How To Use Blaspheme In A Sentence

  • Dog!" said the Templar, grinding his teeth, "I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy order of the Temple of Zion;" and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette toward the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
  • : If "blasphemers" can be interpreted as those who use Islam to advocate violence, that would be a positive step. Stand Firm
  • Indiscreet and precarious tonsures have both dishonored the monachal habit and caused the name of Christ to be blasphemed.
  • Why does Josephus not lambast these 'blasphemers' when he says that Jesus was a wise man? More Mythicist-Creationist Parallels
  • He is telling them to take care, because whoever he might be who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, he will never be forgiven.
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  • But this tender compassion must cause pain in us because of the evils, and encouragement and joy because of the blessings, which follow from them -- truly one and the other feeling; for who can refrain from weeping at the sight of an offended God, at His holy name blasphemed, The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 25 of 55 1635-36 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • He always swears and blasphemes when he's drunk.
  • The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.
  • The strengthening of the sovereign's power had diminished the threat of the blasphemer to the community, and blasphemy became a private sin rather than a public menace.
  • They that condemned him for a blasphemer were themselves the vilest blasphemers that ever were. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • We often overlook that word "blasphemed" in that verse. Staying Home is Not a Waste of Time if You Don't Waste It
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • That anti-Christ, Hagee predicted, will be German, a "blasphemer," gay and "partly Jewish -- as was Hitler, as was Marx. Bruce Wilson: Hagee Mass-Marketed Hitler's Favorite Conspiracy Theory
  • In turn, there would have been no Muhammad cartoons or Christian "blasphemers" of the Koran either. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • “blasphemed, ” or “insulted, ” as it is understood by Grotius, who confirms this rendering from the Hebrew of Levit.xxiv. 11, where in this passage “the Israelitish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord. The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old
  • Forgotten like you, often blasphemed, it has confided to you some of its heavenliest messages, and that perhaps is why above your gentle comings and goings, we sometimes seem to hear the rustling wings of ministering angels. The Simple Life
  • Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound "(Ro 5: 20). with faith -- accompanied with faith, the opposite of" unbelief "(1Ti love -- in contrast to" a blasphemer, persecutor, and injurious. "which is in Christ -- as its element and home [Alford]: here as its source whence it flows to us. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.
  • Whoever wilfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, his creation, government or final judging of the world, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching or exposing to contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures shall be punished Only religious thugs love blasphemy laws | Nick Cohen
  • The narrative begins inauspiciously in 1654 with the arrival of 23 Jewish settlers in New Amsterdam, whose governor, Peter Stuyvesant, greeted them as "hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ. American Jews' Story Told in a New Home
  • But God must be insulted, his name blasphemed, his laws trampled under foot, yet he must have no hell to put such a wretch in, no devil to torment him. Great Fortunes and How They Were Made
  • False doctrine and immoral practice generally go together (2Pe 2: 18, 19). by reason of whom -- "on account of whom," namely, the followers of the false teachers. the way of truth shall be evil spoken of -- "blasphemed" by those without, who shall lay on Christianity itself the blame of its professors 'evil practice. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah.
  • They are sure that the power that they wield as rulers has won the battle against this one who blasphemes.
  • Abuse is easy because no proof is needed – an alleged blasphemer can be locked up, and even executed, on the say-so of witnesses. A divided Pakistan buries Salmaan Taseer and a liberal dream
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • In this chapter the apostle condemns a sinful regarding of the rich, and despising the poor, which he imputes to partiality and injustice, and shows it to be an acting contrary to God, who has chosen the poor, and whose interest is often persecuted, and his name blasphemed, by the rich, ver. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • We are also managing not to blaspheme too much.
  • That he, that sweet and charitable follower of his Master, should be abused by her, should be dubbed blasphemer and have the cherished memory of his mother defiled by her pietistic utterances, was something that inflamed me horribly. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • Chesterton observed long ago that we only blaspheme what we hold sacred.
  • It was that ecclesiastical dragon of the times, Abner Kneeland, and his society of "blasphemers," who proved afresh the truth of that scripture which says: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. William Lloyd Garrison The Abolitionist
  • I'd have begged him not to blaspheme, but I had not the courage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • I say, Be gone, you blasphemers; be gone you abominators, be gone you murderers, for I, the Lord God, know you not!
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • And I was wondering whether you'd bite my head off, or blaspheme at me, so I took Bev's advice. RESCUING ROSE
  • Tim. 1:13 Who formerly was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insulting person; but I was shown mercy because, being ignorant, I acted in unbelief.
  • Terri wrote: Um.. vercingetorix, the whole reason Christ was crucified was because he challenged Levitical law and was called a blasphemer for it. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Judges highly unfavorable to the prisoner, — “He blasphemes the Holy Vehme — Let his mouth be closed forever!” Anne of Geierstein
  • He practiced astrology, calculated horoscopes for a consideration, lectured on chemistry and astronomy, blasphemed the Christian religion, published a journal of hybrid doctrines, called the Philomathean, and pretended to calculate "cheap nativities" on the transit of planets for $10 each, for all of which he obtained but slender pecuniary recompense. Jack London's Parentage
  • Three "blasphemers," who had never injured man, woman or child, were travelling to gaol under a collective sentence of two years 'imprisonment, for no other crime than honestly criticising a dishonest creed. Prisoner for Blasphemy
  • He blasphemed the only sacred values of the postmodern West: skepticism, relativism, pluralism and tolerance.
  • How vengeance was showed to a damoiselle that blasphemed S. Edward. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Thy name blasphemed, thy temple's courts profaned? International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • “Dog!” said the Templar, grinding his teeth, “I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion;” and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane. Ivanhoe
  • And Paul, an apostle and leader in the church, was once ‘a blasphemer, a persecutor and a man of violence.’
  • Um.. vercingetorix, the whole reason Christ was crucified was because he challenged Levitical law and was called a blasphemer for it. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • An abstract discussion of free speech, in which, to quote Webster again, no distinction is made 'between the freedom to impart information and the freedom to insult' (ibid.), is in effect a strategy which isolates the would-be 'blasphemer' from the actual historical and interpersonal constraints which secure a reasonable level of civility in human society (after all, we do restrain freedom of speech by laws about libel and slander). Archbishop's lecture - Religious Hatred and Religious Offence
  • Such a person, if he does not faint and sink in adversity, then on the contrary he will murmur and tumultuate, and blaspheme the God that afflicts him. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Possessed individuals often took advantage of their situation to blaspheme or behave in shockingly immoral fashion.
  • But how is it possible that an all-loving Allah would want his believers to persecute 'blasphemers'? Welcome to Islam-Watch
  • He was laughed at by crowds of people, spit on with everyone watching, stripped in front of military men, and called a blasphemer before a religious council. A Man from Issachar
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • I'd have begged him not to blaspheme, but I had not the courage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Who, but an impious scorner, dares thus strive with his Maker, and mutilate HIS IMAGE, and blaspheme the Holy One, who saith, "_Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto_ ME. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • That seems to be the case in Pakistan where the main religious blocs, and the government, prosecute "blasphemers": The Guardian World News
  • Whosoever shall willfully blaspheme the holy name of God, by cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, and whosoever shall profanely curse or damn or swear by the name of God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
  • The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.
  • I'd have begged him not to blaspheme, but I had not the courage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Even Kathy was looking like she had blasphemed.
  • ` ` I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion; '' and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane. Ivanhoe
  • Why do you think evil in your hearts?" he said, that is, _evil of me -- that I am a blasphemer_. Miracles of Our Lord
  • She had come close to death more than once and had known pain so excruciating that she felt sure the demons were tempting her to blaspheme.
  • Suidas called Lucian “The Blasphemer;” and he added that he was torn to pieces by dogs for his impiety. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • Father, who is "a jealous God," have raised such a blasphemer from the dead and exalted him to His right hand? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I have watched you and your crew, how you preach up selfish ambition for divine charity and call prurient longings celestial love, while you blaspheme that very marriage from whose mysteries you borrow all your cant. The Saint's Tragedy
  • Ephesus) were seized with the dream of freedom from every yoke; and so virtually "'blasphemed" (compare 1Ti 1: 20) God's name by "speaking evil of dignities" (1Ti 6: 1; 2Pe 2: 10; Jude 8). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Any time now, the gods will turn their wrath upon this blasphemer and strike him down.
  • Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.
  • The spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam.
  • A Cordelier has no hesitation in applying the epithet of blasphemer to a Dominican who says that the Holy Virgin was born in original sin, notwithstanding that the Dominicans have a bull from the pope which permits them to teach the maculate conception in their convents, and that, besides this bull, they have in their forum the express declaration of St. Thomas Aquinas. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • He admits that he was once a blasphemer and a persecutor of the faith.
  • Every one would think you the worst blasphemers, or the very foolishest old women, with your new belief! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Start with Leviticus 24: 16 in the Torah/Old Testament, which states clearly that "blasphemers" who question the Lord are to be stoned to death. Ali A. Rizvi: The Atheist Bus Campaign: Why it's Okay to Offend the Religious
  • They had charged him as a blasphemer of God, and an apostate from the church; therefore he shows that he is a son of Abraham, and values himself upon his being able to say, Our father Abraham, and that he is a faithful worshipper of the God of Abraham, whom therefore he here calls the God of glory. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Don't blaspheme, Margarethe," he says, "it doesn't beautify you to do so. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • And I was wondering whether you'd bite my head off, or blaspheme at me, so I took Bev's advice. RESCUING ROSE
  • The senators treat him at first as a blasphemer and threaten to throw him headlong from the Tarpeian rock. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Dog!" said the Templar, grinding his teeth, "I will teach thee to blaspheme the holy Order of the Temple of Zion;" and with these words, half-wheeling his steed, he made a demi-courbette towards the Saxon, and rising in the stirrups, so as to take full advantage of the descent of the horse, he discharged a fearful blow upon the head of Athelstane. Ivanhoe. A Romance
  • Blasphemers and incontinent, negligent, or simoniac ecclesiastics were to be severely punished. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • And we especially condemn and in God's name execrate those who not only omit both forms but also quite autocratically [tyrannically] prohibit, condemn, and blaspheme them as heresy, and so exalt themselves against and above Christ, our Lord and God The Smalcald Articles
  • I appeal to everybody here not to blaspheme this sacred place with political quarrels.
  • As nothing grieves the saints more than to hear God's name blasphemed, so nothing encourages them more to hope that God will appear against their enemies than when they have arrived at such a pitch of wickedness as to reproach God himself; this fills the measure of their sins apace and hastens their ruin. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • I'd have begged him not to blaspheme, but I had not the courage. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • To claim that God engages in this same capricious and barbaric behavior is to blaspheme God.
  • He will also make sure every liar, blasphemer, and adulterer is punished.
  • And I was wondering whether you'd bite my head off, or blaspheme at me, so I took Bev's advice. RESCUING ROSE
  • Anti-Trinitarians, moreover, were considered to be particularly abhorrent, veritable "blasphemers" who had wholly abandoned Christianity. Poland's Past
  • I swore softly, taking care not to blaspheme in case that increased my punishment.
  • And I was wondering whether you'd bite my head off, or blaspheme at me, so I took Bev's advice. RESCUING ROSE
  • Under the theocracy no such loose system was possible, for heresy might enter in three different ways; first, under the early law, "blasphemers" might form a congregation and from thence creep into the company; second, an established church might fall into error; third, an unsound minister might be chosen, who would debauch his flock by securing the admission of sectaries to the sacrament. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • The findings of the inquiry were couched in virulent terms, accusing Graham of being a heretic, falsifier, person of irregular life, blasphemer, and excommunicate.
  • Can't possibly be Satan, you think He has time for facilitating the tiny sin of being tempted to blaspheme by the mischance of a wayward round? Bullets Do Odd Things at Different Ranges
  • What good does it do that you believe and yet blaspheme?
  • blaspheme God
  • They likewise sent forth secret agents to alarm the people by threats of the divine vengeance if they did not insist on the execution of Jesus, whom they termed a sacrilegious blasphemer. The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Blasphemers, sodomites, and usurers are punished here by the blistering heat.
  • Because Faustus has blasphemed against God in his incantations, Mephistophilis has come to see if he can claim Faustus' soul.

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