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[ UK /blˈe‍ɪmləsli/ ]
  1. in an irreproachable and blameless manner
    she had lived blamelessly until she met this man

How To Use blamelessly In A Sentence

  • Remembering how white soldiers from eastern cities took the skin of a native chief for a trophy of victory, and recalling the fiendish glee of Mandanes over a victim, I can only conclude that neither race may blamelessly point the finger of reproach at the other. Lords of the North
  • Periwinkles feed blamelessly by scraping detritus and organic matter off almost bare rock.
  • she had lived blamelessly until she met this man
  • Randy was right, he would never lie, that would be a sin, and he must live blamelessly, but he was wrong, those people he had killed had been devils, and it had been his job to do so.
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