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How To Use Blackboard In A Sentence

  • He presided over the job placement blackboard beside the trading floor.
  • The teacher is cleaning the blackboard with a board rubber.
  • The monster crystals, over six meters long, are made of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum (the number one ingredient in blackboard chalk!). Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals
  • ACOUSTICS – D. Lynn Halpern, Randolph Blake and James Hillenbrand of Chicago’s Northwestern University for a 1986 experiment aimed at discovering why the sound of fingernails scraping on a blackboard is so irritating. Announcing the Year’s Winners of the IgNobel Prize | Impact Lab
  • I had aced the course in high school, so what were these hieroglyphics that the professor scribbled on the blackboard with such gusto?
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  • It’s obvious that the key to the universe is hidden in this photo of Einstein’s blackboard from the day he died. Memento Mori « Gerry Canavan
  • Large pivot joint metal blackboards double as partitioning doors to include or exclude the corridor spaces as desired.
  • Software-based command centres have taken over the type of duties that would have involved blackboards, whiteboards and flip charts, and replaced them with an electronic data management tool.
  • Yes Services Blackboard, digital recording of class sessions, course materials included in tuition and hand delivered, meeting rooms for business-related meetings School Services Does the program offer Career Services to EMBA Students? University of Pittsburgh
  • The teacher chalked out a map of Asia on the blackboard.
  • There were eleven perfectly straight, evenly spaced lines drawn on another blackboard.
  • The teacher delineated China on the blackboard with a coloured chalk.
  • The two dozen participants started off by identifying “what’s wrong with the media,” and the blackboard is filled with complaints ranging from the lack of in-depth analysis and foreign news coverage to story repetition and reinforcement of stereotypes. â”We canât use Mickey Mouse to tell other thingsâ” |
  • I looked up at the menu chalked on the blackboard behind her.
  • Because the traditional blackboard model is based on serial hardware environment, its efficiency and reliability is limited and lots of expert systems based on the model can't be put into use.
  • I counted more than 20 dishes chalked up on the blackboard and was pleasantly surprised with what was on offer.
  • I'll write the curriculum onto the blackboard - of course in French - and it would be advisable if you copy the information.
  • And their dull appearance is often accompanied by teaching methods that consist mostly of scribbling graphs on a blackboard.
  • The teacher had almost seen it that time as he turned around to write something on the dry erase board, that had long time ago replaced the blackboards.
  • Each engine is attended to in turn, usually according to a roster chalked on a blackboard.
  • On another wall, a blackboard had the words along the top, again in English, HM Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Tamsin picked up the despised swatch and wiped the message off the blackboard. DEATH IN FASHION
  • She chalked out a design on the blackboard.
  • When Julie reads, the issue presents itself in gory detail and sounds like fingernails drawn down a blackboard. July 2006
  • Please copy the homework from the blackboard.
  • As a way of reminding and motivating students, you can see chalked on blackboards in most classrooms countdowns of the days to the examination and some encouraging words.
  • On the bar blackboard were fino, manzanilla, oloroso… excellent.
  • The homework is on the blackboard.
  • We will ensure that the backdrops in your scenes - the writing on the blackboards, the equipment in the labs - look realistic; that your universities look like universities and your academics act like academics.
  • Be sure to consider the daily specials listed on a blackboard delivered to your table, such as crisped soft-shell crab with tomato-basil sauce or flaky, breaded walleye.
  • The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.
  • wipe the blackboard
  • This smells of chalky blackboard rubbers and evaporated milk.
  • If the word "gastropub" was a mite precious, the pubs themselves were refreshingly down-to-earth, with bare wooden tables, young staff in jeans and cheerful blackboards covered with culinary goodies. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it?
  • There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it?
  • Irishman Bob even chalked my name up on the pool player blackboard.
  • To get the latest news, thousands would flock to the newspaper offices themselves, arrayed along Park Row near city hall, to watch the headlines get chalked up on giant blackboards.
  • Lissa grimaced as if at the rasp of fingernails on a blackboard. VITALS
  • A row of photographs was pinned to the wall near the blackboard. STAGE FRIGHT
  • From this time on he lectured sitting down while a student wrote on the blackboard for him.
  • Tamsin picked up the despised swatch and wiped the message off the blackboard. DEATH IN FASHION
  • He stood up to get a better view of the blackboard.
  • A brown-suited instructor with ramrod posture and an air of self-important officialdom points at a blackboard covered with indecipherable scrawls.
  • The latest incarnation looks every part the French bistro, from the wooden floor and chairs and prints on the wall to the fresh flowers on the table and blackboards chalked up with dishes to tempt even the most iron-willed of dieters.
  • She did not, as I had hoped, lead us through the routines in slow motion, with the aid of diagrams chalked up on a blackboard.
  • The thing's creaky voice was a cross between nails on a blackboard and a door that seriously needed oiling.
  • As an English professor, I already use facebook to communicate with the majority of my students - it's where they are, and, quite frankly, Blackboard as rolled out on our campus is a disaster. Docs Lets You Create And Share Microsoft Office Docs Via Facebook | Lifehacker Australia
  • Furthermore, as Blackboard is an established, stable system, we experienced few, if any, technical difficulties.
  • If you write on the blackboard, rub it off at the end of the lesson.
  • The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.
  • Osgood was a large, bearded portly gentleman who took life and mathematics very seriously and walked up and down in front of the blackboard making ponderous statements.
  • The teacher chalked out a map of Asia on the blackboard.
  • Now, far be it from me to judge a man's musical tastes; after all, what's beautiful music to one is nails on blackboard to another.
  • Russian American immigrant Olesa Zaharova leads a game of hangman on the blackboard of her language class.
  • One rainy day, when playing cricket was out of the question, his teacher at the primary school in Surrey that he attended brought his class inside and, using the blackboard, initiated them into the secrets of cricket scoring.
  • Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!
  • Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
  • Carefully and deliberately a list of headings was chalked on the blackboard.
  • He wrote the title on the blackboard, then copied out the text sentence by sentence.
  • The fanboy squeal is high and screechy, like rusty nailtips raked across a blackboard, but it always says the same thing. The Rainbow Coalition: Active
  • Pughson, who, after dealing her one of his butcherly gibes, bade her to the blackboard, to grapple with the Seventh Proposition. The Getting of Wisdom
  • Sums were a doddle and ‘he had the answers as quick as the questions were written on the blackboard‘.
  • He reached below the bar and pulled out a blackboard on which were listed, as promised, the different types of stew.
  • She rubbed the exercises off the blackboard after class.
  • The other was incredulous, and kept underlining his solution on the blackboard with heavy chalk lines.
  • They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
  • The menu offers a wide selection of fish and seafood, as well as vegetarian dishes and, if that's not tempting enough, a blackboard lists the day's specials.
  • Her cacuminal speech prods the back of my neck, my face turned to a corner, wedged, stiff, stuck fast, lodged within the confines of her retroflexed monologue - this verse is addressed to both myself and the boy (who keeps slapping blackboard grime like muddy shoes).
  • The first help which she may give is that of ruling the blackboard, so that the child may be led to maintain regularity and proper dimensions in his writing. The Montessori Method
  • The teacher's demonstration might be countered by the retort that other things besides chalk leave white traces on a blackboard.
  • Dishes included Cajun chicken, beef steak and mushroom pot, roast duckling and Cumberland sausage as well as a number of Indian balti offerings and blackboard specials.
  • She puts down in her notebook whatever the teacher writes on the blackboard.
  • Miss Bennett pointed her pencil eraser at her blackboard and said, ‘Make a tally mark up there.’
  • Consider using a flip chart, overhead projector or a blackboard.
  • I was once like you, charmed by gap-toothed kids and lured by the chance to erase the blackboard whenever I wanted. Carolyn Bucior: Lesson: Substitute Teaching's 'F' -- What Gwyneth and Cameron Can Teach Education Experts
  • The conditions are austere: one book for ten children, a tiny blackboard and a roof with holes.
  • I turned around and wrote the title on the blackboard.
  • The menu offered a selection of fish, meat and vegetarian options, with almost as many specials chalked on the blackboard.
  • With a stick of chalk he wrote her order on a blackboard.
  • The simple plastic weave of a café chair, a blackboard chalked with the specials du jour, the cloudy comfort of a cool pastis and the sinuous scent of coffee and fresh-baked bread.
  • The blackboard items change regularly and on our evening included monkfish, turbot, crocodile satays and beluga caviar!
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our teacher of physics.
  • She marked a square on the blackboard.
  • A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
  • The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.
  • A row of photographs was pinned to the wall near the blackboard. STAGE FRIGHT
  • I went to the blackboard and drew the yin-yang symbol and the hexagram.
  • Check the blackboards on the walls for the menu du jour, which typically lists the soup of the day and a couple of pasta dishes.
  • And their dull appearance is often accompanied by teaching methods that consist mostly of scribbling graphs on a blackboard.
  • He described a circle on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.
  • The crowd broke into renewed cheering when this was chalked on a blackboard.
  • Cleaning blackboards for my teachers had always been… well, for me, at least… an easy way to bump my grades from Bs to As.
  • This year has been all about teachers fishing hearts out of buckets and the processes of excretion on the blackboard and my son has baulked at it all somewhat. On Kindness « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Personally I will use the computer if I'm giving a colloquium or conference talk, and prefer the blackboard if I'm giving a more specialized seminar.
  • If you can reach the blackboard there is a wide range of coloured chalk, but no space to write.
  • They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
  • In a classroom situation blackboard is more available than, say, theatre. avoidance behaviour See under behaviour.
  • He was himself a greatly talented teacher, a master of clear explanation and a fine blackboard artist.
  • She had no money for even a blackboard and chalk, or for the slates used commonly by village children.
  • The arrival of computer-aided education will not mean an end to blackboards.
  • I should have kept my mouth shut, because of course, that’s when my mind leaves the board and circles back to work and the name chalked on the dirty blackboard of the precinct house. Beach Road
  • Although the Government has approved a €15 million project to provide broadband internet access in all schools, teachers said this was like providing chalk without blackboards.
  • The visual skills of scanning and reorientation, for example, from book to blackboard will be difficult.
  • Tamsin picked up the despised swatch and wiped the message off the blackboard. DEATH IN FASHION
  • Heisenberg, red-haired, balding, gnomish, looking older than his years, paces in front of a blackboard as he speaks.
  • I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.
  • The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard
  • She rubbed the exercises off the blackboard after class.
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our teacher of physics.
  • Like an old schoolie, he couldn't resist using the blackboard.
  • The photograph series "16 Blackboards" (1992) is from Ms. Dean's student days, and striking for its similarity to the way she continues to work today, as seen from the photogravure "T&I" (2006). Tacita Dean Reflects on Time
  • a number of these "wiremen" were engaged and instructed patiently in the rudiments of the new art by means of a blackboard and oral lessons. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • This cleavage is known as slaty cleavage, since it is most perfectly developed in fine-grained, homogeneous rocks, such as slates, which cleave to the thin, smooth-surfaced plates with which we are familiar in the slates used in roofing and for ciphering and blackboards. The Elements of Geology
  • So, young Tony, come up to the blackboard and tell the children what you learned from that unholy mess.
  • ‘Some used to throw chalk or even the blackboard rubber at you if you wouldn't stop talking,’ she says.
  • The donors' names were displayed publicly on a long blackboard hung on the wall in front of the hall.
  • The whole class stopped, their eyes on me, and the teacher turned away from the board and pointed a short stub of blackboard chalk at me.
  • UNICEF has also distributed books, blackboards, pencils, erasers, pens, watercolor paint sets as well as volleyballs, skipping ropes, drums and football kits, she said.
  • The men plod, doggedly, with large unwieldy blackboards slung over their shoulders, but everywhere they look nobody is interested in reading and writing when living from day to day is such a concern.
  • I knew white farmers whose idea of education for black children was a blackboard, a few sticks of chalk and a chair for an untrained teacher.
  • The professor is leaning against the blackboard.
  • In addition to the varied menu, which offers particular chef's favourites, such as loin of pork in Stilton, special daily dishes are featured on a blackboard suspended from the ceiling.
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher.
  • He decked out the interior with beautiful copper ducting for the extraction and put the poetically short menu on blackboards. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don’t draw in blackboard chalks like these others, I use proper colours the same as what painters use; bloody expensive they are, especially the reds. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • The teacher told us to look at the blackboard.
  • He turned and threw a cover off a portable blackboard next to him, to show a chart that diagramed the 911 reticle design. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • The power of this film creeps up on you by stealth; its dramatic idiom is admittedly mannered in the Leigh style but shy of caricature, and designed consistently to abrade the audience's consciousness without irritating? fingertips down the blackboard, not fingernails. Another Year ? review
  • They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
  • They learn to copy a formula written on a blackboard.
  • Please copy down the sentences that are on the blackboard.
  • I counted more than 20 dishes chalked up on the blackboard and was pleasantly surprised with what was on offer.
  • All the keys were covered and there was a poster of the keyboard on the blackboard so we could learn to touch-type.
  • Sheldon lopes to one end of the blackboard, raises his chalk and, with a quick flourish, draws a circle.
  • I, as a student, preferred the classrooms with dry-erase boards, because the big lecture halls didn't have blackboards, they had greenboards, and between my difficulty in seeing green deuteranomaly and the glare of the fluorescent light tube that some genius had installed right at the top of the board reflecting off the chalk dust, I couldn't see a damn thing but a blank sheet. Here's one from the "What were they thinking?" files.
  • Carroll enters the classroom - the setting is deliberately sparse: a large blackboard, a crucifix, a lift-up desk and one wooden chair - dressed in the white collarless shirt, black soutane and trousers of the Christian Brothers order.
  • One could say the word ‘red’ aloud, or semaphore it from a cliff, or send it in Morse code, or write the French word ‘rouge’ on a blackboard, or point to a color chip.
  • step over to the blackboard
  • Apart from the message on the blackboard, there was no indication that anyone else had been in. DEATH IN FASHION
  • The whole class stopped, their eyes on me, and the teacher turned away from the board and pointed a short stub of blackboard chalk at me.
  • She got angry and wiped out her name on the blackboard.
  • I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.
  • He holds up for inspection the blackboard, overscored on both sides with great chalk-marks. The Wagnerian Romances
  • The song was featured in the title sequence of the movie Blackboard Jungle, which had youngsters swarming cinema halls in droves.
  • The classrooms were large with windows that climbed toward the high ceilings and we had the basic ingredients to get something done: desks, books, blackboards, and chalk.
  • If you write on the blackboard, rub it off at the end of the lesson.
  • The blackboard has been wiped clean.
  • Wipe the drawing off the blackboard before the teacher sees it.
  • Mathematicians scribble equations on blackboards and program supercomputers to make the billions of calculations needed to break a tough code.
  • You touched on a very emotive issue in the country, which is the horrible crime situation, and mentioned about gunshots going off while the teachers are at the blackboards.
  • We then listened to the boy read the lesson written on the blackboard.
  • Madeleine explained the classrooms in St Bede's sister school in Tanzania were very basic with blackboards, chalk and windows without glass.
  • He held your attention in the classroom and walked you through a multitude of chemical structures with only the chalk on the blackboards as his multimedia.
  • He obliterated the blackboard before break.
  • The teacher was staring at her, tapping his miniature piece of chalk on the blackboard.
  • She ordered wine from a boss-eyed kid behind the bar who had a strange patch of greying hair at the back of his head like he'd fallen asleep against a blackboard.
  • George on the camera is a genius and Frank on sound could make a chalk scratch on a blackboard sound like music.
  • Blackboard rubbers have long since been consigned to the scrap heap, and when squeaky pens and stinky cloths follow, what then?
  • The only resource in the classroom was a teacher and a blackboard.
  • As such, it would make a marvelous companion to Blackboard Jungle as a double feature for the cinema buff with a wry sense of humor.
  • They were reviewing a lesson written on the blackboard in the Latinized Chinese phonetic script.
  • The careerist friends burrowing into the Labor movement and the left wing of the bar had their own, very definite ideas about who would command the blackboard and cane in the future's wonderful classroom.
  • Cassie became Miss Huffacre, the side of the coalhouse a blackboard, a piece of kindling wood a pointer. The Dollmaker
  • This Volta electrophorus, and these three blackboards, will serve for the purpose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 647, May 26, 1888
  • Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
  • The rest of us, who find her circumlocutory speech patterns as abrasive as nails on a blackboard, are doomed to a future of listening to her butcher the English language. CNN Transcript Dec 3, 2008
  • The teachers usually pin up the best work on the blackboard.
  • To eat chalk is as foolish as to try to write on a blackboard with cheese!
  • A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our teacher of physics.
  • The woman could not be less interested but the blackboard she gets for her dowry comes in handy as a rather ineffectual shelter against chemical weapons.
  • Dishes included Cajun chicken, beef steak and mushroom pot, roast duckling and Cumberland sausage as well as a number of Indian balti offerings and blackboard specials.
  • It was clear from the blackboard that it would be a good place for a party, with caipirinhas, minty mojitos and margaritas served by the pitcher.
  • The monster crystals, over six meters long, are made of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum (the number one ingredient in blackboard chalk!). Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals
  • She did not, as I had hoped, lead us through the routines in slow motion, with the aid of diagrams chalked up on a blackboard.
  • As a way of reminding and motivating students, you can see chalked on blackboards in most classrooms, countdowns of the days to the examination and some encouraging words.
  • Officials and audience check the marks in favour of President Marc Ravalomanana on a blackboard during the ballot counting for presidential elections in Antananarivo, December 3, 2006.
  • The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
  • Amid all the Easter dinners and visiting, prime-time television tried to lure viewers with a mishmash of first-run episodes, specials and repeats, and CBS won the night in total viewership — helped by the new Hallmark Hall of Fame movie Beyond the Blackboard. Ratings: Beyond the Blackboard Helps CBS Chalk Up an Easter Win
  • The walls were covered in blackboards with chalk markings that seemed to be in a language of numbers.
  • Sanctions hit the economy and schools were left short of basic supplies such as chalk and blackboards, and poverty forced many children out of education.
  • I could see Phagu standing at a blackboard teaching particle physics.
  • Mr Howard has been running a series of successful bargains, chalking up offers on the large blackboard outside his store.
  • Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
  • Please copy the homework from the blackboard.
  • In addition to the excellent guide books, a blackboard has chalked listings of the highlights on any particular day.
  • First he retailed the news to the Merchants 'Exchange, to be bulletined on the blackboard and read by Captain Noah's friends; next he called up the secretary of the Cappy Ricks Or, the Subjugation of Matt Peasley
  • Periodically he will explain a rule or illustrate its use on the blackboard.
  • And through another he saw a classroom with lots of tiny desks and a blackboard at one end.
  • In the seminary classroom I taught relative clauses by transcribing examples of Kiswahili sentences on the blackboard with their English equivalents.
  • Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher.
  • Biting into this is almost a miniature version of scraping your fingernails along a blackboard.
  • The acting in Blackboard is of the stilted, artificial kind that seems so jarring to the modern viewer.
  • The teacher writes questions and answers on the blackboard - or the newer green, or white boards, and the students copy them down dutifully.
  • The teacher's demonstration might be countered by the retort that other things besides chalk leave white traces on a blackboard.
  • The teacher wrote on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.
  • The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher.
  • Mr. Abidin carefully copied some Korean letters from a textbook onto the blackboard and asked his fourth-grade class what they spelled in their Cia-Cia tongue, a Malayo-Polynesian language related to others spoken across Indonesia. To Save Its Dying Tongue, Indonesian Isle Orders Out for Korean

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