How To Use black stork In A Sentence
- Reserves were created to save critical habitat for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, saiga antelope, Russian desman and black stork.
- Factors such as plant, warning, human disturbance, terrain, water source, and soil showed correlation to the habitat selection index for foraging of black stork.
- In the lower reaches of the river, red-crowned crane Grus japonensis (EN), hooded crane Grus monacha* (VU), oriental stork Ciconia boyciana (EN), black stork Ciconia nigra*, yellow-legged buttonquail Turnix tanki, Far Eastern curlew Numenius madagascariensis and grey-faced buzzard Butastur indicus* are present. Central Sikhote-Alin, Russian Federation
- The avifauna includes black stork Ciconia nigra, white stork Ciconia ciconia, golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, greater spotted eagle A. clanga (VU), white-tailed eagle Haliaetus albicilla, great snipe Gallinaga media, corncrake Crex crex, eagle owl Bubo bubo. great grey owl Strix nebulosa and Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, Belarus
- In the next decade, Igor would find a hundred black stork nests and observe as many as 24 breeding pairs a year - more than the number of black storks in all of France.
- Reserves were created to save critical habitat for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, saiga antelope, Russian desman and black stork.
- Extremely cautious birds, black storks only nest in old forests far from humans.
- These forests are home to rare animals like the black stork, vultures and the Spanish Imperial eagle who depend on the rich diversity of these cork oak forests.
- The black stork, black vulture, and endangered Spanish imperial eagle, of which only 130 pairs remain worldwide, are among the 42 species of birds that depend on the cork woodlands.
- Today, Igor still traipses through swamps - with me in tow - searching for black storks in the reserve, where we both volunteer part-time.