- North American shrubby willow having dark bark and linear leaves growing close to streams and lakes
How To Use black willow In A Sentence
- _Pussy willow, Glaucous willow_ 40, 41, 171 falcata, Pursh _Black willow_ 42 fragilis, L. _Crack willow, Brittle willow_ 43-45 nigra, Marsh. Handbook of the Trees of New England
- Sandbars often are dominated by pure stands of black willow, while point bars are occupied by diverse forests of cottonwood, sugarberry, sycamore, green ash, and pecan. Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
- Some relicts of eastern swamp communities, such as baldcypress, American sycamore, and black willow, occur along major streamcourses. Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)