
How To Use Bland In A Sentence

  • The critics call its recipes bland, unhelpful, unoriginal and unhealthy. The Sun
  • A damning indictment for a Paul Bartel film, Lust in the Dust is found guilty of being bland and lame.
  • Brigalow vegetation is found to the east, and gidgee (A. cambagei) woodlands or shrublands are scattered across the region on alluvium or other more fertile clay soils. Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
  • Steve maintains that the peppers give the bland turkey a piquant flavour.
  • So far, so good, so much more credible—and spoiled only slightly by the blandishment that those that fail should present plans for recapitalization "as swiftly as possible. Is This the End of the Beginning for the Euro Crisis?
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  • The two-piece brass section added a full and funky sound that helped detract from the sameness and blandness of many of Mayer's songs.
  • The law, the church, letters, art, and politics all enticed him; but he could not decide of which mistress the blandishments were the sweetest. The Bertrams
  • God's omniscience means he knows all our needs and God's omnipresence means we can pray to him wherever we are, but if we fall into bland repetition of these truths, they will grow tiresome.
  • Surprisingly, Albee points to the new-play development programs found in theatres across North America (involving dramaturges, readings, workshops) as a source of the blandness of so much of the drama of the past 20 years.
  • Flash fried cuddle fish was tough and not great with a bland stretchy taste.
  • But this is a small town as typical as anywhere else in the American heartland: earnest, churchy, amiable, inward-looking, bland, conformist, trusting.
  • We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults.
  • It should not be enough that he was subjected to blandishments and payment in order to persuade him to give evidence.
  • He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Instead, he underplays and it's a joy to watch him assume just the right mask of deferential blandness to manage his Colonel.
  • It was not remotely greasy and any tendency towards blandness was countered by the saltiness of the feta, while the orange butter sauce saved the whole dish from becoming too dry.
  • My plan had been to head right through that subtopian labyrinth to the very edge, the scrubland beside the M57.
  • The meatloaf is often too dry and is always bland. Writing When Stuck | Living the Liminal
  • Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing holm oak forest into secondary, dense shrubland, known as "maquis", or into agroforestry landscapes constituted by scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • It is precisely the bland, easy acceptability of the phrase that worries me. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Comments that the food was bland are also quite hurtful. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I leave the reading and venture out into clubland, the question haunts me.
  • Coastal wetlands are also characteristic of this ecoregion, and near the first foothills of the western range there are some arid, rocky scrublands with abrupt relief, where columnar, candelabra and opuntia cacti typically grow. Sechura desert
  • Most likely he would have adopted this course in the end, had his will and his self-regard been stronger; but neither, it seems, was proof against the blandishments of the match-making perruquier. Story-Lives of Great Musicians
  • The short pastry is good and the sauce emulsified, but filling is bland invalid food and the ham is elusive.
  • And her acting was so bland that it seemed like an afterthought. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I compare it to the symphonies, concerti, and chamber music, it seems rather bland to me, but why deny people their fun?
  • It looked a little like Texas scrubland, flat, open brownness with small shrubs and bits of grass cropping up here and there. I’m Still Standing
  • This ecoregion is a broad arid intermontane basin interrupted by hills and low mountains and dominated by grasslands and shrublands. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • Ramsay Gardens' facade is a random, unlikely mixture of bold baronial turrets and bland English cottage-styles.
  • Apparently, until quite recently, one could request the air from the Marquis of Blandford's private apartments.
  • When offering his terms Starkey had talked in that bland way characteristic of him with strangers. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Pretty Woman
  • Instead, we were presented with bland technical data, neat, sanitised diagrams and understated text.
  • You can accept your moldy old science with its unanswered questions and stupid bland facts and its ‘rigorous analytical processes.’
  • There is no effort to hide the blandness and utter dispiritedness of that future.
  • Some comprimario and secondo roles were doubled up: Vladimir Hristov was both a George Clooney-suave Marchese d'Obigny and a bland Dr. Grenvil; Giorgio Dinev, previously seen enjoyably blustering as Tosca's Spoletta, doddered formulaically as Violetta's servant, but had mischevious sparkle as Gastone — having introduced his friend Alfredo to Violetta, he worked the room, pointing out his handiwork to the other guests, a proud yenta. Archive 2008-03-01
  • But please, please do not again fall for the blandishments of peer pressure without asking why.
  • I hope their bland, tasteless products never pass my lips ever again.
  • He was blandly dressed in a white shirt and burgundy tie.
  • Jamie Blandford broke his silence after two jail terms and an estranged marriage, to appear on breakfast television.
  • Instead, the blandness of the Hollywood versions merely underlines the oddness, individuality and appeal of the originals.
  • Blandamer window, where in the centre of the infinite multiplication of the tracery shone the sea-green and silver of the nebuly coat. The Nebuly Coat
  • Histologic study demonstrated a fibro-osseous lesion with woven bone trabeculae and bland-looking fibrous tissue.
  • It would be all too easy to launch into an assault on Kelly and Co. for being bland, middle-of-the-road and turgid.
  • [65] See pp. 179-182, _Evolution and D.sease_, by J. Bland Sutton, to whom and to our mutual friend D..D. Thurston I am indebted for information on various points. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • In their universe all is bland, bloodless, bleached of character.
  • The scrubland (cotos) and heathland ecotone (vera) are the richest habitats for most animals apart from waterbirds. Doñana National Park, Spain
  • Would the blandishing enchanter still weave his spells around me, or should I burst them all and turn away in coldness! Master Humphrey's Clock
  • The company's code crunchers might be boring and bland, but they are also disciplined and driven.
  • Disgusted with the bland, palliative Lutheranism of his day, he stresses duty, self-sacrifice, and total commitment.
  • Establishment of long-term grass swards has had some success, and planting birch (Betula pubescens) and native willows (Salix lanata and S. phylicifolia) is proving a successful conservation measure, using mycorrhizal inocula, for re-establishing species and habitat diversity of grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands that were lost through overgrazing [22] [23] although non-native species can cause problems. Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • A story runs that on a rare excursion to clubland recently, a non-footballing companion discovered that he would fall foul of a dance hall's dress code, having failed to sport a tie.
  • This latest stone circle, constructed outside the village of Child Okeford, near Blandford, is the work of a small group of foresighted individuals from the Salisbury and Glastonbury areas.
  • But this is a small town as typical as anywhere else in the American heartland: earnest, churchy, amiable, inward-looking, bland, conformist, trusting.
  • Midland City Central was in the business district end of the city centre, full of faceless anonymous buildings and equally bland people.
  • They looked good but tasted strangely bland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trained as a doorman to national standards, he is teaching the actors restraining techniques and telling clubland anecdotes to familiarise them with a bouncer's world.
  • He seriously protested that the bow of Blandois was perfect, that the address of Blandois was irresistible, and that the picturesque ease of Blandois would be cheaply purchased (if it were not a gift, and unpurchasable) for a hundred thousand francs. Little Dorrit
  • Xeric and halophyte shrublands, grasslands, riverine shrublands, coastal lagoons. Southeastern Iberian shrubs and woodlands
  • I'm not hugely hopeful as my other babies didn't seem to think much of the bland rice cereal.
  • People often complain that tomatoes sold in supermarkets are bland and tasteless compared with those fresh from the vine.
  • Then turning to the witness he said, blandly: 'My poor friend, if you considered Cerberus to be three dogs anyhow, why did you in your examination a moment since refer to the avalanche of caninity, of which you so affectingly speak, as him?' The Enchanted Typewriter
  • He stars as a sound engineer in a happy but bland marriage to an emotionally fragile woman with psychic abilities.
  • Both places were full of titled guests invited (or commanded, rather) by Kralta, and we drove in sleighs and skated and tobogganed and revelled by evening and pleasured by night, and it was Vienna in the Arctic, with the Prince always on hand, bland and affable as ever with his popsies around him (one of 'em a new bird, an Italian, who'd replaced the garrulous blonde, no doubt on Kralta's orders) and it was all such enormous fun that I was heartily sick of it. Watershed
  • Now I have a temporary desk space in the upstairs back room we're using as a library, very cosy and snug, and a view over the belt of woody scrubland at the back of the estate.
  • At best she had expected bland sympathy from him, but the sparks shooting in his eyes were genuine.
  • He eats appreciatively after the manner of a _bon vivant; _ he uses his napkin gently and frequently; he glances blandly at the surroundings; watching him, you would suppose the viands were the choicest of the season, exquisitely prepared, while, in reality, they are poor and unsubstantial stuff, the refuse, perhaps, of better restaurants. Fifth Avenue
  • The biscuity layer stopped the texture from becoming too blandly smooth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Magnard himself was a natural contrapuntist, often seeming wilfully to shun the blandishments of orchestral colour.
  • With her puff of black hair and sharp violet eyes, she shone out from among the other homogenous bland and blonde MGM beauties of her time, suggesting intelligence behind the acting.
  • This soup is too bland for me.
  • And in the midst, in the head of the centre light, shone out brighter than all, with an inherent radiance of its own, the cognisance of the Blandamers, the sea-green and silver of the nebuly coat. The Nebuly Coat
  • Overall, the flavour was bland but palatable. The Sun
  • Their ideal habitat is in long grass or scrubland (semi-arid heath) where they make pathways or runways for feeding and escape if disturbed.
  • Unlike those sugary and calorie-heavy sports drinks, this super-concentrated drink mix helps you turn at least 16 fl . oz. of boring, bland water into a raspberry taste sensation.
  • But in terms of musical content, his seasons have become a little bland. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emotions rise from the subtext and take center-stage in rousing number after number until my ability to respond to rousing music kind of numbed out -- although that may have been because I found the music bland -- except for those based most directly on actual ragtime, which were much fresher than the over-wrought ballads and anthems of the rest. Ragtime
  • Walsh stood up to see the man out, wearied by the bland predictability of it - all too rehearsed and copybook for credibility. RIOT
  • His life is as reassuringly bland as his daily turkey - wrap lunch.
  • Once inside, I found myself disappointed to find a bland platter of nothing more than carrots& celery with ranch dressing [semi-fresh, at that; it was picked up from a convenience store around the corner, I gleaned from overheard conversation later] and a sole, glum keg of Pabst Blue Ribbon ™ brewski. Ennui
  • She said something bland and noncommittal in a number of different ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second: Amid the vertigo-inducing swing of telecom and tech stocks at the cusp of this century, a certain "humdrum" investor, Berkshire Hathaway sage Warren Buffett maintained his plays in such bland sectors as insulation, carpeting and mobile homes via acquisitions like Johns Manville, Shaw Industries and Clayton Homes, respectively. Barrick Gold Alum Thompson Joins Rinker Group
  • To return to Franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured English readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of Niagara.
  • ΙΝΟΕΧ HISTORICVS Euryclidas & Micyon, rhetores, confiliis iuis regunt Arhenicn - lcs, & i turpiter blandiunrtir rc - gibus. Historiarum quidquid superest;
  • But by Day Four, I'd forgotten whatever happiness I once knew, and even the blandest, healthiest cut of skinless, organic chicken seemed like prime rib. Paul Jury: 6 Things I Learned on the Fast Track Detox Diet
  • The western and northern boundaries and are delineated by mangroves and the Atlantic Ocean, while the eastern boundary occurs along a precipitation gradient - bordering xeric scrub and scrublands in the north, llanos and wetlands in the central portions, and moist forests in the south. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • For several years, since the huge successes of the Young British Artists made their once-edgy stamping grounds of Hoxton and Shoreditch wealthier but blander, emerging artists have been moving further from the centre for more affordable space. How power, money and art are shifting to the East End
  • While I think his ethical position is, if uninteresting, unexceptionable enough, his refusal to confront the political connection Foucault makes except with such bland dismissiveness is insufficient precisely because uninteresting. Notes on 'Foucault and the Hedgerow History of Sexuality'
  • He gave his friend an unintelligibly bland look, and trotted off into the distance with no comment.
  • No -- not at all," the talesman may blandly reply. Courts and Criminals
  • Some edaphic associations are Chamise series on shallow soils, Leather oak series on shallow serpentinitic soils, Needlegrass grasslands on Vertisols, and Manzanita shrublands on silicic sandstones. South Coastal Santa Lucia Range (Bailey)
  • What red-blooded male could resist such blandishments?
  • The decor is tasteful and unobtrusive without being bland and it is spiced up by some great artworks and top-notch fixtures and fittings. The Sun
  • But my experience is that the dominant paradigm in “old media” is to provide the blandest, most innocuous content with an eye toward attracting advertisers, rather than providing interesting content with an eye toward attracting readers. Matthew Yglesias » Newspapers Without Profits
  • His is a style so bland, it doesn't even class as normcore. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie is so tame, so bland and so uninspired, it just feels like a wasted opportunity.
  • The poor must be grateful for gimcrack blandness. Times, Sunday Times
  • This section of the highway cuts through the island's rough interior, offering travelers views of stark rocky mountains, shady eucalyptus groves around gurgling streams, and the omnipresent tan-and-green-dappled shrublands Italians refer to as Mediterranean macchia. Enjoy the Ride
  • As its founder explains, ‘The festival's a true representation of what's going on in clubland.’
  • The bland colors struck him as very plain, and unexciting.
  • It was a clean-cut, agreeable dish albeit a touch bland for more adventurous palates.
  • A check-the-boxes approach to creativity is more likely to result in blandness and failure. Disney’s Iger Shows Up The Street
  • In 2002, pop music is widely perceived to be manufactured, bland and glossy.
  • But this show sets out to recover such potentially controversial opinions from the prevalence of bland hagiographies. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was bland but well worth the price and easily seasoned to taste with some hoisin sauce, hot red pepper paste and Sriracha hot chili sauce, which are on every table.
  • After being steamed on water with light soybean oil, spring onion and ginger, the fish is bland and delicate.
  • He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.
  • Instead of opening up new possibilities for rich and multi-faceted interaction with events once distant from the purview of most individuals, the abolition of distance tended to generate a “uniform distanceless” in which fundamentally distinct objects became part of a bland homogeneous experiential mass (Heidegger, 1971 [1950]: Globalization
  • Ependymomas and choroid plexus papillomas generally appear cytologically benign or bland.
  • Their choices include nations that have swarms of malaria-infested mosquitoes, bad TV, deadly climates, decapitation issues, French people, bland food and other signs of inhospitableness. Driving the Rich Into the Sea
  • I was dreading the prospect of hospital fare: bland food and sugary drinks. The Sun
  • These reviews are increasingly characterized by their blandly uncritical quality.
  • Under Chade's strict directions, I ate a nourishing meal of bland and healthful food every noon. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The poor boring, bland singer has to follow a dynamic superstar.
  • The new presenters are so bland and dull. Times, Sunday Times
  • The internet is your friend here, too: pretty much every conference will list which agents they cajoled to it last year and/or those who will be blandished into being there this year. Author! Author! » 2008 » January
  • Councillors decided the broken down buildings, smashed fences and forgotten scrubland were giving passengers a bad impression of the town.
  • A diverting entertainment nonetheless, this is one book not to judge by its blocky lime-green cover or its bland layout.
  • In South Africa, the sandstone domes and verdant scrubland give kloofing, a ramped-up version of canyoneering, its own natural draws. Up and Down Canyons
  • The husband's determination to mastery, which lay deep below all blandness and beseechingness, had risen permanently to the surface now, and seemed to alter his face, as a face is altered by a hidden muscular tension with which a man is secretly throttling or stamping out the life from something feeble, yet dangerous. Romola
  • Vegetative cover is predominantly semi-desert grassland and arid shrubland, except for high elevation islands of oak, juniper, and pinyon pine woodland. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
  • Freedom of speech is not the right to speak bland and uncontroversial phrases about people. Times, Sunday Times
  • This loan is payable in full on demand in the event of the sale of the house at 34 Blandford St. by the undersigned.
  • Though some might worry this will mean a softer, blander “Terminator,” McG says a rating never entered the creative process and WB chief Jeff Robinov apparently never insisted on making a more family-friendly film. MTV News Gets Detailed Look At ‘Terminator Salvation’ — Read Our Report Here » MTV Movies Blog
  • As a result, cultural choice is increasingly restricted, and a bland sameness, deadly and soporific, threatens the cultural landscape.
  • Instead, the song's about a rock 'n' roll archetype - the wild heartbreaker, the man-eater, the endearing groupie - and it never manages to transcend the blandly conceptual.
  • Like many autobiographers, her honesty leans towards self-indulgence in her refusal to attempt to give the reader anything more than a blandly introspective narrative.
  • The scrubland has around a dozen olive trees surrounded by a low stone wall. The Sun
  • Oddly, we have reached the stage where there might still be a singular vision, but too often it is being micro-managed at executive level to the point of blandness and is often hobbled by an unhealthy mix at executive-committee stage of half-understood notions of political correctness tied to an essential distrust of viewers 'intelligence. Can British TV produce drama as good as Mad Men?
  • It is unsurprising, then, that the exchange led to this, a bloated tear-stick of a song that desperately wrings emotion from the blandest of platitudes. This week's new singles
  • The girl who once called herself Jill Blando always harboured a sense of puzzlement that people found her clever, talented and beautiful.
  • She served them with curried pineapple, a nice touch as the arancini was good, but a bit bland.
  • Food will not taste bland if you use the other flavourings. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Tiffin the good life is not swanking around the hot spots of London clubland but a chance to put on the wellies and head for his allotment.
  • Freedom of speech is not the right to speak bland and uncontroversial phrases about people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The food was bland and unappealing, with no flavour she could tolerate.
  • They strengthen the stomach and neutralize all undue acidity, while at the same time they soothe the irritation by their bland and demulcent qualities. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • Blanding also paints landscapes and portraits in oil, acrylic, pastels and watercolor.
  • Is it the erasure of all difference into bland undifferentiated homogeneity?
  • Similarly, my chicken tikka balti was tender and sizzling, the balti sauce sharp and tangy rather than a bland, lardy stew as is often the case, and the vegetable pilau rice we both had was full of tasty veg.
  • The sauce on the chicken was bland and fruity, a little bit sour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a finely ground mixture of pork and beef with a comparatively bland seasoning.
  • In school, Crowell stood out as the girl who eschewed the blandness of fashion in favor of personal style.
  • he ate a bland diet because of his colitis
  • After one particularly bland interview, a reporter waspishly criticized the starlet.
  • The West Texas scrubland is gorgeous, though it’s hard to imagine anyone surviving for long among the gravelly soil and stunted shrubs. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • ‘He was sedated and the bandages were stapled onto him, all different kinds of dressings over different parts of his body,’ said Mrs Bland.
  • All concerned were determined that the document should be as bland and inoffensive as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bland sameness of space is at the root of both momentum conservation and angular - momentum conservation.
  • In May this year, we covered the burgeoning ‘grime’ scene with a brilliant piece of reportage that followed its rising stars through clubland and back to their tower block roots.
  • Hoyle headed across goal and Matthew Bland headed home only to be adjudged offside.
  • The harsh figures fly in the face of the bland assurances by certain economists and politicians that the US economy was righting itself after a temporary setback early in the year.
  • The southern delineation follows the habitat transition from cerrado shrubland to moist forest, each with distinctive species assemblages. Maranhão Babaçu forests
  • Blanche scrutinised his round, bland face for any sign of insubordination but all she saw was a mask of ill-shaven skin.
  • I saw many other birds in my month on Fair Isle, far rarer ones: I found a woodchat shrike, a streaky youngster with a grownup hooked bill, that should have been on the other side of Europe; I became adept at listening for the soft calls of common rosefinches, the blandest of birds with the beadiest of eyes; I knew where a buff-breasted sandpiper blown from North America roosted. A Year on the Wing
  • My halibut in banana leaf, which comes garnished with a skewer of 3 shrimp, is a trifecta of disaster; bland, overcooked, and malodorously fishy-smelling - never a good sign. Taste T.O. - Food & Drink In Toronto
  • I generally loathe modern country, which is simply bland pop-oriented music with a hayseed singing.
  • In contrast to this site, La Parrilla is a well-preserved scrubland with dense and large patches composed of tall scrubs, small trees, and vines, separated by open interspaces.
  • Self-patterning of vegetation has been identified in dryland ecosystems worldwide, such as the “tiger striped” savanna of the African Sahel and the banded shrublands of Australia. » Blog Archive » Vegetation Self-Patterning Presentation
  • Serve a soft, bland diet that does not require a lot of chewing and encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Executive chef at the Balmoral's Number One restaurant in Edinburgh, Bland is overseeing the hotel's centenary ball, to be held on October 11.
  • The British reputation for bland food is recently acquired. Times, Sunday Times
  • She turns the blandest of scenes into yak fests as she strides through CTU with the same kind of grumpiness most of us have in an office job were everyone takes us for granted. 'Can I do it myself?' 'Ok.' 'I can't do it.'
  • But in terms of musical content, his seasons have become a little bland. Times, Sunday Times
  • A diverting entertainment nonetheless, this is one book not to judge by its blocky lime-green cover or its bland layout.
  • There are a number of non-disco-oriented things happening in clubland.
  • The species occurs on sand, clay and loam, among low open woodland and in shrubland.
  • It added interest to a face that otherwise would have appeared too white, smooth and bland.
  • It is a bland dish and may be accompanied by salted fish or other strongly flavoured food to provide contrast.
  • Though he was considered a chaperone to the young prince, Rupert did not particularly enjoy that bland label.
  • But blandish rice and undressed iceberg salad don't do much to help out.
  • But take a second look, notice the vast, slabby areas of bland surface, and it soon loses its force. Times, Sunday Times
  • And reading without anything to visualize is sort of like chewing on hay – it’s bland, to say the least; or even worse, it’s like walking in the dark waving your hands around looking for something to grab on to. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Now. Yes, now.
  • The industrial practice of ‘annualisation’ may not seem the most promising screen material, but our own cinematic standbys of cheeky gangsters, clubland geezers and lovable young lads look pretty dreary in comparison.
  • Investors need to be careful about looking too blandly at current share prices relative to historic price for cyclical stocks.
  • Willard Marriott, founder of a chain of hotels that, like Romney himself, are nice-looking but generally bland and indistinctive. Romney On Dickipedia
  • You finally settle on the pleasant face on the screen - the big hair, bright power suit, capped teeth and colorful talons - blandly reading the news.
  • The two leads are blandly unimposing and the direction is of the tried-and-tested school.
  • In the distance, flamingos fly from the lagoons, and everywhere there is the scent of the macchia shrubland. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Empty as a monk's promise,’ he screamed to the scrublands.
  • Walsh's expression was bland, yielding nothing, waiting for the catch. RIOT
  • Then, more mountains appeared in the distance: mauve and blue, rising out of scrublands.
  • The main character in the novel is unable to resist the blandishments of the wicked queen who offers him the most delicious candy in the world.
  • And the other soloists ranged from bland to frankly forgettable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie is so tame, so bland and so uninspired, it just feels like a wasted opportunity.
  • Cast bronze was now his favoured material and a growing sense of blandness and reiteration dogged his later career.
  • I have the blandest of taste buds, the most unsophisticated of palates. I Say Tomato, You Say Tabasco. Lots of It.
  • This is a relatively dry track featuring two very bland commentators.
  • As far as I'm concerned organic food is a lot like the Progressive Party - soft, bland and somewhat dense.
  • It is precisely the bland, easy acceptability of the phrase that worries me. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • And what sorts of bland mediocrities will end up on the courts?
  • Best way to serve bland crackers is with those tiny french pickles (cornichons) and a pate made from the freshly obtained livers of white peepul my enemies. Music
  • If you can face it, bland foods such as toast or crackers may relieve feelings of nausea.
  • Faced between one party with bland anodyne policies crafted not to offend anyone, and another with evil policies which it truly believes in, voters will always pick the party with the courage of its convictions.
  • The detainees resisted such standard blandishments as plea bargaining, cash, or relocation in the federal witness program.
  • Shrublands: Cupleaf ceanothus - fremontia - oak series. Hardpan Terraces
  • He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.
  • What could have been a bland disease-of-the-week series gets a shot of adrenaline whenever Dr Gregory House, a bad-tempered, contemptuous diagnostician, is made to exercise his bedside manner.

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