

  1. any cell resulting from cleavage of a fertilized egg

How To Use blastomere In A Sentence

  • It turns out that our cells have been derived utilizing what we call a blastomere technology which means that we have been able to develop those stem cells without any embryo destruction, which somewhat mitigates the issues that have been in the media. Advanced Cell Technology's CEO Says Markets Are Just Starting to Appreciate the Significance of Their Stem Cell Derived Treatments - Yahoo! Finance
  • A single blastomere is removed from each 8-cell human embryo for the purposes of preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
  • Hence, potentially viable embryos will be discarded upon screening a single blastomere.
  • Cell lineage analyses, mainly conducted on annelidan. and molluscan embryos, suggested that the ultimate fates of blastomeres are tremendously conserved.
  • Early in the 1980s, they participated in the pioneer work to generate transgenic rabbit via DNA microinjection (China), and rabbit cloning using embryonic blastomere cells (China). Reuters: Press Release
  • But other researchers disagree, saying that the removal of the blastomere poses unknown risks to the embryo and in turn, to the life of the child, should the embryo be implanted and continue developing to birth. Scientific Sidestep?
  • Lanza counters this objection by saying that if the blastomere failed to divide, his group would send it off for PGD testing im­mediately, thereby salvaging the diagnostic procedure. Scientific Sidestep?
  • In the first, we injected calcium green into one of the blastomeres in the developing fish.
  • The blastomere technology has been reproduced and peer-reviewed on several occasions. Barbara Walters' Television Special Highlights Role Advanced Cell Technology's Embryonic Stem Cells Breakthroughs
  • That exchange came to mind this week with news that stem-cell lines can be established from an early human embryo — a blastomere — without destroying it. Escape Hatch
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