How To Use Blaring In A Sentence
And there is no blaring music or huge crowds to deal with poolside, either.
The Sun
Music was blaring out from somewhere.
There it was, finally, complete with the slate-gray lighting, blaring hippish soundtrack and chirpy “greeters” — Britney, Mariah, Amber, Becky, Megan, you know the type — just inside the double doors, anxious as all get-out to welcome you to your next dining experience.
Lil Patty Grows Up : Patricia Smith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
This charming, home-loving, God-fearing young man was on early evening television, blaring into the living-rooms of millions of impressionable young people.
The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows.
Times, Sunday Times

The cops came with loud sirens blaring and I just prayed that no one would discover me until the coast was clear and I could get away.
The loud thunderous music blaring from the beach nearby remained passive to the girl's ears, as she sat deep in thought.
Nevertheless, the immense size of its larynx or thropple, which William dissected out and brought with him to England, seems to indicate vast powers of voice in this animal; but I am at a loss to conjecture why it should be provided either with this unusual capability of "blaring," or with the exceedingly strong whiskers that arm its muzzle, organs which, though nominally of little or no importance except in
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
I think about July, the trumpet vine blaring from the pump house, morning glories bursting through the fence like pieces of sky.
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A hand yanked him backwards as a car went screaming past him, the driver angrily blaring his horn at him.
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
It charges you, it puts a dance in your step, it clears the fog from your senses and plugs you in to a glowing, blaring night that can be yours again.
Again royalty gathered in grandeur, with trumpets blaring, to witness the baptism of Henry's daughter, Elizabeth.
Others wore vibrant traditional robes that recalled Makeba's own Afro chic - as well as the poet Langston Hughes's call to remember the dead with "one, blaring trumpet note of sun.
My mother's from Colombia, so I grew up waking up on Saturday mornings with my mom blaring cumbia merengue music, cleaning the house and skipping around.
The 17th-century equivalent of the "one that got away", it has a gay choral backing and a blaring crumhorn to boot.
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Restaurants serving conch and goat meat and record shops blaring Haitian meringue music sprang up on 54th Street and Northeast Second Avenue.
... but a label beside each flavor helps the process greatly especially when the loud speakers are blaring in the background.
Veronica's Test Kitchen
He collects me, bearing a torch that doubles as a radio blaring reggaeton, and we walk down the starlit beach.
Times, Sunday Times
The sun's blaring in my eyes, sweat's trickling down my back in runnels, and he comes walking up the hill, a heavy jacket zipped up to the neck on this hot August day.
So we are crawling through traffic on Bedford Avenue, passing jerk chicken shops, coiffeurs advertising braiding and corn rows, music shops blaring reggae, salsa, zouk, RocB, hip-hop, fusion music of all kinds.
The amplified sound of an electric drill is blaring in my ear.
Times, Sunday Times
Ticker tapes, blaring cable news network updates, and new advertising overlays all bespeak a bummed out bear market that never bounced back.
Artifacts From the Future: Wall Street 2013 — Brother, Can You Spare a Yuan?
He jumped when he heard the car horn blaring out front.
I can just get the stereo blaring and relax.
Times, Sunday Times
It all started with a harmless little jog, this dude, Chumani Maxwele a 25 year old student at UCT, and card carrying ANC member, is jogging on De Waal Drive when a whole series of speeding, black 4×4s, with sirens blaring and blue lights flashing, zooms passed him, probably giving him a huge skrik.
He works at a photo-finishing lab where he spends his days touching up other people's photos while his manager reads magazines and listens to blaring death-metal.
The music was still blaring from the dressing room.
Times, Sunday Times
They complained of rowdy hot tub parties, blaring music, fighting and slamming car doors.
The Sun
The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows.
Times, Sunday Times
The fire engines were just pulling up[Sentence dictionary], sirens blaring.
Music was blaring out from somewhere.
This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.
The radio was blaring rock music.
It did start to rain so we headed for a tent, dancey music blaring.
The music was blaring out, players were jumping on each other and I was speaking to him thousands of miles away.
The Sun
She grinned at him teeth a blaring white against the dark twist of her lips, otherwise cruel.
There was loud, incongruously happy-sounding music blaring from a large loudspeaker just outside the front gate.
Dr. Jon LaPook: Dispatch From Haiti: "Controlled Chaos" of Cholera
The day began with a Biblical downpour, and concludes with the same; in between, a blaring sun and soupy air.
Fairground organ ditties blaring from food stalls soon gave way to the doleful strains of a whiny brass band playing funeral music.
The amplified sound of an electric drill is blaring in my ear.
Times, Sunday Times
They complained of rowdy hot tub parties, blaring music, fighting and slamming car doors.
The Sun
Do you compete with the builders' blaring radio by turning up your own?
Times, Sunday Times
In the background there is rap music blaring from a radio.
Times, Sunday Times
He left out one bit, and that is the final scene where Mayor Sam, Joe B, Solomon and Phil J pilot an ecto-plasm charged 72 foot high statue of Joe Friday through Downtown, while blaring Randy Newman's "I Love LA" over loudspeakers and spraying evil spirit "Bratto" with enough slime to force him forever into a painting to be hung at the new LAPD headquarters.
Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Monday
The music was blaring out, players were jumping on each other and I was speaking to him thousands of miles away.
The Sun
This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.
A loud klaxon and a blaring siren signaled the start of the balloon busting derby.
Blaring, deep throated horns pulsing in half-second intervals.
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I can just get the stereo blaring and relax.
Times, Sunday Times
After much shouting and dashing about, a percher appeared, flapping its narrow wings and blaring the message given to it.
Nicolas pulled up close behind them just as several more police cruisers, lights flashing and sirens blaring, screamed to a halt in front of the house.
He pressed play on the CD player as the engine started and the music came blaring out.
Do you compete with the builders' blaring radio by turning up your own?
Times, Sunday Times
The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows.
Times, Sunday Times
Loud music blaring from a stereo stacked in the corner is optional but recommended.
Exploring language (6th edn)
Eventually the band bounded onstage - horns blaring, double bass pounding and trumpets proclaiming that yes indeed, the mighty Skatalites had arrived.
It's Eid, and outside kids are racing their cars up and down the street, blaring loud music and tooting their horns.
I calmed her nerves by putting her in my car with the engine running and the radio blaring until the display had finished.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
The phrases noted above are like blasts from an air horn or plastic trumpet, blaring technical correctness.
Music blaring from a sound system rivaled a five piece live band on the street corner.
Walking the walk, talking the talk - San Patricio/Melaque revisited
Pro-government slogans were blaring out of loud speakers affixed to cars by campaigners.
Just then, she heard the loud blaring sound of an ambulance siren as it screamed by her vehicle, hurrying up the road in the one empty lane that had been sectioned off by orange cones.
She singled out one remarkable shot of Ehrlichman, who would eventually serve 18 months in prison, pointing at and razzing a newspaper headline blaring his involvement in the Watergate break-ins.
Nixon at Home, Kissinger on the Beach
You could turn round here, drive back to Glasgow with the radio blaring and die a happy man.
Times, Sunday Times
Festivities are marked by caravans of automobiles flying flags and blaring horns.
Our homes had long since ceased being some sort of oasis of tranquility with the kids and the toys and Dora blaring from the TV.
» Returning from Maternity Leave
And there is no blaring music or huge crowds to deal with poolside, either.
The Sun
He had heavy rock music blaring as he sped down the road, knowing it was always deserted.
A football match was blaring in the background.
Times, Sunday Times
People in Cap-Haitien sang and danced in the midday heat to marching bands during breaks from political speeches blaring from loudspeakers.
2 Haiti presidential candidates start campaigns
There, with disco music blaring and lights flashing, they are swished around several times before being fed into a flume that drops them down a 14-foot ramp into a splash pool.
The buzzer near his head sounded off blaring wails of irritating noise.
In past years, such blaring denunciations, of Kim Jong-il's economic failures, were heard only by North Korean guards and the wildlife that now occupies the no-man's land.
Should you compete with their blaring radio by turning yours up louder, or just wear headphones?
Times, Sunday Times
I calmed her nerves by putting her in my car with the engine running and the radio blaring until the display had finished.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
In fact, it's so vivid that as her words tumble out in rapid-fire succession, you can almost hear the wail of the ambulances blaring in the background.
The side of the car was crumpled, both air bags had deployed and big band music was blaring through the windows.
Times, Sunday Times
The speedy car ignored the traffic lights and, with its horn blaring, roared down the street.
They live in a small flat off the foyer, with a blaring TV and something evil-smelling boiling on the stove.
They complained of rowdy hot tub parties, blaring music, fighting and slamming car doors.
The Sun
Loud music blaring out when a goal is scored.
Times, Sunday Times
They are blaring away like anything.
Times, Sunday Times
He refused to give me his name and sped off with the windows open and the radio blaring.
Times, Sunday Times
We went back to viewing the before and after photos while some of the women hummed along to the tunes blaring from the neighbor's trembling jalopy.
French Word-A-Day:
Every Friday night, car stereo blaring, he and Dan would screech to a halt on the gravel, Dan sweet but quiet, Tim snarling with urban accidie.
If anything, the mishaps added a touch of endearing charm to their blaring charisma.
Another time, Li just couldn't get her car to start up at an intersection when the light turned green, leaving a whole line of vehicles blaring their horns behind her.
Loud music blaring from a stereo stacked in the corner is optional but recommended.
Exploring language (6th edn)
The radio was blaring out the latest pop songs.
When they're not busy rioting, Londoners are often to be found selling drugs, wearing hoodies, taking drugs, obtaining firearms and chasing each other through one of about three photogenically claustrophobic council estates – all to a blaring grime soundtrack.
2011 in cinema: Broken Britain v animals
The music was blaring from the speakers all around the club, and the dark building was lit with strobing vivid colored lights.
Blaring trombones take their cue from Edith Piaf's marchlike "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien," which, perhaps ironically, is heard several times during the film.
Music to Oscar's Ears
I can just get the stereo blaring and relax.
Times, Sunday Times
Even priests pray them on over the blaring speaker systems.
Should you compete with their blaring radio by turning yours up louder, or just wear headphones?
Times, Sunday Times
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
With the gear warning horn blaring and the prop windmilling, we continued gliding toward the airport with the stall warning horn intermittently chiming in.
In the background there is rap music blaring from a radio.
Times, Sunday Times
Music was blaring out of the speakers, and almost deafening me.
Not knowing what to make of this strange jargon, I was uncertain as to what kind of music would soon be blaring out of the powerful-looking speakers being tinkered with.
The blaring sound of Spanish music twirled round in my head, and the brightly coloured morning sun shone through my closed eyes.
Fenris showed up late stinking of prune mush and swamp water, The Mayor showed up drunk, and Lisa could barely be heard over the rock music blaring from the adjoining meeting room occupied by local bands invited to encourage teen presence at the library.
Archive 2007-09-01
The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror.
The Sun
The next morning I woke to the sound of my stereo blaring rock music.
You could turn round here, drive back to Glasgow with the radio blaring and die a happy man.
Times, Sunday Times
The clock radio jarred Diane from her nap, blaring "La Macarena," a song she thought had been consigned to "Achy Breaky Heart" obscurity.
A football match was blaring in the background.
Times, Sunday Times
Because of the blaring white light, it seemed to shimmer like a school of fish on a sunny day.
In an effort the flush the men out, the army has been blaring loudspeakers, firing stun grenades and firing bullets into the air.
The music was still blaring from the dressing room.
Times, Sunday Times
The smooth, hour-long journey along the highway with tunes blaring was exhilarating but strangely relaxing.
Should you compete with their blaring radio by turning yours up louder, or just wear headphones?
Times, Sunday Times
Contrary to popular belief, the adverts will not feature a blaring soundtrack or other audio.
It didn't have to compete with the background rumble of traffic, trains and industry, the blaring stereo from the passing car or even the incessant ring of mobile phones.
Behind me, I could hear several sirens blaring in the background despite constant detonations from the fire in front.
A car driver with a mobile glued to his ear does his best to be heard above the din of blaring horns.
A Colorado judge wrestled with that when facing noise violators who'd unleashed their blaring music on an innocent public.
The radio was blaring out the news that an earthquake had hit just minutes before.
When two siren-blaring ambulances screeched to a halt in front of Yashoda Superspecialities Hospitals, passers-by were alarmed.
On the urging of experts, I hired a security firm: on my arrival in Lagos, the country's principal city, my security term recruited four police to get me forty kilometers from the airport to the hotel, sirens blaring, weaving through anarchic traffic in a chaotic trip akin to a chase scene in a movie.
Richard North Patterson discusses Eclipse
Trampy clothes, awful pop mucic BLARING in every stupid store, high prices, trashy sales clerks and even worse clothes!
Super-suzan Diary Entry
First, music began blaring from the speakers on the upper deck.
The Sun
We had perfect blue-sky weather all weekend, so with the windows rolled down and old Nirvana tunes blaring from the radio, we meandered along the lake and through the tree-shaded back roads.
Anna Watson Carl: Eating Traverse City: Part I
And there is no blaring music or huge crowds to deal with poolside, either.
The Sun
The music blaring in the bar was forcing us both to yell to be heard.
There was supposed to be an adulating throng hanging from every rail, trumpet-blaring heralds lined side by side and perhaps even angels smiling down from above.
The radio was blaring.
The glaring lights and the loud noises of the vehicles, the demonic screeches of the honkers and the non-stop blaring of the speakers at the canteen made sleep impossible.
Yet people in the science-studies racket have also grown more prudent; they are chary of making outrageous epistemological claims with flags flying and trumpets blaring the way they used to on a daily basis.
A football match was blaring in the background.
Times, Sunday Times
The radio was blaring out music.
From here the newly weds were "belled" or taken outside and put in the back of an old truck filled with straw and driven all the way to Greenville and back passing through Ithaca and Arcanum on the way-with car and truck horns blaring loudly, tin cans dragging behind with sparks flying, and people yelling-it was a wonder the hay never caught on fire.
Brookville Daily Photo
I calmed her nerves by putting her in my car with the engine running and the radio blaring until the display had finished.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
The flamelike dark cypresses, writhing olive trees, blaring oversize suns, convulsed mountains, and vortically churning stars of Van Gogh's visionary madness are not far off.
Determined Spirit
I passed by a group of what looked like thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds; who were dancing to the extremely loud trance music blaring on the far left, in a somewhat secluded room.
Loud music blaring from a stereo stacked in the corner is optional but recommended.
Exploring language (6th edn)
Loud music blaring out when a goal is scored.
Times, Sunday Times
IN his dressing room last week John Goodman stood up, emitted a long, blaring foghorn blast and then announced in a loudspeaker voice, “Now docking. ...”
Sunday Reading
The amplified sound of an electric drill is blaring in my ear.
Times, Sunday Times
Music started blaring from a loudspeaker outside the guardroom - very loud.
The newest addition to the cityscape was a giant two-story TV screen blaring out advertisements for cosmetics and electrical goods.
When a Billion Chinese Jump
The scene in which they arrive in Detroit with that song blaring is one of my favorite musical moments in any film.
Overlooked Movie Monday: Detroit Rock City » Scene-Stealers
the blaring noise of trumpets
Several hours later, loud music came blaring out of the speakers at either end of the hallway.
First, music began blaring from the speakers on the upper deck.
The Sun
There is a lot of noise in this city of ours, what with sirens screaming, buses screeching and LOUD music blaring out of headphones on already rackety subway cars.
Shhhh. Oh, Never Mind.
The semiotician in me sees the chalkboard as far more than a mere stage prop. Given that Fox News has access to the most sophisticated and blaring computer graphics to drive home its political points, Beck's use of the chalkboard is remarkably low-tech (even inside a very high-tech television studio).
Joseph A. Palermo: Glenn Beck: "Historian" for a Troubled America
He refused to give me his name and sped off with the windows open and the radio blaring.
Times, Sunday Times
The radio was blaring out music.
Loud music blaring out when a goal is scored.
Times, Sunday Times
They are blaring away like anything.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of us grew up with National Radio blaring while we had our breakfast in the mornings.
The troop was pumped, the music was blaring, and the crowd was cheering.
Another group of policemen round a corner to find a car alarm blaring and a window smashed, with the cause of the mayhem nowhere to be found.
The music was still blaring from the dressing room.
Times, Sunday Times
The radio was blaring rock music.
On the Saturday they went out shopping and I was aquiver with excitement, soon the disc would be in my hands and blaring out of the radiogram!
This is the Barney Funk," Mr. Ehlinger said, as loud bouncy music began blaring from the other room.
Alex Blaze: Gay Republicans Launch Homophobic Ad Against Barney Frank
As for sleep, Les Blomberg, an anti-noise advocate, has it exactly right: ‘All it takes is a few seconds of one of these things blaring, and that's it - you're wide awake.’
Do you compete with the builders' blaring radio by turning up your own?
Times, Sunday Times
So whenever Hilary has any of her cronies over, I have to suffer through a rap session blaring from her room.
But he still hadn't lost his ebullient, blaring voice or that sparkle in his blue eyes.
The music was blaring out, players were jumping on each other and I was speaking to him thousands of miles away.
The Sun
My roommate turned up the Dead and began to headbang ever so gently to the crunchy jam band blaring from the speakers instead of answering me.
Josephine Skinny Jeans: Chapter 3
A column of police cars, sirens blaring, escorted them from the airport to a welcome-home parade.
In contrast, he sees the new, young, dynamic social climbers driving down the streets in their expensive cars with loud music blaring.
Sights like these become familiar after a few days in Pakistan, although it takes a little longer to get used to drivers overtaking the buses and everything else on blind bends with horns blaring.
He refused to give me his name and sped off with the windows open and the radio blaring.
Times, Sunday Times
This procedure would bring the tune to the foreground without the necessity of blaring on the part of the brass.
We sat down with loud disco music blaring away and a few girls were discoing on the tiny space between tables.
I thought about trying to squeeze through two posts, the quince was hanging low, but the red lights flashing the sirens blaring the adults chuckling the crowbar working the other kids humiliating laughter forever the memory once sealed now opened I wasn't going to be caught red-headed here, the spaldeen of youth left on the bough.
Quince Orchid
Meanwhile the members of the company lined up before the footlights: the mock president smirking at the center, the half-clad girls posing, the pink young lady dangling above, the band blaring, the Stars and Stripes awave.
American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
In the background there is rap music blaring from a radio.
Times, Sunday Times
At first the driver and his Arab passengers chat affably enough, chatting loudly over the blaring radio.
The loud music blaring from her room brought Kyle out of his thoughtful trance, and he looked up absently.
On the surface of this ghastly shanty town everything looks normal - all colour and bright sunshine and loud Hindi music blaring out.
They are blaring away like anything.
Times, Sunday Times
When you blow the horn, it sounds blaring.
Seventies music was blaring out over the tannoy with the Best of Slade and Blondie while fans packed into the ground standing on the terraces behind the goals at both ends.
Charting the mechanisation of the Donbas area of the Ukraine, it is an aural assault of collaged industrial sounds, as harsh, heavy and blaring as the work itself.
Marx at the movies
To the rescue comes the a massive refrain - synths blaring, vocals straining, and drums raising Cain.
From an open storefront, a brassy jukebox was blaring.
You could turn round here, drive back to Glasgow with the radio blaring and die a happy man.
Times, Sunday Times
The radio was blaring rock music.
First, music began blaring from the speakers on the upper deck.
The Sun