How To Use Bladderwort In A Sentence
Yellow dock root and an herb appropriately named bladderwort also reduce the chances of getting calcium stones, although science hasn't discovered exactly why.
The other bit is to show off a picture of a bladderwort I picked up yesterday at the Black Jungle BBQ.
The rare intermediate bladderwort had disappeared, and so had the splendid ten-spine sticklebacks.
Unusual plants, such as sundew (Drosera spp.), butterwort (Pinguicula spp.) and bladderwort (Utricularia spp.), supplement their diet in this nutrient-poor environment by catching and digesting insects.
Evelyn reported buckbeans in bloom and she thinks she saw some purple bladderwort as well.
Among the rarest species are Porsild's catspaw Antennaria porsildii, Greenland woodrush Luzula groenlandica and whitish bladderwort Utricularia ochroleuca.
Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
The bladderwort's lavender flowers adorn a stalk that may rise six feet above its tank.
Now, I believe the bladderwort is over there with the herbs.
The Multiplying Menace
They now knew that quicksilver was mercury, that red wulfenite, peacock coal, and hornblende were all minerals, that wild elephant’s ear, bladderwort, and stinking smut were plants, and that sunfish scales, flyclub, and phoenix feather were parts of animals.
The Night Of the Solstice
A bladderwort Utricularia has a hollow bag on the end of a stalk, with the entrance guarded by hairs.
Sundaland heath forests
Lakes and ponds have buttonbush, pickerel weed, horned bladderwort and water milfoil growing in the water.
Totally submerged are bladderwort, coontail, and water milfoil.
Bladderworts, pitcher plants, and sundews all indulge their carnivorous tastes.
When we reached First Bog, we lay flat on the wooden bridge and searched the peaty water for the aquatic lesser bladderwort, another of the local insectivorous plants.
Bladderworts, whose intricately branched, bladder-bearing stems are completely submerged, send up small aerial stems with inch-long yellow flowers.
I spooned out some bladderwort, crushing the green leaves with a mortar and pestle.
The Multiplying Menace
Among them are a bladderwort, a butterwort, two kinds of pitcher plant, and three kinds of sundew.
A large, yellow-flowered bladderwort sends stems several inches above the surface of the water, and the yellow asphodel is spectacular in late June and early July.
Floating aquatics such as white water lily (Nymphaea odorata) are common and a submerged complex of plants is dominated by bladderwort (Utricularia spp.).
The order to which the butterwort and the bladderworts belong also afforded valuable results.
Life of Charles Darwin
A large, yellow-flowered bladderwort sends stems several inches above the surface of the water.
Numerous species of arrowheads and bladderworts occur.
Closing my eyes I can see, across the boggy run, a six-foot alligator erupting from the speckled combination of dark water and bright bladderwort.
Lakes and ponds have buttonbush, pickerel weed, bulltongue arrowhead, horned bladderwort, water milfoil, and water-shield growing in the water.