How To Use Blackened In A Sentence

  • The elf cast a jaundiced eye over the blackened mountain, which was still oozing lava.
  • Meanwhile, Robert Downey, Jr. declines an offer to do Arctic Thunder in blackened face. The Volokh Conspiracy » Iceland Jokes
  • Ash was now falling on to the ships, darker and denser the closer they went, together with pieces of pumice and rocks that were blackened and shattered by fire.
  • The blackened walls from a fire that happened some four years ago reeked of cigarette smoke and mustiness.
  • Dressed again in wadmal, leather gloves, leather apron, and wooden shoes, beard and mane full of the soot that blackened his skin, the dwarf gripped a piece with tongs and banged it into shape. Operation Luna
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  • A Yorkshire historian is calling on the Queen to help to clear Richard III of the double child murder which has blackened his reputation for more than 500 years.
  • The witch doctor's eyes were well blackened, and his temper none of the best; for he quarrelled with the chief over the possession of Wertz's rifle, and took more than his share of the part-sack of beans. WHERE THE TRAIL FORKS
  • The impact caused a fire in the rear of the vehicle which then spread inside and raged through the entire bus, leaving nothing but a blackened skeleton.
  • Blackened and degraded by centuries of dust and dirt, they emerged in a remarkable state of preservation that gives an excellent idea of their intended flamboyance.
  • With a determined step she marched purposely toward the blackened doorway.
  • Fighting took place in a giant petrified forest of blackened chimney stacks, where the defenders had little cover except the charred remains of the matchboard bungalows and workers 'settlements that ringed the town. Barbarossa
  • In each cemetery there are two or three little flames dancing in the wind under soot-blackened glass.
  • Vale watched helplessly as a series of explosions reduced the once-proud cruiser to a blackened derelict.
  • His face was blackened with coal.
  • The walls had been blackened and scorched by fire.
  • A thousand times Mildred asked herself, "How can I go out and face the world with my name blackened by this great cloud of shame? Without a Home
  • I must say that I, for one, will really miss coming home from a good night out with a heathy wheeze, my nostrils ejecting generous quantities of blackened snot clogged with blood, and my eyes watering.
  • The cook blackened the chicken breast
  • By the time help arrived, most of the parents had fished their children out of the blackened water.
  • The villagers think the experiment has failed but Scundoo is very clever: He asks everybody raise to raise their hands above their heads and every hand is blackened with soot from the iron pot — every hand except Sime's. “And must I. . .who am weary, travel always your trail until I die?”
  • Thousands of doves took to a sky already blackened by a massive cloud pluming over the cityscape.
  • So lonesome that there were times when life looked absolutely worthless; when the blue devils made him their plaything, and he saw Billy Louise looking scornfully upon him and loving some other man better; when he saw his name blackened by the suspicion that he was a rustler -- preying upon his neighbors 'cattle; when he saw Buck Olney laughing in derision of his mercy and fixing fresh evidence against him to confound him utterly. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • It was just a sort of blackened, charred wreckage, smoke rising and emergency services all over the place.
  • Yet on so little they had blackened a man's reputation.
  • Eating out at least five nights a week, she has seen trends come and go: peasant Italian, posh Irish, fish heads, pigs' trotters, white bread, blackened cod, raw beef, triple-cooked chips.
  • No, it had been rather haphazardly portioned with seemingly no utensil involved; an oozing brown viscosity trailing its ragged, blackened, peel. Snap
  • I look past them, at the blackened edges of a curb, the smooth marble of a ledge, the angle of a rail.
  • Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens.
  • His smoky shots of blasted earth and gnashing machinery, spraying explosions and blackened pits create an oppressively alien landscape hostile to man and woman alike.
  • Its thick, gummy oil has blackened hundreds of miles of coastline in Spain.
  • Following the Industrial Revolution, many trees became blackened by smoke and on these the speckled moths were suddenly highly conspicuous.
  • Larsen's frost-blackened lips curved cynically
  • He was in no mood for his own work and by eleven he wandered unconsoled and purposeless towards the blackened ruins of the burned-out shed. Cargo of Eagles
  • A blackened heap of rust and iron, the old stove sat in the corner of the living room.
  • Blackened steel, tempered into armour, was what they wore.
  • Among the most brilliant of these is 'Berns', created for Lars Siltberg's 'Candleflames Modulated' (2007), exploring frequency extremities with visceral sheets of blackened noise, near infrasonic subbass and vastly unsettling use of psychoacoustic space. Boomkat: Just arrived
  • Peel off the blackened skin, flatten the pepper out and trim it into edible pieces.
  • Ominously, there were some buildings where the glass windows had been replaced by plywood and the paintwork blackened and blistered by fire. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • It was just a sort of blackened, charred wreckage, smoke rising and emergency services all over the place.
  • The gunner had to stop the touchhole so that the rammer could not drive a jet of fresh air down the barrel and so ignite any scraps of remaining powder, and Hickson's old and blackened thumbstall betrayed how long he had been an artilleryman. Sharpe's Tiger
  • The blackened hulks of the great ships and the flattened hangars testified to the fact that the American awakening to what was happening in the rest of the world was sudden and painful.
  • If I was in fact standing, the ground beneath me was blackened by the perpetual darkness of this now empty dream.
  • She saw, too vividly, the blackened swathe cut through the trees, the burned wreckage. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • I distinctly remember assembling on a tray some orange-topped mushrooms, a rusty bed-spring, and some blackened pieces of toast.
  • In many places basalt in piles and crumbling strata of hornblende schiste, disposed edgeways, green within, and without blackened by sun and rain, cropped out of the ground. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Inside the blackened wall of the cottage something fell over and sent a shower of sparks into the sky.
  • Another team were being lashed by bracken fronds and splashed with water as they tried to cross the beck while blinded by blackened goggles.
  • In Wales and Scotland, an oatcake was divided into equal parts and one piece blackened. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Bloodstained snow, heavy cloaks, blackened eyes, Indian rites, puritanical fire and brimstone and the ominous howl of vicious wolf beasts.
  • The financial crash blackened the image of investment for many small investors.
  • Impressively blackened rocks loomed large, their outer edges darkly green against the frothy white-capped waves.
  • With such visible history, the sun-blackened ruins poking out from the undergrowth and overgrowth, Nevis is fun to explore.
  • The skull-caps of plaited and blackened palm leaf, though common in the interior, are here rare; an imitation is produced by tressing the hair longitudinally from occiput to sinciput, making the head a system of ridges, divided by scalp-lines, and a fan-shaped tuft of scarlet-stained palm frond surmounts the poll. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The cold gray light of early dawn had given place to saffron, and the first drowsy challenge from the henroost had been shrilly answered from far and near, when old man Jerry awoke from his nap in the chimney corner, and, finding himself chilled through all his old, rheumatic bones, bent over the dying embers, pushed together the blackened and half-burned "chunks," and blew them until they glowed. Plantation Sketches
  • The structure was badly damaged and blackened but remained standing.
  • The financial crash blackened the image of investment for many small investors.
  • The punching bag lay in a thousand blackened pieces on the floor, material and stuffing scattered everywhere.
  • Even the light of the Guggenheim is transformed, its walls blackened and its radiance dimmed to churchy darkness.
  • Her stomach grumbled as she hungrily eyed the sausages sputtering on the blackened grill.
  • His jaws champed spasmodically, froth appeared on his blackened lips.
  • The one lowlight came in the form of the lasagna, which although it tasted fine on top, was blackened on the bottom.
  • The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods. Ailsa Paige
  • Fruit chutney is wonderful with blackened fish - it adds a sweet taste to a spicy dish.
  • The building was left badly blackened and water damaged after the blaze and property including the bicycles and a bookcase full of hundreds of pounds worth of books was destroyed.
  • The weapon never hit its mark, bouncing off of a barrier made from blackened shadows.
  • Her hair was blackened and sodden, and her skin was yellowing, like parchment or old bread.
  • The walls are blackened with torula, the fungus that feeds on the escaping vapors; known as "the angels' share. A Slow Path to Perfection
  • The financial crash blackened the image of investment for many small investors.
  • Beyond them was a flat snowy pasture, speckled with a few blackened shrubs, and even further away, a dark band between snow and sky, was the huge wall.
  • After it was clear beyond dispute that the criminal was no longer fit to live, he was called attaint, stained, or blackened, and before 6 and 7 Vict., c. 85 p. 1, could not be called as a witness in any court. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • This kind of photograph is a unique positive picture produced on a thin sheet of iron blackened by tar.
  • An instant of heat and he was suddenly standing at the edge of a great expanse of grassland, the grass withered and blackened in places but generally a dry yellow.
  • The brothers believed that, while the inquiry seemed to clear Ministers of wrongdoing, it blackened their own reputation.
  • The large marble fireplace, which was engraved with the images of climbing vines, still retained its blackened cinders.
  • I loved the way it was slightly blackened from the fire. Dominoes « A Fly in Amber
  • Production lines were left blackened and charred, hundreds of tonnes of ingredients were ruined.
  • The ground itself was blackened and burned, and was several feet lower than it should have been.
  • A lunch menu on a recent Monday consisted of French onion soup, spinach lasagna and Italian sausage, followed by a dinner that included egg drop soup, teriyaki steak, Cajun blackened fish and pork fried rice.
  • The other phial held a blackened grain of nickel-iron, barely big enough to see. Minnesota Menage
  • Trembling the while, Ogger, who knew by experience what were the power and might of Charles, and who had learned the lesson by long consuetude in better days, then said, 'When ye shall behold the crops shaking for fear in the fields, and the gloomy Po and the Ticino overflowing the walls of the city with their waves blackened with steel The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • The buildings are made from a sandy beige stone, doorways are partially blocked with sandbags, windows are ragged blackened holes.
  • The grass was blackened with soot, and her face smudged with dirt.
  • Inventory of the "taxi": one bullet right in the face of my Vickers; one perforative bullet in the motor; the steel stone had gone clear through it as well as the oil reservoir, the gasoline tank, the cartridge chest, my glove ... where it stayed in the index finger: result, about as if my finger had been slightly pinched in a door; not even skinned, only the top of the nail slightly blackened. Georges Guynemer Knight of the Air
  • The landlord jabbed a dirty stubby finger at the smoke-blackened ceiling. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Inside, he found the same scuffed flagstones on the floor, the inglenook fireplace and the high-backed wooden pews, blackened by the wood smoke of so many winter nights. Day of the Dandelion
  • The snow was feathering down out of a bruised, blackened sky. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • There was only a small cluster of bright dancing flames in the back seat now, gnawing on the blackened springs. SPIDERTOWN
  • The formerly bright brickwork of nearby buildings was charred and blackened.
  • Then, when its blackened freestone walls were repainted white to hide the traces of the fire, it was rechristened “The White House”. Inside the White House | Edwardian Promenade
  • They are almost in darkness watching their blackened cooking pans.
  • Over off Kelly Street sat a long black limo, six doors, blackened windows. SPIDERTOWN
  • It was covered with a slab of original limestone, still blackened from fire and inscribed with the date.
  • There were a lot missing words, where the paper had been blackened and burned away.
  • The deck of the cruiser was torn and blackened from the German fire; here and there were sailors in bandages. The Cruise of the Dry Dock
  • An old pub with beamed ceilings, smoke-blackened, and a log fire crackling and spitting inside a deep alcove.
  • The wheels and weights and great drum of the press proper, cabineted in well-oiled oak and well-blackened brackets and footings of iron, had been gashed, and fairly recently, by swords or axes. Son of a Witch
  • It had all the things that go to make the best farm-kitchens: such as red bricks and heavy smoke-blackened beams, and a deep hearth with a great fire on it and settles inside, from which one could look up at the chimney-shaft to the sky, and clay pipes and spills alongside, and a muller for wine or beer; and hams and sides of bacon and strings on onions and bunches of herbs; much pewter, and a copper warming-pan, and brass candlesticks, and a grandfather clock; a cherrywood dresser and wheelback chairs polished with age; and a great scrubbed oaken table to seat a harvest-supper, planed from a single mighty plank. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • Beads of murky water dripped down stone walls blackened by grime, and the floor was cold gray stone.
  • The amethystine ring from which had been streamed the circling veils was cracked and blackened; like a seam of coal it had stretched around the Pit — a crown of mourning. The Metal Monster
  • The ugly blackened scar was gone now, as were all the others, the ruptures mended by the molecular refusion of the ship’s duranium composite skin. Star Trek: TNG: Losing the Peace
  • How many pistols used grips made of walnut is not known, but at some point, the hardwood used was light in color, and the grips were blackened using a paint-like stain.
  • Not only that, your personal credit rating is not blackened in Ireland by a business failure, providing you wrap up with Companies Office procedures.
  • the stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened
  • Blackened lead white can be treated by oxidizing but oxygen will tarnish any silver.
  • Italian and German armorers produced both subtly decorated but functional-seeming garnitures and extravagant show pieces, contrasting high and low relief, delicate incising, gilding, and inlaying, with smoothly modulated steel, originally blackened for drama, as we learn from the portraits. Armor as Wearable Sculpture
  • Blackened by the bonfires, the protest banners hung askew between the charred palms. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The financial crash blackened the image of investment for many small investors.
  • Swedish for gray or blackened ashes - the loon's colors - and "immerses" is Latin for submerged. stories
  • Although their faces were pixillated the family believe their names have been blackened by the arrests.
  • Pulling on the long shaft of the bellows sent a shower of sparks around the forge and disturbed the coating of blackened dust that clung to roof, floor and everything else within.
  • Kels asked him, smiling to reveal a row of soot blackened teeth.
  • On Monday, rebels held positions at the western gates of the city, on the fringes of desert littered with bullet casings, scraps of metal and more than a dozen blackened or overturned vehicles, including tanks and pickups outfitted with anti-aircraft guns. Libyan rebels reject cease-fire proposal
  • The vacuum sucked the oxygen from his lungs, his veins exploded as his blood broiled and his skin blackened and cracked as it froze. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » December : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Around them stood the skeletons of houses, their walls blackened, their windows shattered. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The old shabby church showed, as usual, its quaint extent of roofage and the relievo skeleton on one gable, still blackened with the fire of thirty years ago. Lay Morals
  • And they did a superb job of smearing them - his character has been totally blackened, and so has hers, to a degree.
  • Then a group of paras in full combat gear and blackened faces began firing at us.
  • His noble face is blackened with soot and ash, his powerful body stooped with exhaustion, his expression ravaged with grief, for those still burning embers hold within their embrace the bodies of his friends and comrades, perhaps the body of his lady wife. Through Wolfs Eyes
  • A single blackened 361 gram achondrite was found in Dar al Gani, Libya at Lat. 26 deg. 55.17’ N and Long. 16 deg. 40.44’ E.
  • Char red bell pepper and fresh poblano chili over gas flame or in broiler until blackened on all sides. Making fresh cranberry sauce | Homesick Texan
  • A blackened decorated mirror, purchased in Uxbridge in “one of the seediest and most dilapidated places you have ever seen,” produced greater success, revealing a “brilliantly painted frame full of grotesque heads and shells and fishes . . . almost certainly a Mathias Lock.” Storyteller
  • Jack grinned then, his teeth flashing white through the charcoal that blackened his face.
  • On hand to perform the opening was Seamus O'Connell, who, in front of over 100 guests, prepared several culinary seafood delicacies that ranged from blackened halibut to boxty with smoked salmon.
  • The Boschian art direction here is impressive, with awe-inspiring architecture and angry, blackened skies.
  • Also at this time they blackened their women's teeth to make them more beautiful.
  • He blackened the wood by burning it with the heated piece of iron; this enabled him to create the details of his creations.
  • It's $35 per person and will give you options such as kimchee and edamamde fried rice, seafood chowder and blackened shrimp. Home RSS feed
  • What is a well known is that Romans blackened the reputation of their enemies so their own ruthless barbarism might appear in a better light.
  • Chunks of moist chicken, bursting with taste and tenderness, are grilled on a brochette with slices of blackened onion.
  • And what has happed to the waters—blackened with oil, just as the air is blackened with smoke. Surrender the Dark
  • He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.
  • Evidence of the war was clear in Nick's arrival in the burned town and in the blackened hoppers.
  • He blackened one eye, left scratches up and down her neck and scraped the flesh off her hipbones.
  • Seated on it, against no more romantic object than a blackened chimneystack over which some bumble creeper had been trained, they both pored over one book; both with attentive faces; Jenny with the sharper; Lizzie with the more perplexed. Our Mutual Friend
  • They had blackened each other's faces and then hers, pocketed their watches, reversed their caps.
  • My oven mitts bear characteristic blackened circles in the exact shape of my stovetop burners.
  • It was my eight-year-old son Nathan, standing barefoot in the freshly tilled soil, his hands blackened from digging in the earth. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • The dining room blackened out
  • Drawing closer, you could see the clutter of centuries of Buddhist veneration: stupas, Buddha images and incense-blackened shrines.
  • The gang of older boys, eighth graders, had found him out there, and when Jinx found him, he had bruises across his face and one of his eyes was blackened.
  • Two professional cleaners had been sent to the property to clean the blackened cream carpet, soiled by wild parties, but with little success.
  • Scrub grass, gravel, generations of wet and blackened leaves, something pale green and flowerless about to uncurl. So Much Pretty
  • In the corner between them, a great coiling growth, blackened now in its winter hibernation, stripped of leaves, clambered as high as the battlements where the brattice began. A River So Long
  • The shape is usually spheroidal, and the material hypersthene (a hard and close-grained bluish granite) or diorite, greenstone-trap blackened by sun and rain. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • The green fields were blackened and the trees had been stripped bare by locusts.
  • He was covered head to toe in blackened flesh and stage blood. I am a bad, bad man…. « Skid Roche
  • Over the hours bruises had formed along the side of her face and her left eye was blackened.
  • It is believed that ancient Hawaiians blackened their faces and limbs when in mourning.
  • In the spring I saw some old blackened pods and thought they were insect galls.
  • After they were dead, their reputations were deliberately blackened by lawyers defending their killer.
  • Little children and inquisitive young ladies are knocked down or blackened in coiling the hawser, by “hands” who, being nothing but _hands_, evidently cannot say, “I beg your pardon, miss.” The Englishwoman in America
  • But if the case be not going to get worse, the ecchymosed and livid parts, and those surrounding them become greenish and not hard; for this is a satisfactory proof in all cases of ecchymosis, that they are not to get worse; but when lividity is complicated with hardness, there is danger that the part may become blackened. On Fractures
  • Already the hissing had quieted, and the hanging veils of blackened smoke and steam had begun to disperse.
  • The accused gets his name blackened, the prosecutor gets his name out as an “advocate for women,” and he doesn’t even have to go to trial. the only thing left to do in this case is to sue the guy in civil court and bankrupt him. The Volokh Conspiracy » Charges Filed 32 Years After Alleged Rape Have Now Been Dropped:
  • He wore a blood red bandana across his forehead, keeping back his blackened hair that lay mostly in a keep-back.
  • To create a uniform appearance for photography, the material was blackened either with black impermanent ink airbrushed onto the actual fossils, or by using lampblack or other dry colored powder dusted onto the silicone rubber cast.
  • We also munched our way through the blackened salmon tandoori, a succulent Balbir staple.
  • I really like the spiral fluting. .make mine a stainless in 300 Wby, 24 inch barrel, a checkered nutmeg stock with blackened forend tip and a limbsaver or pachmyr pad .. Best New Rifle 2009: E.R.
  • Twisted, blackened corpses lie side-by-side on a cold-looking concrete floor.
  • I loved the split-pea soup and the blackened chicken, served with cajun spices, mash and a fine apple and onion sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hair floated lazily, all but detached from the blackened, rotted features. THE LAST RAVEN
  • My oven mitts bear characteristic blackened circles in the exact shape of my stovetop burners.
  • The unlikely trio followed cooled lava flows, or places where the searing rivers of fire had yet to flow, their path taking them on a zigzag course up the blackened and charred slope of the mountain.
  • Blackened, sun-baked filth laid rotting outside the medical clinic and piles of used syringes were scattered about the courtyard.
  • He got as close as he could before plunging his gloved hand quickly into the center of the smoking embers, and drawing out a long blackened object.
  • In her white safety helmet, protective gloves, glasses and red, monogrammed boiler suit, blackened slightly by outdoor maintenance work, she leads us between the rig's three platforms – one for accommodation, one for production and one for drilling – connected by iron-latticed walkways, through which we can see nothing below us but the deep blue sea. A working life: The gas rig technician
  • He wondered how I cooked them through without charring the outsides to a blackened crust.
  • I really like the spiral fluting. .make mine a stainless in 300 Wby, 24 inch barrel, a checkered nutmeg stock with blackened forend tip and a limbsaver or pachmyr pad .. Best New Rifle 2009: E.R.
  • Eyes closed, he felt merely the cold presumable sting against the side of his head through his blackened hair.
  • A few years ago, Professor Crookes, of London, having observed that light pith balls delicately suspended in a vacuous tube were under certain conditions repelled by the sun's rays, was led on from step to step until he had constructed the instrument now so well known as the radiometer, in which a delicate wheel is rapidly turned by the rays of the sun, or by the rays of any source of bright light, shining on its blackened vanes. Religion and Chemistry
  • Blackened and twisted debris was scattered far and wide over across the gentle slope, like driftwood on a beach.
  • Not to mention some really fascinating works dealing with language and power, pidgins, diglossia, and creoles – the latter being an interesting case, because the term itself refers to a pidgin that becomes a language in its own right, but technically means “blackened”, and was originally something of a slur itself! When keeping it partisan goes wrong (IV) - Beyond The Commons -
  • The material became dark, paint blackened, as I rubbed harder, more and more vigorously.
  • I deliberated over the crayfish and lobster bisque or spiced blackened tuna with Moroccan couscous, coriander oil and sweet chilli sauce.
  • The once snow-white stones were now blackened by a combination of being burnt out and years of built-up dirt and dust, casting a midnight shadow over the landscape.
  • Next to the mishmash of blackened dahlias, nicotiana rose staunchly and the roses that had been buds the day before were unfurling.
  • The furniture makers in and around the city of Trapani often used blackened pearwood instead of ebony, and much mother-of-pearl and coral, for which Trapani was famous.
  • The ceiling blackened
  • Seconds later it was out and only ash remained, ash staining a corselet of blackened mail. SABRIEL
  • The formerly bright brickwork of nearby buildings was charred and blackened.
  • Into this, as it gained strength, he placed many stones from a convenient pile, each fire-blackened in token that it had been similarly used many times. CHAPTER XIII
  • The next morning they lay burned and blasted, blackened by the first frost, their seeds promising their resurrection.
  • Its thick, gummy oil has blackened hundreds of miles of coastline in Spain.
  • At the far left side of the main wall is a blackened recess.
  • Blackened lead white can be treated by oxidizing but oxygen will tarnish any silver.
  • The sauce is chunky and has a sweetness from the lightly blackened tomato skins.
  • Madame Semele knocked the blackened bowl from the fire with a stick, and she stamped it out in the long grass. STARDUST
  • I brushed my hand through his newly blackened hair.
  • His face was blackened with coal.
  • In a perfect world, she would then have directed a stream of blackened tobacco spit dead into the centre of a freshly-cleaned spittoon, making a brassy clanging noise.
  • The blackened remains of a banksia tree begins to sprout at the base of the trunk. Tropic Temper
  • Young girls blackened their faces and hobbled like cripples to avoid molestation but it made no difference.
  • On the table was kiam chye (pickled veggie) and duck soup, asam fish (blackened and fried), leatherjacket fish, black ink solong (squid), fried shanghai greens, chicken wings, and prawn salads. ChuiCon 2006, part 6a (addendum)
  • Glasgow's put upon tourism wallahs must have watched The Hand of God with dismay as another herd of sectarian numbskulls blackened the city's reputation in front of a UK audience numbering millions.
  • He wore the same blackened shirt and dark clothing as when he had left, but now they and he were begrimed and streaked with dirt.
  • But of Addison it may be confidently affirmed that he has blackened no man's character, nay, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find in all the volumes which he has left us a single taunt which can be called ungenerous or unkind. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • In the second show, the camera takes us inside several of the country's top residential clinics which all seem to be located in fake country houses with blackened beams and horse brasses.
  • The smoke blackened the ceiling
  • Yesterday the scene was cordoned off with police tape as fire investigators picked through the wreckage of the fire which left windows shattered and blackened.
  • Mr. Gentile has also added a dish called spaghetti al nero di maiale, for which he tosses blood-blackened noodles with rapini, crumbled 'nduja sausage, garlic and burrata cheese. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed

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