How To Use Blasting In A Sentence

  • An undercutter cuts a horizontal slot, or kerf, along the floor of the advancing room to provide a relief for blasting.
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Both of the metal slabs on his hips unfolded into their gun modes and began blasting away the enemy units two at a time.
  • The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
  • Alfred persevered, first inventing the blasting cap and then discovering that a silicaceous earth, kieselguhr, would stabilize nitroglycerin, thus making dynamite. Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
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  • Congressman John Murtha is blasting what he calls swift boat style attacks stemming from his fight with Steny Hoyer. CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2006
  • He believes that bead blasting with aluminum oxide gives a finer finished product than glass bead.
  • Every brick was reused, while timbers were cleaned with dry ice, a gentler technique than sandblasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sand blasting would leave marks and sand in the wood, which would have to be sanded out and filled in to obtain a smooth final finish.
  • Some surprisingly inventive puzzles are included amid the expertly handled robot blasting and leaping around with a jetpack. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the paper, the dependability of explode energy of blasting fuse through space attenuation ignite the high energy ignition compositions was learned.
  • Clean damaged areas by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning, feather edges to sound and intact areas.
  • the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit
  • I was transfixed by the jostling crowds, the blasting horns.
  • Manson sits in the dark with the air conditioning blasting, drinking cola and wearing sunglasses.
  • Tom Petty reminz me ov when I libbed in Cally-fornia, dribbing fast on freeway fru Marin wif Tom Petty mewosic blasting away. I can waits - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The president is already blasting congress for spending too much.
  • Wall Climbing Robot with Magnetic Crawlers for Sand-blasting.
  • Unlike most ski nations, there is no tradition of blasting snow-heavy slopes to release dangerous accumulations in the back-country.
  • Blasting through the grey language that usually cloaks such matters he accuses the Fund of corruption, self-interest and deceit.
  • The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Louisiana is blasting the new ad, "Welcome Prize," as "demeaning" and "racist. David Vitter's new ad trafficks heavily in race-baiting
  • With Federer blasting forehands, Nadal held his ground with his biting lefty forehands, deft touch around the net and bullet crosscourt backhands. Once in running for best ever, now Federer can't beat Nadal
  • Gradually the catawampus gained on her; she could hear the closer thudding of its hugely clawed feet, and the blasting bellow of its breath. Roc and a Hard Place
  • The disc jockey himself looked bored stiff and completely disgusted by the music blasting from the two speakers beside his table.
  • Conservatives question whether TV ads for a new film blasting the president could unfairly impact voters.
  • The bombs are capable of blasting a whole city to kingdom come.
  • On the basis of the experiences in engineering, the theory can not fully reflect the inherent law of blasting sympathetic vibration if we only take into account the peak velocity.
  • You almost expected the former miners' leader to appear in George Street to lead the hundred or so striking firemen who gathered and swaggered along the road wearing their flaming caps and blasting the air with hooters.
  • In the past, we've seen her deriving images from the media, sandblasting text and images onto mirror surfaces and working with photo-serigraphy and lithography.
  • Just spritz some salt spray over the whole head before blasting with the hairdryer. The Sun
  • Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
  • When I'd go to skateparks, they'd always be blasting music.
  • She fired a shot, blasting the hinge off the door.
  • I heard the TV blasting loudly in the living room where she was and felt my blood boil.
  • Determination of blasting scheme, selection of blasting parameters, calculation of charge weight, priming network, safety precautions and others were presented in this paper.
  • The use of inelegant and possibly inappropriate kanji floored me, and to top it all off, I was sitting in front of speakers blasting Indian fusion music.
  • The condition of geometric similarity is given and some blasting problems under this condition are studied .
  • the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us
  • Impact type system of the domestic pressure-blasting machine meet the needs of the construction of infrastructure projects, easing the market for natural sand serious situation of insufficient demand.
  • The blasting is killin 'people - just smotherin' them to death through breathin 'all of the dust. Jeff Biggers: Mother Gunnoe: Mountaintop Removal Organizer Wins Goldman "Environmental Nobel" Prize
  • Ammonia gelatin is made by adding ammonium nitrate and other ingredients to blasting gelatin.
  • Cutting precision turns with a fixed heel, blasting through crud and powder, handling a steep couloir with skill and verve - fun is a word that doesn't even come close to this wonderful experience.
  • With gale-force winds blasting throughout the cabin, I concentrated on stabilizing the hose.
  • Like gunslingers in their own shoot-'em-up games, top console makers are blasting away with marketing salvoes months before products even hit the shelves.
  • There are some areas where you will always depend on drilling and blasting - labour-intensive processes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today criticism came from a surprising corner, the Republican former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich blasting the State Department for what he calls diplomatic failures on Iraq. CNN Transcript Apr 22, 2003
  • Scientists claim genetically modified foods are safe; meanwhile, activists are blasting the opposite message at consumers.
  • The first stage of the Adolf-666 fell away in the subfreezing black sky above the Atlantic Ocean, with the gunshot bangs of the explosive bolts, the scream of tortured exospheric oxy-nitrogen on hypersonic aluminum, and the roar of the modified A4 upper stage's ethyl alcohol/liquid oxygen engine electrically ignited and blasting like a blowtorch from Hell. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • As the tank lurched away the shape ignited on a surface of bare rock, blasting it to pieces.
  • Until recently, sandblasting was the method used to clean various stone idols, images, and pillars.
  • Nathan was sitting and thinking over a cup of tea, while Sean was blasting targets in the range.
  • Sandblasting is expensive and it can damage brickwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • No shoring, no boring, no blasting, no jackhammers, not even a shield to contain a breakout. CORMORANT
  • The driver was blasting on his horn.
  • Sitting in the carpark, watching the sheets of rain blasting across the tarmac, there really wasn't much else to do but go home.
  • In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
  • I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD. Amos 4.
  • All of the blasting and tunneling that went on at the site riddled the mountain with fractures, exposing enormous areas of rock and mineral deposits to oxygen and water.
  • With other band members singing some of Cuomo's leads, a massive onstage "hootenanny" that had fans playing along to acoustic renditions of tracks like "Island in the Sun," and even the surreal sight of Cuomo kicking over a record player (set up pre-encore) before blasting into a cover of Nirvana's "Sliver," the band has never been so refreshing. Spin Magazine Online -
  • The Corps pumped an aluminized slurry blasting agent into three 11,000-foot pipes built into the top of the levee, said Corps spokesman Jim Pogue. Hopes Rise as Rivers Fall
  • Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms! yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Venezuela\'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!' Venezuela'pposition political fog-horns are already blasting through the accumulated smoke after shash & burn pogroms!
  • Meanwhile the CEO of Murray Energy -- this is the guy that runs this mine and several others -- spoke today, again, not only briefing the media and briefing the families, which are all at this school here, but also blasting the media at one point for what he called inaccurate reporting. CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2007
  • If it had wheels, it is the sort of vehicle you would cruise around town in on a Saturday night with the stereo blasting and your mates cajoling the girls on the pavement.
  • With this procedure, the water creates an abrasive spray as effective, but not as damaging, as sandblasting.
  • There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.
  • It is a song made for blasting out of speakers in the car or on a makeshift dancefloor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Section somehow got hold of a city tram and off we were -- about thirty of us -- in the tram, riding around downtown Prague, in the heart of communist-controlled Central Europe, for some two hours, with jazz music blasting from a tape recorder, drinking Soviet (if I remember its provenance correctly) champagne. John Brown: Sanity Rally and Cold-War Public Diplomacy
  • The game's young players will participate in context appropriate exercises, such as pogo-sticking with Dora (which we all know is the most efficient method for blasting your core). Joystiq
  • X-ray crystallographers determine the three-dimensional shape of a molecule by blasting a beam of X-rays through a crystallized sample of the molecule and then analyzing the pattern of the scattered beam.
  • Not so, she hit back, blasting his casual misogyny. The Sun
  • The design team exposed the existing textures by sandblasting and repointing stone and brickwork.
  • It's will blasting off with his jetpack is looks very cool. GIVEAWAY: Dark Void Figurine
  • In addition to damaging buildings and blowing down trees, microbursts blasting down to the ground are a major aviation hazard and have caused several crashes.
  • The physical model of cantilever board in bench blasting is firstly presented and based on the hypothesis, a formula for calculating the charge weight in the MS delay bench blasting is also derived.
  • The Beatles song is blasting in my head, and I'm raring to go.
  • The missiles struck her, blasting apart most of her engines and missile launchers.
  • This Catch 22 means that the tunnel is excavated by more traditional blasting techniques.
  • The prudishness was still present in some of the Victorian bathing costumes, but the mood was light-hearted in the mineral pools and blasting wall.
  • In the early days of quarrying, one-foot holes were made and whole kegs of gunpowder used in blasting.
  • In order to learn its lesson, increase the safe degree in blasting, we collect some incontrollable accident examples and then classify and analyze them generally.
  • Its mile-long wings thrummed the air, blasting flat every creature on the desert below. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • All night fiestas with music blasting is not something I "tolerate," rather, to me it is the sound of freedom. Trying to decide whether or not to move...
  • I wrenched around, my blood pressure blasting into the stratosphere.
  • No shoring, no boring, no blasting, no jackhammers, not even a shield to contain a breakout. CORMORANT
  • The flare went blasting off horizontally over the ice like a cannonball, gushing its orange smoke. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Waking from a fitful and fevered sleep to the sounds of hip hop blasting through the house is not the kind of experience I wanted this morning.
  • Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.
  • 'Urchin blasts' is probably here used generally for what in _Arcades_, 49-53, are called "noisome winds and blasting vapours chill,"'urchin' being common in the sense of 'goblin' Milton's Comus
  • I'll never forget the power of certain moments: in Mitchell's production of Euripides' Iphigenia at Aulis, Clytemnestra is secured inside a building, distraught at her daughter's kidnap; then it starts raining through a hole in the roof, with helicopters blasting through from outside. The artists's artist: theatre directors
  • You should've seen her last night, driving at seventy miles per hour going on eighty, blasting rock music.
  • Remember how, while constantly singing the praises of U.S. president-elect Barack Obama for his "multilateralist" and sophisticated view of the world, our pundits killed off entire forests blasting Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his lack of "nuance" in supporting Israel when it was under attack from Hezbollah rockets in 2006? Winnipeg Sun
  • Molathlegi William Modise, a team leader, alleged that in 1994 or 1995 blasting was done in the footwall of the open cast pit south of where a subsidence occured on November 27 last year. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.
  • I start dialing again as I hover in the bathroom watching unzippered elephants shuffle listlessly into unisex stalls and blasting out minutes later on electrified rails. Mr. Sunrise
  • The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting.
  • After a great deal of work, there was, at last, clear access down to level 5, but there were no water and air lines, no ventilation, and no safe electrical system for blasting.
  • The gearbox is easy to use and blasting around the B roads in second and third really was rather good fun.
  • There's 5,400 cubic kilometers of water into the lake, and it would just keep blasting out until it degassed. NPR Topics: News
  • There's a lot of full-on tenor sax blasting over ferocious percussion barrages.
  • A blasting cap, containing fulminate of mercury, could be set off by a spark or by a jolt, causing the dynamite sticks to explode. PAINT THE WIND
  • Pyrotechnics came to Europe in the thirteenth century, where they quickly revolutionized warfare with their use as propellants in cannons and rockets, and in 1677, miners applied the science to blasting rock for the first time.
  • Music stores are blasting love songs into the street, and no nationalist or Islamist scold is forcing them to stop. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 17, 2009
  • Work has begun on re-slating, rebuilding chimney stacks, clearing guttering, sand-blasting, rendering and pointing.
  • He continued to develop new explosive devices: blasting gelatin in 1875, and in 1887 a smokeless blasting powder called ballistite, which influenced weapons design for the next quarter century.
  • As the final got underway, Collins wasted no time, snagging a right and blasting the lip on the outside, zigzagging to the inside where he belted another lipper, clearing showing he was not intimidated. Transworld Surf» | Transworld Surf
  • He awoke to find himself in a tiny cavelike cell with a couple of ventilation holes -- and the constant blasting of Brazilian country music. Brazilian Billionaire Is a Control Freak
  • President Bush today also went on the defense against the Democrats, the president blasting congressional Democrats for what he called consistently blocking his economic proposals. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2008
  • Gary DiSarcina began the sixth inning by blasting a line drive off Johns' kneecap.
  • Since that time - and even more since Nobel's development of nitroglycerin-based blasting gelatin in 1875-its impact on the mining and construction industries has been profound.
  • However for me gaming is a form of escapism, of vicariously experiencing things I'll never do, like blasting tie fighters into dust, defending the earth from alien invasion, or questing through dungeons to stop the Dark Lord.
  • As the tank lurched away the shape ignited on a surface of bare rock, blasting it to pieces.
  • Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.
  • One of Nobel's last significant discoveries was closely related to his work with blasting gelatin.
  • But instead of blasting him with fusillades from the TV, they must reach him through hundreds of Web sites, channels, video games, even billboards.
  • Deep - hole blasting was used to excavate soil - rock in some project in Shenzhen.
  • The design team exposed the existing textures by sandblasting and repointing stone and brickwork.
  • In 1875 Nobel created blasting gelatin, a colloidal suspension of nitrocellulose in glycerin, and in 1887 ballistite, a nearly smokeless powder especially suitable for propelling military projectiles.
  • Gideon counted seven turbaned men gathering at the edge of the water, blasting away, as he sucked in as much air as his lungs would hold and dove again, this time heading for cover behind an ancient teak river barge. Gideon’s war
  • The first thing I noticed was the wind and cold exacerbated by the chopper's whirling blades blasting the freezing air down on us.
  • When I got home, Hindi music was blasting from the television set and both my parents were doing their normal activities. GYPSY MASALA
  • As she spoke, her giant trimaran was climbing great walls of rolling water and then blasting down into the troughs between waves on her 21st day at sea.
  • There was always music blasting out around the dorm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rusty iron railings beside the tower's 112 steps also need sand and grit blasting.
  • The controlled blasting of limestone stalagmite in the vicinity of structures and pit border is introduced.
  • Even a single blasting cap could do it, not even a cubic centimeter... he'd have to check that out. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • The flare went blasting off horizontally over the ice like a cannonball, gushing its orange smoke. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The bangalore torpedo may be primed by assembling alength of time blasting fuse and a nonelectric blasting cap in a priming adapter and screwing the assembly into the cap well of a torpedo section (A, fig 2-31). Army Field Manual: Explosives and Demolutions Extract by the Death Jester
  • The cold north-westerly wind blasting across the royal estate yesterday ensured neither of these marks would be threatened.
  • Iranian TV goes ga-ga over Obama - Heaps praise on Democrats while blasting 'absentminded' Headlines
  • By twelve-thirty he was blasting south on the beltway, music roaring in his ears, his mind adrift on the matter of Paula.
  • The approved method of cleaning is industrial sand-blasting.
  • There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.
  • Explosion after explosion erupted, blasting dirt, mud and smoke high into the air.
  • Just spritz some salt spray over the whole head before blasting with the hairdryer. The Sun
  • As she spoke, her giant trimaran was climbing great walls of rolling water and then blasting down into the troughs between waves on her 21st day at sea.
  • Whereas I was under the impression that the festival's disparate films and bands and wrestling riots -- leaping across styles and categories and burning more than a few brains along the way -- were nitroglycerin blasting cohesion to smithereens, my next shot of Sailor Rum steered me to the ship of truth. Stewart Nusbaumer: Royal Flush Festival: One of a Strange Kind
  • A shallow shaft was excavated to bedrock, followed by drilling and blasting.
  • There was a brief moment of humour when marchers started dancing to the tune of the "macarena" blasting from loudspeakers near the Westbury police station. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The person who is chosen for this position will supervise and participate in painting, staining, varnishing, finishing, lacquering, enameling, calcimining the exterior and interior of buildings, and sand blasting and removal of vandalism graffiti.
  • In her first grand slam event since Paris she ran into the resurgent Polish-born German Lisicki, whose blasting serve unsettled China's new star, who was adjudged by some commentators to be still weary from her efforts in France. Wimbledon 2011: Li Na loses way and husband as Sabine Lisicki triumphs
  • Suddenly all the men pull out pistols and begin blasting away.
  • Instead of blasting the ball wide of Main, the striker elected to shoot straight at the keeper.
  • A U.N. human rights official was blasting the Bush administration for what he calls failing the victims of Hurricane Katrina. CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2008
  • He hit almost half his side's total of 269-6, blasting 19 fours and three sixes.
  • Blasting agents are usually ammonium nitrate mixtures sensitized with nonexplosive fuels such as oil or wax.
  • Sandblasting allows better control of the depth of the etch.
  • He made no mistake with the free kick, blasting the ball into the top left hand corner of the net.
  • Spokesman Jim Pogue said the Corps needed more of an aluminized slurry blasting agent than it originally projected to operate the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway and divert water for 35 miles before returning it to the Mississippi at New Madrid, Mo. Engineers Prepare for Next Levee Explosion
  • Slot machines were clanking, the juke box blasting with Glen Campbell. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • That meant paring away layers of linoleum and orange carpeting, burnishing hardwood floors, sandblasting some beams, oiling knotty pine walls, and creating window coverings that didn't compete with the view.
  • We offer variety of solid state electronic capacitor discharge blasting unit, galvanometers, silver chloride cells, non-electric initiators and electric initiators.
  • I enjoy travelling on fast roads with music blasting from the stereo as much as anyone else.
  • No one's mood was helped by the dismal weather outdoors, the sky was grey and the wind was blasting.
  • The Constitution fired one shot from a single turret, blasting a hole into one side of the torus that formed the bulk of the station.
  • She uses a lathe, turning wood to create highly contemporary forms, then adding textural interest by sandblasting, bleaching or scorching. Times, Sunday Times
  • He leaped at her but she just kicked him away before blasting out an exit in the wall.
  • In-situ check experiments testify that the spiral V-notch blasting is applicable to engineering projects and have a good advantage in controlling the size of blasted blocks and widening blasted range.
  • The attacking midfielder then capped a superb display by blasting in his eighth goal of the season. The Sun
  • Pop music can be heard 10 miles away blasting out from the huge tented shanty-town.
  • A blasting cap, containing fulminate of mercury, could be set off by a spark or by a jolt, causing the dynamite sticks to explode. PAINT THE WIND
  • Such estimation method can be regarded as a theoretical basis for the calculation and protection of the impulsive force in practical engineering and also for the safety assessment in blasting.
  • He returned fire again, blasting a missile complex into atoms before moving back in the line to allow the undamaged ships access to the battle.
  • The blasting and rock removal scheduled to be complete was not finished.
  • If directed by the architect or engineer all brickwork cleaned by sandblasting shall be waterproofed with an approved clear coating as designated by architect or engineer.
  • But that requires blasting through the forest, barely noticing the isolated clusters of wooden chalets and deserted outbuildings used for summer grazing.
  • Slot machines were clanking, the juke box blasting with Glen Campbell. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Savvy riders will save Tidal Wave, the biggest splash, till the end of the day, and dry off in the car on the journey home, heater blasting.
  • One thing that sprang to mind was blasting gelatin.
  • Soxhlet, the nitro-glycerine will of course be dissolved out first, and the ether-alcohol solution will only contain the nitro-cellulose.] ~The Residue~ left after treating the gelatine with ether-alcohol is, in the case of blasting gelatine, very small, and will probably consist of nothing but carbonate of soda. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • You have to manoeuvre the field more rather than just blasting it over the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • A party ensued, with marquees blasting out music and a market area selling drugs and festival paraphernalia such as glow sticks.
  • Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.
  • The always vicious Steve Gilliard unmans a Freeper trackback artist who dared to take him on in his New Yorker bile-risen blasting of scam artist and homefront apologist Karl Rove (still employed by our President after disgracing his nation in so public a manner). Tom Watson: The Sunday Papers
  • Democrats are already blasting him for what they say are his extreme views.
  • Nobel invented many powerful and relatively safe explosives and explosive devices, including the ‘Nobel patent detonator’, dynamite, blasting gelatin, and almost smokeless blasting powder.
  • Level places for buildings are obtained by blasting, and every brick, stone, and bit of household furniture is carried by coolies from the town up to the height of 1,600 feet. Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
  • He stood up from behind the couch and opened fire, blasting the doorframe next to his enemy's head.
  • The forms known as gelatine dynamite differ from blasting gelatine in containing certain proportions of wood-pulp and potassium nitrate, &c. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • At least they're not blasting their tunes in the car loud enough to bother those around them.
  • Disasters in engineering blasting includes toxic gas, dust, noise, fly rock, blasting vibration, touchdown vibration, flood caused by blasting, ground swell, air or water blasting wave.
  • Blasting up sand hills on roaring machinery brings out the beast in even the sweetest ladies.
  • Its full-screen model comes in a glowing red, which is achieved by sandblasting and anodisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grotesque; spined and tusked, spiked and antlered, wenned and breasted; as chimerically angled, cusped and cornute as though they were the superangled, supercornute gods of the cusped and angled gods of the Javanese, they strove against the sledge-headed and smiting, the multiarmed and blasting square towers. The Metal Monster
  • Down thataway two men next to the van were firing their pieces up the front steps at two others who were wedged in the entranceway of the house and blasting back at them.
  • I'm looking for the appearance of sandblasting without the expense. Times, Sunday Times
  • it sounded like a 747 blasting off, the noise ungodly loud in the otherwise silent marina. CORMORANT
  • I drove home with the windows down, the AC blasting, and a knot in my gut the windstorm in the car couldn't blow away. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • I do live in a very harsh climate for cars, featuring tons of snow and ice, salt and sand blasting the bodywork, which is another reason not to invest too much in them, and completely justified in this case by the fact that I'm seeing rust already on the back trunk lid. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • It was concealed by an outer shell of plastique explosives and a complex maze of blasting caps and six separate firing circuits. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • But instead they're sandblasting the larger, more imposing properties of Barkerend Road, which looked comparatively decent, unlike the rows of decrepit back streets hidden behind.
  • The willful violations are for failing to conduct noise monitoring for employees who were exposed to noise levels at or above a time-weighted average of 120 dBA, to identify and evaluate respiratory hazards associated with methylene diphenyl diisocyanate and to provide a carbon monoxide monitor for employees utilizing compressed air from an oil lubricated compressor as breathing air during blasting operations. Reliable Plant Homepage
  • There was always music blasting out around the dorm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Portable stereos were blasting and beers being downed as people milled around watching the artists at work.
  • The 19-year-old Spaniard began blasting returns at her feet when she wasn't passing her altogether.
  • But when he lost his job he used his redundancy pay to start a sandblasting business. The Sun
  • She told us she wishes that teachers would realize that blasting a sound or using a megaphone is the wrong way to quiet students. Back-to-School: Noisy schools and hearing damage
  • Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.
  • There are cave-like hollows in the walls, deep fissures, and piles of sharply splintered rock strewn about as if blasting has just taken place.
  • The bombs are capable of blasting a whole city to kingdom come.
  • In addition to blasting gunk and feathers and other surprises out of firearms, gunsmiths routinely uncover hunters' hasty mistakes during major gun surgery.

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