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  1. cry plaintively
    The lambs were bleating
  1. disposed to avoid notice
    they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren't bashful about letting anybody know it

How To Use blate In A Sentence

  • But when of a thing that is perceived in connexion with some place and time, the non-existence is perceived in connexion with some other place and time, there arises no contradiction; how then should the one cognition sublate the other? or how can it be said that of a thing absent at one time and place there is absence at other times and places also? The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • the oblateness of the planet
  • The overt sexual content has not been sublated by form or symbolism.
  • A claustral oblate candidate may be received into the novitiate by the abbot with the consent of the chapter.
  • They sublate not themselves mutually, not the one the other externally; but each sublates itself in itself, and is in its own self the contrary of itself. SUBLATE.
  • Nightly these acolytes oblate their flesh to the Trickster God, the ruttish goat totem. E (novel extract)
  • In this paper, we discuss the effect of the Earth's oblateness and ionosphere on the retrieval, and analyze the result of the local curvature correction and the ionosphere calibration.
  • However, we are aware of no studies that have considered the motion of an ellipsoid or oblate spheroid near a plane wall under linear shear flow.
  • The equations were further confirmed by observing the shape of the earth to be oblate spheroidal, as Newton claimed it should be, rather than prolate spheroidal, as claimed by the Cartesians.
  • Felled by the ward of his intransigence, levelled and laid flat, sword brandished in denial – sword wafting words uttered emphatically in a trial of words by wards, falling for the trap of his own rhetorical thirst, falling into the gap between those who run first and those who carp and cry in the pack – an empty husk cracked and ablated, an old fool utterly trashed. Rhetorical Thirst (rev)
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