco-bore I am today.
  • You going to be in Portland long enough for me to be a hostly friend, or are you just blazing through? “The Last Colony” Tour Dates: First Draft « Whatever
  • And good thing too, since one of the true joys of bean consumption is being able to re-enact the campfire scene from Blazing Saddles, although I've found it easier to convince the occasional date to engage in intimacies than to join in the butt trumpet serenading. Old Rice/New Rice....Old Beans/New Beans
  • The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery.
  • They are not very comfortable winging it or blazing new trails; working steadily within the system is the Guardian way, for in the long run loyalty, discipline, and teamwork get the job done right.
  • At twilight, the blazing orange sunset turned into a muted pink.
  • In a surprising role, Hoffman hits the screen with tongue blazing as a neurotic, sexually ambiguous and sex-starved underground mobster named Mr. King.
  • It could report on earthquake damage or structural problems and warn firefighters of hot spots in buildings where fires are blazing on some floors.
  • About 5.00 am the Paschal Fire will be set alight and it will be blazing brightly in the sky as people file up for the 6.00m Mass.
  • The Martian meteorite crashes through the Earth's atmosphere - a blazing fireball.
  • The transatlantic flight from Heathrow carried on to Miami after cabin crew grabbed a fire extinguisher to douse the blazing oven. The Sun
  • Soon he had a fire blazing away merrily and Krystal came over to stand next to him.
  • The only noise was the whistling north wind that made a coat feel good while my legs browned from a blazing sun. The Road To El Dorado
  • Wildfire and Firecat barreled through the thick smoke, their laser rifles blazing an incandescent firestorm through the smoke.
  • Thyself ordain who first must seize the blazing bar and burn the Cyclops 'eye out, that we may share alike whate'er betides. The Cyclops
  • No longer is Art Theft a refined craft of niminy-piminy alarm evasion, but more and more a matter of going in with all the guns blazing.
  • He has a blazing fastball and a dynamic slider, but he must overcome the tendency to overthrow and cut down on his pitch counts.
  • John opened the door to be confronted by two youths who threw a blazing firework at him.
  • Out in the open air people are exposed to blazing daytime sun and freezing night temperatures.
  • London was the height of hip, with a posse of hot young designers blazing a path through the jaded fashion pack and spawning the ‘Cool Britannia’ era.
  • _Corona Australis_ was blazing with unwonted brilliancy, and, it seemed to him, the constellation was making signs to him from its signal station in the heavens. The Wedge of Gold
  • In blazing sunshine, punters packed the Berkshire racecourse sipping champagne and treating themselves to portions of strawberries and cream.
  • I was wearing a blazing orange floor-length Grecian tunic, with pleating as fine as Fortuny silk. RESCUING ROSE
  • There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes. The Other Side of Me
  • Our perseverance and pioneering spirit in blazing a trail nobody has ever trodden before is no doubt admirable.
  • In building a market, though, it may fall victim to the troubles that plague trailblazing companies, analysts said.
  • He wasn't going to completely ruin her night, even if something inside of her continued to shrivel and die whenever he sent his blazing gaze in her direction.
  • Instead of blazing new trails -- something the band appears to have more than enough ambition to try -- it seems happy to follow an over-trodden path to the summit of rock-and-roll's Mount Olympus. Kings of Leon bemoan their rock stardom on latest album, 'Come Around Sundown'
  • In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars.
  • After the raid - and an unconcealed display of gutlessness by the major - the commando squad is forced to cross the blazing desert for a rendezvous with their reconnaissance team.
  • And the app was slick and responsive, like a desktop client — and blazingly fast in comparison to Hotmail. Happy Birthday, Gmail!
  • And it sells all the fireside accompaniments needed to achieve a blazing fire on a cold winter evening.
  • The cabinetry is all chocolaty wood, the countertops a hard Formica blaze of orange, a room that seems dark even when it is blazingly illumed. Excerpt: The Father of All Things by Tom Bissell
  • Jenica turned, eyes blazing, to Brian, but he forestalled her.
  • As the sun set, the blazing heat dissipated to be replace by chilling winds that whipped at the Traveler's clothes and cut down to his bones.
  • First, smugglers and excisemen battle it out on the sea wall, with horses galloping, cannons blazing and much ketchup spilt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they've got the ground crews with dozens of machine-guns and hundreds of damn rifles, all blazing away.
  • In the kitchen there were three fires blazing, stacks of _Bratwurst_ on the tables, great kettles for the sour-krout and potatoes, and eggs, lettuce, and other finer viands, for the dignitaries, on the shelves. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • Next up: Millennium Park's Crown Fountain retrofitted into blazing Prozac towers by CDC-licenced landscape architects. Archive 2006-12-01
  • Computer disks and skimpy tight female clothing, the demonic symbols of unblessed sexuality and perverted science, Allah's fires rise up and crush the wickedness, a blazing cleansing heat.
  • When bigoted, sexist cop Matt Dillon rescues Thandie Newton from that blazing car, he primly pulls down her skirt as he yanks her out.
  • By the time Edward returned with a tray of beer-cans the fire was blazing with famished enthusiasm.
  • Two Yorkshire cities were yesterday praised for spearheading the region's economic revival and blazing a trail for town planners across the country.
  • If you consider yourself a person who has climbed great heights or ran great lengths to find God, then I ask that you consider the story of Christ in completing this journey and blazing the paths of a new one. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He had landed in a patch of blazing forest. Bomber
  • Conducted by Valery Gergiev with blazing conviction, it is hard to resist.
  • She would have erupted from concealment, all guns blazing, and made the ultimate scene.
  • Above them were fields of blazing stars and on some of the curves Marge caught a glimpse of moonlight on rolling surf.
  • Yet it seems firefighters were called out of the blazing tower block moments before they could have rescued the terrified victims. The Sun
  • They aren't blazingly fast, but can get schoolwork done - and should be enough for their day-to-day needs.
  • Once seated in the armchairs around a blazing fire, they ordered tea and waited silently.
  • The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree.
  • ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- A dashcam video from the Alaska State Troopers shows a dog leading them through winding back roads to a blazing fire at his owners 'property. Dog Leads Alaska State Trooper To Fire (VIDEO)
  • On a recent blazing summer afternoon, in the cool vault of her underground office, bookshop director Francoise Simon sparks with enthusiasm about her stock of more than 4,000 books and her polyglot, horticulturally savvy staff. Gardens of Delight
  • Next I needed a respectably Cajun rendition of ‘Jole Blon,’ a blazingly fast waltz that has left me gasping more than once and hanging on to my partner.
  • Next comes the lighting rig: spotlights, blinkers, winkers, everything but lasers, blazing like Luna Park.
  • We sailed for some hours along a lava coast, streamless, rainless, verdureless, blazing under the fierce light of a tropical sun, and some time after noon anchored in the scorching bay of The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • A search is going on for wreckage from the blazing aircraft.
  • The belligerent crazification and the blazing straw men are reason enough to love the guy, but the best thing about Fred Hiatt is his severe case of anterograde amnesia. Matthew Yglesias » Don’t Call It a Comeback
  • He toured a 17th century fort in blazing heat as he made his first official engagement in Oman after a tour of India.
  • Then his transfiguration: the force he'd seen in the mirror, blazing back at him. GALILEE
  • She led her into a side office, which was very plushly decorated and had a blazing freestanding fireplace in the center of the room.
  • In the Central Valley, blazingly hot but well irrigated, gardens grow with tropical exuberance.
  • So when the Siamese need rain, they set out their idols in the blazing sun; but if they want dry weather, they unroof the temples and let the rain pour down on the idols. Chapter 5. The Magical Control of the Weather. § 2. The Magical Control of Rain
  • The department is blazing a trail in the field of laser surgery.
  • At night the sky had been swept clean of clouds and the stars were blazing in the moonless night.
  • Robotisation is the petrol you chuck on this already blazing fire of inequality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if God did appear before you in blazing glory, would you believe he existed or would you consider it a hallucination of some sort or a trick played on you? God Is Dead Quotes | My[confined]Space
  • When the sun shone clear the water on beyond became a shimmering blazing shield of white-hot metal; and an hour of uninterrupted gazing upon it would have turned an argus into a blinkard. From Place to Place
  • He likened his trail-blazing approach to being the first to jump into a swimming pool, so encouraging others to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unknown, his eyes blazing with indignation, 'I'm brither to the corpp.' Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, August 20, 1892
  • Though it was night and darkness had fallen, she could still make out one building, blazing like hellfire.
  • It is good that every person in the family should take some part in its manufacture, even if only to stir it; and it should be brought to table hoarily sprinkled with powdered sugar, with a fine piece of berried holly stuck in it, and surrounded on all sides by blazing spirits. A Righte Merrie Christmasse The Story of Christ-Tide
  • Going the blazing guns route almost always resulted in extreme failure for me.
  • It was a magnificent display of the phenomenon, and I feel certain that my attention was first attracted to it by the crackling sound which appeared to accompany the motion of the pale flames as they streamed across the sky; indeed, _crackling_, is not the word that properly describes the sound I heard, which was precisely that made by the _flickering_ of blazing fire; and as I have often since read and heard discussions upon the question whether the motion of the aurora is or is not accompanied by an audible sound, I can only say that on this occasion it was the sound that first induced me to observe the sheets of white light that were leaping up the sky. Records of a Girlhood
  • We are a nation of quiet stoners, blazing up and smoking out in peace and harmony.
  • The western genre has been parodied on a number of occasions, famous examples being Support Your Local Sheriff, Cat Ballou, Mel Brooks's Blazing Saddles, and Rustler's Rhapsody.
  • These mighty creatures made their lairs beneath the blazing peaks of the Dragon Spine Mountains.
  • Once the rajah was dressed in English sporting plaids in India, and once he was in a carriage in London dressed in his native costume, bejeweled and ‘blazing with diamonds.’
  • There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes. The Other Side of Me
  • The personnel in most major bases missed the flares of re-entry heat against the blazing sun.
  • The KLF didn't just walk away from fame, they had a blazing row with it and then stormed out of the house swearing all kinds of revenge.
  • A night of calm, when sleep is well-nigh impossible in the sultry, muggy air, may be followed by a day of blazing sun and an oily swell from the south'ard, connoting great gales in that area of ocean we are sailing toward -- or all day long the Elsinore, under an overcast sky, royals and sky sails furled, may plunge and buck under wind-pressure into a short and choppy head-sea. CHAPTER XXVII
  • Note also that the song is sung by a guy who is meant to be not only blazingly sexy but deep and artistic as well, and yet he does not have the girl, nor does he drown his sorrows in the thousands of other women potentially available to him.
  • To the onlookers below, it seemed as if a second sun lurched drunkenly through the sky, from which blazing goddesses descended and ascended while thunderbolts flashed and pealed.
  • Fortunately he fancied the river, as it had been blazing sunshine all day and I was sick of being stuck indoors.
  • Now it was blazing steadily, promising an out-of-control inferno, unless she came to her senses and stopped it.
  • More generally, it's become blazingly apparent that extreme political views that wouldn't even have been whispered just a few years ago have become proud campaign slogans. Rev. Peter M. Wallace: The Christian Call to Civility
  • Farmer Peter MacSporran has proved more resilient even than the crops he has managed to grow under the blazing African sun.
  • With sculptured lips, Roman nose, tattooed neck and blazing eye, he's like a toy.
  • The sun was blazing down that afternoon.
  • There was a sudden flash of lightning that gave the face blazing eyes. The Other Side of Me
  • How smoky, smelly and conversational it must have been in there, with five or six people crammed tight together and a good peat fire blazing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the early nineteenth century emigrants have been blazing a trail from the West-Mayo island to the Ohio city.
  • She was visiting a ward overlooking the gruesome scene under blazing lights in a building opposite. The Sun
  • Faolan snarled up at me, his eyes blazing, and his breath coming in short pants.
  • the blazing sun
  • In sum, there isn't one dud piece in this blazingly honest gem of an anthology.
  • Apart from the occasional lobster-hued jogger panting along through the blazing sun, no one appeared to live in the District.
  • He seemed genuinely thrilled to be back on the mound, even without a blazing fastball.
  • Then, in 1963, he travelled to California and developed a Pop Art style all his own - blazing colours, delicacy of line, geometrical buildings painted in oil and acrylic.
  • A WildLands Seed Team collects and catalogs plants with names like blazing star, orange puccoon, squaw weed and eared false foxglove. Pam Grout: The Little Hope For The Prairie
  • As it happens, she plays a fierce doubles game, with a steady serve, a sure overhead, penetrating volleys and an occasional blazing return of serve.
  • She began to parry and dodge their blazing fast attacks, but she was clearly outmatched and succumbed to their slashes and blows and was being pushed back.
  • The recital ended with a blazing bravura display. Times, Sunday Times
  • It isn't common knowledge today, but Walter Johnson threw his blazing fastball with a sidearm delivery.
  • Here we were looking at the blazing sunshine of the entire weekend, a complete contrast to our present weather.
  • Four of their batsmen were caught from blazing shots by fielders stationed on the boundary rope.
  • Our conversation turned into a blazing argument, about politics, the law, socialism, capitalism, you name it.
  • A Planning Service approval to build a multi-storey apartment block in Newry is at the centre of a blazing row.
  • At the beginning blazing heart Long silence.
  • A charr legionnaire whipped his head back and forth, eyes blazing. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Their raps may be blazing, but the melodies deliberately evoke early Beach Boys memories.
  • He turned to Ryan again, his eyes now blazing with anger.
  • With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way.
  • Against a rustic stucco wall, water trickles out of scalloped bowls into a colorful blue fountain bedecked with blazing bougainvillea.
  • There are scenes that you've written of the captain ordering all the guns blazing from the ship up the river, out into the bushland.
  • Both he and Woods, who played in the same 1995 Walker Cup side, are blazing a trail for ethnic minorities on the US Tour, which is still dominated by golfers of a Waspish background.
  • However, whether a small spark is struck or a blazing fire lit, the flame is the same.
  • We managed to get away from the fields of trenches, past a farm where a bale of hay was blazing, and onto open hillside. Times, Sunday Times
  • We crept downstairs over warm, underfloor-heated carpets to a blazing fire in the sitting room, a mound of presents underneath the tree and huge windows gazing out on to snowy mountains.
  • He scoured among surrounding trees with a kukri to collect dead wood so as to keep a fire blazing through the night. THE OPEN DOOR
  • He could now see that it was really smoking and a fire was blazing in spite of the rain sheeting down around it.
  • The weather was freakish, alternating between blazing sun and blistering showers.
  • The blazing sun and swaying boat were hardly conducive to yuletide cheer.
  • Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.
  • But marching at ease was such a singularly inappropriate expression for men who were dragging a heavy nuggar up a cataract under a blazing sun that there was a general laugh, and even Tarrant relaxed into a grin. For Fortune and Glory A Story of the Soudan War
  • Steven Gerrard sends a screamer blazing over the bar from a few yards outside the box.
  • The suit was not as crumpled as usual, the piggy blue eyes blazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a fun way to pass the time, though, until lunch under the heat of the blazing sun.
  • He trotted alone over the carriage road of the Williamsburg Bridge, before the light, while the tollkeeper was sleeping by his stove and many stars were still blazing above the city. "there was a white horse..."
  • Only that mighty mass of clouds called Arjuna, aided by Krishna like unto a powerful wind, with celestial weapon representing its fierce lightning, the white steeds, the rows of white cranes coursing underneath and the unbearable Gandiva, the rainbow ahead, is capable of extinguishing the blazing flame represented by Karna by means of its arrowy showers let off with unflagging steadiness. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Vana Parva, Part 1
  • High-end computers these days consume more and more power, and the power supply industry continues to release new units at a blazing pace.
  • I quickly cast a spell on my rod, blazing the magic back to the Shadow.
  • One picture showed rubble strewn around the taxi rank outside the terminal; another showed fires blazing inside the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, these dedicated servants end up standing in the blazing sun, a routine broken only by the occasional soaking rainstorm.
  • At its best the guesthouse could be a world unto itself, moderately cool in the blazing afternoon, far from lavish, yet still a trustworthy provider of clean bedsheets and bottled water and other ordinary comforts. Heaven Lake
  • For the ancient rabbis, Shekinah glory meant all of the combined attributes of God, distilled in unrefracted, blazing, glorious light. They Smell Like Sheep Volume 2
  • She walked into the room with her eyes blazing, ready to do battle.
  • In the further wall was an alcove whose curtains, bestrung with pearls, were let down and I saw a light issuing therefrom; so I drew near and perceived that the light came from a precious stone as big as an ostrich egg, set at the upper end of the alcove upon a little chryselephantine couch of ivory and gold; and this jewel, blazing like the sun, cast its rays wide and side. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Worldbuilding: The ambiguity in the term "worldbuilding" resides in the fact that it was coined for the craft of creating ordinate realities in the manner of Tolkien's highly methodical "subcreation," largely a matter of blocking, bolstering, gilding and bumphing, but has come to be applied not just to worldscapes generated by worldblazing but to any sufficiently foreign and/or complex fictive milieu, even to milieus that are largely mimetic. Archive 2009-12-01
  • The caravan of desert travelers came over the ridges of sand, marching ceaselessly under the blazing yellow sun.
  • The ground was turning to ether below him, the medallion buried far below him blazing in its bed. EVERVILLE
  • There was a cold air about her, even in the blazing heat of the sun.
  • Her fists clench, and he could have sworn that her eyes were blazing with fire, the lambent glow bathing him in an evil red light.
  • The most typical images show the expansive cooking fireplace with a substantial fire blazing away and assorted pots and kettles nearby.
  • Yonder she marches, heaven bless her! through the old oak hall (how long the shadows of the antlers are on the wainscot, and the armor of Rollo Fitz-Boodle looks in the sunset as if it were emblazoned with rubies) -- yonder she marches, stately and tall, in her invariable pearl-colored tabbinet, followed by Lady Dawdley, blazing like a flamingo; next comes Lady Emily Tufthunt (she was Lady The Fitz-Boodle Papers
  • A blazing argument ensued, and we finally, albeit grudgingly, compromised on a plan to leave the next day, in the late afternoon.
  • A huge fire was blazing in the fireplace.
  • The hook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.
  • It had never crossed my mind... "Tiny black feet crossed the blazing white sand. LOST CHILDREN
  • The man responsible for destroying Persepolis had been none other than Alexander: the feat that broadcast his triumph more blazingly than all his many others, since the city had served, for almost two centuries, as the capital of Asia. The Greatest of Them All
  • Dad adjusted my hands as we stood together in the empty ballfield, the summer sun blazing on our backs. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • Ward, 27, is a blazingly fast master boxer; the underdog Froch, 34, has good skills and power. It's Champ Against Champ In Atlantic City
  • And so Basrans toil in the blazing heat of the Arabian Gulf, waiting for fate, kismet, providence, grace - or perhaps the more earthly mechanism of globalization - to inspire them to reclaim their former greatness.
  • That musky pileup of alabaster limousines and poorly cut tuxedos and spangled evening bags fat with Ecstasy, all of it the blazing hot sunset of a long, hard childhood!
  • Starting off in the seedy clubs and backdoor whiskey bars of Sunset Strip, writers will embrace their inner straight male lesbians and put on the fishnet stockings, friz their hair, and learn to type in falsetto to blazing riffs, tricky hooks, and pedantic sililoquies that would make Slash blush. LOST Waves Back at Fans of the Nerd Persuasion
  • Constantinople, spied from the road — first under the blazing midday sun, then by "beautiful Oriental moonlight" on the return trip — views "so sublime and picturesque ... that in an enchanted dream alone one could hope to realize the effect of the mirage Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • The girl instantly ceased her movement, standing stock-still as she turned blazing eyes on Chris.
  • The pieces of meat are spitted on green twigs, which are stuck into the ground in front of a blazing log.
  • That pattern suggests that an object may have struck from the northwest - a path that would have taken the blazing bolide over southeastern Australia, where aboriginal legends mention just such a fireball.
  • All about me were nobleness of purpose and heroism of effort, and my days and nights were sunshine and starshine, all fire and dew, with before my eyes, ever burning and blazing, the Holy Grail, Christ's own Grail, the warm human, long-suffering and maltreated but to be rescued and saved at the last. ' Chapter 5: The Philomaths
  • Then the canopy of heaven became a mighty loom, wherein imperial purple and deep sea-green blended, wove, and interwove, with blazing woof and flashing warp, till the most delicate of tulles, fluorescent and bewildering, was daintily and airily shaken in the face of the astonished night. CHAPTER 18
  • The sun had burned the morning haze out of the sky and the day was blazingly hot now. DESPERADOES
  • So the city folk, gazing from the bare hills to my blazing, burning field, were sorely tempted, and, it must be told, as sorely fell. The Golden Poppy
  • She opened her eyes and saw a blazing fire crackling and spitting at the men sitting around it.
  • That this concept is true is just so blazingly obvious that I can't imagine anybody quarrelling with it.
  • Flamethrower: Military assault weapon that projects a stream of Blazing oil or gasoline against enemy positions.
  • I'm a total sucker for garishly colored foods -- seasonal Oreos, kueh lapis, blazing yellow turmeric rice. Hidden Depths
  • John's gaze was steady and unblinking as he stared into his daughter's blazing eyes.
  • On the other side, someone had painted many of the occupied buildings in blazing colors: pink, yellow, and minty green — a jarring sight in the washed-out landscape. Where Birds Rule the Earth
  • Celebrations went on late into the night with bonfires blazing around the deputy's home village of Ardfert.
  • Quantum computers have the potential to be blazingly fast because a string of quantum bits, or qubits, that store the ones and zeros of computer information can represent all the numbers possible within that string at once.
  • He dug his thumbs into the eyes, a red bonfire blazing at his chest, and heard an underwater bubbling squeal.
  • Within minutes the whole building was blazing.
  • Take a walk down any colony or playground on a lazy Sunday afternoon and you will find children working on their batting and bowling with zeal, notwithstanding the blazing heat.
  • But it is Broome's legendary sunsets which we will never forget: blazing tangerine and crimson over the Indian ocean, shared with a train of haughty camels on the town's famous Cable Beach.
  • The moon was just beyond his visitor, its glow tinting the blazing red hair with silver specks of light.
  • Even among us humans, we can train ourselves to look away, to not see, to not hear, to not notice the blazingly obvious statements of people who, whether we like it or not, really believe in God.
  • Normally at this point in the day, we'd provide you with a set of blazingly accurate Christmas Number One betting odds.
  • I might as well be walking around with my college scarf, crest blazing, whistling a tune.
  • His little riverboat, the flat-bottomed, open-sided Water Rat, is nestled in the reeds alongside Toolunka Island on the Murray River, while a campfire is blazing brightly and the billy is boiling.
  • And they were blazing with anger. The Sun
  • In autumn the green foliage turns blazing red. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mound, from base to crown, was cloaked in flowers; in monkshood, columbine, goldenrod, blazingstar and others.
  • She turned angrily to her brothers, her eyes blazing with fierce indignation and rampant fury.

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