How To Use Blastopore In A Sentence
Now, when random samples were taken from the whole surface of the gastrula and transplanted in this way in an indifferent place it became apparent that a limited area, namely the region of the upper and lateral blastopore lip did not conform.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
The wall of the planula is next pushed in on one side, or invaginated, whereby it is converted into a double-walled sac with an opening, the _blastopore_, which leads into the cavity lined by the inner wall.
Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
The inner layer we call the entoderm, the outer the ectoderm; and the "primitive mouth" is known as the blastopore.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
In order to test this, a portion of upper blastopore lip at the beginning of gastrulation (head-organizer) and one from an advanced and mature gastrula (trunk-organizer) were transplanted in the same place in an early gastrula, i.e. at the site where the lower blastopore lip would later develop; this was done also at different sites - in the head and trunk areas.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
A sagittal section of approximately this stage, shown in figure 1A, represents the foregut, _fg_, as a shallow enclosure of the anterior region of the entoderm, while the wide blastopore, _blp_, connects the region of the hindgut with the exterior.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
The primordium of the central nervous system originates in the ectoderm of the dorsal surface, starting from the blastopore and coming forward as a thickened plate shaped like a shield with its anterior half broader than its posterior.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
From this Spemann could ascertain that the blastopore had an organizing influence on its environment.
Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech
You can see the early scrambling of cells in the blastula, migration during epiboly and blastopore closure, and convergence in the formation of the body axis fairly easily.
Planet Atheism
Classical studies revealed that nemertean embryos exhibit spiral cleavage and that the mouth forms at or near the site of the blastopore, but aspects of cell lineage, especially origin of the mesoderm, proved problematic.
Upper blastopore lip still engaged in invagination was implanted in a different orientation in relation to the host embryo - crosswise and opposite to the orientation of the later primary primordia.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
More accurately, the blastopore elongates along the future ventral midline and the mouth and anus develop at opposite ends.
The foregut is here more inclosed, and the notochord, _nt_, having separated from the entoderm, _en_, is seen as a distinct layer of cells extending from the foregut to the blastopore.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
Upper blastopore lip still engaged in invagination was implanted in a different orientation in relation to the host embryo - crosswise and opposite to the orientation of the later primary primordia.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
One group, including amphioxus, lampreys, sturgeons and amphibians, displays the primitive condition, with holoblastic eggs and involution of the endoderm through a blastopore.
Both the fate of the blastopore and early embryonic cleavage patterns vary considerably among the Bilateria and have not been assessed experimentally in many species.
Why, for instance, should the blastopore so often appear as a long slit, closing by concrescence, unless this had been the original method of its formation in remote Coelenterate ancestors?
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
Then in front of this blastopore there arise from the ectoderm the primordia of the brain and spinal cord.
Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech
This feeling of frustration, so incisively conveyed by these considerations by P. Medawar, pervaded in the forties the field of experimental embryology which had been enthusiastically acclaimed in the mid-thirties, when the upper lip of the amphibian blastopore brought this area of research to the forefront of the biological stage.
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
This brain and spinal cord did not arise from the transplanted cell material, but from the presumptive ventral epidermis whose course of development was thus altered by the presence of the blastopore.
Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech
The foregut is here more inclosed, and the notochord, _nt_, having separated from the entoderm, _en_, is seen as a distinct layer of cells extending from the foregut to the blastopore.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
Then in front of this blastopore there arise from the ectoderm the primordia of the brain and spinal cord.
Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech
In the course of gastrulation the invaginating material is rolled inwards around the upper lip of the blastopore.
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
The entoderm, which has the appearance of being thickened because of the fact that the notochord has not yet completely separated from it, is continuous, through the blastopore, with the ectoderm.
Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
Arrow worms were considered deuterostomes based on their tripartite coelom and the retention of the blastopore to form the anus.
Then along the line of invagination, i.e. the primitive orifice or blastopore, runs the outer layer of cells or ectoderm into the two invaginated layers, the mesoderm (originating from the marginal zone), and entoderm
Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
At the beginning of gastrulation, the blastocoel roof is one cell thick, and the dorsal lip of the blastopore forms below the equator of the embryo.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
He denied that the invagination opening (which he named the blastopore) represented the primitive mouth, [443] holding that this was typically formed by an "inruptive" process at the anterior end of the planula, which led to the formation of a "stomodæum.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
In the complementary category, the protostomes, which includes annelids and arthropods, the blastopore develops into the mouth.
In the complementary category of the protostomes, which includes annelids and arthropods, the blastopore develops into the mouth.
This stage is called the gastrula stage; ar. is the cavity of the gastrula, the archenteron; b.p. is its opening or blastopore.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
Spemann then transplanted the anterior lip of the blastopore of an embryo into the ventral side of another embryo it grew a new brain and spinal cord.
Physiology or Medicine 1935 - Presentation Speech